Our Two Girls


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Who the fuck could that have been?

Oh well ------- Was no longer my problem, though softy though I was then, and remain till this day, I became a sort of special uncle to them, and yes, I do mean to all three of them. Even relented and agreed to give Cloe away when she eventually married Charley, an old school mate of mine, as for some reason, neither of her parents were invited.

In case you're wondering, then yes I did warn my old mate about her, but she was by far the prettiest girl that he'd ever been out with and he brushed my concerns aside.

Has she been faithful to him?

No idea though I think she may have been. Not my business. Certainly not with me she hasn't.


So you may be thinking why did I start this story the way that I did?

Why did I say it was all my first wife's fault.

Well believe it or not readers, this was only the introduction to my woes and there's a lot more to come.

No, I didn't get to wear a suit to work, and in fact I got the sack, but my problems with women were by no means over.


Life wasn't exactly a ball of fun, but I was at least free and back on the open market. I'd lost my job working for my ex wife's Dad's company, and looked destined never to wear a suit to work. That didn't matter, but what did was that I'd had 'the dreaded operation' at my ex wife's insistence and could never father a child, and that could be a bit of a problem for a twenty one year old seeking a new life partner.

I chatted some up, wooed a few more seriously, felt any number of bare tits and had my hand up more than one skirt. Quite a few more than one as it happens.

I'd even bedded a few and that was where things seemed to go awry. For some reason I felt that I had to tell them that I couldn't sire any children, and felt a fool for sticking one of them rubber balloons on the end of my Dick, when it wasn't going to prevent any babies, even though I fully realised that there were some other good reasons for doing so.

Then I met my Majestic!

No, of course her name wasn't really Majestic, but that's where she was working when I first spotted her. Behind the reception at the Majestic Cinema selling tickets, and boy was I smitten.

Five foot five or so, slim build but with decent sized tits and a smile that would replace a light house if needs be. I later found out that she had legs to die for, that she enjoyed showing them off in her little mini skirts and that her actual name was Mirta, though everyone called her Milkie.

Why Milkie?

Something to do with milk chocolate I think??

I got an introduction from a friend of hers that I knew from our school days, and I made it clear from the start that I was interested.

"Wanna go for a drink one night?" I chanced my arm with, and though not very original I was in.

Three dates in and I think that Milkie caught on that I was maybe a potential keeper, and that my intentions were perhaps serious. Well ---- I'd gained myself a bit of a reputation with the local ladies, and after three dates I hadn't even tried to put my hand up her skirt. Now where I come from, that's like saying out loud that I really fancy you. Sort of a bit of respect like, you're something special, and I'm taking my time.

"Want to come round and meet my family?" Milkie asked me one evening somewhat uncertainly.

"Yes, why not," I replied, the whole idea of it terrifying me after my last experience.

Not without some misgivings, I found myself outside her house a couple of evenings later, clutching a bunch of somewhat weary flowers that I'd nicked from our neighbour's garden earlier. No, not for Milkie, but her Mum. No fool me, eh?

Well that went down well, and it was pretty obvious that the family quite took to me from the start. Well I seriously doubt that Milkie had ever been out with a guy that went to work in a suit or anything like that, and I was probably the first one to bring flowers.

Turned out that I was the first one, full stop!

No not that. Come on now, virgins over the age of fourteen were as rare as hen's teeth on the council estate that we lived in. What I meant was that I was the first one she'd ever taken home.

Not sure what that signified, or even what it meant, but it quite pleased me, and seemed to make her family think I might be something special.


That evening over, it was my turn to repay the compliment, and a few days later, I picked her up on my old motorbike and took her home to my place.

"Hello Milkie," my Mum greeted her warmly. "We've heard so much about you and been looking forward to meeting you."

Milkie grinned in embarrassment and muttered something that I didn't catch, but my mum beamed and gave her a little hug.

Even my Dad said hello, which was pretty good for him, though I did catch him ogling her legs several times later on when he didn't think anyone was watching.

The evening was a great success and I ran her home, had a quick snuggle and went back to my flat that I shared with a mate.

"She's very nice," Mum told me the next day when I popped by to check up. "Your dad was quite taken with her."

"Taken with her legs you mean," I grinned at her.

"He did seem to be entertained by how short her skirt was," Mum agreed, shaking her head in mock annoyance. "He's been a bit frisky ever since."

"Too much information Mum," I pointed out in embarrassment.

"Speaking of information," Mum changed the subject. "You could have warned us."

"About what?" I asked innocently, though I knew what was coming.

"Now don't get me wrong David," she continued carefully. "I've nothing against black people, but you could have pre-warned us. We might have said the wrong thing."

"Oh that."

"Yes, that!"

"Well she's not very black," I claimed.

"She's not very white either."

"Mixed race," I admitted quietly. "Dad's West Indian and her Mum's from West Ham."

"West Ham," my Mum laughed. "This is an Arsenal household. Can't have West Ham supporters here. Your dad won't have it"

"Her Dad supports Charlton," I piped up, knowing that would go down well, my Mum's Dad having played for the under eighteen side down at the Valley a number of years ago.

Mum thought about it before replying.

"She seems a very nice girl David. Me and your Dad were both very taken with her and if you decide to then she'd be very welcome into our family."



From then on things moved on a pace.

Yes ---- Yes, Ok, I did get my hand up her skirt and was very pleased with what I found there, so much so that I investigated further.

"Thought we'd never get round to it," Milkie said as I at last bedded her. She didn't say a lot for the next hour or so, but she did seem to make quite a lot of noise.

Eventually we started to talk about maybe making it somewhat more permanent, and since we were virtually living together by then, that seemed the obvious move.

I like the idea and so did she, and both sets of parents were more than Ok with the idea. Even her little brother started to call me 'Bruv', though there could have been more to it than met the eye there.

"There's something that I've got to tell you Milkie," I said to her one Friday afternoon, just after we'd broken our record for how many orgasms I could give her. "I should have told you before now."

"David darling," she smiled at me with those big brown eyes and full wide mouth, rubbing her more than generous breasts against me. "Nothing you could tell me could upset me."

She was wrong!

Oh my God how wrong she was!

She cried.

It broke my heart.

She wanted babies and I couldn't give her any.


Breaking up is hard to do!

Ok, it's the words of a song and all that, but the reality is worse. It didn't happen straight away, and both sets of parents tried to counsel us, but gradually and as certainly as night follows day, we drifted apart.

At that moment in time, I think I hated my ex wife far more than I had when I'd found her cheating on me.

Unreasonable maybe, but that's how it was.

I was so distrault that I couldn't even spell the bloody word correctly!

The split up was bitter sweet. Neither of wanted to, but knew we had to. Milkie wanted babies and I couldn't provide them, and couldn't bring myself to try to persuade the woman I was so desperately in love with to accept otherwise.

If we'd been older perhaps????

Who knows because we weren't, and we parted sadly and went our own ways.

Life wasn't exactly being very kind to me was it?


I plunged headlong straight back into the dating scene, determined that I wasn't just going to sit there and mope.

But my heart wasn't in it, even though my dick frequently was. I missed Milkie even more than I remembered missing Cloe and I didn't know what to do about it.

I saw the kids, yes all three of them, quite frequently when Cloe left them with my Mum. Even Derek was too young to understand why I was now their uncle rather than their Dad, but they had plenty of love surrounding them so they seemed to be OK.

I occasionally bumped into Milkie, or saw her on the street or in a shop, but it hurt too much to stay around her, and even more when I saw how upset she was herself.

It was a stupid situation that was going nowhere, but neither of us was capable of putting it back together again. Bit like Humpty Dumpty and all the King's men.

Then one day I spotted her out with another guy. Nobody special by the looks of it, but it was the jolt I needed to wrench back control of my sad life, so I started looking round for that someone special, instead of just screwing around.

Not so easy, and I wasted an awful lot of petrol and Gin and Tonics on what seemed a hopeless quest.

Not till I met Nina that is. Nina was a second cousin to a friend of an acquaintance of mine and I met her at a party to celebrate someone's birthday. Or was it an anniversary ---- Does it matter?

She was taller than most girls I'd dated with a catwalk model like figure. Dead slim, almost skinny, but with enough meat on the bone as it were to make an attractive package. No breasts to speak about but when I eventually got to examine them in more detail, what there was, were beautifully shaped, with huge long nipples that seemed to be perpetually hard. Good legs of course, but then all the girls I dated had nice legs. Nina had a striking face rather than beautiful, but the whole package was enough to draw admiring glances on a regular basis.

I chatted to her and she chatted back and before long we were finding a quiet corner to get to know one another better. When that started to get almost embarrassing for some of those around us, we took someone's advice and went and found a room. Fortunately the house we were in was pretty large and had any number of bedrooms, the third one of which was empty.

"Beautiful," I complimented her when I removed her little bra and saw those lovely little tits for the first time.

"Not bad at all," she returned the favour when she undid my trouser flies and worked my wedding tackle out to examine it.

"Oh my God that feels nice," Nina gasped out as I gently and sensually fondled her sensitive breasts.

"Aaaaaah!" was all I could manage as she pulled my plonker with some considerable and welcome enthusiasm.

All in all, a very satisfying evening. I know for a fact that several people popped their heads in as the pair of us went at it, but neither Nina nor I missed a stroke.

We got dressed, went back to her place and started all over again, and I stayed all day and went back to bed with her that night.

Suddenly we were a couple, and as couples do, we coupled on every opportunity that arose, to the extent that we moved in together.

I told her early on about my 'problem', but it didn't seem to worry her at all that I couldn't have children, and came to believe that at last I had found my ideal partner.

"Ever thought of getting married?" I slipped into our conversation one evening.

"Only since the first night that we met," she replied with a grin.

"How about it then?

"Ok," Nina laughed back.

OK, not so romantic maybe, but effective, and two months later we tied the knot at the local registry office with a few friends and family and my three little 'nephews and niece' in attendance.

Life carried on and I changed jobs, getting the chance to work as a proper bricklayer, a step up from the hod carrying that I'd been doing up till then. Still no suits to work of course, but at least I now sent some other erk to get the tea rather than being sent for it myself. Nina worked in an insurance company and bought in fairly good money, so between the pair of us we led a pretty comfortable life.

Also between the two of us, we had an awful lot of friends and never lacked for company when we went out anywhere, though by the time two or three years had gone by, one by one they got married, had kids, and disappeared partly from the scene, till we found ourselves virtually the only couple still childless.

At first it didn't worry either of us, but as another year passed by and we both got a year older, we began to notice that we seemed a bit different from most of our crowd. They started to do things that involved kids all the time, and though we were never exactly excluded we found ourselves feeling out of it.

It became the big unspoken thing between the two of us. We both thought about it, worried about it, but carefully avoided talking about it. We both wanted kids, but we couldn't have any.

"We can't keep avoiding it," I blurted out eventually as we sat in our local pub, wondering how our friends were enjoying themselves at some party that they had eventually and inevitably forgotten to invite us to.

"I want a baby," Nina cried out in response. "I want one David. Please, I want one."

"I know honey," I replied gravely, tears forming my eyes. "But I can't give you one. I'm not man enough anymore."

"Don't you dare say that David," Nina scolded me. "It's not your fault."

However with that, she burst into tears, and soon after we had to leave the pub in embarrassment, everyone in there speculating over what I had done to cause such a beautiful young woman to sob her heart out like that.


We went to see the doctor and he sent us to the specialist to see if we could get the job done artificially. We couldn't afford to get it done privately and it turned out that we didn't rate very highly, and when it came out that I'd had the snip at the cost of the Health service then our rating went even lower.


We thought about it, and even investigated. We thought it would be easy with all these un-married mothers around, but not so. Demand outstripped supply by a margin. At least it did if you wanted a healthy, white, newborn baby.

Seems that if we'd been prepared to accept a yellow one, a brown one, a black one or even a slightly miscoloured one, then the chances shot up and I had no problem with that at all. In my mind it was already a pretty little mixed race girl, and I guess my earlier experience with Milkie perhaps moulded my thinking.

But Nina ---- No chance!

She wasn't so bad, but her parents were, let's say ---- Racially aware.

OK, they were racialist, though the way the area they'd been bought up in had been taken over by families from every part of the British commonwealth and elsewhere, then perhaps it wasn't my place to judge them.

So that was abandoned. Well not abandoned, but virtually written off.

It was not a good time for our marriage, as Nina went into some sort of depression and I was not in much of a state to know what to do about it. To be honest, I felt a total failure. Not a real man, or at least not a complete one. There seemed to be no answer.

Well there was a solution wasn't there, and unfortunately for me, it was staring us in the eye. A couple of years previously a couple that we knew quite well had experienced a similar problem and came up with a novel solution. Gary's problem was not self-inflicted like mine, having contacted some tropical disease when in Nigeria as a child where his parents worked for a division of Unilever.

The end result was the same however and he couldn't get the job done any more than I could. I've no idea whether they went through the same thought process as us, but Gary had a younger brother and they had ------ Well, come to some arrangement.

It's not the sort of thing that you broadcast around, but poor Gary had got drunk one night with a crowd of us and poured his heart out. Nobody ever spoke about it afterwards, but everyone knew. At least our group of friends did, as the wives got to be included one by one.

"Maybe we should speak to Gary and Linda," spoke out Nina at last, making my insides run cold.

"We can't," I pointed out. "Linda doesn't know that we all know. Not officially anyway."

"We could approach her carefully," Nina suggested. "Maybe talk to Gary first."

"No way Nina," I put my foot down. "It could wreck their marriage. Gary seems to have got over it, even accepted it, so we're not bringing that up to confront him."

To be honest, my concern for my pal Gary was more than tempered by my own concerns.

"Well perhaps it's something we should think about David."

"I haven't got a brother," I pointed out hurriedly.

"Any cousins or anything?"

"None that you would be able to stomach," I lied. Praying, apparently successfully, that she wouldn't remember my cousin Nick that she'd once met at a family wedding. When I say met .....? Well nothing happened, but she did seem to be quite taken with him.

"Someone that looks like you then?"

I don't know anyone who looks like me," I replied sufficiently gruffly that she knew not to pursue the matter further.

Not then that is.


She picked her moment didn't she?

Well, women are some times good at that, aren't they?

"David," she started softly, as she played with my dick in bed one night. "You know that thing we were talking about."

"What thing?" I asked, more concerned with what she was doing than what she was saying.

"Someone who looks like you."

"No idea what you're on about," I grunted back, my mind as well as my dick more concerned with other matters.

"Some one who looked like you, rather than being your brother," Nina reminded me quietly, almost frightened to continue.

Oh bugger!

That spoiled the mood, I can tell you, and my interest in the rest of the evening's entertainment spluttered out.


"We've got to discuss this honey," Nina cornered me with when I sat down to dinner the next day. You've got it! She'd made me my favourite Madras curry, complete with pillau rice and naan bread and everything. Even been out and bought a new bottle of mango chutney, and you can't ask for more than that, can you?

"The curry's lovely," I tried to avoid the subject, but she was not to be put off.

"I've found this guy David," Nina carried on. "He's new at work and really looks like you. It's weird honey; just as if he'd been sent to us, for the purpose."

"I don't really want to talk about it Nina."

"But we've got to David," she pressed me. "At least come and meet him."

"No bloody way Nina," I exploded. "What the hell have you said to him?"

"Nothing much."

"What have you said to him Nina," I insisted. "I need to know."

"Nothing much," she repeated, but then relented as she saw me getting angry. "I haven't said anything about babies David, I swear. I've just ---- Well, just been friendly with him and he has responded."

"Friendly?" I cried out. " How bloody friendly?"

"Just flirted a bit David. Nothing more."