Outwitting Micki's Father


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"You mean demands. I want my money."

"Listen Matilda, get off your bike..."

"How dare you talk to me in that crude manner."

"I said get off your bike. We are dealing with presumably hardened businessmen who have refused to return your capital saying it was placed with them for a fixed term of ten years, with four still to run, and there are no provisions in the documents for early repayment. I have found that to be correct. And I also found your sex-husband and the managing director of the British company were at Cambridge University together."

"Oh, we couldn't find why Reggie had invested in that strange company."

"It makes and restores racing cars. That managing director Clive Rolland and your ex husband raced cars while at university together. They met and married sisters, one of whom became your ex husband's first wife."

"Good god, how is it we couldn't found out?"

"Lack of drive to really find out I'd suspect."

"A senior partner at your firm, Clyde Wilson, had been working on this matter for me."

Riley grinned.

"What is it?"

"He was thinking of putting it in the too-hard basket and talked to your brother about it. Your brother smiled and said give it to that Australian bastard who's sniffing around my daughter."

"God, are you and..."

"Yes, just a one-night stand so far."

"But she wouldn't be able to stomach you. You are loud and crude aren't you?"

"Oh Matilda, how easy you slander me."

Matilda now had pink cheeks. "Another drink? Actually I haven't had such a stirring conversation in months. People around me have been overly nice to me; it's boring."

"So you are open to seduction?"

Matilda ran her tongue over her top lip and finally said, "Stop being naughty. You know the implications about anything you say to me; I'll be grilled by my brother."

Riley grinned and resumed talking business. "I found your ex husband's first wife Hannah has remarried and now lives in Chicago. So I went there and won her confidence and she gave me that information. It's not much but it is to our tactical advantage. We know for example about the friendship between those two guys and it warns us not to bad-mouth your ex husband when we are in England."

"You do recommend we go?"


"And that I travel with you?"

"No, you travel first class and choose your own hotel."

"That is being really considerate Riley. No you book business class travel and two rooms at a hotel on different floors. I'll upgrade our tickets at the airport and at the hotel upgrade us to a suite."

"A single bedroom suite?"

Matilda smiled and said a twin bedroom suite was what she had in mind. "I would like your company some of the time when we are in England but we sleep separately. Is that understood?"

"Whatever you say."

"And what kind of reply is that?"

He didn't reply and when Matilda didn't push it he knew she was thinking about having him in her bed.

Back at the office he reported to Micki, as he was required to do. The reception he received was surprisingly warm but he was disappointed she'd not mentioned her aunt was Australian but she did say something.

"Be careful, very careful of your new client Riley. Keep in mind anything you say and do of significance could be reported to my father. Regard her as a treacherous bitch. By the way, I approve of your tactics and you have permission to take her to England to pursue her claim to have her money released. I agree entirely resolution by negotiation and even formal arbitration is the way to go on this one."

"What do I do if Mrs Deerborn comes on to me?"

"Don't touch her for obvious reasons and consider yourself lucky she even considered doing it with you. That woman considers herself very top shelf. I'm surprised you two are not on first-name basis; you did have lunch."

"She's cold."

"Yes indeed. It may interest you to know her mother is Australia and came from Melbourne."

"Really? However I can't see that helping me in winning back her money for her."

"Just do your best darling."


"It was just a slip. I sometimes think romantically about guys who fuck me but try to not let endearments slip."

"So I am your darling?"

"I didn't say that."

"So I'm not your darling?"

Micki smiled thinly and said she hadn't said that.

"You sound like an attorney. By the way, I decided you have great tits."

Riley left the room grinning, having seen Micki biting her bottom lip after he'd made that departing remark. She hadn't bawled him out.

Matilda groomed the same way but wearing black on this occasion, kissed him as she would kiss a male cousin. "You ticket please." He handed it across. At the first class counter Matilda said please upgrade these tickets to first class."

"I'm sorry ma'am but the aircraft is full."

"Two seats reserved for crew will be fine. Please check my status."

The attendant looked up Matilda's name and smiled. "It's as good as done Mrs Deerborn. We always take special care of our premium clients. Your card please."

"So we've unseated two weary crew?"

"Possibly but they are probably a couple of crew on vacation. Our seats in business class are available to them."

"You're heartless."

"Oooh, a compliment at last. Thank you Riley. Now let's find out if you are sophisticated enough to entertain me on this flight."

They arrived at Gatwick after an enjoyable flight where Riley picket up a hire car and drove south.

"We are heading south -- London is behind us."

"The plant is in Southampton and that's where we are staying. This is a business mission, remember?"

"But I intended shopping in London."

"Too bad, we're staying in Southampton but you can change your return flight booking and stay on."

"What, by myself?"


"God you are heartless."

"You are clever to detect that Matilda. We can always screw if you get bored with the shops in Southampton.

"I find that comment offensive Riley."

"I apologize."

They drove on in silence until Riley could pull off the highway. "I need to punch in the address of our hotel into the GPS. Here is a brochure on Southampton's West Quay Shopping Center, one of the largest in Britain and opened in 2000."

"Oooh thank you. It looks okay. Why don't you drive straight into the city center and look for our hotel -- we ought to see the sign on the building."

"We are staying a few miles out of the city in a rural setting at a boutique hotel. It has a proper spa with cattle and two lakes on its grounds."


"I have a single basic room and you have a deluxe room with a four-poster bed."

"Oooh, you are so kind."

"Ah, in the end it's your money."

"But that doesn't matter, it's the thought that counts. Here, kiss-kiss."

They kissed; a proper kiss this time. Riley made sure she saw him lick his lips as he pulled away. She continued to stare at him. He knew he was in, providing he did nothing to upset her.

* * *

They met in the bar as arrange.

"Oooh, this is nice," she said, wearing a trouser suit and possibly nothing else.

"My room is wonderful."

"That's great. Mine is okay."

"You must come up and view mine. I know, I'll order a jug of martinis to be brought to the room. We won't have other people staring at us."


"You are supposed to decline the invitation."


"No I want you in my room. I wish to be fucked."

"Christ Matilda," Riley whispered. "Keep your voice down."

She giggled and beckoned a waitress.

Matilda was skinny but did have tits and her cunt lips were fat, so that satisfied Riley enough to shaft her. He had been reluctant but after she dipped a couple of fingers into pussy and held them for him to suck he was hooked. They fucked until they could scarcely see and realized the sun had gone down.

During dinner in the restaurant Riley told Matilda he'd called the MD of the company. Clive Rolland sounded very pleasant and expressed the hope they could settle the dispute amicably. They were expected at the plant at 9:30 and the formal meeting would follow.

"Nine-thirty? God you best sleep in your room tonight. I usually don't get up till after 10:00."

"Good thinking and no more wine after that glass; I want you looking your best and talking your best, thinking before you speak so you give them nothing to seize upon."

"Very well. I expected you to want more sex."

"The purpose of is being here Matilda is we are on a mission."

"Oh yes. How practical you are."

The inspection of the plant meant really nothing to Matilda and Riley but they felt the passion Clive had when describing what was going on.

"These cars are being restored to pristine condition and are the thoroughbreds of the auto industry rather than those half a million pound cars for super rich people manufactured as an art form although in most instances they perform exceptionally well."

The meeting began with the company's lawyer stating Mrs Deerhorn had no legal right to ask for instant repayment of her investment.

"We know that dummy; that's why we are here to negotiate."

The elderly solicitor sat down abruptly, looking most upset. An embarrassed silence followed until Riley said, "Moving on, we accept the decision of the court in America was to award Mrs Deerhorn that $4 million investment as part of her divorce settlement. We accept that particular American court could not attempt to change the terms and conditions of that investment contract. But what we do claim is Mrs Deerhorn has an unalienable right to that money and she has no interest in having it invested in the motor vehicle company and has a right to apply to courts in England, going as high and as expensively as necessary, to underpin her belief that her actions give her that right to claim her money."

Legal argument deepened and then there was a break for lunch. The two sides chatted amicably and Riley quietly took a moment to compliment the elderly solicitor Mr Burrows for being a gentleman and not berating Mrs Deerhorn for her unseemly comment.

"Thank you young man. I appreciate your kind comments."

As soon as they'd finished eating Riley took Matilda into a side room set aside for such purpose.

She grinned and asked couldn't he wait until they returned to the hotel but was ignored.

Riley told her of his plan.

"Why didn't you tell me this before," she hissed. "I find it unacceptable."

"I didn't tell you because I didn't decide it until looking around here and gauging the tone of the meeting, particularly the attitude of Clive. "Are you aware he's displaying no aggression."

"I suppose not but what does that mean."

"It suggests he's open to a deal. I could be wrong."

"But you don't think you are?"


Matilda swore. "I want my money Riley."

"It's not yours to have right now, not legally."

"You keep saying that."

"That's called reiterating your position."

"God I do believe you will handle my niece."

Riley blinked and asked what the hell was she talking about.

"Micki is difficult, perhaps just as bad as I am. She probably learnt it when staying with me during school holidays. And now here am I buckling to you."

"Buckling -- does that mean you authorize me to proceed?"

"Yes, do it your way. With you harping on I now suspect it's the best option and the court might not look kindly when my current financial position is filed in court."

"Excellent. So kiss me and thank me."

"Riley you're too clever for your own good. I'd give you more than a kiss if your proposal is accepted but don't get your hopes too high."

When the meeting resumed Riley presented his proposal, that the company pay Mrs Deerborn $1.4 million in return of capital on March 31 next year, a further $1.4 million the following March 31 and the remaining $1.2 million on March 31 the following year, plus her proportionate payment of interest on the remaining part of her original investment.

Discussion followed on the amounts of repayments and staging of repayments and then Clive asked, "Why are you attempting to be so kind? Why not just demand full payment next week?"

"Because Clive, Mrs Deerborn who has never met you until today accepts her ex-husband granted you the loan out of friendship so it is not her wish, after taking legal advice, to risk bankrupting your company. She feels with a little bit of belt-tightening and protecting the company against bad debts with astute management together with your bank agreeing to extend your overdraft, you ought to be able to scrape through each year until the burden of paying back that capital ends or you manage to find new capital."

"This is outrageous Riley, almost amounting to extortion."

"Think of the saving in legal costs in fighting Mrs Deerborn's claim in court Clive. Your job is supervising quality output from your plant and winning new business, not spending weary and unproductive days in court even if the court decision goes your way. And think of the adverse publicity..."

"Enough Riley. I have a lot to think about. Let's meet here at 10:00 in the morning eh?"

"Agreed. On behold of Mrs Deerborn I thank you gentleman. Good day to you."

The recording secretary showed Matilda and Riley to the side door to the customer parking area.


"You want my cautious opinion or you want me to speculate?"


"We won't be meeting again in the morning unless you turn into a bitch."

"I ought to whack you for calling me that Riley."

"When Clive calls within the next few hours just allow me to complete negotiations without interference, okay?"

"Oh very well. Let's go back to the hotel and have spa care."

"Okay may we have sex first?"

"Oh very well."

In bed Matilda was all over Riley calling him lovely names and saying he was such a wonderful attorney, leaking pussy juice on to him as she worked herself up verbally and kissing him everywhere.

Spa reception called just as Riley was emerging from the shower. Matilda was already showered and in her gown.

"God we are covered in sex markings -- your fingerprints are all over me," she whined.

"Don't worry -- the attendants will have seen it all before and will have proof neither of us is gay."

Matilda laughed and said, "Hurry along slowcoach. I'd promised we would be on time if they fitted us in."

As they neared the spa center she said, "I can't believe you expect Clive..."

Riley's phone went.

"Oh god," Matilda gasped.

It was the restaurant. The maitre 'd said a table for two at 8:30.

"It was the restaurant saying they are near full tonight and that I'd need to book a table so I did, for two."

Matilda's phone went but she ignored it.

Riley took another call later when on a massage bed beside Matilda's bed.

"Oh hi Clive."

Riley heard the expected gasp from Matilda.

"Oh yes."

"Oh yes."

"Well okay. Well structure it that way. After what we've agreed on Mrs Deerborn and I will be going up to London tomorrow but will be back around 5:00."

"The signing at 6:00 and then dinner with you and your wife. That's very civil of you Clive. At 6:00 tomorrow then. Goodbye."

"Well, well?"

"Agreed with just a small adjustment. First payment of 1.2 and then two at 1.4 according to the schedule I suggested. The smaller payment first gives them more time to adjust because it's the shorter period."

"Oh fair enough. And my entitlement to interest remains intact?"

"Yes. The readjusted contract will be ready for signing tomorrow at 6:00 and then we dine out with Clive at his wife. He says he's a grateful and very relieved man and will pick up the tab."

"I should think so. Miss are we allowed to drink champagne here?"

"Yes ma'am but the flutes are high quality imitation glass -- it's because of our tiled floors. If glass..."

"I understand. You have my room number. A bottle of Bollinger Grande Année 1989 if you have it please."

"Yes ma'am."

The attendant returned and said they did have that vintage and it was on its way.

"Oh I'm so happy," Matilda said. "A small victory is better than no victory at all."

"You bitch, be grateful."

Matilda laughed and her massage therapist looked at Riley horrified and blushed when he winked at her.

Next day they left Southampton early on a non-stop train that reached London in two and a half hours and had a great time shopping together and parting and meeting for a pub lunch (Riley thought it was great; Matilda thought it was scruffy and awful but the food was okay). They met back at their station mid-afternoon for the return journey.

Matilda had purchased a cheap trolley to haul all her purchases that she unpacked, one by one, to show to Riley who tried to remain interested.

She finally got down to the final small package. "Oh, I wonder what this is? Oh I know, it's for you. Riley opened it and from the paper wallet extracted an open ticket from their city for two plus a pre-paid voucher for seven nights in a suite in a five-star hotel in Paris.

"It's what the ungrateful bitch thinks of you darling," Matilda said, watching his face. "Take who you wish but I'd like your companion to be Micki if that works out. This short visit to England has reminded me I need to be with a man, a romantic man, and at times you were very tender to me although not very romantic and that's understandable."

"This is magnificent, so generous of you."

"It's a personal gift darling so you won't be obliged to report it to your firm. The truth was darling I didn't think I'd get my money back sooner that the stated time in the contact but I thought it worth having a shot especially when Ralph briefed me and seemed so keen for you to fail with my help."

"But you did nothing to impede me?"

"True and to keep your spirits up I fed you pussy generously, not that any mention of that will be made to anyone including my brother. You may tell Micki if she asks but I'd think that wouldn't occur to her. She'd think I wouldn't allow you within reach of my panties."

The documents were signed and they had a better than expected night out with Clive and his wife Donna. Next morning Matilda fed Riley into her pussy for what they both knew would be the last time.


Riley walked into the office looking at Micki watching him approach. Her face told him nothing but verbally she made herself very clear.

"I missed you."

"Well fancy that."

"I really did Riley and I know I'm stupid thinking like that."

"That's fine. I regard that as rather, um, endearing."


"Yes. Did you get my email?"

"Yes and I copied it to Mr Wilson. He called me up and he appeared absolutely flabbergasted and ask how could you possibly negotiate such a deal that our very difficult client endorsed."

"The Australian word for it is 'talent' but you Americans will have a 20-word verbal ejaculation to describe it."

"I'm sorry Riley but I cannot laugh; it was... well... insulting to the people of your host nation."

"Ohmigod. Please forgive me America."

"Mr Wilson instructed me to take you to him immediately you arrived."

In the elevator Micki said, "This is embarrassing to ask Riley but while you were away with my aunt did you have sex with her?"

He laughed and looking her straight in the eye said, "Of course I did. Repeatedly."

The elevator had stopped and an accident and injury specialist joined them. They nodded vague recognition like people who don't know all the players on the team. Riley had already noted Micki didn't believe him about fucking her aunt. Wow, close call. He'd taken a huge risk and it had worked. Now with this A&I guy riding with them that topic would just die.

"Riley be straight with Mr Wilson. He's seventy-plus and is interested only in the facts."

Riley thought a guy that old would scarcely ask had he fucked the client.

"Mr Wilson, I was taught as you probably were taught that winning in law has much to do with preparation, so I went into this prepared the best I could manage."