Pam's Shemale Experience Ch. 11


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The shemale, however, needed no such provocation. For her, this was the way it was. She was the dominant figure, while Pam was a slut to be fucked and used and degraded. Such was the natural state of their relationship.

Since Pam had gone a long time without being mercilessly sodomized by her owner, it had taken her a little while to adjust to the vicious rhythm that Tanya had started up earlier.

But after that little while, her body had remembered just how much it loved weathering the abuse the shemale could give, and now, her asshole took each thrust easily, stretched out and offering no resistance. The awkward sensation that came with having her guts churned gave way to a lovely ache. She wriggled and writhed, grunting every time that cock slammed to the base, streams of juices flowing from her slit and trickling down to stain her belly.

Tanya rutted into that asshole, her hands gripping tightly to those slender calves. Sweat cropped up on her from the exertion, but she did not let up.

An orgasm came soon for the housewife. She was unable to put her affection and appreciation for Tanya into words, only producing gasps and groans.

Once the ecstasy ended, the shemale let go of her calves.

"Hold them," came the command.

For a few minutes, Tanya just fucked her, those assertive hands having taken hold of her hips. Another orgasm soon washed over her.

And then those hands moved, headed straight for specific destinations.

Two fingers from one hand slid through her slit to tickle at the channel beyond, while one finger from the other hand alighted on her clit.

I was wondering how long it would take her to do this.

Last year, during that fateful night spent with the shemale, Pam had discovered that when enough pleasure was forced into her, she was able to squirt, to let loose great gouts of her cream. Ever since then, Tanya had enjoyed triggering that reaction, as had John, although as with everything else sexual, he was hesitant to push her too far. Both enjoyed seeing Pam so undone, her body spasming while her cunt erupted with bursts of nectar.

The familiar ache arose in Pam's core. She whimpered, wanting to take the stimulation, to be a good slut, to squirt for Tanya's entertainment.

That cock pounded into her bowels. Those fingers did not let up, the two inside her dappled by abundant juices as they shoved deeper, the one at her clit rubbing in insistent circles.

The ache built. All she could do was squirm, her belly clenching, that shaft rearranging her insides.

"Come on, whore," the shemale spat, "do it, squirt all over yourself, I want to see you covered in your own cream, come on, do it..."

Pam mewled pitifully, her face screwed up in an expression of agony and adoration.

"Come on, do it, do it, squirt all over yourself, do it you fucking slut, come on!"

The ache built higher, and higher, and higher, until Pam could feel her body spasming, reacting to such brutal pleasure.

"Do it, you little whore, do it!"

Another mewl followed that exclamation.

And then Tanya yanked her fingers from that cunt.

The sudden emptiness hit Pam like a physical blow, and then the ache, which had been coiling inside her like a swirling storm, exploded out.

The shemale, right before that explosion, pushed on her calves, forcing her lower half further back, arranging her so that her slit was pointed directly at her face.

A raw scream tore from Pam's throat, and then a nasty squelching sound followed it as her cunt sent out thick bursts of nectar. The splatters landed right on her face, one after the other, turning it into a shiny, sticky mess. She jerked and bucked, momentarily ignorant of that development. The rapturous bliss washed over her, replacing that ache with a soothing tingle, her jerking and bucking calming until she was shuddering weakly, her tongue peeking out to run over her cream-coated lips.

Tanya let her come down from those orgasmic heights. That cock was still buried inside her.

"Good girl," the shemale purred, caressing at her forehead.

She leaned into that contact, cooing softly.

There was a brief respite allowed, and then the shemale began to thrust again.

Those fingers went back to their previous posts, the two shoving through her slit and the one rubbing at her clit. The ache built quickly.

Pam writhed helplessly.

A consequence of the deprivation Tanya had punished her with earlier in the week was now making itself known. Pleasure had been withheld, and now that it was so ruthlessly given, the poor housewife was overwhelmed, already sore and tired from how she had been pushed to the point of squirting. As the ache built, it throbbed harder, making her belly clench tighter.

Nevertheless, she did not complain or struggle, besides mindless whines and restless squirming. There was a worry in the back of her mind, in that part of her that managed to stay rational, that the shemale would end up fucking her into unconsciousness. This worry was borne not out of fear for her own physical well-being, but rather for the subsequent inability to entertain Tanya with more squirting.

The ache built higher as those fingers worked steadily.

Once again, Tanya waited until just before the point of orgasm, and then yanked them from that cunt.

Another scream rang out in the room, followed by a loud gushing sound as spurts erupted from Pam. She was barely cognizant of the shemale pushing her lower half further back again, only aware of the fierce bliss roiling through her.

This time, the ecstasy lasted a bit longer, but the squirts were not as plentiful. Her face was still coated in her own cream, however, thanks to receiving the bulk of the payload both times.

Tanya chuckled, watching as she panted weakly, recovering now from the fierce bliss. That cock was still lodged in her bowels; those fingers hovered nearby, ready to take up their posts again.

The second bout of squirting had taken a greater toll on Pam. She laid there, the primal part of her mind wanting nothing more than to sink into the mattress and drift into a satisfied unconsciousness.

But her natural submissiveness won out, augmented as it was by the deference to Tanya that had been instilled in her, as well as by a trust in her owner that the shemale knew the limits of what she could take. So, she ignored the ache along her frame.

"One more time," Tanya murmured.

The thrusts resumed.

A few moments later, those fingers returned to their posts.

The ache built quicker this time. The two fingers curled inside her, while the finger at her clit rubbed and tapped there.

The shemale was putting her full effort into this domination. Her flesh gleamed with sweat, trickles sliding down between her breasts, the sight making the housewife lick her lips. There was an easy coordination in the way her cock and her fingers moved, no awkwardness or uncertainty in the smooth yet vicious rhythm. Where Pam was trembling and gasping from the encroaching exhaustion, Tanya was calling on an unflagging determination, the sweat across her figure the only sign of any strain.

"One more time," she repeated, "then you can rest."

Pam nodded weakly.

The ache in her core was swelling steadily. The sensations battered her, an unforgiving cascade of pleasure, a wondrous onslaught of delight. That cock pulped her innards, driving down repeatedly through her distended anus. The fingers worked, the two in her cunt dredging up more juices as they curled and crooked, the one at her clit rubbing a bit harder now.

A droplet of sweat fell from the shemale and landed on Pam, the splash of liquid making her moan. She wanted to lick up the other droplets collecting on that figure, and in doing so show off her adoration in such a way that would also show off her whorishness.

But her desires as always were second to Tanya's, so she was content in lying there, subject to a severe storm of sensations, the shemale sending her towards another bout of agonizing ecstasy.

The ache built higher, heading towards its breaking point. Pam felt her body twitching and flexing instinctively.

And then those two fingers were yanked from her cunt.

Their sudden withdrawal once again triggered an intense ecstasy. A third scream erupted from her, shrill and hoarse, almost painful in its sharpness. The spurts burst out from her, lesser in quantity and volume this time, but still viscous enough to leave her face even more of a sticky mess. The shemale had put pressure on her lower body again to make sure the spurts hit there. This time, partway through the lewd drenching, that pressure eased just enough so that the squirting rain landed on her breasts as well, leaving the pale mounds streaked with a glistening wetness. She jerked and bucked, mewling at the excruciating ecstasy.

It was over quickly, but she was still squirming and mewling even after the euphoric storm ceased. The toll that the three bouts of squirting had taken on her were evident in how weak she felt, in how she winced even as she squirmed, in how heavy her eyelids felt as they drooped low. Stickiness ruled all over her face and breasts, the coating of her own cream gooey and slick.

Tanya helped her unwind from the awkward position, several cricks blooming over her back and shoulders. The soft embrace of the mattress beckoned, so Pam sunk back into it, sighing from the afterglow creeping over her. She closed her eyes, feeling exhaustion follow the afterglow. A hand ran through her hair.

"Such a good little whore."

Pam opened her eyes and smiled.

Matching that smile, Tanya leaned down and licked at her cheek, collecting a mouthful of the cream that clung to it.


Pam cooed mindlessly, and then strong arms wrapped around her.

Her eyelids drooped lower, and then closed.


Pam woke up.

The post-nap haze took a few moments to lift. The stickiness across her face and breasts, and the lingering soreness at her back and shoulders, helped clarity come.

A warmth pressed against her from behind. The size of that warmth made it evident that it was Alex there.

A glance over to the bedside clock made Pam frown.

Wow, I slept through the rest of today's events. I guess Tanya will have to fill me in.

She turned carefully, and saw that Alex was asleep.

Her eyes raked down the young woman's front, those breasts rising and falling gently, her womanhood hidden from view by one thick thigh.

The thought of that treasure made Pam bite her lip. She moved that thigh to the side to get a good look at it. The young woman sighed in her sleep and shifted slightly. Smiling at that restlessness, the housewife arranged herself in a comfortable position from which to savor that treasure.

The taste of that slit was familiar to her. She set about enjoying those delectable flavors.

Low groans started, but Alex did not wake.

It was not until Pam delved through that slit that she opened her eyes. A dreamy smile crept over her lips.

"Looks like you had a nice nap," she murmured.

Pam nodded, her tongue burrowing deeper.

Soft purrs spilled from the young woman. Her hand reached down to the housewife's forehead, a few fingers dragging through the stickiness there, collecting some of it in the process. With a saucy giggle, she brought those fingers to her mouth and sucked at them.

"Mm, you looked so hot when you were squirting all over yourself..."

As Pam worked her tongue, Alex collected more of that clinging cream.

"I've seen you squirt before, but never like that. Tanya was treating you like such a dirty slut..."

That's because I am a dirty slut...her dirty slut.

The thought of the shemale made both women squirm.

"Mm, don't stop, ooh yes, right there, don't stop..."

Alex abandoned the harvest of clinging cream to writhe on the bed. The restless jiggling of those curves never failed to entice Pam, who worked her tongue harder just to see those breasts bounce more.

That effort resulted in copious juices for Pam to gulp down.

"Ooh yes, right there, right fucking there, mm, you're so good with that tongue..."

That crown of tousled hair shook as Alex tossed her head back, a long, lurid moan coming out after that praise. The shudders running over her grew wilder, her hips bucking, forcing Pam to hold them down. More juices came forth, so she slurped up as much as she could.

Thanks to that talented tongue and its steady pace, Alex reached orgasm quickly.

As the ecstasy ebbed, and then transitioned into a satisfying afterglow, Pam slipped her tongue out from that slit, and kissed over the thigh next to it.

After a few moments, she began to make her way up that voluptuousness. The place where she spent the most time was that bountiful bust, peppering it with playful pecks. Alex giggled, hands caressing all over Pam. Those playful pecks eventually left the abundant swath and continued up until the two women were face to face. Their mouths met, bodies aligning, skin on skin.


When Tanya came back, her two sluts were lounging on the bed, watching television.

"How was your nap, Pam?"

"It was great. I needed the rest."

"And how was yours, Alex?"

"Good. I didn't need the rest, I just wanted to keep Pam company."

Tanya chuckled, sauntering over to the bed and sitting on the edge.

"So," Pam began, "did anybody ask about me?"

"Of course. Everyone was worried. I told them you were sleeping off an upset stomach."

She nodded.

"Are you hungry? You never had lunch."

"Alex got me a few snacks from a vending machine after I woke up. But I could definitely do dinner. After a shower. I feel sticky."

"I wonder why. Go take your shower, and I'll keep Alex company in the meantime."

A crooked finger beckoned the young woman over.

Tanya took charge as always, gathering a fistful of Alex's hair with one hand and using that grip to pull her head back. The other hand kneaded at an ample breast while she began to kiss along that exposed neck, drawing sultry purrs from the young slut.

And then she looked over at the housewife.

"Go take your shower," she said, in slightly warning tone.

"Of course," Pam murmured, sliding off the bed and padding over to the bathroom.


I don't get it...which one is the bad guy?

Pam tilted her head in confusion, and then movement to her right drew her eye.

After dinner at Greg's Greens 'N Grains, the trio had headed to a nearby movie theater. Tanya had chosen the film, a political thriller with too many twists and turns for Pam to follow.

The movement that had drawn her eye was Alex placing a hand on Tanya's thigh and sliding it up. She was now unzipping those tight jeans. Her face was bright with excitement as she snuck her hand through the fly, finding and freeing that thickness. Tanya sat back, watching the movie as if Alex were not now working her hand up and down.

Part of the effect that Tanya had on Pam since their dalliance last year had been a drive to realize certain long-held fantasies as well as newer fantasies. One of those long-held fantasies had been to give her husband a blow job in a movie theater. For years, she had been too timid to make it reality, but after having had her inner slut coaxed out, that timidity had given way to a shameless courage.

So, on an otherwise normal dinner-and-a-movie date, while they had been sitting in the last row of a sparsely populated theater, caution had been thrown to the wind. Sucking her husband's cock in the dark, with fellow moviegoers none the wiser, had been an incredible experience. John had enjoyed it greatly as well, the usual delights of a blow job combining with the illicit thrill to provoke a powerful orgasm. Since then, they had undertaken the risky venture several more times, and thankfully had yet to be caught.

Pam squirmed in her seat, enticed by the prospect before her. To their credit, both of her lovers kept their cool, their eyes aimed towards the screen. But that thickness was now at its full size, and Alex was wide-eyed and breathless, her hand working with an increasing effort.

Biting her lip, the housewife put aside her Twizzlers™ and slid from her seat. The floor was slightly sticky, but that awkwardness barely made a dent in her enthusiasm. A few seconds later, she had company on the floor, as Alex joined her.

That cock jutted into the air, the ebony rod straining. Pam leaned forward and took the broad head into her mouth, while Alex ducked down to leave light kisses along the first few inches.

Worshipping this formidable beast was already wonderful, but with Alex by her side, it was even more so. Such teamwork also made the thrill of this dangerous act spike. Tanya slouched in her seat to give them better access.

Pam slurped at the head of the length. Her lips wrapped snugly around it, while her tongue swirled atop it. The lack of space made it such that Alex would sometimes bump against her, but it was a very minor inconvenience.

A splash of pre-cum landed on her tongue. The muskiness was delicious, so she let the head slip from her mouth, and when Alex glanced inquisitively over, gestured for the young woman to switch with her. The answer to that offer was an eager coo, and quickly, their positions were reversed. Pam looked up at the shemale, who was still watching the movie as if two lustful women were not treating her to their oral talents. The lack of attention was paradoxically enticing, as it reminded the housewife that she was a slut, just a piece of meat that Tanya owned, useful only for pleasure. That reminder made her thighs rub together in arousal.

Her lips found that shaft, and like Alex's, left kisses over the first few inches. Alex, meanwhile, was sucking at the head, quietly enough to not alert the rest of the audience but loud enough for Pam to hear.

The film was now the background to this double blow job, with the other moviegoers none the wiser. Besides the throbbing of her cock, Tanya gave no sign of being affected, her eyes never leaving the screen, the inattentiveness such that she kept snacking on her Sno-Caps™. That inattentiveness did not stop either woman from displaying their whorishness.

They switched again, Pam now sucking at the tip of that member, Alex kissing at the rest of it.

The noise of the movie provided aural cover for them, so they could make subtle sounds, like light coos and soft slurps. Occasionally, Tanya would let out a satisfied sigh, but besides that, she calmly watched the movie.

Alex nuzzled against Pam, running her tongue up that shaft now. When she reached where the housewife's lips were, she kissed at her cheek. Pam let that head slip from her mouth, expecting another kiss, but instead Alex smirked and planted one just underneath that head. Needy hands pulled Pam closer, so she planted her own kiss opposite Alex's. Their tongues snuck out to wriggle together on the hard flesh, the two sluts making out with that cock in between them.

The obscene kiss carried on. Alex's hand slowly made its way up the length, that duskiness gleaming with a mixture of saliva and the pre-cum that was left to flow freely with neither woman at the head.

But eventually, the kiss ended as Alex slid back down, lapping and licking as she went. Pam went back to her previous post, finding an increased muskiness from the amount of pre-cum that had been seeping out.

Alex pressed tighter against her.

"This is so hot," the young woman whispered. "We're just like Tanya's little sluts."