Patty's Eyes Pt. 04


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Patty and Meghan go to the washroom and came back. I am staring so Jackie and Janet turn around. Meghan lifts her dress up past her breasts. Not one to take second place, Patty takes her dress off and doesn't put it back on until she sits down. I am instantly rock hard.

After soup, Meghan goes under the table, pulls my cock out and gives me a great blowjob. She made enough noise that the girls knew what she is doing. My face contorts with pleasure which makes them giggle. I blow as the waitress enters the room to serve dinner. She looks for Meghan, we all looked at my lap then back at her, she blushes and walks away quickly.

The meal is great. After dinner, we order coffee and some of their awesome bakery. Janet pulls her top down so the breasts are sticking out. She leaves them like that. Jackie quickly follows. Meghan and Patty are a bit nervous but they too matched by pulling their dresses down to reveal some spectacular tits.

The waitress comes back with our orders and Patty and Meghan quickly start to pull up the dress but realize Janet and Jackie didn't, so they don't. How cool. The waitress almost drops the tray when she notices the girls attire. The waitress is very distracted but does her job. She announces each dessert and what makes it special. Mine has a bowl of hot chocolate for dipping cake in.

The waitress asked, "May I suggest...?"

I am clueless, so I say, "Sure."

She uses her pointer finger and dips it in my chocolate then uses it to paint Patty's areola with the chocolate. She then smiles, bends over and licks the chocolate off with her tongue, then bites a bit and pulls back on her tit so it pulls out before releasing her nipple.

She says, "Oh my, those are awesome." She then walks away with a smile on her face.

My chocolate never did touch my cake. They all want a turn and they get it. Jackie is last and saw too much, she orgasms when I pull on her nipple. The waitress comes back with the bill and discretely put her panties into my pocket. She then moves my hand under her dress to show me she is wet.

I curl my fingers and turn them around while searching for her g-spot. I knew I found it when I feel her orgasm. It was a small one, she stays on her feet. All eyes go to her with a giggle. The waitress turns beet red.

I left a $100 tip. The girls cover up and we leave. The ride home is noisy as they all talk about the night's mischief. It was a nice dinner with a great floor show. They all take their dresses off in the car. A few nosy people get quite the show on the way home. They exit the car naked, go inside still naked, and then nobody put clothes on that night.

Patty takes my shorts, Meghan gets my shirt, Janet gets the underwear, and Jackie gets socks and shoes. They decided for me. We drink a bottle of wine and then Jackie and Janet go to bed, they are too horny from the evening and need some alone time. I go to my bed, Patty and Meghan go to Patty's room. I fall asleep.

Two hours later I am woken up. Patty and Meghan are in my room, still naked, and the smell of sex on them.

Patty emotionally explains, "For two hours yesterday, this bitch has me tied up while she has mind-blowing sex with you leaving me horny as fuck. I go all day with no relief. Dad, I need you in me and I want it, no I NEED it now. Hard and fast. Any position, any style as long as you fuck me hard and fast."

I slowly get her up into the doggie position. I move my cock to her entrance and slowly plunge in. She is juicy, so I slip in easily. I have about five speeds for fucking, I go straight to number four and am slamming away into my daughter with sheer joy.

Meghan's eyes grew wide as she sees how fast we go. I know Patty's body by now and I know how to use it. She knows my speed and quickly adjusts. After our night, it doesn't take long, and my toes are curling. Patty is overdue for her orgasm. She is breathing hard, but I bet she has had many orgasms this evening. As it turns out, she is waiting for me, she is trying hard to hold back, so we can orgasm at the same time.

On my first spurt, she releases her orgasm and collapses on the bed. Her ass is still in the air as I continued shooting my load into her. When I finish, she is still in the throes of her orgasm. I collapse next to Patty.

Meghan is shocked, "Oh my, that is so intense, and it was just ten minutes. I can't imagine Patty watching for almost two hours. That must have been torture, we need to do that again."

She turns off the lights, gets behind me, and wraps me in her arms as I wrap Patty in my arms. We quickly fall asleep.

The next morning, we all sleep in late. We grab fast food on the way to school. Patty and Meghan drive together and I follow. The school's library provided a conference room where we can talk. Each agent has two hours then we will further check references, finally Meghan will decide. I say almost nothing.

Meghan asks the right questions and both agents seem nice and are willing to discuss successes and failures. We talk to several famous people about their experience. In the end, Meghan is torn, she likes them both. Patty has her look at the Pros and Cons of each and again even.

I speak up, "I noticed a common theme in both sets of clients. The first set mentioned he was worth every penny the second set never mentioned money. He seemed more interested in the long term and client happiness than on making money. There are times in life when the better paying contract isn't the best one for you. My guess is the second one is wiser in that area." They are both called in, Meghan thanked both, then signs a contract with the second.

I get up to leave.

Meghan looks sad, "Aren't you going to stay and help?"

I explain "Meghan, you now have an expert on this type of stuff. Take his advice but always know what you agree to. When your car needs fixing, come to me, when you need an operation, find the best surgeon, and when you need a modeling contract, listen to the best agent."

I give her a big hug.

I was brimming with pride in her, "You are going to be just fine. Follow your heart and have fun. You are a beautiful woman, but most importantly, you are a wonderful person. If you never lose that, you will always be happy. I have work tomorrow and two beautiful women that are horny as hell waiting for me. I need to go."

I kiss both girls' goodbye and leave them with the agent.

They point me in the direction of the bedroom as soon as I get home and we made love all night.

Chapter 16 - Ouch

Four years later and Patty has just graduated and is working in the ER of a local hospital. She is near the top of her class and is very proud of her work. Meghan never did go back to school and has had a very successful modeling career and is doing just fine.

We seem to be her adopted family as we see her for the holidays. She normally has a boyfriend with her, but she still likes to see us. Patty and she stayed good friends but with her travel schedule, it was hard. She bought a place near the college so they could room together.

On the fourth of July, everything shuts down. Meghan is off in a foreign country working so it will be just the four of us this time. I go to work and finish up some paperwork. With nobody around, I get a lot done. On the way home I stop at the store to pick up charcoal, steaks, and a few other things for dinner tonight.


Patty's point of view:

I am at work. The ER is always hoping, no time to think or worry about things. You lose track of time and suddenly, it's time to go home. Being a holiday during the day, it is easy although we were short-handed. Tonight, that will be a different thing. They have me on so a couple of others can come in tonight when it gets busy. We get a code red that a car was t-boned by a drunk and is in-route coming quick. We get the long list of injuries and vitals; this guy is a mess. When they bring him in, my heart stops, it is my dad.

Immediately I start screaming and get hysterical, "That's my dad!"

One of the ER docs grabs me hard, gets in my face, "We are short-handed, and you are the best dam ER nurse in this hospital. I need you to pull yourself together. You are his best chance to live or should I get Ryan?"

Ryan is known for being the worst nurse. I composed myself and start barking out orders. I let the training take over. There is a time for crying and that will be later. My dad is a mess, in the ER our job is to stabilize and that we did. In this case, he needs surgery right away, so we do our part then send him on.

Some doctor, don't remember which one, tells me to stay with my dad so I do. During surgery, I can't enter. I take out my phone and call Jackie, give her the news and she will be here quick, he is in serious condition. Next, I call Meghan and get voice mail. I have no idea what I said but I babbled hysterically until the message ended. I call Uncle Don and get his voice mail. I expected that he is on some small island with some old war buddies for the week.

Janet and Jackie arrived about the same time the police do. They need some questions answered. Yes, he owns the car, no, he was not drinking, yes, he is insured, no, no people that hate him. They explain that some guy was drunk, didn't stop, and when dad turned on a green turn light, the drunk hits dad's car.

Janet, Jackie, and I are a mess. The surgeon comes out and speaks directly to me. I then translate it to Janet and Jackie. Dad is "stabilized", some major injuries are no longer an issue which will help keep him alive, but the brain injury is a big deal.

This hospital doesn't have a surgical specialist with the type of experience needed so they are checking with other hospitals. Part of the problem is he can't be moved, he is deteriorating, and the prognosis is not good. To make it worse it looks like insurance won't pay because it's not typical surgery and his chances of survival are small.

A young man walks up to us. He is wearing a Michael Jordan jersey, white shorts, and gym shoes. He is about my age. He has three phones in his hand and a blue tooth headset. A walking geek, weird. How do I know him?

A confident Michael says to me, "My name is Michael; Meghan's agent monitors her phone calls. He heard what happened. I am part of his group and live nearby. What do you need?"

I explain the situation, the type of surgeon we need, and time is running out. I can forward all medical records to anyone. I also explain the insurance issues and his inability to move.

Michael move out of the area, he makes calls, seems to put someone on each task. Then he coordinates between the people using phone and text messages. This guy is a master at communications, he smiles at me as he continues and turns his back to me, so he can concentrate.

About 20 minutes later Michael announces, "I need you to send all medical records to this email address immediately. In four hours they are to start prepping your dad for surgery. In three hours have x-rays and vitals taken and post them in the OR. Go! I will fill in the rest when you are done."

I first send all information via email. I then explain to the hospital what they need to do and when. They listen, organize, and plan to do exactly what I ask.

Michael is calm and organized, "We tracked down one of the top surgeons for this. He was suggested by two others. He is bringing his team with him. We will have a private jet waiting at the airport for them. A helicopter will bring them here. He told me to tell you not to worry. He is the best and he won't let your dad down.

"We are organizing a plane for Meghan. Someone is on the way to her and will wake her up. Within the hour she will be on a plane. We all know Meghan's story, I was authorized immediately to do whatever it takes to help. That's what I do. I have lunch on the way, you all need to eat and keep up your strength. I will continue to monitor and coordinate. I will be out of the way but know that I am near. I texted all of you so you can reach me if you can't see or hear me."

All I could do was hug him and cry. The nurse tells me dad is in intensive care. We go up there but can't go in. I know the nurse in charge, I want to see my dad. She gets me and takes me to where I can see him. Several nurses are going back and forth, they are busy.

Ann is being supportive, "You will be in the way, this is my best crew, let them do their work. If I was in the ER, you are working on my dad. Up here, they work on your dad. Ok?"

I hug her and go back to Jackie and Janet. From a nurse's station, I get the latest updates and forward them to the email address I have.

Michael has already cleared the liability and other issues for a surgeon to operate in the hospital. I hear the helicopter land, see a bunch of people walk by, and then say they are taking dad. We move to a different area for the surgery. During the surgery, Michael forces us to eat again.

Finally, after six hours of surgery, the surgeon came out with a smile.

The confident and happy surgeon says to us, "You must be Patty, Janet, and Jackie. Patty, I told you I was the best. I told you not to worry. Because we got here so quickly, it was easy. They are putting us up in a nice motel and I will check on your dad tomorrow before I leave.

"I expect a full recovery. It will be a while but he will be fine. I want you three to go home and get some sleep. Nothing is going to happen until noon tomorrow. Be here at eleven and if all goes well you can see him at noon."

Again, my typical response is a hug and more crying.

We find Michael on the way out, "If anything happens I will call you. I can't leave until the crisis is over. There is a car here to take you home and there will be another at your house at 10:30 AM tomorrow to bring you back tomorrow. Now beat it!"

We go home, we all sleep in the same bed, nobody wants to be alone.

The next day at 10:30 AM, we walk out, and a car is there. It takes us to the hospital and Michael has food for us.

A knowing Michael asks, "I bet you didn't eat, did you?"

We all shake our heads no. We ate what he had. After we finish, Meghan walks in. Her makeup is a mess. She runs at me, we hug, and we both cry.

Meghan is clearly shaken and in tears, "I came as soon as I found out. Michael has me up to date. We are waiting for the doctors."

Meghan fills us in on her busy life, the boyfriend of the day, and all the things she had done recently. I know because we talk daily but Janet and Jackie have no idea she is such a celebrity.

At noon we are called into intensive care. Today is a lot less chaotic, a nurse is nearby, monitoring things. It is at that moment I realized I missed my shift and didn't call in. I start to get hysterical again. Meghan calms me down, Michael has already taken care of it. Dam her people are good. Dad is asleep, but I can hold his hand. Janet and Jackie hold the other one. We see a smile on his face and I turn all warm and fuzzy.

I say to Meghan with tears in my eyes, "You saved my dad's life. I can never repay you. With what your people did here, it will take us years to pay you back."

Meghan is shocked, "You are kidding me, right? Your worried about paying me back? You think there is any way the girl that had dinner with you that first time gets even that $40,000 modeling contract? No way. Your family made me.

"It was a girl in Los Angeles that finally figured out how I got that awesome look for those first photos, it was the look of a well-fucked woman she called it. Mix that with the new confidence you all gave me and that is what I am today."

Meghan explains, partially in tears, "Patty, I have over $60 million in the bank and investments. Who do you think is directly responsible for that? Your dad fucked me good, you all gave me the confidence I needed. The negotiating your dad did at the agency and to not sign that million-dollar deal blew my agent away.

"I don't know why you picked me out at that party, but I owe everything to that one act of kindness. My life is awesome. If it costs a few dollars to care for my extended family, it's nothing. I would spend every dime I own. I love you, your moms, and especially this man."

Now she is crying. Dad spent three days in intensive care, then a week in a private patient room. We pretty much lived at the hospital. Day three later he wakes up and even though he can't speak, he made eye contact with each of us and winked. Mostly he slept. The dealership brought flowers, but I think it was mostly for us.

Meghan canceled some work and rescheduled others. She is not leaving. I was given all the time I wanted. They knew my story of how I survived cancer at this hospital and how my dad helped. I would have quit if needed but they didn't want that.

Days turned into weeks. Meghan and I are back at work. Jackie and Janet take care of dad when I wasn't around. He got better and eventually back to normal. After two months, he was back to work although he still wasn't 100%. That could take up to a year.

Chapter 17 -- Finally

Jacks point of view ...

It is July 4th, one year after the accident. They will not allow me to leave the house today. I wake up and I am practically wrapped in bubble wrap. How the hell did they do that? Meghan and Uncle Don are coming over since I am not allowed to leave the house. Every edge in the house has bubble wrap and hunting orange tape holding it in place. There are three chairs by the edge of the bed and they are filled with women I know.

Janet is unhappy, "Jack, this has gone on long enough. You need to make one of us an honest woman. One of us needs to be in charge for next time. Six years ago, you made promises and have not fulfilled them."

Their right, I need to do something, "Ok, soon, I promise."

Patty is on her way to the airport to pick up Meghan. Jackie and Janet take advantage of the situation. First, they take pictures of me. Then they help me escape the bubbles. They are in a playful mood today and I am OK with that. They both strip off their clothes and climb on the bed. Janet stands on the bed then lowered herself, so I can eat her snatch.

Jackie lowers herself on my cock, but to my surprise, I am going in her rectum. She doesn't do that often. She is tight. I use my hands to play with Janet's brown eye. I put two fingers in and try to stretch apart her brown eye.

Jackie is going at a nice rate, she is sweating and breathing hard. She is taking all of me inside of her, no cheating. I also noticed she is counting to twenty. At twenty she switches holes. Oh my, what a difference. She has never done that before. Obviously inspired by the island typewriter but with a new twist, solo.

After another twenty, Janet and Jackie switch positions. I am now eating Jackie's pussy and pounding Janet's ass. This is cool, nothing I have even heard of before. These women are amazing, they obviously planned this, just for me. I start to get teary-eyed, not crying though.

Happily, I say, "I don't think I tell you two enough how much I love you. Always have, always will."

Janet is still annoyed with me, "If you really love us, marry Patty."

Defensively I answer, "I have been thinking about it. I kind of did promise her."

Jackie was not in a playful mood, "Not kind of."

I shoot my load into Janet, Jackie squirted me with her orgasm.

I suggest, "We need to take a shower, they will be here soon."

We all get up and walk to the shower. I stop at the toilet. They pull me into the shower. Janet sits on the floor and pulls me to her. She rests my cock on the lips of her mouth. I started to urinate. As her mouth fills, she used her lips to clamp down on my cock as she swallows. She releases her lips, mouth fills, and she swallows. After that, she redirects my stream to her face and chest.

When I finish Jackie pushes me against the wall, gets on her knees and uses her hands to pull open my butt cheeks. She uses her tongue to rim me. Most unusual experience. She isn't done with me, she pushes her tongue inside my rectum and does a rim job from the inside. Now that is kinky for her.