Pay It Forward Ch. 10


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Kevin was stunned, and caught off guard. For a moment, he was stunned by the furious, beautiful red-headed goddess. She was magnificent in her fury, eyes flashing, chest heaving, and he found himself becoming aroused. She excited him, and he realized that this was a woman he really wanted.

Kevin had to keep himself from smiling. He knew if he smiled, she'd lose it. So he used the tone he often used to placate Clemmie and his sister-in-laws when he ticked them off. He started apologizing. "Ms. Isaacs, I'm sorry. I know I overstepped my boundaries, but I hate the thought of you being ill. I was a bit gruff and so everyone is glad you came back." He smiled, contrite, and her heart melted. "Please forgive me", he whispered.

Eileen looked at him and she wanted to strangle him, but he truly seemed to feel guilty. He didn't mean to make her uncomfortable. She smiled. "Apology accepted", she whispered.

A few days later, he was scheduled to meet with the chairman and other department heads. He wouldn't be able to have lunch with her, so he made her promise him that she'd take off and have lunch that day.

Mr. MacGregor was glad to see Kevin walk in. It seemed that the young Miss Isaacs was having a great effect on the stalwart young man. He had improved his appearance and was even more approachable. He actually held brief conversations with other members in the board room, where in the past he sat sullen, quiet, appearing hostile.

The meeting went well, and he felt that the company was in good hands. His only regret was that it was a family ran company, and when he retired, his nephew would take control. His son, Michal was supposed to take over, but he'd started his own companies and had no desire to run this one. He'd settled his differences with his brother-in-law and gotten to know his nephew Simon really well. Lang Corp would be in good hands.

That Friday evening as they were finishing up some key assignments, Kevin remembered the cook out he agreed to come to. "Oh, Ms. Isaacs, my family is having a get together tomorrow. I'd love for you to come with me. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?" He asked. His heart was racing, praying she would go with him.

Eileen smiled. She teased, "Mr. Knight, are you asking me for a date? "

"Um, no, not really... I mean, you have to eat, right. And it will be nice to eat with others." He stammered.

Eileen laughed, "Pick me up. You know where I live."

She bid him good night and left for the day. Kevin watched her walk away. His mouth hung open, as he soon realized, his two brothers would roast his ass. This girl was everything he ever wished for. He just had to figure out how to tell her.

The longer Kevin worked with Eileen, the more profound his feelings became. She and the other women in the family had become fast friends. He was visiting with Darren one evening when Gianni came over. She became much more than his coworker, she became his one true friend. He began to rely on her as much as he did his family, and that scared him.

"Big brother," Gianni stated. "You are one sad case. Have you told her how you feel? She can't read your mind. You have to say something."

"Gianni, man, they work together. She could sue." Darren interjected. He and Kevin had talked about this earlier. But he knew that was fear talking. Eileen was just as enamored with him as he was with her. However, she was also just as introverted and wouldn't admit her feelings.

He also knew that if it was meant to be, these two would end up together.

"Gia, Eileen is too good for me. I'm mean, ornery. No one really likes me. If she did have a choice of a man, I wouldn't be it." He answered, as he sat down to sulk.

Gianni teased him. "I guess you're right then. It's a good thing she has a date with some guy from your office that works in on the first floor. So maybe he'll be the man for her. I heard her and Kara talking about it. Kara was helping her find something sexy to wear."

"Wait. What date? What man?" Kevin demanded. All though there was no clearly stated rule that banned interoffice dating, he would call and tell her this date was a bad idea.

"It doesn't matter to you, right? You're not good enough." Gianni reminded him of his words.

Kevin checked his watch. "Hey, I have to run. I'll be back." He stood to leave immediately.

"Don't go over there, Kevin. Let her have her date. If you interfere and you aren't ready to step up, is that fair to her?" Darren asked beforehe walked out.

"Darren, you know what she means to me. How can I sit here while she goes out with another man?" he asked, defeated.

Gianni answered, "It's just a date. Play it cool. Tomorrow, when you go to work, do something for her. Something small, I bet she notices." He explained.

So Kevin sat down and prayed Eileen had a terrible time on this date.

Meanwhile, Eileen had a terrible time. Her date was too short. He talked too much. He was even too nice. He wasn't Kevin, and that was who she really wanted.

Kevin continued his work over his department, and they made steady growth. The new CEO wanted to expand and bring in a younger more urban clientele. Although Kevin had no problem expanding, he was one of the more difficult people to work with. Soon he found himself in the position of having to reapply for his position. Kevin worked hard and he would not beg or lower his standards to appease anyone. So his outright refusal to conform led to a meeting with the new owners.

"Mr. Knight, I understand that my uncle had a great deal of respect for you and ran the company a certain way, but this is a new generation, new rules, new leadership. We want you to create designs that are geared toward a newer, fresher crowd. If you can't, then we'll have to let you and members of your department go." Simon informed him. He liked Kevin, but he wanted to move the company forward and he refused to cater to Kevin's whims. This was a business and he would run it as such.

Kevin walked out of his office knowing that his time at this company was done. He'd talk to HR and see if Eileen could be transferred to another department. Unfortunately, because she worked as his assistant, her job was terminated as well. Kevin then returned to his office to share the horrible news of their termination.

Eileen looked up as Kevin returned from his meeting with the new leaders. His expression was closed off as he passed her desk. He walked passed and did not say a word, as he closed his office door, Eileen feared something horrid had happened. An hour later, he called her into his office. "Ms. Isaacs, stop typing and come into the office please. We have an important matter to discuss."

Closing down her screen, Eileen followed him into his office. His tone did not bode well. "Ms. Isaacs, please sit for a moment. My position with this company has been eliminated as of nine am this morning. That means I no longer work for this company. Since this office no longer exist, that means your position has been terminated as well." Eileen gasped. She'd been fired. They had no grounds to terminate her, to terminate either of them. They could file a lawsuit, sue the company.

"Wait, are you saying I'm being transferred to another department or..." she asked, when she looked at his troubled eyes.

"No Eileen, they want us off of the premises by five, or they will have someone escort us off. You don't deserve this, but because of your association with me and this office, this is the action they have chosen to take." Kevin explained as an expression of stark fear crossed Eileen's face. She lost her job, just because the new bosses didn't like the man she worked under.

'Eileen, you can sue and they'll have to let you retain your position. I'll pay for your attorney if that's what you want to do, or would you consider relocating?" Kevin asked, his heart-racing, praying she'd say yes.

Shaun MacGregor feared this might happen, so before his retirement he'd called in a favor from an old friend. Kevin had been offered a position at a firm in Canada. The position was open and he could start at any time. The thing was he refused to go unless the firm also offered a position to Eileen. This morning after meeting and being terminated, he called and they did. Now all he had to do was convince her to move with him to Canada,

Kevin and Eileen had lived in Canada for several months. He loved it. They visited home, his family for Christmas, and spent New Year's Eve together in the home they shared. Now Valentine's Day was fast approaching and he wanted to admit his feelings to her. He knew she liked him, because if she didn't she would not have stuck around.

He was now one of the guys. His brother's had their wives, and he had Eileen. She got along famously with his sisters-in-laws. He recalled seeing her in a bikini for the first time. He thanked Kara profusely for that gift. It was late August and they were relocating. Having already bought a house and had their things shipped, the family wanted to have a party to celebrate their departure.

The women went shopping, of course, leaving the children with the guys. He had fun watching his brothers and their offspring. Part of him was a bit jealous, but he wasn't sure he really wanted kids. Even JJ, world renowned playboy took to parenthood, like a duck to water. He'd miss seeing his brothers every day, but moving to Canada was a great opportunity for him. Besides, they were only a few hours away by plane.

The women returned from their shopping trip. All four had bought new swimsuits. Each woman was gorgeous, but when Eileen walked out wearing the sexiest navy ensemble against her clear alabaster skin, Kevin was floored. She never dressed this way around him. The most casually he'd ever seen her dress was jeans and a graphic t-shirt.

Eileen noticed his reaction and walked past him wearing a smirk and not much else. He knew then that she was the one for him. They then moved and spent most of their free time together. Since they changed jobs, Eileen was no longer his assistant, but they maintained a close working relationship. He was still gruff, but Eileen helped temper his fiery temperature.

Smiling as he thought of her, Kevin raced home. As he was driving along, his car lurched, stalled, and stopped. "Damn it, I just had this car serviced. Fuck!" Kevin exclaimed. The day had started out with breaking down way out of town. He reached for his phone to call Eileen, but no service. She'd be worried, but there was nothing he could do right now. So climbing out of his car, Kevin started the long trek back towards a lonely gas station he'd passed a while back; then the rain started. Not just a drizzle, but a monsoon. He'd lived in Canada for six months now, and in that short time, he'd learned that here, when it rains, it rains hard. Walking down the road, drenched, Kevin thought of the one person that made him smile, Eileen.

He squinted at the distance ahead, no a car in sight. So slowly through the downpour he trudged. Kevin was drenched to the bone and nowhere near a gas station. Now soaked to the skin,Kevin may have as well been naked. As he trudged along, he didn't see the pothole until his foot went down and he found himself tumbling into the mud. Now, wet, cold and muddy, Kevin laughed. He thought about how his reaction would have been different years earlier, but now because of her, he could laugh at himself.

He laughed so hard that it took a moment to notice that someone had stopped. Standing Kevin realized he was one big mess. But he prayed that is rescuer would at least let him sit in the trunk and give him a ride on to the gas station.

"Well, well, what have we here?" a heavily accented woman asked. "Seems, someone is being a bit naughty." she laughed. Soon a male joined her and pulled Kevin up. Kevin took a minute to explain and the couple offered to take him to the station. Unfortunately when they got there it was closed. So the friendly couple invited Kevin to their home for the night. Grateful, Kevin went to their home and asked to use a phone. He quickly called Eileen and explained what happened and that he would be delayed. Eileen was relieved; for she was afraid something heinous had happened to her friend.

After talking with Eileen, Kevin soon joined his host for dinner.

While eating dinner, the couple who had introduced themselves as Beatrice and Ortho decided to approach Kevin with a proposition.

Kevin was welcomed to stay with them for the night, but he had to promise to come back and help Ortho with some much needed repairs. Kevin was not a handy man, but he liked these two people. He found that he liked a lot of the people that he met since he met Eileen. Thinking about her, he started smiling once more, s sight that was soon noticed by Beatrice.

"OK, young man, spill. What's your girl's name? No man smiles that much unless he's thinking about his lady!" Beatrice teased. Kevin blushed. He didn't realize his feelings were so transparent.

"Eileen, her name is Eileen. I've loved her for years, I've never told her, but now I can." He whispered. "I just called and told her about the car breaking down she was worried, but she's glad I'm OK. I wonder, could she..." dismissing his thoughts, "No, she'd never want someone like me. She's beautiful, people love her. I'd stifle her." Shaking his head, "we're better off as friends". He surmised.

Ortho laughed at the solemn look on the young man's face. He knew from experience, that the last thing he wanted was to remain friends. He hadn't met this young lady, but if when was at all interested, the young man's goose was cooked.

"Don't worry about it son. Sweetheart day is in two days, you can do something for her then." He suggested. Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day was two days away. Kevin always bought flowers for Delia, his sisters-in-law, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Kingston, and Maria. He even made sure the kids got balloons and candy from him on the day. A few years earlier, Mr. MacGregor coerced him into giving Eileen flowers on this special day. So every year, he had a dozen red roses with a simple card delivered.

When they relocated to Canada, Kevin convinced Eileen to share a four bedroom home he'd purchased. They'd cohabitated for six months. Christmas and New Year's Day came and went and the two of them spent quiet evenings at home, simply enjoying each other's company.

This year was different, Valentine's Day meant so much more. So the evening ended and Kevin helped his host clean and retired to the room they let him use for the night. Sleep was elusive, and he needed to hear her voice. So before he fell asleep, he once again called Eileen.

He listened as the phone rang, and wondered had she fallen asleep. He really wanted to talk to her, because he felt as if he was yearning for her presence. Besides, Ortho had asked him a question, and he could finally admit to himself. Eileen was much more than a friend and a coworker.

She answered, "Hello, Kevin. It's late, why aren't you asleep?"

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you? I just needed to hear your voi..." Kevin whispered. Eileen smiled. She missed him. This was the first night since they'd relocated to Canada that they were separated by circumstance. When he traveled, he'd be away but this time was different, he couldn't make it back home. Eileen knew she wanted more with him, but often wondered if her feelings were biased. But tonight, he'd called. From his tone, he missed her. She smiled missing him just as much.

"Kevin, I miss you," She whispered. "I want you to come home soon."

She heard his intake of breath, "Eileen, I wish... I wish I was home with you now. As soon as I get the car fixed, I'm coming home to you." He promised.

"OK, I'll see you tomorrow then. Now, sleep." She commanded him.

"Goodnight", he whispered.

"Night-night", she replied. Then they both hung up.

Kevin couldn't sleep and then he heard a light knock on his door. "Come in."

Ortho walked in and he was nervous. He had a favor to ask of Kevin and it wasn't just a simple can I borrow your tie type question.

He and his wife wanted children and he could not have any, but she loved him and stayed with him. For forty-two years, Beatrice dedicated her life to him. Now he was sick and he would leave her. He hated the thought of her being alone, and he prayed. His prayers led him to recuse a stranger along their long winding road.

Ortho imagined that if he'd been blessed with a son, he would have been a lot like the young man before him. "Kevin, I have cancer. I have less a year left. Beatrice doesn't know, and I won't worry her. I know you don't know us, but we are kindred spirits. I am asking you to look out for her. We have no family and it's always been just the two of us. I don't want her to be alone." He sighed as tears gathered in his eyes.

"Ortho, you don't know me. I'm not usually the kind of person people rely on", he tried to explain.

"If it was Eileen, would you try to find someone to care for her?" he asked, effectively silencing Kevin. The thought of Eileen hurting brought him to his knees.

"Ortho, she'll never be alone, I assure you, but I want you to tell her the truth." Kevin admonished his new friend.

"I will when the time is right. You just keep your promise to us, and visit." Ortho reminded him. They chatted a bit more, and then Ortho finally went to bed. Kevin finally lost the battle with fatigue and fell asleep.

The next morning, Ortho drove Kevin back to his car. He knew a little about cars and asked Kevin to let him check. Ortho realized that the person, who serviced his engine, did not secure the battery cable and it was completely disconnected. Ortho took a moment and repaired the connectors. Kevin was ever so grateful. He thanked his new friend and promised to return. He'd promise to bring Eileen with him on his next visit, and then Kevin drove home.

A little after seven a.m., Kevin drove into his garage. Walking into his home, he realized Eileen wasn't up. He went straight to her room to tell her he was home and found her bed empty. She wasn't in the shower, so maybe she'd gone walking. Deciding to go to his room, Kevin would surprise her with breakfast, but he was the one surprised. Resting in the center of his bed was the one woman he wanted more than anything. He smiled realizing that he wanted what Ortho and Beatrice had. He wanted a lifetime with the beautiful woman who was waiting in his bed for him to come home.

Ever so slowly, Kevin climbed into bed behind her wrapping his arms around her, holding her close. He inhaled her scent then whispered, "Hey, honey, I'm home."

Snaking her arms around his neck, Eileen whispered his name. "Kevin, I missed you. Love you." Then she continued to snore.

"Love you too baby", he whispered in return. Then, wrapping her tightly in his embrace, he held her until she woke up.

Eileen awoke to a heavy arm draped across her waist. She moved and he asked her. "Did you mean it? I mean, you were asleep, and.."

Eileen turned and looked at him. He was the most handsome, mule-headed annoying man she'd ever met, but her heart belonged to him. She could no longer hide what she felt. Hell, she'd even relocated to another country just to be with him.

She touched his rough unshaven cheek, and nodded, "Yes¸ Kevin. I meant it. I'm in love with you."

Tears rolled down his cheeks, as he whispered. "I've dreamt of you for so long. I gave up and decided that you weren't real, that I'd never find you. I love you Eileen; I've loved you even before we met, and I'm so happy to hold you in my arms now."

Without thinking she flung herself into Kevin's arms. Kissing him hard and with so much passion, Eileen said softly, "Kevin I have felt the same way for you for so long but never dared believe you would want someone dull as me", she whispered.