Paige Ep. 027: CONNECT FOUR


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As Deborah returned from the kitchen with what dinner rolls could be salvaged Lon waited for her to rest the plate on the table before offering his lady the Queen seat next to his.

"Why thank you Big Daddy. Such a gentleman."

"Tell me that when the lights go out." He winks. Both girls wince at their behavior. They knew exactly what that meant. Paige took a deep breath and found herself slightly jealous. Coochie merely stared at Lonnie with lust. That is until Deb fanned her clothe napkin at her daughter to end her flirtations...for the moment. Lon begins to take his own seat then realizes something was missing, "Wine."

"Are you going to allow us to drink wine Daddy?"

"Why not. We're celebrating new beginnings of a sort." He rushed back to the kitchen for the wine bucket, returning swiftly to place it toward the center of the table. Dragging the chilled bottle from the ice he opens it up and plays the coneseuer by inhaling the cap. "Ahhh! The grapes of wrath have been stomped properly."

"Ewww! Now I'm seeing Monks with purple feet." Paige snickers trying to be funny.

"Let's hope they didn't have athletes feet." Deb chuckles.

"Boiled away ladies. Glasses up." Lon moves from person to person in filling wine glasses. Once all four were full he puts the bottle back into the bucket and corks it. Claiming his goblet he stands tall and proposes a toast. "Tonight is very special to me. New loved ones. One very special eighteen year old that I've raised to be quite the lady. Two lovely graduates in the very near future. I can speak for Mom here and say we're proud of both of you. Now let's eat before another reheat."

"Cheers." Deb winks at the girls then takes a sip. As plates are being filled Deb opens the floor to conversation. "Paige? What are your plans after Saturday? Now that you will be a free woman."

"Free spirit even." She giggles, "I want to enjoy life for a few weeks before deciding anything. No college for me. I'm going to marry a rich man and live on sleasy street."

"That...sounds..." Deb mulls it over, "like every womans dream. Are you rich Big Daddy?" She turns her attention to Lonnie.

"Don't be getting any ideas. My wallet still has coupons in it I haven't used yet."

"Good thing I'm not after your money then."

"What about you Coochie? Plans?" Lon chooses his pork chop from the platter.

"I was thinking about becoming a pornstar."

"Lucretive position." He laughs, "You certainly have the right type of name to be one."

"Coochie Kuchiku if she was Japanese." Paige snorts then hides her mouth with her hand.

"Do I look Japanese?" Coochie narrows her eyes as Paige points at her expression.

"You do now."

"EAT." Lonnie decides to squash the joking. For the next ten minutes hardly a word was spoken as they dined. As their plates emptied and the ladies drank up, making faces at the taste of the wine, conversation was allowed.

"Coochie invited us to a cookout Saturday before graduation." Paige spoke up.

Deborah nearly choked on her wine. Hand poised in front of everyone she darts her eyes amongst them before speaking, "Not to sound racist, we all know we're not, but you two would be the only white folk there. My family is ...quite verbal with the N word that our culture seems insistant upon calling ourselves."

"Yeah why is it that African Americans can call yourselves the N word and it be fine. We use that term and we get stabbed or shot?" Silence ruled again as Deb once more pauses to look iritated. Of course she wasn't.

"Do we really need to take a walk down to the deep South?"

"Sorry but my kin didn't have any part in all of that. Blaming the good whites for the bad ones stupidity just doesn't seem fair."

"I agree." Deb nods, "Unfortunately, there is no wall separating the two sides. Color is the nearest barrier we can erect."

"I like white guys just fine." Coochie adds quietly.

"Will Antoine be at the cookout?" Paige whispers.

Hearing her Deb frowns, "Jai Antoine?"

"Giant one? What are we talking about?" Lon scratches his scalp.

"Foot long cock." Paige uses her hands to measure what she had seen earlier while flaring her eyes and looking scared.

"Coochie? Are you and Jai...?"

"What's the big deal?" Coochie shrugs.

"That was a pretty BIG deal." Paige snorts again. She then felt Coochie kicking her leg under the table. Feeling the impact Paige yelped and rubbed her shin.

"You know very well why it's a big deal young lady."

"What am I missing?" Lon shakes his head.

"Mom's ex boyfriend." Coochie rolls her eyes.

"It goes deeper than that Coco." Deb points at her daughter, "You know that he is bad news. I do not want you associating with him."

"I'm not becoming his girl. We just fuck."

"Yeesh." Paige holds her breath, haunted as she and her Father share a worried gaze. Lon merely scowls and lifts his fingers to let it play out without interference.

"Not no more you don't. I'll be having words with Jai. I refuse to let him destroy you without you even realizing it."

"Oh he destroys me...HARD." Coochie glares at Paige, defying her Mom's scolding, "Tore me up good."

"No getting ideas." Lon informs Paige.

Paige hadn't really even considered wanting to meet this Jai Antoine. She had more than enough bodybuilders in her life as it was. She was happy without the trouble any newcomer might cause her.

"We discuss this in private." Deb sneered coldly.


Lon opted to clear the table. As he did Deborah broke away from her punishing glare and assisted in the clean up. Leaving the girls to stare between one another until Paige broke the silence.


"Rich man waiting." Coochie perked up. As they abandon the adults a momentary truce was called.

In the kitchen Deb felt the need to apologize.

"I'm sorry Big Daddy. Jai was not really an ex. I met him a few years back in my time of need. Muscles and charm reeled me in. Once I learned his...gang affiliations, I ran away fast. I had no idea my daughter was playing around with him. Good thing I have her on birth control."

"We all worry about that. Let's not discuss Exes. Trust me...I have my own problems with Paige's mom and her boyfriend. While we're talking racism Paula's man is a skinhead. It's tough dealing with that."

"Wonderful. I bet he'll have good things to say about you and I."

"Doesn't know yet. I don't need a scene until after Paige graduates." He decides to open up about things sharing the recorded conversation he secretly made during Mark Rapier's threats. Making certain the girls were out of hearing range he plays it for Deb. Her jaw drops at the vile nature of Mark and his biker buddies.

"That must be hell. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this Big Daddy."

"I got this. I have copies hidden away just in case. After graduation when he tries to assert his demands I'll play it. I just need to be delicate about this. Paige's mom is a recovering alcoholic, I don't need a relapse. It's bad enough they practice all of that bondage crap without hurting her emotionally." He witheld the part of the story where he thought one of his best friends was being traitorous. A confrontation for a later day would decide a friendships fate.

"I like bondage crap." She winks at him.

"What happened to all of that chains of oppression stuff?" He chuckles considering her pleasure in being into whips and chains.

"Different type of slave Big Daddy." She flirts with the most amazing eyes.

"Let's skip doing the dishes and relax. This body is calling out to me." He turns his attention on pulling her close and kissing her tenderly.

"We could clear the rest of the table at least." She whispers as their lips hover briefly.

"Doubt it's sturdy enough for that."

"I'm not wearing panties."

"I think I'm the only one around that wears underwear these days." He sighs.

"We can fix that." She lowers her hands to begin unfastening his pants. Looking around for the girls in a panic, he allows Deb to tug his jeans down and snap the elastic of his boxers. Another swift yank and his beast came out of the bushes. Stroking him with both hands her mouth moved back in for more kissing. Between the two actions Lonnie's beast...became feral.

Using his own hands he pulls Deb's dress up over her hips and guides her backward into the counter and picks her up in favor of an easier penetration. Silent lovemaking was not in the cards. His ferocity claimed her pussy as prey, passion took over in them both. At least they had the privacy of the kitchen wall.

Back in Lonnie's office Paige and Coochie shared the desk chair shoulder to shoulder. Opening up the Tender website Paige found bragging rites.

"218 new replies since yesterday. Go me."

"I must be doing something wrong here. How can you have so many more guys than I do?"

"It's the red hair and the fact I look young. Add in my voice from my introduction video and the guys can't resist me. I'll never meet them all but I'm sure going to try. Want me to hook you up?"

"Hook me up." Coochie rolls her eyes, "With a body as rockin' as mine I don't need your help."

"Our bodies are almost the same. Slim, curvy, and bodacious. Even our boobies look the same size." Paige dares to fluff up Coochie's right tit then blushes, "Sorry. I like having a new sister...well...close enough I guess."

"You don't have many friends do you?" Coochie frowns goofily.

"Yes I do. Mostly boys, but my old friend Madison will be hanging with me more now that we rekindled. Long story. These are some of the guys I plan on meeting after Saturday. This guy is taking me to Comicon."

"Do they still call it that?"

"No but I like calling it Comicon better."

"He looks really nerdy."

'I know, but I don't care. I like teasing guys and he wants me bad. Besides I get to go to Comicon for free. I'm gonna dress up like Black Widow from the Avengers."

"She's not black."

"Whatever." Paige pushes her shoulder playfully into Coochie's while laughing. Continuing on she shows off more guys, "This guy is a Baseball player for the White Sox. Daddy wants to go see a free game so I'm gonna meet him in a few weeks. Sox are on the road I guess."

"Nice. How come no black guys on this list? You ever have a black dude?"

"Yessss! I've had sex with my Uncle Mike."

"Uncle? You into incest?"

"He's not my real Uncle. I've known him since I was a baby though. I can set you up with him."

"I don't need no matchmaker bitch." Coochie frowns and shakes her head.

"Quit calling me bitch Bitch."

The girls sneer at one another then shy away giggling. Their bonding was producing something unique that neither of them had ever really had. A sense of competition. Not so much in a fierce defiant individuality but more as a challenging duel of persona. Both wanted to be the lead bitch. There would be no clear winner.

"Did you make an introduction video like I did?"Paige asked.

"Why? All I need is a few sexy pics and guys come chasing."

"Seen Catfish much?"

"Say what?"

"People who only use photographs could be anyone. Without a true visual guys won't know if you're real or fake. If you offer them a taste of what they might get in mini movies it stimulates their imagination." Paige looks up her own audition tape, so to speak, "Here, I'll play mine."

Watching the seductive nature of both her attire and voice, Coochie puckered her lower lip, impressed by the white girls behavior. "Dang girl, you even turned me on."

Smug, Paige shook her shoulders from side to side brushing against her new pal, "I'm Aphrodainty."

"Does that make me Afrodite?" She primps her hair giggling.

"Too funny. Let's make you a video. That dress is perfect for getting attention. I can email it to you then you can add it to your profile."

"Aight!" Ego was oozing forth the second Paige suggested it. As the girls stand up Paige suggests they go to her bedroom to take the video. Tugging her along by her wrist the redhead leads her from the office. The second they hit the hallway they hear moaning. Coochie darts her attention toward the dining room and forces Paige to halt in her tracks. With a finger to her lips Coochie took over the tug of war and the two girls tiptoe out to see Lonnie and Deb naked. With their back to the girls they witnessed Lonnie pounding away at Deborah while she lay on the dining table.

"Oooo your Dad has a tight ass." Coochie expresses interest in his thrusting hips. Paige paused to observe her Father as well, she however had never seen her Dad with another woman before outside of her Mom. At least not sexually. Jealousy riled her thoughts even though she did really like Deborah. She was happy for Lonnie, but that was her man. Paige knew what was best for him however. Even that competition would lag behind, as nice as her Daddy's behind was.

"Let them have their fun. Let's go make you that pornstar." whispered Paige dragging the lustful girl away from the action.

"I saw how you reacted to your Dad's ass, you liked it too. You and he got a thing?"

"Noooo! Yesss! Don't judge me." She snickered.

"Not judgin'. If he were my Daddy I'd be moaning like that too." Coochie flares her eyes and fans herself with her free hand.

Flipping the lights on in her room Paige closes the door behind them. Sitting Coochie on her bed she released her in favor of setting the mood. "I like making videos in the dark by candlelight. Let's light some and give the guys a feel of what it would be like being with you."

"Can't be too dark or they won't see me." Coochie flutters her fingers over her body, "I'm pretty dark already."

"Stop it." Paige lights a candle and sits it on her dresser, "Do you always have to make references to our skin colors? It's not like you're telling guys to shoot when they see the whites of your eyes. Besides if they did shoot you their cum would glow white too."

"You're killin' me Red."

"That white dress will glow in the dark also. There's something appealing about that." Three more candles lit offers a seductive glow. Paige then makes a test video to show Coochie how she would look. With glistening eyes and a beguiling smile of perfect teeth Coco Johnson was ready. "See? You look radiant."

"I do don't I? Let's do this Bitch."

"Alright, when I nod at you start talking."

"Wait! What do I say?"

"Really? Just sound cute and say what you're looking for in a guy. Might not wanna say a Jai Antoine size cock." She laughs. "Just keep things relaxing and subtle."

"Got it. Are we just doing a closeup?"

"I'll move some to show your body too. We both know that's the first thing guys want to see. You can do a 360 and show your curves as you talk to them."

"Do I tease them? You did kind of in your video."

"I used my voice more than my body, but the bod never fails me." She pauses a second to wince at Coochie, "Anyone ever tell you that you look like a black Arianna Grande?"

"Nope. My mom gets called Jennifer Hudson though. I'll take Grande."

"Good choice. Ready?"


"Drivin' by."

"Not funny, comin' from my hood."

"SHUT UP!" Paige giggles. "Here goes." A nod acknowledges her rediness. As the filming begins Coochie sits back on the bed planting her palms on the blankets. Looking up with those amazing eyes that sparkled in the candlelight she shared a sensual smile, "Hi. My name is Coco, but you can call me Coochie. I'm 18, no measurements necessary. You can see for yourself." Paige lowers her cell just enough to keep her entire face in the shot while showing off cleavage. "I'm not really sure what to say about myself. I'm openminded if that counts. I like being pampered by sweet guys. I graduate from high school next week. I'm Legal. Age doesn't matter to me, I like guys my age or older. Any race as long as I'm treated like a princess." She lays her chin on her shoulder expressing her sensuality with batting lashes. An index finger trails her cleavage tantalizingly. Paige even found herself mesmerized by the girls beauty and poise.

"I like to dress up and make my date feel like he's the luckiest guy alive. See?" She stands up forcing Paige to step back further to keep Coochie in the cells frame. Showing off her curves including the laced up sides of her white dress leads Coochie to do a 360 in step. Her butt crack in this particular dress left a shadow between her cheeks that would make any man grab his crotch to adjust for comfort. Returning to face the camera Coochie smiles sheepishly and again lays her cheek on her left shoulder. This time however she uses an index finger to sweep the strap holding her dress up off of her shoulder. The dress however was so tight that there was no possible way it could fall off even if the secondary shoulder strap was removed. It was all about turning guys on.

"Hit me up." She puckers her lips and blows a kiss. A wink later and Paige stops filming.

"OH MY GOSH! That was sooo hot." She swiftly moves beside Coochie and replays the video. The two were both in favor of using it. Email sent to Coochie as she recites it and the rest was on Coco. "SELFIE!" One photo later and the girls were officially friends.

"I wonder if our parents are done destroying the furniture?" Paige winces, "I'll never eat at that table again."

"I didn't get to play footsy with your Dad."

"We can always sneak up on them and make them behave."

The two girls stare at each other and share a negative, "Naaaaa!" Paige then adds, "Let's just embaress them."

"Lead the way Red."

Opening the bedroom door they still hear moaning and lots of "FUCK ME BIG DADDY." The constant verse made the girls snicker and creep softly down the hallway. They weren't on the dining table this time. They had moved to the sofa. Seeing Deb naked with her hands planted on the couch back digging in, Coochie grinned.

"Mom's riding your Dad."

"She's so lucky."


"Aren't you?"

"Follow me." Moving with stealth the girls sneak around their parents and take a seat on the loveseat. Trying not to laugh they watch the lovers fucking. Every thrust of Lonnie's cock looked so inviting. Disappearing within Deborah's pussy then reappearing wet and glossy. Deb was riding him hard, her ass almost twerking. Neither parent had a clue that the kids were observing their passion play. Lonnie had his eyes closed enjoying Deb's rythym. Deb herself was lost in the sensations over his G-spot. The girls knew by their sounds that both were ready to cum. Paige had a brilliant idea and used her cell to record their final act. Coochie had to hold her mouth with both hands to avoid busting up laughing.

Moments later both Deb and Lonnie cry out and share in a union of cum. The echo shook the window panes. Just as Deb collapses over Lonnie breathing hard, Coochie hops up and marches to their left plopping down on the couch cushion staring at her Mother. This move prompted Paige to do the same, taking a seat at an angle to Lonnie's right. Feeling their arrival both parents dropped their jaws, unable to even speak of their intrusion.

Breaking the silence Coochie slaps her Mother's ass and coughs up, "Don't you dare preach to me about not using condoms Young Lady. If you get knocked up I'm not changing my baby brother or sister's diaper. BAD...B.A.D...BAD!"

"YEAH!" Paige concurs and swats Deb's other cheek. Shaking her head Deb sits up on Lonnie's cock and leers from side to side. Finally, she glares down at a sweating Lonnie admiring the gloss of Deb's heaving tits. Both could certainly use a fan.

"You are fixed aren't you Big Daddy?"

"Yep. No runaway train coming through. Ladies?"

"Yes Daddy?" Even Coochie spoke the same giggling.

"Round three. GO TO YOUR ROOM." His voice raised both girls hopped up and started to bolt. Coochie stops just long enough to play footsy with Lon laughing at his reaction. Paige not to be left out raced around the cluster and dove in to kiss Lon on the cheek. Coochie scowling at Paige flipped the girl off while crouching down behind her Mother to lean in and kiss Lonnie on the balls.