Paradise Found


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Braya licked even harder, her hands sweeping up Cella's soaked thighs and onto her heavy globes, sinking her fingers deep into her generous bosom. Cella quivered, her hands taking fistfuls of sand as her fertile hips tried to buck, held down by Braya's arms, her tongue merciless.

"Ohhh... yes!" moaned the Empress, as intense pleasure sung through every nerve. Honey sweet nectar sprayed from her loins while hoarse and animalistic sounds of joy sprung from her lips. Beneath the fire of her release, something else eluded her notice... something as sensual and soft as a maiden's skin, yet as cool and thick as witch's velvet.

A shadow, seducing her flesh with its dark touch, slowly prying open her soul for the final conquest.

Braya slid up from the Empress's quivering slit, letting her full breasts slide and press against the woman's writhing midsection. She squeezed together Cella's plump, colossal tits with a fervor that was not her own. She was ashamed of her wanton needs. The old Braya would not have done this. But then again... the old Braya was dead, the moment Morgana played on her greed for glory.

Both the lovers panted, their skin soaked in sweat and caked in sand, their ample melons squeezed together like sets of warring peaks. Beneath the notice of all, was when Braya's vaginal lips connected with Cella's pussy, locked to her glistening flesh.

Empress Cella floated on a cloud of pleasure, her intense hatred of before evaporated. She saw her dirtied and bruised foe as the most beautiful creature on this earth. A dim smile lighted her face, her eyes dull and glassy. "Who... who are you?" she said, her voice as soft as the legs that writhed with hers now, as soft as the ripe ass cheeks that flowed between her grasping fingers.

The she-barbarian smiled a smile that was both horrific and beautiful. The shadows under Braya's cheekbones darkened, the hollows of her eyes as black as the void but for the searing purples of her irises, as bright as furious comets. She clutched Cella's head close and peered into her slack eyes.

"Who am I?" said Braya, her voice the musical tones of another. "I am the shadow that drapes the land, that haunts the hearts of the noble, the temptation that sings in the ears of all that is good, the devourer, the corrupter and violator... I am the Black Moon incarnate! I am Morgana!"

Cella gasped and trembled, her giant breasts rustling beneath Braya's own tremendous pair. "No..." she said weakly. "You're... you're dead..."

"I am eternal. Your flesh is mine, your soul is mine... your empire is mine." Braya's eyes glinted cruelly. "Like this one, your pride is your downfall." Braya licked along Cella's smooth neck. "Let your fears die in my caress... and relax."

Both women stiffened at once. Braya arched her back, pushing her copious bosom out, her lips parted as mind splitting pleasure stormed through her body. The flow of feeling was downward, the tingling ecstasy reducing her to quivering and moaning mess. Empress Cella's eyes rolled back into her head, her hips bucking off the ground to receive more of Braya's 'gift'.

Pure evil flowed into the imperial Amazon. She flopped on the ground, her body overcome with orgasmic shivers. Animalistic and primal moans slipped from her mouth. Braya fell over Cella once more, smothering the Amazon's face between the softness of her immense tits.

Both clutched each other hard, both enamored and enthralled with the feel of giving and receiving. Braya grew more and more pale, her motions growing weaker and weaker, while Cella grew more frenzied.

Cella's glazed eyes were at odds with her bucking hips, her conquered mind completely given over to Morgana's seduction. Her moans were loud and submissive, while Braya was nearly silent, her face emotionless as dark vitality abandoned her. The barbarian's eyes rolled back into her head from the sheer stimulation of Morgana's spirit fleeing her flesh and from the perverse pleasure of feeling it taint Cella's innocence.

Shadows swept under the Amazon's skin. Her veins blackened with corruption, while her magnificent breasts, so golden before, turned a shade lighter. Cella felt Morgana's evil come for her soul. She offered no fight, having given all for pleasure long before the sorceress came for her prize. With a moan she relented, her memories and virtue consumed before Morgana's long shadow, and devoured so gently and sensually that the Empress was unaware of where she began and Morgana ended, unaware up to the point where Morgana took all, obliterating every trace of the old Cella from her body.

Braya slumped over Cella, gray and dark eyed, her long, unruly locks sporting more white stripes. Cella smiled, her eyes like purple tinted opals. "Now I told you it would be like this..." she whispered, holding Braya's face close. "I told you I would find a more worthy shell. Here your saga ends, Braya of the Eastern clans."

Braya looked on blankly, her breath shallow.

"We had our disagreements, but you were a good slave. And I am a generous mistress. I will spread your tales in song. The tale of how you challenged me, of how you burned Avalon to the ground, of how you died to the Empress of Amazonia... it is a fitting legend, no?"

Braya could say nothing, her life force but a ravaged husk after Morgana's long stay. But she did smile slightly. And then gave one long breath, off to go where barbarians go, among her family and clan, where light reigns eternal, as eternal as her legacy among mortals.

"I thought so." said Morgana. She pushed the barbarian's corpse off and rose off the ground with fluid grace. She strutted around the arena in all her nude grandeur and then stopped. Her hands shot up before the crowd and all ululated their adoration. "It is done! The outlander bitch is dead!"

Morgana basked in their cheers and threw her head back, smiling. It had been so long since she had total control, so long since she was loved by so many. When she lowered her head the crowd seemed much the same as when the fight began.

But for one little thing.

Levina was gone.


Melehan sat astride Carnarent, with three Amazons in tow. Before him spread the Lake, a shimmering band of silver, surrounded on all sides by bright green trees. They rustled and bent in the wind, mysterious lights hung between the branches, lending the land a mystical aura.

Melehan's eyes narrowed at the hulking knights at the end of the road, unsheathing blades at his approach. Their white armor shined diffused green under the enchanted illumination. "Handle them." he said, his voice cold and in no mood for swordplay.

The Amazons obeyed and rode ahead of him. The knights lowered their blades at their approach, only for the Amazon's to rip their hearts out a moment later. Their hearts were like smoking meteors that burned blue, pulled from armor that held nothing else but emptiness.

But perhaps those suits held more, for when Melehan galloped by, he heard their pained and ghostly rasps from hollow helms, saying nothing but "My... lady..."

Melehan smiled as he came closer to the Lake. "Fools." The Amazons waited for him as he dismounted Carnarent. Melehan thumbed the demon fanged pendant his mother gave him and watched the shining Lake closely. "The moment of truth... of conquest."

Honora, Kamera and Liranne knelt as he passed by and waded into the water. Melehan grimaced to the purity of the water. It made his foul black armor steam and rust, but still he pressed on. "Lady of the Lake!" he bellowed. "I am here to claim what is mine! I have carved my way across all of Camelot for the prize of prizes!"

Silence hung in the air for long moments. Melehan screamed again, this time with anguish, as the purity of the water began to sting his skin.

Melehan shouted once more, stomping about, making the Lake splash and ripple. "Lady in the L-"

"Do you seek Excalibur?" said a voice as hushed as snowfall.

Melehan turned and squinted, his eyes stung by the brightness of her virtue. "I seek..." he searched for words, near overwhelmed by her beauty. Diaphanous silk clung wetly to full breasts, hair like white gold ran down to exquisite hips and a thin waist. Her face was heart shaped, her features gentle, eyes like diamonds and lips like spring rose petals. "I seek something greater." he said, his voice more sure.

She sighed, her voice full of sadness. "There is nothing greater, mighty warrior... not that I could give it, for you are not King Arthur."

Melehan smiled darkly and placed a black gauntlet on her shoulder. "Oh there is something greater. It is not for you to give, but for me to take..."

"I don't understand..." she said, her innocence greater than her wisdom, all the while Melehan drew her in...


Morgana stormed the Temple of the Goddess, her Amazons none the wiser that their true Empress was no more. "She is here! The Camelot heathen! I know it..."

Nara, one of the Amazon warrior elite, sauntered up behind Morgana."But my majesty, is it not our way to guide those on the witch path?" Confusion marked the woman's face as much as beauty marked her body, a figure of towering legs, ample and sleek curves, a bosom as generous as any, though dwarfed by the Empress's titanic and perky breasts.

Morgana's eyes narrowed. "She turned from that path long ago, onto a way more demon haunted and forbidden..." She looked around the braziers, the great pools that stretched across the temple, the long balconies that bordered its edges and saw not a soul. "Where are the priestesses?"

"I... don't know. It's never been this empty..." said Nara, her emerald eyes searching the shadows. The Amazonian band grew more agitated and fearful as one, their brave hearts undermined by the unknown, their souls irresistibly drawn to the call of doom and destiny that echoed in the very stones.

Claps resounded in the dark. "Oh Morgana... you just don't know when to die, do you?" Priestesses of the Goddess emerged from the dark. Or rather, what used to be the Priestesses of the Goddess. Their cerulean dresses clashed starkly against blood red complexions, their wreathes disturbed by fresh sprouted horns atop their heads, their eyes aglow with the fire of hells too numerous to name.

Morgana eyed the she-demons wearily, but kept her composure. "I am the Empress Cella, demon. And I do not traffic in lies, your life is forfeit."

Laughter came from the behind the corrupted priestesses, followed by the tall silhouette of none other than Levina herself. Wings of ethereal shadow floated behind the dusky witch, while intricate tattoos writhed and wrapped around the round flesh of her enormous tits. Orange hellfire light pulsed beneath her skin, her deep and bulging cleavage jiggling with every step.

Levina strutted to the front of her converts. Her coppery complexion lent her distinction among her followers, her robust form radiating a sense of tremendous of power despite being in the shadow of the Empress's Amazonian height. Her lustrous mane of raven locks curved along her ripe breasts, a succulence that could elicit envy from the other Amazons but not the Empress. "I do admire your tenacity, Morgana. But this is where it ends..."

Morgana grinned. "For you, perhaps."

"Why does she call you by that accursed name?" said the Amazon behind Morgana, fire haired and adorned in ruby notched leathers.

Morgana glanced at the inquisitive Amazon. "Because she is deluded and cannot help but see evil everywhere she looks, even in nobility."

Levina cackled, her huge breasts bobbing to malefic laughter. "I'll handle the false Empress... turn the rest."

The she-demons shrieked at once and shot forward. Some Amazons checked their advance with blows to their pretty faces, hurling others into the glittering pools. Not all were so lucky.

To her right, Morgana saw one of her honor guard taken to the ground. The busty red succubus straddled the proud woman, massive crimson tits heaving, her face alight with lust. The Amazon struggled futilely.

Struggles became spasms when the succubus shot her phallic tail up the Amazon's womanhood, rutting her like some common animal. The demon's fangs bit into her lip, her head flung back as her grabbing hands sank deep into the Amazon's buxom chest. She moaned furiously, her hips bucking, tail thrusting to great squirts of her victim's arousal.

The Amazon shuddered, her face twisted with tortured pleasure, her lips leaking a steady stream of whimpers and helpless moans.

"Fight, damn you! Fight!" shouted Nara from behind Morgana, as more and more of the combat devolved from fighting to fucking.

Morgana snapped the necks of two succubi with her enchanted strength just in time to witness the fate of her honor guard.

The Amazon's eyes were lost and glassy. The succubus licked her neck, her red fingers rising through the warrior's long black locks. "Fight no more... become like us..." The succubus's tail jerked, orange light pulsed down its length and flowed deep into the Amazon's twisting belly.

"Oh... Goddess... no... no..." said the Amazon, her voice low and broken. A sudden gasp seized her; her back arched, heavy and full breasts wobbled atop her chest while hot shadows rose from underneath her flesh.

Morgana beheld the spectacle with awe. The way those curved horns rose from the Amazon's brow, how her veins flashed with fire, her skin darkening to a brilliant and bloody red hue. As those numbed eyes flared with infernal light, Morgana felt something akin to fear for the first time in a long time.

"Morgana!" cried the voice of Levina. "Your time has come!"

Morgana turned and looked down Levina, her face delving into shadow while lavender swirls clouded her irises. "As has yours." Purple tinged shadows built in one hand, rosy light grew in the other.

The clash between sorceress and demoness began.


The Lady in the Lake beat against Melehan's chest, no mightier than the fall of raindrops, her hands meant more for the caress than cruelty. The dark prince cackled, grabbing handfuls of her pert and ripe bottom, his black gauntlets stark against her creamy buttocks.

His chest plate melted away like night before dawn, revealing a broad chest, pale and scarred from centuries of battle. The ivory orbs of her breasts squeezed against his hard muscle, soft and glistening with dew. Both stood in the water, the Amazons and Carnarent watching on from the shore.

Melehan pulled the woman closer, his turgid cock rising up between her thighs. Her dripping slit, the insistent and helpless whimpers that came from her lips, all served to madden his lusts. Slowly he pressed the tip in, sliding her on by his grip on her satin soft ass cheeks.

The Lady's expression turned to shock at the feel of such penetration. A gasp sprung from her lips when he rammed into her, his thick cock widening out her untouched love canal. He wrapped a rough hand around one of her glossy locks, pulling her lustrous hair as he pumped into her pussy with a savage's ferocity, deep, hard and without mercy.

Such animalistic coupling awakened something low and carnal in the pure one. Cheeks blushed redly, stifled groans soothed into honey sweet moans, and juices rushed to greet her thrusting conqueror. She was slammed breathlessly against his chest, up and down his rippling length, her great and plump breasts bouncing together.

Her whole body shuddered, her back curled and virtue, now stolen, gave way to instinct. Her hips squirmed with desire, shapely thighs met each deep thrust, her eyes abandoned fear and filled with insatiable, carnal longing. Only terror ran through her soul, at this irresistible urge, so alien to her chaste and noble desires.

The Lady's body flopped like a supple marionette to Melehan's violations. Arms flailed, fingers curled while her lush hips bucked back and forth, innocent and diamond bright eyes rolled back into her head. Her long locks, now messy and damp, draped her shoulders and stuck to her flushed, pleasure struck face.

Melehan picked her up by the legs, bouncing her up and down upon his swollen cock. She wrapped her thighs around his waist, riding him like a stallion, moaning lasciviously all the while, aching to have him deeper and deeper. The Lady's musical notes of pleasure, tinged with the growing darkness that loomed over her heart, sent jagged ripples across the glassy Lake.

Beneath those moans and squeals, were the driving grunts and groans of Melehan, his body strained and seethed with the carnal darkness that would soon stain the ivory light of the Lady's soul. He pulled her against himself tight, the soft and warm globes of her bosom molded against his chest; the wet, silken walls of her womanhood clenched around his cock.

"Take it all!" roared the warrior prince, unloading a boiling torrent of vile seed into her pure womb. Blast after blast of Melehan's searing and shadowy essence sent her reeling into unimaginable ecstasy, setting her limbs aquiver, her lips singing such songs of delirious joy.

Hushed and ethereal whispers raced across the water, strange sounds growled from the Lady's belly while purple luminescence and black shadow swirled underneath, evil life blooming in a pure and fertile garden. Hairs rose on her neck to the thrill of being so tainted, a fall so profound, there was no coming back... no redemption.

Wanton urges flashed through her soul, her memories of dutiful and righteous service burnt away. "Ohhh... yes... YESSS!" She raked her fingers down his back, her pussy caught in a series of rapid contractions, eager to milk him for every last drop of his dark seed. With every breath, sigh and moan, the light was torn from her, and darkness filled its stead.

Her complexion, so immaculate and luminous, lost its light like a dimmed star and took on the quality of pearl.

Shadows clouded under her porcelain skin and swept up her hair like a tide of night. Orgasmic pleasure ripped through her, eyes exploded with malevolent violet light to the sound of howling ecstasy. All the while dark veins reached up her arms, spreading across her twisting stomach and over the royal heir Melehan had sowed that night.

He dropped her corrupted form into the Lake, and at once a shockwave ran across its surface. Melehan pulled off his mother's necklace and held it over the thrashing Lady. With each swing of her arms, kick of her legs, she sent black water scattering high into the air, only her demented moans of joy went higher.

The demon pendant glowed hotter and hotter, its eyes burning purple, its sharp cheekbones burning orange-red with the sheer amount of power flowing through it. All around, light and cheer drained from the surrounding forest. The ethereal gleam fled from leaves, birds of a thousand colors dropped dead or turned as black as burnt crows. The Lake itself began to bubble, its twinkling ripples dimming into dark muck. Sound died all around, but for the Lady's cries and squeals of carnal surrender.

And then that too faded, the Lady falling beneath the water, until only stillness remained. The Lake shone like a giant opal, dark and impenetrable.

Melehan peered deep into the water. Nothing but the abyss peered back... and two lights, amethyst twins of malevolence that almost rivaled his own.

Slowly, the Lady rose from her Lake. Soaked and nude, black droplets fell from her round and ample tits, streaming down a smooth belly and across creamy thighs. Her hair was as black as the oil that now spread across all her realm, her eyes burning with an intensity that Melehan had not seen for years.

"Thank you, master." Steam hissed from a fanged mouth, her voice more sensual than sweet.

"No," said Melehan, looking to the star bright pendant, "thank you." At that he muttered a slight incantation; light fled from the scorching demon head and shot forth to the great capital of Amazonia.