OZone 12 : Kid Gloves


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She looks away shaking her head, "No. I'm not letting you humiliate me like this. NO!"

Connor finds her resistance amusing and plays on it, "Come on Aunt Nina. Please. For me?"

Nina snaps a glance at Oz, then Renee who could not believe how silly things were becoming. Nina rolls her eyes, "I hate you, Oz. I really do hate you."

In spouting her distaste Nina reaches under her skirt and glares at Connor, "I'm your Aunt. Stop looking at me like that. Turn away."

As he looks back out the window Nina eases her fingers under the waist band of her hoses and slowly pulls them down and drags them over her bare feet, having had kicked her shoes off to release them.

Renee smirks at Oz at how evil he was when Nina with a growl lifts her arms up with both hands under the legs of the pantie hose. "Hi Connor. I'm Siamese Twins. This is Jose. And, this is Stockingholmes. We will make you smile."

He looks at her with a sad face as Dhorne eggs Nina on.

Nina suddenly grins at her puppet show hiding the crotch of her puppets behind the seat. Stretching she reaches Jose over to pinch his cheek, "Your cheeks are like putty in my hands. Isn't that right, Stockingholmes?"

The other hand nods, "Jaaaaa! Like putty. We will chisel a smile in that stone puss."

Renee offers a bizarre look at Dhorne who eyes her from head to toe. Renee was instantly wet. Shaking slightly she recalls one of her reasons for coming here was to prove that every rumor she had ever heard about Garrison Dhorne was untrue. There was no way that any man could make a woman become some slobbering slave within a day's time. Her own face tightened up as if rock.

Dhorne smirks returning his gaze toward Nina, "Perhaps a group hug vill get him to show us teeth. Come Johan."

Renee wanted too sooooo badly, then her mind returned to the issue at hand. Her hand puppet that is, "I haven't called back yet. I stopped in England and got frisked by some Bobbies."

Dhorne chuckled, "Good one. Bet you Bob with the best of 'em."

She winces at him as Connor jumps in, "Make her go to the sock hop with you, Dad. She can bounce all night."

He was mocking his flirtation knowing it would piss him off. Oz shook his head at Renee, "How's bout it Johan? You up to some lubin' and tubin'?"

Her jaw drops as he quickly raises his puppet. "Tube sock."

She puffed her cheeks out then exhales as Nina leaps to her rescue, "I will HANDle this, Doctor Johan. Come along Jose. Let us group hug."

Oz narrows his eyes as Connor leans back in his seat to avoid her advance. An advance that he also took part in with Dr. Scholl's Searcher.

Renee drifts in over Oz to add Johan in storming the boy with their attention. She knew Oz was staring down her blouse but maintained her composure.

Connor starts to laugh when Nina dives over her seat joining in the fun until suddenly the laughter stopped from all around. Connor cringed at her advance when she realized that her crotch padding was directly over her nephew's face.

Dhorne leaps up, "I can't believe you. That there boy's blood. Lookit you, Ninalou. Shoving that there Swedish meatball in his face. For shame, Nina. For shame."

Connor burst into laughter shoving Nina's hands away, "As if I'm not scarred enough. Why, Aunt Nina? Whyyyyy?"

He acts as if ready to cry then jumps to his feet throwing his arms around his Aunt before her embarrassment made her cry. Nina started to sob then laughs along with them in between blushes.

Dhorne throws his own arms around them both.

"C'mere Groupies."

Renee Cherish smiled at their reconciliation. Garrison Dhorne was something else. His own therapy had eased in and brought them all together. If not for long.

Connor suffocating by them adds, "What about, Renee? She's been more family to me than any of you guys."

Dhorne eases up just long enough to reach over and snatch Renee Cherish by her cleavage and yank her into the huddle. She smiled at being accepted. Until she felt a hand on her ass. Within the huddle she could see Connor Dhorne sticking his tongue out at her.

Oz noticed the hand and grins in thought, "Maybe my boy ain't gonna be no funny bunny."

Dhorne drops his hand and clutches Renee's other butt cheek, "Welcome to the kin, Ren."

She snarled at their groping but let it continue. There would be time for facial slaps later.

The bus driver blares the buses horn to get their attention, "Buy a ticket or get a room."

Dhorne chuckles releasing everyone and pulls his son in tight. His hug smothered Connor but the tears did fall. Everyone. Even the bus driver. He was running late.

Letting go Oz grabs Connor by the ears and forces him to look him in the eye. "No more runnin'. We're hog tied, here on. Am I clear, Boy?"

Connor James Dhorne nodded as Oz let him go. Once released Connor steps into the walkway grinning at Renee. A quick glance at his Father he bolts down the hall and nudges the driver aside stopping at the door to look back.

"Only if you catch me." Then, he was gone.

Dhorne snaps a glance back at Nina tangled in her arm hosiery as he snatches up his boot hobbling away.

"Grab his bags and my coat, Stockingholmes."

He rushes around Renee and darts out the doorway. Looking both ways he realizes he had already lost Connor. "That's it, the kid gloves are off."

Checking inside the terminal he spots a passenger, an elderly woman with a shy smile who extends an arthritic finger toward the Men's room.

Oz winks at her, "Reckon he's on his way to being a man. I just hope he can reach the urinal." She blushes and offers a smile of missing teeth. At the sight he bolts away before wincing and slams head on into the bathroom. There was no effort in finding his son as he stood over a porcelain God pissing full stream.

Oz grins leaning on the sink counter to put his sock puppet and boot back on, lacing it up.

"I know ya been pissed at me. Don't take it out on that there, Johnnybrook."

Connor remains silent until he finishes urinating then flushes. Hiding his hands he steps beside his Father to wash them. Oz suddenly noticed his son's bare foot and looks up just in time to feel his son swing and grace his chin with a sock over his hand.

"That was for Mom. Socker punch. I'm not forgiving you. I may have to live with you but that doesn't mean I have to love you all over again. Let's just go, okay?"

Oz stared at his son for taking the necessary balls to risk slugging his own Father. If not for Nora, his belt would be off and wailing on his ass. Oz swiftly grabs his son by the cuff of his shirt and slams him against the bathroom wall.

An intense stare studies the other, Alpha male to male. Dhorne goes without blinking then drops him, "Wash yer foot. Thank Judy I don't put pennies in that there sock and buy you time. I love you, Boy."

Connor swallows hard, "I'm sorry I hit you, Dad."

Oz takes a deep breath, "Don't be. I deserved that. Get yerself together. I'll be outside."
Opening the door he hesitates, then steps out.

Connor closed his eyes and leaned on to the sink. He had just slugged his Dad. Why wasn't he proud of it? He waited for the day and followed through. Suddenly, he felt worse than before. Hatred was still there. He would have to live with it. A tear streaks down his cheek as he looks at himself in the mirror.

"I'm sorry, Mom."

Outside, in the terminal Renee stood next to the Women's bathroom guarding their bags as Dhorne approached her without expression. Reaching her Renee looks to him with some small respect, "Ms. Sebastian is putting her hose back on. If you don't mind my saying so? As a Counselor, I found your sock puppet show quite therapeutic. I would have never thought of such a technique."

Oz nods without looking over at her, "You can stay at the Manor with us for a week. No longer. My In-laws are going west for a spell. There's room. I'm only agreeing to this because Archie recommends you."

She puckers, "Kind words indeed. I'll be certain to salute Colonel Strong a few extra times when I get home. However, I prefer staying at a hotel. Privacy doesn't seem to be in the offering. If you please, refrain from pawing me up like some floozy you might meet in a bar. I'm more professional than that. Enjoy your weekend with your son. Starting Monday I would like to start our counselling sessions."

He presses his lips together then meets eyes with her.

"Fair nuff. I know just the hotel. It's nothin' fancy but good people stay there. It's called the "Slippit Inn".

Renee raises an eye brow, "You're serious. No Holiday Inn?"

Oz shakes his head, "Think yer in Kansas, Dorothy?"

"I suppose not, Oh great and Powerful OZ."

Respect grew from there. He knew that the girls from Winehall Prison could use all the help they could get. Maybe, this Cherish gal could be of use. After all, He would deal with his son his own way. She might as well be of service in other ways.

"I'll drop you off there."

Again, she shakes her head, "I'll take a cab."

He chuckles, "Five blocks down, Bobby. Hoof it."

She grins, "I thought it was Johan Onmykok."

He sniffs loudly, "Tighten that thumb and use it on someone else. Ride stops here. I'll be in touch."

Behind them Nina exits the bathroom and follows Renee's departure visually, "Where's she going?"

Oz grabs Nina by her pearls pulling them over her head, "Time to reclaim what's mine. First my boy. Now, my Bull's milk."

She offers a confused expression, "Thank you for letting me wear them. I know Nora would have loved to see me in those."

Stashing them in his trench coats pocket he puts the coat on ruffling it out for a better fit.

She fidgets, "Maybe I should have named my puppet's after Indian names. Like Stocking Wolf, or Howls at Moon. My ancestors would have found that amusing."

He pats her on the back, "I was thinkin' more of "Runnin' Ho". "

With a wink he threw an arm out to his side without looking. She leans forward to see Connor joining them sliding cautiously beneath his Father's arm.

"Let's get on home."

Connor took his bags from Nina. Meeting her smile half way. Maybe their family was coming together. He opens the door for Nina and waits until she walks through before stopping his Dad to whisper.

"Is Aunt Nina gaining weight? Her butt's getting big."

Dhorne smiles at his son and takes his bags away from him.

"That's my boy. Dead on target and ya can't miss. She puts the ass in ASSASSin."

Connor couldn't help but laugh.

He grunts at the comment.


Mobile, Alabama 8:45 pm , "Monahan's Gym"

"You still have that mean left hook, Dougy. You've been away too damned long." prided Shevaughn Monahan the sixty plus old Irish woman with golden gloves of her own. Shevaughn in the old days could have bested any woman on the circuit. Even most men. Retired now she coaches Alabama youngsters how to fight and build better futures for the less fortunate among them.

Doug Bauer, a ball of sweat from two hours of beating the sand bag stops to catch his breath, "Yeah. It's still there, only a wedding bands weighing it down. You're looking pretty fit yourself, Sheva. I just cut a deal with the city to build a new Boxing arena. Thought you might be interested to know I added room for a gym this size in the basement. This old warehouse is about to fall down around your Everlasts. I placed a notation on it to call you about relocating. Hope you don't mind my looking out for you."

The greying redhead grimaces, "I like my digs, here. I appreciate that, but why would the city want a decaying old Irish Lass in something brand spanking new?"

He shrugs, "Maybe because you do good for this city. They realize all that you've done. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. It's been fun. I need a shower and some sleep. I'll come back one of these days. At least think on that offer. If not, I'm sure your future's still secure here."

He taps his glove on a wooden beam on the wall which groans above them.

Sheva grimaces, "Aye. That be my bones creaking. Give your old Teacher a hug and be off with ye.''

He untethers one glove then stops to cast his arms around her, "Even if you don't move, I'll make a donation to your cause, Sheva. As soon as I get my paycheck from the City. Rest well."

She smiles at his kindness while he unties the other glove removing it, "Tell Charley I said to stop by sometime. It's been ages."

"I'll be sure to tell Dad."

Doug gives her a thumbs up and walks away.

Gathering his duffel bag from the locker room he waves at the younger men getting groomed for their practice sessions. Most of them young black athletes in their own right. Most of them had met the floor at Sheva's gloves. He could only admire the woman.
Reaching his truck he starts the engine and puts it into gear. Within fifteen minutes he was pulling into his hotel parking lot. Snapping up the room key from his glove box he locks his truck and locates his room.

Once inside he strips his clothes off and turns up the air conditioning. Arms aching he reaches through the shower curtain to ignite a scalding stream of water. Convinced the temperature was perfect he steps in and drowns beneath the cascade over swollen muscles.

"Lord I need Jordy's hands right now."

His thoughts drift further into the past and all of the good times He and Jordan had, had.

Then, came Beth Dolan into his life and gave him her heart. Not to mention all of the freakishness his devious mind had craved. Tough choice he admitted soaping himself up. Just the merest thought of Beth his cleansed dick was growing. Enough he thought. He knew before the night was over he would have to satisfy himself.

Ten minutes later his water grows cold and he shuts it off. Standing in the tub he plants his hands on the wall and stands there drip drying. Thoughts were drifting yet again until he heard the moaning of a woman in the distance. Ears perking up he opens the shower curtain and grabs a towel to dry himself. Head to toe he roams with it until he wraps it around his waist tying it. Stepping out of the bathroom he hears the moaning growing louder. It was on the other side of his rooms wall. He could even hear the headboard pounding against it.

Chuckling, he places his ear against the wall hearing the voices of two men calling the woman every name in the book. Then, her moaning becoming more intense.

He smiles, "Must be getting it double time. Hooker probably."

Sighing, he stretches out on his bed and watches television.

Thirty minutes pass and he starts to drift off to sleep when he hears the door open from the opposite room. Two men leave talking loudly about how sexy that slut was. Bragging about how they put her into every position in the book and claimed a length of her hair as a souvenir.

One of them comments on a name, "Stephen". And, how he had such delicious pussy at his disposal. They sounded well educated. Rolling over he tries to ignore them outside of his room. Eventually, they moved on.

In the silence he could still hear sobbing, which came from the other side of the wall, then nothing. Under ten minutes elapse before he hears the door open outside. Letting his curiosity get the best of him he jumps up and unchains his own door peeking out. He spots a blond in the shadows going down the concrete hallway heading for the stairs. A familiar blond.


The woman stops and turns smiling faintly, "There you are. I forgot what room you said you were in. I was ready to give up and call it a night."

She approaches him cautiously as he steps out still in his towel. He looks at the door to the room next to him, "Did you see anyone come out of this room just now?"

She shrugs, "Yes. There was a brunette who popped her head out then ducked back in."

She moves in quickly throwing her arms around him, "I've had too much to drink tonight. I wanted to go back to my hotel but I needed to see you again."

He devours her mouth swirling tongues then lifts her up carrying her into his room. Both falling on to his bed she was glad to lay in darkness. Shrouded by the pitch he would never see her expression of fear. She had nearly been caught.

Beth could never deny Doug. Even if she was raw in every hole within her body. She had just been fucked for five hours straight. Business as usual. Thank God that Douglas Bauer believed in her.

Her passion masks her thoughts.

"Oh, Doug."

She needed to escape Stephen someday.


Topic for another orgasm.

Doug wasn't pulling any punches.

The kid gloves were off.

All puppets in the end.

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