Out of Afrika Ch. 08


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The sight of all those bouncing globes and cleavage was the trigger. Ian jerked upward into Herb's willing mouth and he climaxed and spurted shot after shot of hot spunk which was gratefully received. Had he opened his eyes and looked down he would have seen that Herb's hand which was spasmodically gripping his hidden little cock had his own cum leaking out from between his fingers. They both sank back into the cushions gasping for breath. Herb wiped his mouth with his towel and gave his friend a shy smile; Ian returned it thinking to himself what a great night these Friday 'shaving sessions' had become and here they were, doing it again and the game had only just reached the end of the first quarter.

'It was going to be a good night.' The three of them had the same thought, Ian, Herb and the Duty Technician back at Rhino.


Janice pulled up into Simone's driveway smiling as she wondered how 'the boys' were doing back at her house. She had always been subconsciously troubled, tinged with a little guilt by her denial of giving any sexual affection towards her husband but since the arrival of Rhino and her job it had all become increasingly clear that it was the right thing to do. Herb really had been shown to be quite inadequate in almost every way when compared to these altogether much more superior black men and if a particular example of his inadequacies was required then how come they had never had a family. She had shared that thought more and more often with Simone.

The girls, like their husbands, looked forward to Friday evenings but for quite a different reason. The men had the excuse of the shaving ritual; the girls a chance to have a cosy intimate chat whilst sharing a bottle of wine, a few kisses and perhaps a chance to love each other.

Although they both worked together in the same office complex and saw each other there were few opportunities in the working day for these best of girlfriends to have a proper girl-to-girl chat and, by golly, did they have lots to gossip about after being in the close proximity of their black masters for another incident-filled week.

They both kicked off their shoes and settled at either end of the sofa each with a glass in hand of the Pinot Grigio that Janice had bought over. Simone raised her glass, "Cheers; so what's new then? You go first."

Janice took a sip, then leaned forward and kissed Simone. She felt a tingle, as well as her friend's hand slowly creeping up under her dress. They remained close as she began to relate the events and intrigues that she had been witness to through the week. Some of it Simone already knew but it was always amusing to hear Janice's take on what had been going on and especially when she mentioned those close sexual encounters which she had been personally involved with.

There always seemed to have been a new black cock or two that she had encouraged into her insatiable pussy and to hear her describe the 'seduction' and the following coupling had Simone feeling her own vagina becoming wet as she pictured the scene. Simone had plenty of her own events and news to relate and so the evening settled down into a comfortable exchange of girl-talk, mostly of a graphic sexual nature.

"Oh, I almost forgot," said Janice. "We got the first batch of the new vibes in today. I picked up a couple." She rummaged in her cavernous handbag and pulled out a couple of slim pastel-coloured boxes. She passed one to Simone who carefully undid the end flap and slid out a realistic-looking penis with a nice knob end and a network of veins ridged along its length. She was not surprised to see it was black, for that was the signature colour of all of Rhino's sex toys. Janice undid the other box and they compared the slightly different models making a play of slipping and sucking them with their mouths.

"That looks nice but it's not very big, is it?"

Janice laughed, "No, it's not meant to be. It's a new line of toys aimed at the firm's, ahem, younger female customers; it's designed to help introduce them to the delights of sex toys. We think we have identified a niche in the market and if it's promoted properly I think that Rhino will be doing families a real service. However, before we launch it as a product in the catalogue we need to get some feedback from a few of our target consumers."

They were still fondling and playing with the toys when the sound of the front door opening was heard. "Hi Mom, I'm home." It was Chloe, back from her session in the school gym practising dance in preparation for auditioning for the College cheerleaders.

"Hi Honey, I'm in here and Janice is here with me."

Chloe came through into the lounge with her best friend Megan in tow. She came over to the sofa and gave her mother a kiss, "Hey, what do we have here," she said with a giggle seeing what the pair of them was holding.

Simone returned the laugh, "I think you know very well what it is. After all, I gave you one very similar to this to play with not so long ago so don't put on that innocent look with me young lady." The two young girls looked at each other blushing furiously. "Anyway," her mother continued, "now that you're both here you can make yourselves useful." She held up the vibrator inviting Chloe to take it from her. Chloe wide-eyed held out a trembling hand and took the black toy from her. Janice smiled, suspecting where this conversation was going. She held out the toy she was holding and gestured to Megan who, in a state of bewilderment, wordlessly accepted the gift.

"Why don't you two go on up to your bedroom and have some girly fun," whispered Simone giving her daughter a wink. "Here, take the packaging as well. You can tell me later how well they worked."

Chloe and Megan looked at each other not believing what they had just heard but returning their gaze to Simone it was clear this was no joke, they were actually being invited to go and play; something that they often did together but thought that nobody knew about.

"Go on; off with you. This is really important; I really need to know what the two of you think."

The two teenagers scuttled away giggling furiously as they bounded up the stairs holding their gifts. "Your mother is crazy," jested Megan as they made their way towards Chloe's bedroom.

"Yeah, that's one reason you like coming here," retorted Chloe knowing that her friend's own household was quite a different environment with a buttoned-up divorced mother as her only companion.

They sat down on her bed and examined the new toys as they undressed. There were no instructions on the boxes but they instinctively knew what to do. Megan pointed out the button that set off the soft vibrations and the pair laid back and spread their legs and began to do what comes naturally.

Simone and Janice both strained an ear to listen to the muted sound of moans and squeals that were soon drifting down the stairway. They both raised their eyebrows and wine glasses in a mock salute, "That sounds like it's going well then. Now, where were we?" said Janice with a smile as she eased her hand up under Simone's skirt till she felt her friend's moist opening. Slipping a finger inside she quickly felt her friend respond by slipping her own pleasure-giving hand under the hem of her own dress.

"You were telling me about Herb's mother."

"Oh yes, what a bitch."

Simone was aware that there was little love lost between Janice and her mother-in-law, Clarissa Johnson. It was only recently that she had heard Janice's confession that she had only married him for his money or, rather, the prospect of him inheriting the family wealth.

Certainly, Herb had little else that counted as an attraction. He was overweight, not very bright, charisma was in short supply in his gene pool and, worse of all he was a lousy lover on account of having the smallest cock she had ever seen. Altogether he was not a very attractive package and worse was to come after the marriage when she discovered that sexually he preferred the company of men.

Clarissa, his mother, doted on him and would not hear a word said against her dear boy which set her on a collision course with her new daughter-in-law for Janice was not one to hide her feelings or to bite her tongue; she called it as she saw it and her Mother-in-law was unforgiving when the painfully evident truth was pointed out. No, the two women in Herb's life didn't like each other very much at all.

Janice went on to fill in a bit more detail of Clarissa's life some of which Simone was already aware of. She lived upstate in a grand house; was the scion of the upper-class set and lived a life of socializing and doing charitable work. Her husband was involved in banking or finance and obviously very successful given the lifestyle they led for money was never an issue when it came to supporting their many good works albeit everything they committed themselves to came with the condition that they required to be publically lauded for their generosity.

They moved in all the best circles and liked nothing better than to hold court with their clique in the confines of the prestigious Confederacy Country Club that was nestled in the extensive manicured grounds of an estate quite near their mansion.

No, Janice didn't have a good word to say about her Mother-in-Law and would like nothing better than to see Clarissa taken down a peg or two and be forced to confront a few realities in a life that existed outside her gilded cage.

Simone smiled as the story unfolded and nodded her commiserations at the appropriate moments whilst all the while making sure her friend's wine glass was filled. She had a germ of an idea forming as Janice spoke and when a break in the saga occurred said, "I'm thinking that Oskar might be able to help out here. He should be here soon. He'll be most interested to hear what you've just told me." Janice cocked her head but knew better than to ask.

Half a bottle of wine later they heard the sound of another car parking outside. Simone went and opened the front door to a surprised Oskar who was just about to press the bell. He stepped into the hallway, put down his suitcase and gave her a hug and followed up with a passionate kiss. She melted in his arms. She was so pleased to see him for he had been away on business for a few days and she had been denied her daily intimacies which she had come to rely upon.

Janice scooted up and made space for him on the couch whilst Simone went and poured him a drink, a soda, for Oskar was strictly teetotal and would never ingest anything which might affect his judgment. She returned to the sofa and sat at the other end so that he was, she thought whimsically, the filling of a sandwich; dark meat between two layers of white. He loosened his tie and in response to their questions began to relate what he had been doing through the week.

Rhino Industries was firmly established in Hawksville and the county and it was gauged that the time had come for the expansion plan to be implemented. The plan called for other products to be introduced to the American market so that Rhino's presence and influence could be spread by means other than just reliance on their communication technologies.

Already the entertainment market had been identified as a means to achieve this and as part of trial Smart TVs and high-end audio equipment had been placed in selected homes to check the viability and effectiveness of the new systems. Simone and Janice knew this for both their homes had been fitted out with some of the prototype models.

Oskar and his commercial director had been to the State capital for days of talks with the Governor and his officials with the aim of opening a new production facility in the north where the new TVs and other devices could be assembled.

He reported that the talks had gone very well and he was confident that an agreement was close, given any suggestion of bringing employment to the traditionally depressed area would be vote-winner as far as the Governor was concerned.

There was also the other factor, Rhino Mobile Phones had been presented to the Governor and some of his top officials as a goodwill gesture. He concluded his 'report' by sharing the news that the following week the Governor and his team would be visiting Hawksville to be shown around Rhino's headquarters and to, hopefully, close the deal. He reminded the girls that they needed to be especially accommodating when hosting such prestigious guests. They both smirked at the implication of what he was suggesting.

Neither of them had heard much about the plans for audio and asked where that one was going. He said that the plans were at an embryonic stage and that there were a few ideas swirling around in the boardroom as to how to promote the music reproduction devices. One idea which had merit was for Rhino to sponsor a summer festival where the equipment could be aggressively marketed as being the equipment of choice by the bands of the day. He was very excited at that idea.

As he spoke he visibly became more relaxed and Simone took this as a sign that the stresses that he had been wrestling with during the working week only needed a little nudge to disappear altogether and for them all to begin to properly enjoy the weekend. She rested her hand in his lap and was not disappointed to feel his cock react agreeably. Janice leaned over and assisted by undoing his belt so that his stiffening penis had room to comfortably expand.

"Hmm, something is getting excited in there," whispered Simone as she continued to rub the front of his trousers. "I wonder what it can be?"

He grunted, lifted his hips and the girls pulled and slipped his trousers down to his knees. His cock obligingly popped out and stood up for them both to admire ... which they both did by taking a hand and grasping the black shaft. He gave another grunt of approval.

There was no order of preference and it was Janice who made the first move. She began to slowly wank the magnificent tool and in response, a dribble of pre-cum began to appear from the shiny purple glans. Simone dropped her hand to softly stroke his balls and the sticky juice began to flow faster in response to her touch. Both girls involuntarily licked their lips but it was Simone who leaned over to put out her tongue and lap at the offering.

Oskar leaned back and decided that this time he would let the girls do whatever they wanted rather than him dictating the pace. It had been a tough week and he was tired of making decisions. Let them have their head, he thought not realizing the innuendo within the remark. Simone obliged by opening her mouth and dipping her head down.

The sight of Simone being so occupied was a familiar one to Janice for there had been many times within their offices when taking a coffee break that they had threesomes or more with their black managers. (Sometimes they even found time to drink coffee.)

Since day one at Rhino and being given her own mobile phone the sight of these stiff black cocks always triggered an uncontrollable lust in her and she found that once again her panties were soaked. She scrabbled to pull them off and sat back so that she had an uninterrupted view of Simone giving Oskar her latest speciality, a deep-throat blowjob. She dropped her hand to her crotch and in pace with her friend's bobbing head began to gently finger fuck herself.

As ever whenever they were engaged in such fun, time seemed to stand still but, then again, nobody was checking the clock. Simone had gotten into a smooth steady rhythm and Janice matched her stroke for stroke and they were both gratified when they saw the signs that her sucking and licking was reaching its inevitable climax.

Oskar gave yet another grunt and his whole body suddenly stiffened when with a final jerk his cock ejaculated a hot stream of spunk into her mouth. Simone gagged as she attempted to swallow the gift but with her mouth full of cock the overflow streamed out to flood over her hand and pool on the heaving stomach of a grateful Oskar.

She released her grasp and looked around to find a tissue with which to clean up the mess. In the time it took to locate the box and to pull out a wipe Janice had moved and straddled Oskar whose cock showed no signs of softening following his orgasm. Kneeling astride him she took hold of the cum-covered cock and guided it into her gaping wet pussy. With a groan, she pushed down and was instantly filled with his fat ebony shaft.

The air was filled with the sounds of wet squishing, moans and whimpers as they both began to meet each other thrust for thrust. "Mmm, that looks nice," said Simone as she looked on sitting beside them. "You know what would look nicer?" she asked rhetorically not looking for an answer, "that would be a nice fat black cock fucking Clarissa, your Mother-in-Law."

The suggestion caused Janice to stop mid-push and collapse in a fit of giggles much to Oskar's consternation. "What the hell; what's this all about?"

Janice recovered her poise and still sitting with his cock nicely nestled inside her pussy related a little of what they had been talking about earlier and how Herb's mother was not the nicest person who deserved to be taken down a peg or two.

Being fucked by a black man would be a total humiliation for this 'Daughter of the Revolution' and the very idea caused them all to laugh out loud. "Hmm, what a comedown that would be for her," murmured Janice as she resumed her gyrations, "but never mind that for the moment, just fuck me." Oskar obliged and soon bought her to the noisy climax she had been expecting.

They were all so occupied with their impromptu threesome that nobody had noticed the stealthy appearance of Chloe and Megan coming down the stairs. The teenagers had heard the commotion and being of an inquisitive nature decided to investigate. Anyway, if they were challenged as to why they were there they could truthfully say that it was time for Megan to be going home and how else was she expected to get to the front door.

Janice who still hadn't seen the voyeurs clambered off Oskar's prone body and both her and Simone got to their knees and assisted each other to wank him to a second orgasm. "God, where does he get it from?" thought Simone as once again she saw a fountain of sperm jet from his cock. It was at that moment that they simultaneously noticed their onlookers staring wide-eyed at their elders.

Janice gave a gasp and wasn't quite sure how to react; not so Simone who said matter-of-factly, "Hi Honey, didn't mean to disturb you. Is it time for Megan to be going home?"

Chloe nodded, unable to speak so shocked by what she had just witnessed. Oskar lifted his head to see for the first time who Simone was speaking to. Straightaway he recognized the situation and reached into his trouser pocket and extracted his phone. He keyed in a number and suddenly the air was filled with that familiar humming sound that had become so familiar. Chloe and Megan were instantly transformed from traumatized witnesses to curious onlookers.

Megan was the first to move and without taking her eyes of Oskar's cum-covered glossy black cock (the first she'd ever seen) walked toward the sofa and held out the package containing the dildo. "Thank you for having me," she said in a slightly robotic voice. "We've had a nice time; I've washed the thing. It was fun but Mum will be wondering where I'm at so I best be getting home" With that, she offered the box.

Simone who still had evidence of sperm in her hair shook her head, "No, silly girl, that's a present for you. Every girl needs a special friend from time-to-time. Enjoy," she said with a smile. "I'm glad you had a good time up there; we certainly have down here."

Megan mouthed a thank you and reluctantly tearing her gaze from Oskar turned to rejoin Chloe who was waiting to see her to the front door.