Paradise Found


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"Look me in the eyes when you blow me..." said Melehan, his voice soft and sedate. "There you go."

The woman's eyes fluttered and twinkled with violet malice. Strands of saliva ran down her heaving melons, so round and soft that the dark prince could not help but drift on a cloud of pleasure.

"Thank you master... for making me like this." she purred, before swallowing up his shaft once more.

Melehan groaned and gestured for one of Kamera's household servants to come near. "Rivius... come."

The pale eunuch hobbled from the shadows, his face still scraped and sore from when Melehan and Carnarent launched their assault upon Kamera's abode, looting timeless treasures and slaying her strong and silent knightly guardians.

"My... my lord." he said, his voice quivering around the syllables of a male honorific. "H-how can I be of service?"

Melehan pushed the Amazon's wet lips off his cock, squeezing her enormous and luscious bosom around his hard thickness. "Ahh... unmanly wastrel, good. Tell me of how your people came to be ruled by feral sluts."

"It is not wise for my lord to call them such."

"I will call them whatever I please."

Rivius paused, his expression caught betwixt wonder and horror that one of the hallowed Amazons now serviced such an unworthy man. "It is an old story my lord, the accuracy of which may be well lost to history." Melehan gestured for him to continue on, this time pulling the corrupted Amazon onto his lap, her soft yet muscular buttocks quivering as his cock first intruded against her pink sex. "But as far as I can tell, what was once an order of esteemed witches, returning Arthur's blade to its rightful place, has over time turned into a race of most gracious and martial Amazon warrior queens."

Melehan chuckled, filling up his palms with the Amazon's over abundant breasts, her supple flesh pouring through his fingers. "Fascinating... but what was it that turned noble witch to over-proud savage slut?"

"Oh..." said Rivius, caught in rapt fascination of how the Amazon's soft bubble butt rose up and down the dark prince's tool. "I believe it is the Lake, my lord... that conferred such power and holy enchantment."

"Ahh... I should like to see it."

Rivius coughed violently, the mere idea robbing him of breath. "My lord! There are rules... rites... not since... since time itself began has a man beheld the Lake and soiled it with his impure eyes!"

Melehan hugged the Amazon tight and thrust up, making a powerful moan erupt from her lips, her giant breasts billowing out to the sides against his chest. He moved his gaze away from her face, beauteous and pleasure struck, and looked Rivius square in the eye. "Do I look like a man who cares for rules, eunuch? I will see the Lake... and do so much more."

"By the Goddess! Save us from such... heathens!" wailed Rivius, falling down upon his white robes, sobbing as all that he held precious in the world crumbled around him.

At once the doors burst in the luxurious apartment, sending splinters flying and one hefty chunk straight through Rivius's heart. He had no more begun coughing on his own blood when Captain Honora stepped through the shattered portal, another Amazon right behind her.

"Melehan!" screamed the captain. "By your mistress's misconduct, your life is as forfeit as hers. As man slave you have no rights to trial by combat, only to death. Do you wish it a clean one?" A horrified gasp seeped from her lips when she saw the Amazon on Melehan's lap rest her head on his chest, offering her a sly smile, uncaring of all her bare and opulent curves on display. "Kamera... how could you!? His is not sanctified man flesh, not fit for scribing or copulation... he is impure..."

A twisted smile widened on Kamera's face. "Oh I know sister... it is so wonderful to be taken... defeated..." Her hand slipped down from between the twin slopes of perspiration drenched cleavage and settled around her soft belly, throbbing with shadow and amethyst light. "After he gave me the first gift... I knew I could not resist the second."

Melehan cackled. "Such anguish! It occurs to me that my father secured my mother's first army by ravishing every Tower Maiden in sight... just as I raise a new crop of bastardy among the Amazons! History repeats itself! Speaking of which," he looked over his shoulder and shouted, "Carnarent! Get out here you lusting wretch! It's time for work!"

The gray skinned demon warrior of the Black Moon's elder days emerged from the shadows, shirtless and muscled, his black eyes beheld the Amazons with wanton desire. "Your order, my liege?"

Melehan twirled his finger through Kamera's smooth sable locks, settling his hand on her smooth shoulder. "Acquaint yourself with the captain's friend... the good Captain Honora herself needs the king's justice, which the king shall deliver!"

Honora glowered at Kamera and Melehan and then screamed. "We shall never have a king!"

Melehan yawned. "Times change, woman. Times change." At once he tossed Kamera off his lap and swatted Honora's fists aside with lightning speed and thunderous strength. Before the captain had realized it, Melehan's hand was already around her neck. "Accept your fate." he whispered.

"No!" she bellowed, taking him to the ground, the giant mounds of her tits bobbing above Melehan's face.

"Or not." said Melehan through a grin. Behind them a clamor spread through the dwelling, shelves were knocked over and tables broken as Carnarent grappled with his prey.

Honora's lieutenant was strong, fighting Carnarent with the strength born of enchanted waters. But that which had so strengthened her, had also beautified her with high cheekbones, gorgeous lips and fertile hips, all of which moved Carnarent to possess her with insane fervor.

The titanic slopes of her bosom heaved and jiggled to her struggle, twin bronze swells threatening to spill out of her leather armor cups. Carnarent blocked her blows as much as he groped her treasures, eventually catching her long black hair and yanking her down to her knees.

Melehan watched with approval as Carnarent tore away the woman's leather chain skirt and mounted her from behind, his clawed hands cradling her ample swinging tits. The dark prince turned back to Honora, now restrained from behind by her former comrade, Kamera.

The prince smiled and ran a finger deep into enormous mounds of her cleavage, pulling at the edges of her armor. "Oh... betrayal can be so beautiful." He snapped silvered buttons and her immense breasts handled the rest, flowing forward like a feminine tide, bouncing forth into a beautiful and ample teardrop shape as her top fell to the ground.

"Kamera! Cease this madness!" cried Honora, her jiggling struggles arousing Melehan to no end. The way her heavy globes careened together, her sculpted belly twisting with a dancer's grace, all served to stoke his merciless lusts.

Kamera pressed her full bosom into Honora's back. "This is not madness, sister..." She licked Honora's ear and the captain sighed, overcome with a carnal thrill, "this is ascension."

A tear rolled down Honora's cheek as she heard her loyal lieutenant's hoarse moans, the squelch of Carnarent's shaft impaling her pussy ever present in her ears. Melehan drew up to Kamera and groped her thick tits, his palms flitting over her aroused nipples, his fingers squeezing her copious flesh.

Honora shuddered to the sensation of Melehan's cock piercing her sex. Her muscled thighs quaked and her enormous, tanned tits bounced. Melehan hugged her tight and thrust deep. Honora mewled, her pleasure struck voice tinged with hints of beautiful melody. Still, she kept her shapely legs from wrapping around the vile conqueror.

"Resist no more..." moaned Kamera, her large, round breasts widening out against Honora's muscled back.

Melehan railed her again, his manhood brimming with malevolent energy potent enough to cast even the purest being into ruin.

Honora's pure spirit burned brighter, her enchanted self sensing the shadow that stalked her innocence. "I... will... not... give in!" Her words rang with power, but fading power... some part of her, the mortal part that all Amazons imagined they had left behind, secretly craved the surrender... the shadow that would take all.

Melehan cackled and stuffed his face between her pendulous tits, his pale face swallowed up by the silken expanse of her dark bronze cleavage. His cock throbbed while her love canal undulated in turn, overcome with the shock of ecstasy.

Her inner pink walls grabbed onto his shaft with maddened fervor. Her thick thighs, soft yet muscled, slowly hugged to Melehan, closer and closer. Pleasure eroded resistance while darkness built in Melehan.

Shadows in the room deepened, taking on a violet hue. The moans of the Amazons morphed into something sonorous and hollow, the sound of souls on the verge of damnation. Whispers carrying the essence of evil itself floated into the air.

Carnarent was the first to rip the bloom of goodness from the abode. He yanked his woman by the hair, pulling her sinuous back to his chest while his free hand molested her upturned globes, fingers sinking deep into her plump peaks of femininity.

And then he came.

A malevolent roar issued from his lips just as vile seed spurt from his manhood. The Amazon quivered and slumped her head to the powerful evil that invaded her body, each hot rope of dark essence planted in her womb ensuring her fate more than the last.

"Liranne!" wailed Honora, her voice fraught with pleasure. "Fight it!"

"I can't..." gasped Liranne, strands of drool falling from her lips onto her full, swinging breasts, "too good!" Her body stiffened as shadows swam underneath her skin, stealing color and vitality. Violet light pulsed forth from her glassy eyes while a strange smirk curled her lips. "Too... good..." she gasped.

Melehan laughed and cupped Honora's bulbous ass cheeks, holding her tight, his member as deep as possible. "Rejoice wench! What comes for her comes for you!" He squeezed her voluptuous buttocks hard and held himself deep inside her, his cock spurting seething shadows into her nubile body, ripe for defilement.

"Noooo!" screamed Honora, her voice cracking with ecstasy. Her giant breasts billowed out against Melehan's chest while her body seized up, wracked by the spreading corruption.

Her noble heart, so seasoned with dutiful service and sisterly love to her fellow Amazons, shuddered before this evil of the ages. She twitched in his grip, while hushed gasps of orgasmic pleasure seeped from her full lips. "By the Goddess..." she whispered, her voice weak and euphoric.

Melehan pumped her over and over, driven by primal male instinct to thrust deep. The dark prince groaned and squeezed her heavy tits tight, leaving fleeting finger prints across her sweet, round flesh. Honora convulsed in his grasp, her arms futilely trying to push away, her fate sealed.

"Ohhhh..." she moaned, her voice trailing into deep and unholy notes. Her lush thighs clasped around the prince's waist, the excitement of her loins soaking Melehan's cock with wetness. "The darkness comes..." she said, her voice no longer her own, "and I welcome it!"

She snarled and lightly nibbled on his neck, her wide hips slamming against Melehan with a new carnal fury, her lusts overcome with the burning joy of submission. Her immense breasts, once honey bronze, slowly lost their vital glow, fading to a soft, milky hue, her hard nipples darkening in time to her lips, supple and as dark as night.

The prince's climax continued, pumping the conquered Amazon with gout after gout of his evil seed into her hot depths. The contractions of her silken walls took his spend deep into her womb, where dark and shadowed life soon took root. She climaxed again at the idea of carrying his young, and realized how right Kamera was.

There was no pleasure like the pleasure of defeat.

Melehan's muscular form held her aloft, pouring pleasure and darkness into the Amazon's body. She shook and wailed atop him, her pale globes bouncing with mesmerizing rhythm. Streams of Melehan's shadowy seed curved along her thighs; her round, soft ass cheeks jiggled to their slams against Melehan's cock all the while.

The dark prince slid his member out and let her slump to the ground. Honora writhed in evil joy, a strange smile upon her face. Her sinuous belly twisted and undulated to the sensual rhythm that surged through her body. The Amazon's fingers and toes curled, her ivory skin gleaming as if coated in oil, her immense breasts shining like teardrops from the Goddess.

And then she stiffened, a sudden gasp rushing past her dark lips, her eyes fluttering.

Breath returned.

She rose off the floor with a serpent's grace, her supple back curving, round breasts bobbing. When she opened her eyes, they burned with the same vile purple light that had stricken such fear into Camelot for ages.

She was a captain no more.

Melehan sighed with satisfaction and reclined into a cushion while Kamera's arms and ample bosom cradled his head. Honora's comrade, Liranne, sauntered from the shadows and knelt down, laying upon the former captain, locking soft legs and moist lips, the two writhing like snakes, moaning like lascivious maidens.

"What is your will now, my king?" whispered Kamera into Melehan's ear.

The prince's grin grew maniacal as he beheld the voluptuous Amazons clutch each other, their enormous tits swelling out to their erotic press. "There is a Lake here, slave. And a Lady in it." He turned his head to her. "I should like to see them."

Kamera's eyes glittered like cruel and cold stars. "As my king commands..."


Empress Cella entered the arena resplendent, her amber ringlets cascading down golden shoulders like long waves of molten copper. Her titanic breasts were pressed together by a red leopard hide, succulent and round they sat high on her chest and made a deep canyon of cleavage for silver and crimson pearls to hide in.

Twinkling eyes and elegant cheekbones were held in shadow over a leopard head draped crown. Green and blue feathers notched with silver ringlets jangled over her round and wide hips. Her honey gold buttocks jutted out, pert and high, their juicy roundness glimpsed beneath the shifting feathers and silver chain.

All the Amazons watched in silence, having no doubt that Cella was indeed anointed by the Goddess herself, if not her daughter.

Braya was as a dirty vagabond before such majesty. Her voluptuousness was not dressed up like the Amazon Empress, but on full display. Her chainmail bra and g-string covered little, exposing a muscular yet buxom physique. Morgana's spirit in her flesh had done much to sap her of her bronzed glow, leaving an enchanted paleness that left her abundant cleavage seem as pure ivory, her sculpted stomach and thick thighs like carved marble.

Splotches of grime and soot still clung to her curves, the she-barbarian not even having time to bathe from her long journey before offending the Empress into a fight to the death. Braya drew her blade and stared down Cella. "You fight with no weapon?"

The audience laughed at once while the Empress turned up her nose and beheld Braya haughtily. "We do not lower ourselves with blades. They are the weapons of men and slaves." She stepped forward, her huge tits bobbing together like soft globes of caramel. "Here... we are the weapons."

Levina spewed out her wine among the crowd. Braya smiled and then laughed. "Here... you'll be dead. Come, fight me like a fool and taste a real weapon!" Cella screamed at her provocation and rushed forward in a blind rage.

Braya readied her blade, waiting for the Amazon to deliver death unto herself, until her sword arm weakened with a familiar tingle. "No..." she whispered. I don't need her dead... but I do need her close. Braya planted her sword in the sand and brought up her hands. "You're robbing me of my glory!"

Yours comes second to mine. As does your will.

Braya moaned as eddies of violet light swirled into her eyes, the shadows darkening across her face. She caught Cella's titanic blow with one hand, but not without the Amazon's sheer power rattling her bones.

Morgana's magic kept her host on her feet, after which Braya wrapped her arms around Cella's neck and took her to the ground. Both rolled in the dirt. Cella's feathered skirt began to come undone, her leopard hood falling away to reveal a beatific face of dark jade eyes and sweet, full lips.

The two wrapped their legs around each other while the Amazon crowd watched intently. Dust kicked up and their regalia snapped and slackened. Braya's bra was the first to come undone. Her creamy melons spilled out from their chainmail cups and swung above Cella's face, almost tauntingly.

Cella scowled at the large globes that smacked softly at her cheeks. She choked Braya with her magical strength, her powerful legs wrapped around Braya's midsection with bone crushing force. The crowd howled with triumph, expecting a quick death and another glory to Cella's name.

But something curious happened.

Braya did not buckle under Cella's onslaught. Morgana's sorceries fortified her flesh, while Braya began to slide her leg against Cella's crotch. The chafing movement pushed away feathers and pale chain, leaving only a thin layer of leather between Braya's thigh and the Empress's slit.

All the audience watched in puzzlement and silence. "What are you doing!?" bellowed Cella. Morgana willed that Braya be silent, focused on her grinding against the Empress. Cella strained more to end Braya's life, while Braya leaned in closer and closer, her round and puffy tits filling up the Empress's vision.

Slow, almost imperceptible lines of sensual sorcery streamed off Braya's sculpted body, little rivers of violet magic that snaked off her arms and legs and onto Cella's. The Empress did not feel it at first, mistaking the growing heat in her body as the heat of bloodlust, the tingles under her skin the anticipation of victory, the trembling in her limbs from her enchanted strength.

But there was no mistaking the moistening of her pussy and the minute quivers within, aching for satiation. The crowd themselves thought they were subject to some great joke when the furious groans of the combatants turned into carnal moans.

Amazons watched slack jawed, slaves blushed and eunuchs looked on longingly. Only Levina recognized the threat Braya posed. The demon touched witch moved through the crowd to intervene, only to be blocked by the silent knights in pale armor.

"Let me through!" she cried. "Your majesty is in great danger!" She muttered incantations under her breath, ready to blast through if need be to save the key to all her ambitions.

More knights surged forward and blocked off the witch, their white plate armor glowing with protective runes at the sight of Levina's growing enchantment. At that, she backed down and retreated into the crowd.

The Empress was never to be denied her glory.

On the arena floor, Empress Cella wallowed in a dark and euphoric dream. Her gracile hands ran along Braya's toned flanks, skimming along silky skin, feeling the slight rise and fall of muscle, the soft plenty of the she-barbarian's thick buttocks. It did not occur to her that she was already doomed, her crushing legs exerting a pressure more gentle, sliding sensuously against Braya's sweaty skin.

Her eyes went glassy as Braya went down. The feel of the warrior's heavy, perspiration drenched breasts sliding down her soft flesh numbed her struggles, the thought of victory over the chesty savage drifting further and further away. She gasped to Braya's tongue, lashing her mound and then her engorged lips.

The Empress arched her back, sending her giant and proud tits careening against each other, her round ass cheeks tensing into a perfect bubble shape. Braya moaned in between her legs, her breath hot against her flowing pussy. She convulsed under the barbarian's tongue, her thighs and hips burning with yearning.