Party of Five Ch. 15


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It turned out that Dawn was quite serious about taking Josh driving; it also turned out that she was less serious about actually teaching him to drive. She came home on Friday evening and asked Josh whether he wanted to go driving for a while, only a few minutes after she'd stepped in the door.

"You don't mind, do you, mom?" she asked Laura.

"Of course not," Laura replied. "I think it's very nice that you want to spend some time with your brother."

"Oh, I do," Dawn replied mischievously. "He's cool." She laughed as Josh narrowed his eyes menacingly at her.

"Leave him alone, Dawn," Jacquie put in.

"I just want to take him driving," Dawn replied defensively. "He might as well learnsomething from me, seeing as he never picked up my fashion sense."

"Mini-skirts tend not to suit me," Josh quipped.

"Oh, I don't know," said Dawn. "A bit of a wax, a nice diet…you could really pull the guys if you wanted to."

"Dawn," Laura chided her gently.

"Come on," Dawn said finally, starting towards the door with her keys. Josh sighed and followed reluctantly. Luckily, Alice was in the study doing homework so he didn't have to worry about her knowing gaze.

"Just remember," Jacquie called after them, "I don't think your insurance will cover it if you killeach other!"

Josh closed the door behind him and started down the driveway to Dawn's car. It was still light out, the days extended by the presence of summer. Sunset was possibly an hour or two off, Josh guessed. Right now, the sky was a brilliant melange of oranges and reds, as though the sun wanted to go out with a bang. Josh suspected Dawn of wanting something similar. He opened the passenger side door and hopped in beside her.

"Are you really taking me driving?" he asked sceptically.

"If you want me to," Dawn replied, buckling her seat belt and checking her hair in the rear view mirror. There was no need to, of course – it was perfect, as usual. "But there's something much more interesting that I want to do with you," she added

"You can cut the ambiguity, you know," said Josh. "It's not like I don't know what you're talking about."

"Well, you're no fun, are you," said Dawn, backing the car out of the driveway. "You weren't exactly upset about coming, though, were you?"

"At heart, I'm still a guy," Josh replied.

"Really? I'd never have guessed."

"Very funny. I thought you'd graduated past gender jokes."

"You know me, Josh," Dawn replied, "I'm all about the classics." They drove for several streets before she spoke again. "So where should we go?" she asked. "It's too bad we don't have a make-out peak or something like they do in the movies. I guess this will have to do."

Josh realised with shock that Dawn had parked outside his school, the exact same place she had last time when she had treated Josh to an early morning blowjob. The place was deserted this time, the school shut down for the day. Dawn cut the engine and immediately started scurrying between the seats into the back. "Come on," she said to Josh. He sighed and followed her. "Oh, don't pretend you don't want to," said Dawn. "I can tell you're hard already."

Josh looked down at his crotch. "How the hell can you tell that?"

"Sisterly intuition," Dawn replied with a giggle. "Now let me make that better." Her hands went straight to Josh's fly and started to unbutton it. Within moments she had his cock free of his trousers and was gripping it firmly in her fist.

"See!" she said. "He's ready and willing."

"Just because I'm hard, doesn't mean that I want you to blow me," said Josh, though it was a blatant lie. Perhaps, in a parallel universe in which the girl before him was anyone but Dawn, it may have been true, but right now he would have begged her to put her lips on his cock. Of course, he couldn't tellher that.

"Well, who else is going to suck this for you if I don't?" Dawn asked, moving her hand up and down Josh's cock.

"Jacquie did," Josh replied shortly.

Dawn looked up. "She did?" Josh nodded as Dawn began to smile. "And was it as good as when I do it?"

"I told you, Dawn, I amnot going to compare you to each other."

"Don't you ever get tired of being polite?"

"Don't you ever get tired of beingimpolite?"

Dawn sighed in exasperation. "Well, I'mcurious. Does she do anything differently?"

"She doesn't swallow," Josh replied.

"What!" Dawn said incredulously. "Why not?"

Josh shrugged. "She said she doesn't like the taste."

"Crazy girl," said Dawn, rubbing Josh's cock along her cheek. "I could live on this stuff."

"Yes, well, we're not all as flexible with our diets as you are," Josh replied somewhat unevenly, now that his cock was making contact with Dawn's gorgeous face. Her skin was like nothing he'd ever felt before.

"Have you eaten her out yet?" she inquired.

"No. But she said she wanted me to next time we're alone."

"Really?" said Dawn. "Well, then I'd better give you some practice." She tucked Josh's cock back into his underwear (to Josh's immense disappointment) and reclined back on the seat with her legs spread. She pushed her skirt down her legs and then lifted her top off, now wearing only her bra and panties – crimson, like the first pair Josh had ever seen her in.

"I thought you said I was good at it," said Josh in a slightly wounded tone.

"Yeah, but there's always room to improve," Dawn replied. "And think how much Jacquie will thank you when you do it like an expert the very first time. Come on." She beckoned him forward. Josh shifted his position until he was kneeling on the seat with his head between Dawn's legs. He slowly slid her panties down and inhaled the sweet scent of her pussy. It looked extremely edible, lips lying in perfect symmetry, hair completely absent. He still wondered how she had managed to avoid getting tan lines in the area, but he'd have to ask her that later.

"Okay," said Dawn, as though preparing to teach him algebra, "the best thing you can do is pay attention to the clit. More than anything else you want to stimulate that. But it's boring if you go straight there so you have to tease her first. Remember to lick your fingers or wet them if you're going to touch her pussy, as well." Dawn shifted her position slightly so that she was resting on her elbows. "So…maybe lick around the inside of her thighs for a while and go close to her pussy but don't touch it just yet."

Josh smiled vaguely at how strange and exhilarating it was to hear Dawn talking about Jacquie like that. She certainly wasn't afraid to cross the boundaries of taboo. He lowered his mouth and slid his tongue around the inside of her thighs as well as sucked the skin into his mouth.

"That's good," Dawn commented. "Do it like that. That's nice. Just make sure she gets wet first, okay. Once she is, you can start licking her lips and all over her pussy, but leave the clit till last." Josh moved his mouth up to Dawn's opening and did as she'd said; just as he'd done every other time he'd given her head.

"Anddon't stop too early!" Dawn said firmly. "If you stop before she's finished cumming,I'll kill you."

Much as Josh was curious to see Dawn burst in on him giving Jacquie head and start belting him around the ears, he nodded his assent.

"And you can do other stuff as well, don't forget," Dawn continued. "Jacquie probably likes it when you rub her tits."

Josh looked up curiously. "How would you know that?"

"Well, they are pretty big, Josh. Guys probably go straight for them every time. I used to be so jealous of her when I was growing up."

"You've always had decent sized tits," Josh pointed out.

"Yeah," said Dawn, "but I wanted them as big as hers.

"I think yours are nice," Josh replied, reaching a hand up to run it across her bra.

"Aren't you sweet," said Dawn in a sugary voice. "Now, are you gonna lick me again or do I have to do it myself?"

"How are you going to lick yourself?" Josh asked in confusion. "Not that I wouldn't want to see that."

"Just fucking lick my pussy, Josh," Dawn replied impatiently. Josh obliged and managed to elicit a few moans of pleasure from his sister.

"What about Alice's tits?" Dawn asked at length. "They're about the same size as mine. What do you think of them?"

"I told you," said Josh, blushing slightly, "I don't think about Alice like that."

"Oh, come on," Dawn replied dismissively. "I saw how red you went when she kissed you. You're even going red now! Don't tell me you don't want to rip that little dress off her and see if she really is a good girl."

"That's sick, Dawn," said Josh. Her words inevitably had an effect on him but there was no way he'drip Alice's dress off and he didn't want to find out if she was really a ‘good girl'. She was perfect just the way she was and that's all Josh cared about.

"Maybe I should put my hair into pigtails and wear a mouldy old dress," said Dawn. "You never blush like that forme."

"You don't give me a chance to blush!" Josh protested. "You're either annoying the hell out of me or trying to get my pants off – neither of them a blush-inducing situation."

"Oh, and youreally complain when I take your pants off. Poor Joshy, has to put up with his horny sister who blows him whenever he wants."

"Wheneveryou want," Josh corrected.

"It's the same thing," Dawn replied with a glint in her eye. "You and I aren't very different, Josh. We both want the same thing and we can both give it to each other. I don't have a problem with that."

"Neither do I," Josh replied, fearing he'd lost the thread of the conversation.

"Then what are you complaining about?" Dawn asked (quite irrationally, in Josh's opinion). He decided not to pursue it and licked her clit instead. "So are you sure you don't want to involve Valerie?" Dawn asked casually. "Because, you know, I have no problem with that."

Josh sighed irritably, frustrated that Dawn wouldn't let him finish what he was doing. "I don't think she's into girls," he replied, knowing how well the ‘not into incest' argument had gotten him last time.

"Even better," said Dawn. "It's always fun breaking someone in. Don't you want to see me making out with her? Maybe eating her pussy?"

To Josh's annoyance, his cock jumped shockingly inside his pants. "I swear to God, Dawn," he said, trying to remain rational.

"Okay, fine," Dawn said reluctantly. "God, any other guy would jump at the chance but you…"

"Well, I'm not any other guy," Josh replied crossly.

"I guess not," said Dawn. "Are you finished down there? Can you hurry up and make me cum so that we can make out."

"You want to make out?" Josh replied dubiously.

"Yeah. All that romantic loyalty crap is turning me on. So hurry up."


That night, Josh lay awake in bed, unable to fall asleep. He had started counting sheep but ended up counting naked Jacquies and Dawns instead. Fortunately that image didn't last long, butunfortunately, the one that replaced it was even worse, rationally speaking. No matter what he did, Josh simply couldn't stop thinking about Alice. He remembered how it had felt to have his arms around her waist and her lips touching his cheek. If he mixed all of the feelings and sensations together, he found he could come up with an extremely erotic, if inappropriate image. He rolled over to face the other wall.

It wasn't that he didn't find Alice attractive – he did – but to think of her in that way made him feel as though he were betraying her. He felt the same thing for Valerie and he would have felt it for Jacquie too if they hadn't been involved as they were. But Josh didn't think he'd feel quite as much compunction at thinking of Dawn that way, even if they weren't having sex on a regular basis. Alice, though, was different. What would she say if she knew what Josh was thinking? And whatwas he thinking? He certainly wasn't picturing doing with Alice the same things he was doing with Jacquie and Dawn. It was more like what he pictured doing with Valerie – the nice things, romantic things. Even that would disgust her though, surely.

God, Josh thought miserably,I'm such a mess. He rolled over again and thought of Jacquie. Nice, funny, reliable Jacquie. Thinking about his eldest sister always brought a smile to Josh's face. She was like his best friend –was his best friend. It used to be that he could tell Jacquie everything except for his concerns about sex and love and growing up as a teenage boy; but now he could even tell her about those things. He loved her more than he could possibly ever tell her, and depended on her just as much. But what would she think of him if she knew he was doing the same things with Dawn as he was doing with her? She had said she would understand but then she'd also said she liked having him to herself. And the fact that someone wanted Josh like that – desired him like that – made his heart warm with gratitude. It was entirely different to the way that Dawn wanted and desired him.

Dawn, Josh thought, rolling back over. Did he even need to think about her? She'd barely batted an eyelid when she'd found out about Jacquie, and she'd mentioned Alice more than once, not to mention Valerie. Dawn would go for anything. And yet, for some reason, she cared about Josh in a way similar to Jacquie and Alice. He found, if he looked deep enough, that he cared about her too, even loved her, like a brother. Sure she had made his life a living hell for eighteen years, but then he'd done the same to her, or at least tried to. And he'd long since realised that his childhood had been full of subconscious fantasies of her. They were complete opposites and they had the attraction to prove it.

Josh rolled over and thought of Valerie. His heart immediately began to beat faster. She was amazing – so smart and funny and kind. But if Jacquie or Alice would be horrified to learn of his expansive exploits, what would Valerie think? She would never speak to him again if she discovered his incestuous activities. It had come so naturally to Josh that the word ‘incest' hadn't even occurred to him until recently. But that's what he was doing. He was having sex with his own sisters. How could he expect anyone else to be able to live with that? He was having a hard enough time doing so on his own.

Miserably, Josh rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. It would be better in the morning, as it always was. The night brought thoughts of betrayal and angst and hopelessness, but the day would bring peace and happiness and most likely a lot more sex. Josh smiled at the ceiling and thought about Alice again.


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Uaskme01Uaskme01over 2 years ago

I love the story and the pace you are going at. What ever you do don't stop writing these

Lions86Lions86almost 3 years ago

this really sucks lol im starting to think is an elephant grave yard. i cant tell you the amount of good stories ive found on here just to realize they never got finished and are over 8 or more years since last being updated. i dont think ive read a single story, at least in the incest cat, that was long and actually finished.

Rockstar601Rockstar601over 5 years ago

I’m giving it a 10 for Dawn, Square Josh and Prudish Jacque, not so mich...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Josh sound like a pussy or gay. What straight guy in his right mind would keep turning Dawn down for sex. Josh is a damn dumb ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I am surprised Dawn has not taken Josh to Lara's for a threesome.

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