Patty's Eyes Pt. 03


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She didn't get any last night and she is ready for my load. I had been saving it up, so I gave her five large blasts before she gets the dribbles that run down her legs. She falls to the deck. Jackie cleans me up and Janet cleans Patty out.

Uncle Don is astonished, "Holy shit you four are nasty. I blew a load over the side just watching. My God Jack, you are one lucky son of a bitch."

Teasingly I ask, "Time to head back. Anyone remember the way?"

I smile but that did NOT amuse them. We get back and I clean the fish for dinner. They didn't catch anything huge but got some decent eating fish. Don threw some back, these are the ones he wanted, the good tasting ones. Patty came to help me. This is unusual.

Ready for the worst, "What's up babe?"

Patty is brimming with confidence, "We talked a lot this morning. My mommies are hurting a lot, I think it helped them. Usually, you decide the sleeping arrangements. For the rest of the trip, Janet and Jackie want to be together at night. They know I won't fuck Uncle Don so they are going to sleep with him meaning you get stuck with just me."

Mocking Patty, I say, "Oh, what will I do?"

She smiles.

Patty is being very wise, "I want them to heal so I thought I would let you know."

With worry, I ask, "How do you feel, my sweet little innocent angel?"

A bashful Patty answers, "Oh daddddddddd. I will be ok. They are all I know as my mom. They raised me and are good people. If my real mom trusted them after what happened, I just have to trust her. I made sure Jackie and Janet know that's how I feel."

I hug Patty, "I am so proud of you. You are wise beyond your years."

Patty is being coy, "So then you will trust our decision?"

Now I am scared, "What decision?"

Patty smiles at me, "Do you trust us?"

I am nervous, "Of course I don't."

That wasn't the answer she expected.

I continue, "You have been a very naughty girl, scheming and doing naughty things that only porn stars should do and then you certainly should not be doing those things with your father. Janet and Jackie are fragile emotionally, so no, at this moment, I do not trust you three. In general, on a normal day, I would have absolute blind trust. Just not this week."

Patty honestly answered, "Not the answer I wanted but I understand your point. Bad timing."

She helps me around the kitchen and in no time, dinner is ready. The grilled fish is absolute perfection. Easily the best I ever had. At dinner, I can tell the girls are nervous about something.

I had enough, "Ok, what is it?"

Patty rushes to answer, "This might not be the best time to ask him."

Patty and Jackie looked at each other and it was like they had a private conversation just by looking at each other.

Jackie is curious, "Between Janet, Patty, and me, which one do you like the most?"

I objected, "That's not fair, how can I pick between the three women I love the most in the world."

Jackie would not let up, she is determined, "Let me make it easier, pick between Janet and me. You have ten seconds and your life depends on it." She starts counting down, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Jack, you are dead you moron. Just pick one already."

I defend myself, "That's not fair. Your identical twins, if I picked one over the other, it would change everything forever. The one left out would resent me for breaking up our perfect life. I would rather be dead than do that to you two."

Janet looks happy, "Your right, we are a matched pair. We belong together. That's why you have to marry Patty."

How the hell did they just do that to me? They use logic and common sense. They use my love for them against me.

As the realization hits me, "Oh, my, you play dirty. I thought you two loved me and we would share forever."

Jackie looks confident, "We are."

Now I am really confused.

Uncle Don explains, "Son, I have not said much for the last several months or since I have been here. These three love you more than anything. It's the real deal boy. You have no idea how much of an influence you have had on them since you came into their life.

"Patty started the scheming to get Janet and Jackie together. They were scheming to get you and Patty together, you were scheming to get Patty to learn about sex so she would find a boyfriend. Well, I too have been scheming for many years, waiting for my opportunity. Now is the time."

Uncle Done lays it out plainly, "Patty will never date anyone in college. She is very headstrong. When a man came into her life and gave her strength, dignity, and self-worth, she transformed into a new person. She was confident and strong-willed. She knows what she wants, and she will work to get it. Jack, you have no chance to deny her. Like it or not she has attached a chain to you and thrown away the key."

Uncle Don Continues, "These two were too young when they got a child. They weren't mature enough. But damn if they didn't do a great job in raising Patty. They are stunning even today and men threw themselves at them but they liked themselves more than the men. You were the first one to break through and you did it the only way possible, through Patty. You will marry Patty, she has full tuition paid for any school based on a scholarship from my dealership, and you will continue to live with and entertain Janet and Jackie. I get the leftovers if they feel like it."

I am blown away, confused, and feeling unworthy, "WOW! This is too much, I need some time to think about this. I will be back, I guarantee it. I just need to think and there is too much beauty here that will distract me. Please give me a while."

I get up and leisurely walk away. Halfway around the island I stop, realize where I am again due to lack of wind and sit down in the sand with the waves crashing into me. I imagined a big ledger in my mind and start adding the pros and cons of the different plans. Marry Patty, marry nobody, alternate wives yearly between Janet and Jackie. Why would Patty want me? She hasn't had a chance at college kids. Do I really want her to find another guy?

So many choices, I have no idea what to do. I could do nothing. I could walk away. Could I? Why would I? Maybe they would think more clearly without me. I certainly am not worthy of them. It's pitch black out, I have been here a while I guess. I still have no answers. I hear footsteps in the sand behind me.

I call out, "I am over here."

Someone walks behind me and sits down and leans forward to hug me close to her. Huge tits smash between us.

I guess, "Janet?"

Janet confirms, "Yes dear."

I explain, "I am almost done, it got dark out here."

A confident Janet explains, "I knew where you would be. You stopped back here with Patty as well. The wind stops, it's peaceful here. A good place to think."

Janet tries to swing me towards Patty, "Don is right about almost everything, he missed on Patty."

I am surprised, "You don't think she is smart, confident, and strong?"

Janet sadly explains, "Oh no, he got all that right. What all of you don't know is that she isn't really that strong or confident. It takes a certain person believing in her unconditionally for her to have that power. Mothers and daughters talk about many things. Over the years I realized how much she depends on you. Jackie and I are strong because life made us that way. I realized way too late in her life that she is reliant too much on you. I am sorry Jack."

I share my soul, "If I were 100% honest with myself, I think I suspected it as well. I told myself she would grow out of it. But as she aged and became more special, I couldn't be a good father, I let her lean on me.

"What a horrible person I am. I did that to my own daughter. It's no wonder I am pushing her away, it's my own failing and my inability to teach her correctly. I want her to run from me because I was too weak to push her away. I can't marry her, I should be in jail."

Jackie scolds me, "Your wrong." I didn't even see or hear her sneak up on us. "She was weak from cancer, she needed you and what you did. You did what you had to do. I saw it, I knew it, and I let it happen and I would do exactly, the same thing, every time. You compliment her in every way. You two are perfect together.

"We three are great but you two are something special, something that doesn't happen often. You don't have a choice, you never did. This was written in the stars. If you aren't part of her life, she will revert back to shy insecure Patty."

I suggest, "What if we force her to go to college full time and live on campus. She can still come home on weekends. This part remains a secret. If she doesn't find a boyfriend, then I will know what you say is true and I will marry one of the three most special women in the world. Will she share me with you?"

Janet reveals, "She already said she would. She has this notion that you make us complete. She is right, we have never been happier in our lives. We are very OK with this. Uncle Don will be helping to keep us happy. He isn't you Jack but he works really hard to please us physically and that is something."

Now relaxed and feeling better, "I think it's time we go back. You two have helped me a lot. Thank you."

We walk back to the house taking the shortcut. It seems the house is about 150 yards from this space if you cross through the trees. They heard me and Jackie and found out the island isn't a circle but an oval, narrow in the middle. A short walk back to the house.

I walk in with a smile, grab Patty by the hand and say, "Good night."

Once in the room, Patty immediately starts a blowjob. She is still very inexperienced.

I coach her, "I need you to be ready for those college guys. Anyone as cute and confident as you will receive a lot of attention from the guys. More tongue. A woman can be stunning, a perfect ten, but without the confidence, her smile won't be the same, she won't have that gleam in her eye.

"She won't have that look of someone they must have. You have all of that in spades. You watch in college, there will be women just as good looking, but all eyes will be on you. Mark my words baby. Add some suction now. You will know I am close when my body starts to tense up, my cock grows slightly larger, and it gets slightly harder."

I look for understanding in her eyes, "You should know before I shoot, where you want my cum. You are in charge, you are dominant in the bedroom, you decide, not them. They can suggest but you decide and if you don't like them much, spit it out. Now start to swirl your tongue, it doesn't have to stay on the bottom all of the time."

I am coaching again, "Sucking cock is like eating pussy, variety helps, hitting different parts helps, going deep feels good. You can learn a lot by sucking a variety of dicks, every guy has suggestions and likes different things. Cock sucking is a skill and practice makes you better. Your mothers had a lot of practice in college and learned many things, they can give you pointers, especially Janet.

"I think she liked it more or had more experience because she can drain me in three minutes if she wants to. More ass play will make it more pleasurable as well. It won't be long baby, you have me close."

She starts her best Hoover imitation and that does it, she drains me of four good ropes of cum, filling her mouth with a nice load. She audibly slurps it down and finishes off with smacking her lips.

Patty is excited, "Yummy. When do we get married?"

I sadly answer, "We don't baby."

She looks so sad like I just killed her puppy. A tear forms in her eye.

I smile at her, "Let me continue." Now there was eternal hope in her face. "You are going to a four-year college. You will stay on campus. If you live close enough to safely come home on weekends you may. You will come home for all holidays. If at the end of four years you have not found someone we will discuss, and I think you find me much more receptive to the idea."

She won the lottery, it was that kind of smile. She jumps into my arms, holds me, and then kisses me.

I am serious with her, "Baby, I want you to enjoy college. It is one of the best times of your life. You will make special friends there that will alter your life. Do whatever you want and enjoy whatever and whoever you want. I will still be here for you no matter what. I am your father, I raised you, that doesn't stop because you hit 18 or go to college."

I fondly think back, "I still see that shy little bald girl in the restaurant with those gorgeous blue eyes. You will always be part of my life and I yours. I expect an email, text messages, photos, video messages, the whole bit. I don't want you feeling alone at college. However, a girl like you will only be alone if you want to be. Men and women will be hitting on you. Variety is the spice of life, I expect you to live it up."

Patty is relieved, "Dad, you talk too much, I just want you to fuck me good right now."

I knowingly smirk, "Sorry Patty, I can't do that." She again went sad. "I have to eat you first, that's how dad rolls. You need to be shown proper respect. Nobody fucks my girl without eating her first."

I push her down on the bed, I get down between her legs and start off with a tender caress but then change my style and go to a quick, frantic, quick moving tongue. Two or three times my typical speed. Almost immediately she is breathing hard and grunting.

Patty is shocked, "What the fuck dad. Who is this?"

I say in my Zen master voice, "Many styles" into her snatch but all she heard was "M ... E ... S ... I."

I pull out, "Many styles."

Now I slow down and start humming a catchy toon I remember on the radio. She is about to have a hard orgasm; all the signs are there. I go back to the quick, fast, darting of the tongue as my hand starts to gently caress her clit. BANG! She explodes with a jerk of her body. She is frozen as the orgasm freezes her body and she loses all control. After a minute she goes limp and I am crushing her.

Very weakly she asks, "What was that?"

I reply smugly, "More like who was that."

She looks bewildered.

I explain, "A long time ago a girlfriend taught me some different techniques guys used on her. She called the techniques by the guy's names, Mike and Harold. I never told your mothers that, they just like the different styles. Over the years you will get bored with the same sex over, and over, again, it isn't special. The more different styles you know they more variety your life has. To keep our sex life interesting, you need to seek out new things. That is your goal in college."

Patty now understands my lesson, "Ok, I see your point now and I understand why you want me to go to college and enjoy life there. Not only will I learn a lot, but I will LEARN a lot. She smiles."

I proudly state, "You sure are the smart one. Make sure you always use a condom, no nasty STD's for you."

Patty laughs, "I need a bigger purse."

Now I am dead serious, "One last thing, NEVER drink something you did not pour yourself. Never drink anything that was out of your hands. Lots of drugs are out there and those types of guys don't use condoms. Even worse, you don't get to enjoy it."

That night I fucked her hard and fast. The wheels are working hard in her head processing tonight's talk. She didn't want a slow love, she is in heat thinking about the possibilities and she needs a release for her energy. Fortunately, I am there to provide the hard fucking she needs which causes a neighborhood rocking scream of release. She then collapses from her orgasm and did not wake until the morning.

The rest of the trip was quiet. Lots of sex and laying out in the sun. Everyone had a lot on their minds. It was almost a relief to get back home. Immediately all of us start counseling and I think it helped. I was included so I would know what to do and how to assist. Mostly, my job is to listen and report daily.

Patty did go to college ...

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Marklynda2Marklynda212 months ago

Well I'm glad we got that out of the way, it does give a new perspective on things. Another well thought out and written chapter. I look forward to reading the next. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

Radomir1Radomir1over 2 years ago

The plots are interesting. The sex scenes, too, although often repeated from episode to episode. But there's a complete disconnect with the logic of events.

Quote: Patty is a bit guarded and confused, "I don't know yet. For now, I am a one-man woman. College might test that or I might find someone else. I just don't see two men for me any time soon. Sorry, Uncle Don. This has nothing to do with you, I just don't want to share my vagina with more than one man at a time. I feel stupid saying that. What's wrong with me?"

Is that after she's been fucked all over by four different men?

How old is Jack? First it says he's almost 40. He's lived with the twins and Patti for 10. On her 18th birthday, he says when she's 48 he'll be 60. Is he 12 years older than Patti? And when he started living with the twins he was 20?

Why can't one of the sisters have children?

Why didn't Jack make a baby with the twins in 10 years?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
One of the best I have ever read on this site, in 5 years!!!

Amazing story and your style has me thinking of an author with many times your expertise. Very well thought out and I loved the give and take in all of the relationships. Well done...please keep writing. You have what it takes.

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