OZone 07 : Dear John


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Dhorne could see her sincerity, "Ight. Struggle with those blocks some more. Find the strength to rebuild yer home. For Monte." She smiles brightly, "Thank you, Sir. I think I'll ask Mercedes to teach me Masonry."

Again Oz found his SON in maSONry. MARY had fit him in. Jesus, he thought. Nora knew. Joe eased to their side dropping his eighth block before sitting down a ball of sweat.

Oz grinned, "Can't build a world in a day, Joey. That's one up on seven. Think ya best stop and rest before Gina gets a call from the ER."

Joseph Grogan nods looking for his hanky before realizing Oz had borrowed it. Dhorne chuckles and removes his bandanna offering it to his Uncle.

"Head's up."

Joe reluctantly claims it to wipe his brow and neckline. A gentle breeze flooded in off of the lake enveloping them all. Belle Fontaine stops long enough to tug at her sweat stained white t-shirt cooling herself off in the wind. Dhorne eyed her noting her nipples perking up beneath.

He puckers looking at Joe then pointing at both he and Belle, "Church Belle's ringing. Time fer you to chime in, Fontaine. Honesty is the best policy. Let's put the purge in Perjury. Fill me in."

Belle stammers feigning exhaustion with a wagging tongue. "My past? Well, my Ex? Gregory. He wasn't such a nice guy. To me he was, but to others? Not so nice. I loved the cad even though he loved his cars a little too much. Not really his cars. He worked for a chop shop. Stealing cars. Cops trailed him one night and he ditched the car. Ran all the way home. The cops ran his prints on the wheel and tracked him to where we lived. I covered for him all the way through his case. Accessory I suppose, even though I never set foot in anything stolen. That was his thing. I knew he did it. It was good money. I just turned my back and lived my life working at a "Barnes & Noble". Booked until I was booked."

Dhorne studies her clearly, "Nothing Noble in lying. Telling me the whole truth? So help you, Me?"

She nods almost quivering with belief in herself. He instantly noticed her chin raising high with a stare of, "YES!"

He winks, "Now that was Nobility. Where's Gregory now?"

She sighs trailing her eyelids down over her eyes, "He was released. The guys he worked for arranged for the evidence to be mixed up with some other loser. He left me hanging. I had already committed my act of perjury. Even though he got off I told the State not to go easy on me because of his stupidity. I passed every lie detector they had. I figured why lie more than I had. What was done was done. Besides, when Gregory took off I had nothing to go back to. What I didn't do was turn State's evidence on those he worked for. I knew their names. I could have gotten off. Instead I chose to shut up. They've left me in peace."

Oz frowns, "I dunno if I like that idea. You taking his fall. I might gotta arrange gettin' a new car someday. 'Til then, you ride with Me. Understood?"

She smiles, "Just don't hand me the shotgun. I might use it."

Joe shared Dhorne's ability to size people up. He agreed that she was leveling with them. Mercedes over by the flatbed let out a shrill whistle, "Quit taking my worker's aside. You want this house done or not?"

With a slap on Belle's butt he scoots her back to work. Helping Joe stand he notes Yolanda Paris approaching with a dolly containing three blocks.

"These bitches are stupid. The only Dolly they know how to play with is Barbie. Watch your feet Boss man."

Lacey McBride follows closely behind with a single block, "At least I only undressed Barbie to change her clothing. You keep her naked."

Yolanda chuckles, "Hey, my Barbie wears a strap-on. Fuck those Ken queers. Look out Bible man. I don't wanna have you limping up to the pulpit come Sunday."

Dhorne felt his stomach snarl. There was that pit again. The PIT in pulPIT.

"Least you sound like yer caring, Paris."

She sneers at Dhorne, "Not even. God never did anything good for me."

"Try asking for guidance. He will answer." Joe raises an eyebrow

She guffaws looking up at the clouds, "Hey God? How about getting me off for good behavior? Wait! That's right, I'm Wiccan. She can get me off just fine."

Dhorne didn't care for her attitude toward Joe.

"Respect yer Elders." He spouts with a cold stare.

Yolanda frowns, "Age old dilemma ain't it? Sorry Big boy. Momma doesn't answer to your kinda wood. I answer to the Earth Mother. If only the tree's could flip you off."

Mercedes and Moon stepped in, "Knock it off, Paris. Unload the blocks and just shut your mouth already."

Paris chuckles wheeling the dolly away singing "HELLO DOLLY" for the whole area.

Sondra Moon scowls at Dhorne and Joe, "Anyone need a cool drink?"

Joseph Grogan forgoes the drink, "Something needs to quench her hostilities."

Mercedes shakes her head, "I'll have the guards take her back to Winehall. Sorry about her attitude, Joe."

He smiles, "God has given me patience, my dear Mercy. Let us press on."

She nods looking at Dhorne who continues to eye Paris reloading her dolly.

"Aww hell. What're you thinking?"

Oz refrains from answering, content to study Yolanda who curses at the driver standing on the flatbed. As she rolls back toward them she intentionally rolls over the foot of Kimber Lomax. Esther drops her block down to steady Kimber who hops on her left foot in pain.

Mercedes starts to storm after Paris when Dhorne grabs her arm, "Stand down, Soldier. I got this."

Yolanda Paris guides her dolly to a halt tilting it forward to let her load topple to the ground barely missing Joe's toes. Dhorne snaps, "Think it's 'bout time you and Momma Earth and all yer GAYUH crap get to know each other better."

He moves swiftly picking up Yolanda in all of her heaviness and tosses her over his shoulder. "HEY! PUT ME DOWN YOU, MOTHERFUCKER."

He grits his teeth and moves through the yard into the over growth of weeds in the timber. Reaching the ancient looking outhouse left standing on the property he opens the door. Standing her down he shoves her against her will into the crapper and shuts the door, locking her in with his weight.

"Tell Momma who grew the tree that built this here shanty all yer woes. I've had nuff of yer shit so drop the rest inside there. You ain't gettin' out 'til ya straighten up."

She sizes up her gloom when she hears a buzzing sound. Looking up she see's a beehive in the corner and bulges her eyes, "Dude? There's bee's in here. I'm like deadly allergic. Seriously, one sting and I'll die."

He sighs, "Think ya best beehive--er--behave then, huh?"

She cringes with a scowl, "That's right, make fun of my condition. When I die I hope you feel the stings."

Silence. She was left alone. The door barred from the outside. Yolanda Paris sat down carefully eying the hive. A quivering lip as she tries to stay deathly still. Buzzing all around her gives her the willies. She would get even with Dhorne. He would pay for this humiliation. This horrifying solitary confinement.

All she could do was sweat bullets and call him by every name in the book. Starting with, "BEEotch!"

As Oz walks back toward the congregation of women, along with Joe and the delivery guy he stops to stare down the gauntlet. "What? She's full of shit. Time to snake that potty mouth. She's exactly where she BEElongs. Stink and sting go hand in hand. When she calms down and shows respect I'll chain her to the doghouse project."

Mercedes Holden sighs, "You know this stunts gonna sting you more than it will her."

Esther jumps in, "She's going to tell Monet and the Warden you abused her. They might press charges."

He glares at each of the girls, "Anyone here see me do that?"

None of them acknowledged his response. They had all grown a deep respect for the Man. He nods, "Good. Mercy? Pay the Messenger. We're goin' swimmin'."

The girls stood in shock looking down the hill at the lake. Oz then took his bandanna back from his Uncle Joe untying it to spread it out. Then, he grins at Joe, "Might wanna wear this."

He literally blindfolds Joe as the man grumbles, "Please don't get me in trouble with Gina. I really have no desire to sleep on a pew."

Oz chuckles, "If an eye offend thee. Pluck it out. Ain't that how it goes?"

Waiting until the driver jumped into his truck pulling away Dhorne crosses his arms, "Y'all been around the block. Ain't no need for shyness. God brought you into this world without a fig leaf. Any leaves around here might give y'all an itch. Don't advise it." He marches in front of them, "Here's how I see things. Each of you have committed crimes based on bad timing. Some worse than others. Y'all put the Sin in SENtence. Becomes public knowledge here and now that I know what ole Lasher's doin' to ya. No more fear. I got yer Holes in Holy. If anybody here wants outta prison raise yer shirts like a white flag."

Mercy covers her eyes with her hand knowing how the comment was going to turn out. Belle, Kimber, Esther, and Lacey move swiftly taking their shirts completely off in confidence that he was rallying them with some unforeseen agenda. One that was in their best interest.

Sondra merely folded her arms over her chest and fidgeted, "What would be the point of us getting naked for you? You can't be serious. How can you promise us anything? You're just some hillbilly with an ironman physique."

She looks around her, "With a million dollar house crammed into a half million frame. I'm sorry to doubt your word, Sir. I'm just being realistic. All of you should. Lasher has powerful contacts. All we're going to do is get hurt inside and out. I don't like letting people fuck me any more than the rest of you. But, come on."

Esther Cordoba starts to lower her shirt over her neck then recalls how strong Dhorne was in the basement. Suddenly, she yanks it back off and tosses it at Sondra Moon.

"I believe. I have nothing to lose anymore."

Oz winks at her under his shades, "Not even a bra." Sondra catches the shirt and rolls her eyes, "You of all people. Esther? You're as tough as I am. How can you be blinded by this?"

Pastor Joseph raises his arm, "Speaking of blinded."

Dhorne chuckles, "Don't raise an arm 'less yer losin' the shirt, Joey."

He falters lowering his arm with a frown.

The women giggle amongst each other at Joe's predicament as Moon throws Esther's shirt back at her, "Go ahead then. Can't say I didn't warn you."

Jersey DeVille clears her throat then raises her cut off football jersey and pries it over her head dropping it to the grass, "Touchdown, Coach?"

Oz shakes his head, "Now that's what I call a Hail Mary."

Joe grumbles at his mocking, "Please try not to desecrate the Holy Mother's name."

Dhorne chuckles, "No worries, Joe. I'm just building my angels up. "Mary" rearranged is "Army". If I'm gonna go into battle I need to find my GAL in GAbrieL. If she can't blow the horn I won't get reinforcements. Ain't that right, Fontaine? After all I see BEL in gaBriEL too."

Every one of the girls began laughing. Even Sondra Moon who stood there recalling how she dropped her shorts so easily for this Man.

Moon winces at Dhorne, "As long as everything's out in the open, would you mind telling me how you got me to moon you in the house?"

He shrugs, "You mooned Me? I don't recall that. You been drinkin'?"

That offended her as she glares at him bitterly, "You know damn well I wanna drink. Why be a prick and tease me about it?"

He puckers, "Moon? Water it down. Yer missin' my point. Soak up the wet behind the ears, Darlin. Ight. Yeah, you mooned me. Only I walked out on ya before yer daisy's hit yer ankles. Tell me why I did that. Then, tell me why you dropped 'em."

She takes a deep breath to calm her nerves, "I don't know. For Christ's sake. You're making us all crazy. Why did I do it? Maybe I was outta my mind. Maybe, I needed to know that somebody cared about my ass. Why did you walk away?"

He stares at her, "Cuz I did."

Sondra froze in his gaze realizing she had answered her own question. This man cared. It was she who was making herself out to be an ass. Instinctively she nods at him before stripping her shirt off to her support bra. Taking pride in his glare she swallows hard then removes her support bra too. Bare chested like the rest.

Dhorne offers a cheesy grin, "Now that there's an asset."

"Hour lunch, Mercy D. These gals have some house cleanin' to do. Right, Joe?"

The Pastor perks up, "Are you expressing what you believe they need?"

Oz steps over and throws an arm around him, "Yup! High time we baptized these sinners."

A chin tilted back toward the girls as he leads Joe down the hill he barks a command.

"Skinny drip! NOW!"

Instantaneously, every prisoner there raced down to the dock and began removing their shoes and socks, followed by their cut off jeans. Esther shoved Kimber in first then dove in herself. Belle and Jersey wrestled before nudging each other over the edge. Lacey and Sondra stood side by side shivering as Dhorne and Joe stepped out on to the dock.

"What're you two waitin' on? If yer not wet already lemme fix that."

He lets go of Joe and playfully leans in to goose both girls feeling wet pussy at his fingertips. The shock sent both women leaping through the air to splash Joe upon their impact.

Dhorne uses both hands to motion each of them to be quiet.

"This here's Joe the Baptist. He's gonna cleanse those souls and free ya. Respect him and keep those purdy bods under water. Head's up 'til he dunks ya."

Patting him on the back he removes the blindfold, "All yers, Water boy. I'm gonna go spank Mother Nature's ass."

Mercedes had finally summoned the courage to join them on the dock. Stopping Dhorne with a hand to his chest she puckers, "Hope you know what you're doing, Oz. Getting their hopes up like this."

He shakes his head dramatically, "Ye of lil faith." He grins at her making her uncomfortable.

She starts to back away just in time for him to rush her cradling her in his arms. A pain shot through his back at the sudden motion but it didn't stop him. With a light growl he hurls Mercedes Holden into the lake, clothing and all. Cheers abounded at their leaders loss of control. Oz in turn takes his bow toward each of them as Mercy surfaces.

"Just for that, I'm charging you double for services."

He stands up straight spanning both arms out to his sides, "Purdy mermaids all in a row. Fishin' for compliments won't catch nothin' but fishnet stockin's. You got an hour, Joe. Drench 'em and wrench 'em. I expect these gals clean as a whistle. Cuz I'll be blowin' that bugle for 'em to come runnin' the rest of their lives. Free Willy!"

Joe could only stand there amazed at what he was bearing witness to. John would be proud of him this day. He defied his lust. Maybe it was because he knew if his wife found out about any possible urges that the passion he had for her would get him into trouble. At least twice in one night. He was hardly a spring chicken.

Hands raised, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16", He continues, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

Each of them felt the favor of Garrison Ozymandias Dhorne sink in as Joe called forth each of them one by one to meet him at the edge of the dock. Kneeling down he places a hand on their heads in unison dunking them under to emerge refreshed. Each and every one.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."

Sondra Moon is last to fall under the Pastor's touch. He looks down upon her directly, "If any man," He smiles brightly, "Or woman, is thirsty, let he or she come to Me and drink."

"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his or her innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.'"

Her head is pressed under the surface of the lake to rise anew. Sondra Moon would recall this day each time she thought of booze. Not even wine or Winehall could bring her to drink again.

Dhorne made his way to the outhouse where Yolanda Paris was still sitting in fear. He pounds on the side of the crapper scaring her.

"JESUS! Don't do that. I saw that hive shake."

He leans against the wood planks and puckers, "Momma Earth made the trees grow didn't she? Reckon even she likes wood. Seedin' and saplin'. Let's get past the religion lecture. I could care less if yer Wiccan or some bull dike takin' a hike. I put you in there fer a reason, Gay Paree. I'm sick of yer shit. You gotta lighten up, and that ain't no fat joke."

He hears her hiss, "Can we talk about this out there? I promise I'll listen and keep my cool."

He mulls over the idea then shakes his head, "Not just yet. Tell me why yer workin' with this Lasher character."

She swallows hard barely audible, "I'm not. Honestly. I just do what I have to. My life's miserable. My Husband stopped writing me months ago. I'm only Bi. I wasn't even that until I went to prison. Y'know, don't drop the soft soap. I did. I liked it. Monet told me that my Husband found his Bubba. I have to laugh at it. It's ironic."

He grins trying not to laugh, "That doesn't mean you stop livin' Paris. In fear that is. Fear is nothing to let lead ya. Don't even fear Me. Treat Me with respect, I'll do the same. Now tell Me more about what goes on away from my home?" Oz hears a light sob, "Please let me out. The bee's are really buzzing me in here."

He holds out, "Not yet. Answer the question."

Her thoughts gather as she becomes hoarse, "You already know what goes on. I have ears. I heard what you told the others. I don't like what goes on either. What can I do about it? Nobody bothers Me sexually thanks to Monet. She likes me. My only friend at Winehall. I think I'm in love."

He rolls his eyes, "C'mon Paris. Y'all know yer just her decoy with ears and eyes. If you want outta prison just level with me. No promises. Just my word. Gospel!"

She exhales loudly, "Let me guess. You want me to be your decoy now. I hear duck calls and buckshot. What's my freedom worth to a guy like you? I'm fat, ugly, and untrustworthy. Highest bidder wins my loyalty. Unless you're paying me to spy for you I'll take my chances. Wanna know the truth? Yeah, my Husband embezzled money. He did it for me. I told him to. He was weak and I took advantage of him. I'm guilty of loving cash."

He clears his throat, "Reckon that money never went toward Liposuction and plastic surgery."

She snarls under her breath, "I didn't have time for delusion. Nothing was gonna make me a Playboy centerfold. Not even staples in my navel. Give it a rest, Hef. I got eyes. I can see how you're seducing the other girls. What's their loyalty worth? A few rolls in the hay before you feed them to the horses?"

"Bet on hearin' the Nay. It's all 'bout scratchin' backs. Pay it forward. I'm VERY FORWARD. Last chance. New life or same ole strife. I realize zebra's and bumblebee's can't change their stripes. I'm willin' to take a risk on you, if you're willin' to trust me in return."

She wants to but, the thoughts of Monet are just too strong. She did love Monet after all. Greedy bitch. An evil smile crosses her face, "Okay. I'll try it your way. Be gentle."

A pause leaves her to dart her eyes about looking for his shadow between the planks. "You still there? Boss man?"

Where was he? She hadn't heard him walk away. Becoming pale she could hear her heartbeat.

"Dude, don't leave me." Nothing. Not a peep. Only the buzzing in her ear. Then, a shadow on the outside returns. She hears the door's barricade being withdrawn. The door snaps open to blinding light. Her hands leap to her eyes in defense. A hand clutches her by the throat lifting her to her feet forcing her up on to the toilet seat until her head was touching the bee hive. Her throat grew dry and rebellious. She couldn't breath. Bee's swarming her hair. Yet, none of them were stinging her. Eyes bulging. Blurring. Then, she witnesses the most extraordinary thing.