Paula's Discovery Pt. 01


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She stepped toward me and slowly knelt between my spread legs. I reflexively reached for her but she ordered, "Don't touch me."

She continued forward until she was kneeling between my legs and continued to focus on my straining cock.

While her gaze stayed on my cock she said "Stroke your cock."

I immediately complied but knew even the slightest touch might push me over the edge.

She rose and arched her back presenting her chest upward and the sight of the hard nipples centered in the large darker circles of her upturned tits was more than I could stand.

As if she could sense the exact moment, she said "Cum on my tits."

With one small stroke I erupted with a stream of thick cum on her tits and neck.

She watched intently until my spasms subsided and the last drop fell to her sun-red skin. The hand left her nipple and began to rub the warm cream onto her waiting breasts.

After showers and a nap, we discussed plans for the evening. The resort had several restaurants to choose from and we made our selection and a quick call to the concierge locked in an early reservation.

Paula began to get ready and made selections from her closet as I chose some light slacks and print shirt in deference to the heat.

A few minutes before our reservation, Paula emerged from the bathroom in one of her favorite summer sundresses. Light cotton with a fitted top that buttoned all the way down the front to the knee-length hem. She looked great but the addition of high heeled sandals made the look different.

I was impressed and told her so. As she grabbed my arm we headed to the elevator and through the lobby to the restaurant. The lobby was full of a mostly male crowd lined up under a check-in table with a large logo overhead. A charity golf tournament of some sort.

The young hostess checked our reservation and walked us through the bar and to our seat by the open windows facing the beach. As we walked through the bar a few clusters of men gave Paula an appreciative glance.

I held her chair for her and was rewarded with a view of the top of her bra inside the low front of the dress. As she swing her legs into the chair I noticed that several of the bottom buttons were unbuttoned, a new look with that dress! A generous portion of her thigh was exposed as the fabric fell to the side as she crossed her legs.

As I took my place across the table I noticed that the same view of her legs was being appreciated by a few of the patrons at the bar.

After ordering cocktails we made our dinner selections and enjoyed the sunset over the beach.

Eventually I brought up the subject of our activities earlier in the day and got a sly smile from my wife. I asked her how it made her fell to be exposed to the strangers on the beach. She glowed and began to quietly explain that she had never felt so alive and erotic.

She was concerned that it might make me feel uncomfortable and I said, "Remember it was me who encouraged you in the first place."

"I know but you never know how someone will feel when things actually happen," she responded.

"I have to admit it really turns me on to see other men respond to your sexuality," I admitted.

"Take the three guys at the end of the bar for example," I teased. "They have enjoyed the view of your legs all evening."

"Just imagine if they were sitting facing you," I added.

Paula responded with a smirk but seemed to consider the thought.

Dinner was wonderful and relaxing and signing the check we stood to leave. I stood and eased her chair back as she stood. She turned and began walking through the now-crowded bar. I purposely fell back several steps in part to enjoy the view of her hips in the light dress and also to check out the admiring glances she reviewed as she walked. Perhaps it was my imagination but the swing of her hips seemed a little more exaggerated than usual.

As we re-entered the lobby, we noticed the sign for the live band in the club and I asked if she would like to hear some live music. She agreed quickly and we changed direction toward the club. The place was crowded but we found a high top table with two stools toward the far end of the room. A waitress quickly took our orders for drinks and we settled in to enjoy the music.

After a few songs, we made our way to the dance floor and joined the packed bodies on the small floor. It was more moving than dancing in this crowd but just enjoying Paula's warmth and fragrance was a delight. After two songs I was fearful we would lose our table so we returned.

As I held the stool and Paula slid her leg up to sit I noticed the hem of her dress fell open and a nice looking 30 something man standing at the bar got a great view up the inside of her thigh. Paula didn't seem to notice and as I sat she asked me why I was smiling. I described the man who was now over my shoulder and told her that he seemed to enjoy the sight up her dress as she sat on the stool.

Her initial surprise turned to excitement and she smiled as she considered what had happened. She looked at me and seemed to be considering her next step. Still looking me in the eye, she discretely unbuttoned two more buttons at the bottom of her dress and let the fabric fall exposing even more thigh than before.

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows as if waiting for my consent. I responded by a slight smile and nod. With my back to the man, I was now enjoying the mental image of what I knew was probably a positive reaction on his part.

Paula smiled again and still looking me in the eye, slowly uncrossed and re-crossed her legs in the other direction.

I was surprised but excited and looked at her and asked, "Did he enjoy the view?"

Paula now turned to look directly at the man and said, "I think so, he had to adjust his belt."

I smiled and said "Sorry I missed it."

Paula excused herself to go to the Ladies room and I again helped her off the stool. As she grabbed her purse and began to turn to the restrooms, I whispered quietly in her ear over the loud music, "Come back without your bra."

She looked up and smiled but pushed me away teasingly.

The waitress refreshed our drinks and in a few moments I realized Paula was standing next to me as she returned from the restroom. As I stood to help her with the stool, I looked down and noticed that the top two buttons on her dress were opened and with my height advantage, I had an unrestricted view down her dress to her hard nipples.

I smiled approvingly and she slowly and deliberately slid up onto the stool, the dress now unbuttoned almost to her waist.

As I sat down I calmly asked her if the man was still at the bar behind me and if he enjoyed the view of her panties.

"What panties?" she asked.

We finished our drinks and I declared that we should leave because one more trip to the Ladies room and she would be naked.

As we enjoyed a very late breakfast I asked Paula what she would like to do before we flew back tomorrow morning. She pondered the question and said perhaps a motorbike tour of the island and then back for an early dinner.

I agreed but then she asked me if I had fulfilled my fantasy.

I quickly responded, "My fantasies are almost limitless," and smiled.

"I have really enjoyed our activities though," I said seriously. "I hope you have too."

"I surprised myself, I must admit". "I felt empowered not embarrassed like I expected," she replied.

"Knowing that it excited you for me to tease other men was a huge turn-on," she admitted. "Feeling you watching me, and encouraging me was amazingly hot."

"Knowing that I can excite other men at my age was a real confidence booster too," she added.

The concierge made all the necessary arrangements and we enjoyed the self-guided tour. Although I led most of the route the few glimpses I enjoyed of Paula's tight shorts on the seat of the motor scooter was a real treat.

We would be back to suburbia too soon.

We enjoyed the day and managed to build some sexual tension that we both looked forward to realeasein later. We decided to take a cab to a recommended restaurant on the far side of the island and returned to the hotel after sunset.

As we walked through the lobby, I asked Paula, "Did you really enjoy exciting other men or was it that you knew I was excited by watching?"

She replied, "Can't it be both?"

That was the answer I was hoping for.

We heard the music from the bar and realizing the banquet from the golf tournament had just ended, we knew the place would be crowded.

I looked at Paula and took a chance.

"Would you like to go back for some drinks and dancing?"

"Sure," she responded. "I might even find some appreciative eyes there again."

She smiled playfully.

"I know you will," I responded.

"I'll go find a nice spot where I can view the action" I said and the look in her eyes told me she understood what I was suggesting.

She paused and looked away and then looked me in the eye and said, "Are you sure you can handle this?"

"I can't wait" I replied.

"I need to go change," she said and turned toward the elevator.

I felt electric as I walked into the crowded bar. I found a seat near the bartender station where the waitresses got drinks. It gave me a view of the entire bar but didn't expose me to a lot of interaction with guys looking for conversation. I waved to the bartender and ordered a beer.

Twenty minutes later, my phone buzzed and the text said, "On my way down, U still up for this?"

"Can't wait," I responded.

As I saw Paula enter the bar, I noticed several other heads turn. She was wearing the shiny, clingy blouse she had worn with her suit on the flight down, since she had come right from her office. She had the high heels from the suit but instead of the knee-length skirt and blazer she had only a pair of shiny black tights that she normally wore with a long loose sweater. As her heels clicked across the hard floor of the bar her bra-less tits moved discretely inside the blouse.

She looked amazing as she moved confidently into the room.

As she walked past I, like every other man in the bar, noticed the tight fabric against the curve of her ass and legs.

Paula found a stool at the far end of the bar and ordered a glass of wine. She pretended to concentrate on the band and I enjoyed watching the action. The men with wives tried not to get caught watching her and the men with buddies knew they wouldn't be able to get away from their friends unnoticed.

Still the look of her long crossed legs and the firm curve of her butt on the stool was "inspiring".

The bartender replaced her near-empty glass with a new fresh cocktail and Paula feigned surprise as he pointed across the room to a new admirer. The man must have only recently arrived and I had not noticed him. He was handsome and perhaps 50, a few years older than Paula and maybe 4 inches taller than her 5'9" frame. Distinguished might be the right word. Dark hair with some grey.

Paula raised the glass to her benefactor and he immediately rose to walk across the room toward her. He stood beside her, offered his hand and they began to chat. As they finished their drinks he invited her to the dance floor and they spent the next several numbers enjoying the live music. I had to admit he was a much better dancer than I am.

During a slow dance his hands tactfully slid down over her firm ass and she responded by pushing her hips against him. Unless he was inhuman she had to have felt his hard cock.

A small table against the back wall had opened and he led Paula to the low curved booth. I was able to find a spot at the bar where I could discretely watch them. He was leaning toward her and she had responded by placing her hand on his thigh. A waitress took their drink order and as she left Paula stood to excuse herself to the Ladies room.

As she walked across the bar, disappointed but admiring looks followed her.

My phone buzzed and I looked at the text.

"Nice guy, he's here on business... real estate" the phone said.

"R U enjoying yourself???" I texted.

"Yes, RU??

"I'm enjoying the show, have fun"

Paula returned to the booth and her new admirer stood gentlemanly and she took the opportunity to sit quickly so that he could not help but look down the front of her loose blouse, having unfastened another button. They continued their conversation where they left off and with his thigh next to hers, he placed his hand on her knee. Receiving no resistance he eventually slid his hand up her leg and she discretely parted her legs just an inch to allow him to discretely continue.

They continued their animated conversation and then she found an excuse to lean toward him and put her hand on his thigh. She spread her fingers and in the dark corner of the bar, covered his cock with her palm. He seemed a bit surprised but did nothing to discourage her.

After a few minutes he whispered something in her ear and he stood and walked toward the restroom. Quickly my phone buzzed and I read her text, "R U enjoying this?"

"Yes!!!" I responded.

"He wants to fuck me," she texted.

"So does every other man here," I teased.

"Does that excite you?"


"He's got a huge cock" she texted.

My heart raced but this was fantasy come true.

"Do U want to fuck him????" I texted with my hands shaking.

"Yes." "I told him you went on an overnight fishing trip."

Decision time but tomorrow was back to suburbia.

"Give me five minutes." "I'll watch from the closet"


I laid some bills on the bar and turned for the elevators. I had considered this but not seriously since I thought Paula would never go for this. The large suite did have a large closet though and I thought I could maneuver some luggage so that I could see the action and not be seen.

This was crazy.

After getting in positon, I heard the door open and the small table light was turned on. With that and the moonlight from the balcony I could see the entire room.

After closing the door, I saw him pull her to him and give her a deep kiss as he pulled her hips against him. She hungrily returned the kiss and ground her hips in to him the heels mitigating just enough of his greater height.

She finally pushed away and asked if he'd like another drink. He somewhat reluctantly agreed since he preferred to continue what they had started but she was the hostess. She first excused herself and went into the restroom.

The light from under the bathroom door splashed across the floor and the sound of running water was faintly heard. After several minutes the light extinguished and the door opened.

I could just see Paula walk back across the room and saw that she had removed the tights and was dressed only in her short robe but had retained her heels. I was incredibly hard as the actual images exceeded my fantasies.

Paula walked to the minibar and as if she always served her guests in this outfit, made two drinks. She turned toward her guest as he was seated on the sofa and slowly walked the three steps to the low table in front of him. She bent at the waist and handed him the drink as he reached to meet her over the table. She clinked her glass to his and then stood again, squaring her shoulders, took a sip of the liquid.

She placed her drink on the table and turned back away from her guest but directly toward me. Her eyes met mine and she smiled and unfastened the tie of the robe. She slid the silk over her shoulders, paused and the let it drop to the floor. She turned to face her guest, treating me to a view of her exquisite ass, picked up her drink and joined her guest on the sofa. She sat at the other end of the sofa though and gracefully crossed her legs. Except for the fact that she was completely naked the scene was quite normal for two visiting adults.

She began more small talk, perhaps picking up the conversation where they left off in the bar. This had to be driving him as crazy as it was me but she was enjoying being in control. She laughed casually and occasionally re-crossed her legs and seemed completely at ease with the situation.

As the glasses emptied, Paula stood and placed them in the bar sink and walked back over to her guest. Standing above him she looked down and placing a hand on the back of the sofa on either side of his head she leaned forward, placing her right nipple a bare inch from his lips. He instantly attached his lips to her and she arched her back to offer him her hard nipples. She began to rock slowly as she enjoyed his lips and tongue and she placed her knee on the sofa between his thighs. His hands grabbed her hips as his head pressed between her tits and I saw her hand go between his legs.

She pushed away and stood. Looked at her guest and said, "I want to see your cock."

He stood and began undressing but obviously a little unsteady with the tables turned on him. Once he had removed his shoes and shirt she approached him and deftly unfastened his belt. She unzipped his fly and opened his slacks pushing them down his hips to the floor. She backed up a step and turned so that he could step clear of his slacks and also providing a profile view to me. She slipped her fingers in the waistband of his tight boxers and pulled the front of the elastic away from his body.

In one motion she slid down to her knees as she guided the underwear down his hard thighs.

He was immense and as she slid down she reached her mouth forward and engulfed him as she continued to slide the underwear to the ground. He rocked back and moaned as she took most of him between her lips.

She was like a woman possessed and consumed him while pulling his hips toward her. He stood and rocked back and unsteadily gained a rhythm with her. I had never seen her like this but was incredibly turned on.

Just as I thought she was going to take him in her mouth, she pulled away and I heard her say, "I've got to feel that thing inside me."

She turned and placed her hands on the edge of the bed and simply offered her perfect butt to him.

For the first time since they arrived in the room he took control and placing one hand on her hip, he guided his cock easily inside her drenched pussy. I had to admit that I thought of her birth control pills in that moment but was mesmerized as his enormous cock filled her. She arched her back and it was obvious that she wanted to feel him deep.

They achieved a rhythm and then he grabbed her tightly and I could tell he was filling her pussy. She rocked her head back and as her bobbed blonde hair swung one more time she felt her orgasm consume her.

The sight was euphoric. It was more than I had imagined. My normally shy wife, took control and satisfied my desires. I hoped that she was as fulfilled as I was. I was pleased that she would give of herself for my pleasure but hoped that she achieved pleasure as well.

They both fell to the bed and slowly regained their normal breathing. They eventually stirred and began the some small talk and caressing as they came down from the sexual high of the evening.

I heard low voices and then movement as he began to collect his clothes. I saw him dress and Paula, still naked. Walk him to the door and with a polite kiss closed the door behind him.

I suddenly realized my muscles were protesting the odd positon in the confined space. I saw another light illuminate the room and then there was Paula, opening the door and standing gloriously naked in front of me.

Her smile convinced me that the pleasure had indeed been mutual.

Somehow I knew that even though we would be back in suburbia tomorrow, my wife had discovered something lasting from this weekend.

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WillowghbyWillowghbyover 3 years ago
Not My Cuppa

Live pornography involving one's spouse is way outside my personal comfort zone. Otherwise, well written. Author, pls do an internet search on "lie versus lay" - the fact that most Lit authors get it wrong is no excuse to repeat the error in future stories.

Bring on more stories, leave out the cuck crap.

IFAFILHGIFAFILHGover 3 years ago

Nice enjoyable fun reading...I didn't like the idea of the husband in the closet..I'm fine with sharing but be honest with the other guy... I'm husband is ok with this but he will be it honestly and correct or don't do it at all... and hubby better be prepared cause he just unleashed a monster ...lookout

fritz51fritz51over 5 years ago
Worth a lot of *s

Hey I got hard and thoroughly enjoyed the tale. In real life it's not really probable that a truly shy and inexperienced wife could go from never exposing herself to fucking a stranger for "hubby's benefit" in two days. A more likely story would have her testing more and more exposure to gauge hubby's reaction including his feelings the next day after the initial excitement wore off. Her statement that sometimes experiencing a reality is different from the fantasy is true and the approval of her actions should be confirmed prior to escalation of the naughty behavior thus preventing treading into unwanted situations, like arguments, hurt feelings or even divorce. Watching and enjoying your woman tease and turn on other men is not the same thing as her having sex with them and might not be as enticing in reality and may actually disgust her mate - then what ? He can't un-see it. I'm just saying that in real life this time line is not probable ...... BUT this is not real life and that's why I still liked it. Keep up the good work Txairmale !!

Dale Jane HenpartyDale Jane Henpartyover 5 years ago
Good, clearly started fun.

A fun start to the next piece. Paula would be fun to live with and treacherous to love. Good vibes in this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Loved it!

A great story . I love the way you took your time with the build up rather than spending it all on the sex. It would be a dream come true to meet a couple like this.

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