Pay It Forward Ch. 10


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Kevin was ecstatic, beaming with pride. The most beautiful woman wanted him. Where she got the idea she was dull, he had no idea. Nothing was further from the truth. Kevin looked deep into her eyes and kissed her. He wanted to show her in that kiss, how much she meant to him.

He wanted to love her. He wanted to be with her. Eileen could feel Kevin's hard cock pressing into her. She was so taken with her new found love of her life. She was his in every way and he wanted her every bit as much as she wanted him. Now Kevin had told her that she was all he had wanted for so long, the only woman that he had ever loved. With that in mind she offered herself, both body and soul, to him.

"Kevin, I love you. I want you. " she whispered. "I'm yours."

"Eileen, are you sure? If we do this, I'm never letting you go. You're it for me girl."

Kevin greedily took her gift. He'd waited so long. He slowly kissed every inch of her body. Loving her slowly, he worshipped her. He kissed her temple, nibbled her ear, and slowly tasted skin at the base of her neck. Then he realized she was wearing too may clothes. He made short work of removing his shirt form her body. Eileen lay before him, her lightly sun-kissed skin, a stark contrast against his dark sheets.

"Eileen, you're so beautiful." He whispered awed at the sheer sight of her. Eileen blushed and moved to cover her body with the sheet. He stopped her. "Never hide from me, baby. I have seen the finest of arts, admired statues of the Goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome. But none of them were nearly as lovely as you are to me, Eileen. I was stunned by your beauty when we met years ago, but I fought hard against it. I just... I mean-" She kissed him, not needing to hear more. She pulled his body love hers. Kevin then decided to continue his exploration of her body.

Eileen groaned as Kevin suckled and nibbled her breast. "Kevin, please." she moaned. She wanted more. Her body burned for him. The feel of his lips on her sent waves of heat to the center of her body, Her pussy, was throbbing and leaking copious amounts of fluid. Baby, please, I need..." Eileen groaned.

He stopped, "Uh uh, not a sound and don't move, or I stop, alright." Eileen whimpered.

He continued his exploration until he reached her glistening center. Her neatly trimmed red hair was covered in moisture. He inhaled her scent. Slowly he stroked her clit, and inserted three fingers deep inside her. Eileen, rode his probing digits biting her lips to keep from screaming.

Then he spread her thighs, as he leaned down to taste. At first taste of her he groaned. He'd never tasted anything as sweet. He drank from her as if he was starving and Eileen screamed as he pleasured her. Within minutes, she rode his probing tongue to completion. Her cunt exploded as her juices flowed into his mouth.

Rising and removing his garments, Kevin entered his woman urgently and swiftly both moaning at the feel of her body accepting him so completely. She was so tight and hot. Kevin wanted to make this last, but knew he would not be able to. He stroked in and out, loving her slowly, willing his body to hold off. Soon his sack clinched and he knew then would come. "Eileen, baby, cum with me, please" he begged. "YES," she screamed as her cunt contracted on his cock, pushing both of them into a state of coital bliss. Both shouted as their bodies succumbed to the most exhilarating climax of their lives. This was the first time that they made. Neither were virgins, but the moment was as special as if they were.

Kevin held her close, and soon realized, his chest was covered with her tears. Fearing he was too rough and had hurt her; he was immediately concerned. "Kevin, I knew it would be like this. For years, I've waited for you and now I can't ever let you go. If you don't want me, I don't think I can handle-"

Kevin silenced her with a kiss. "Now, you are mine, as I am yours," he said softly. Eileen cried as she looked at him. Kevin smiled, and said, "Let me show you." Then he proceeded to love her well into the later part of the day. Soon Eileen was crying out for more, as Kevin once and for all claimed his woman. Never had she felt so treasured. Kevin held her and kissed away her tears. A few hours later, the two lay snuggled together, neither speaking.

"You know we have to marry, sooner rather than later." Kevin stated wearing a well-satisfied grin. They had finally gotten out of bed. It was late in the afternoon, and Kevin was determined to prepare a meal for her. They both cooked, and she loved his creations.

"What? Kevin, that's a big..." Eileen stated, choking on the tea she had just sipped. He never showed an interest in marriage.

"Well baby, there is no way on earth I'm giving you up. Think about it, we spent the whole day in bed, right, not a condom in sight. I will not have my son or daughter be born out of wedlock, Reverend Johnson will strangle me. After the way I teased Gianni before Giovanni was born, he'll demand retribution. Besides, I love you Eileen. Marry me? Please?" He asked so sweetly, moving to hold her. He loved touching her and simply feeling her in his arms.

She tried to look pensive. Then she saw the earnest look on his face. Kevin was at his most vulnerable and she could not deny him. Eileen smiled. "Kevin! Yes, yes! I love you too. We need to arrange-." He kissed her.

"No, we marry today. We'll go to the magistrate and be done. I'm not willing to wait. I want to start our lives now", Kevin insisted. He had waited years to find her, and he wasn't waiting a minute more.

Eileen paused. He froze. If she really wanted a big wedding in a few months, he'd wait. But he hoped that she agreed to marry him today. He didn't want to spend another minute without her in his life.

"Kevin, I love you. I have loved you for so long. If you want this now, then, Yes, let's marry, today." Eileen agreed.

"Yes!" he yelled. "Yes!" Then he kissed his woman. He called Ortho and he and Beatrice joined them. They were honored to have their new friends witness their special moment. A quick trip to the magistrates office, and Kevin was kissing his wife.

After the short ceremony was over, Kevin and Eileen treated Ortho and Beatrice to lunch and invited them to stay with them for a few days. They refused, because as a newly married couple, they knew these two needed time alone. So after lunch, Ortho and Beatrice drove back home, but not before Kevin and Eileen promised to join them for dinner in a few days.

After their new friends left, Kevin wanted his wife. He smiled as he thought about Darren and how he was so possessive of Sharon. He laughed because now he finally understood. "What are you laughing about?" Eileen queried. Kevin kept laughing at something and it peaked her curiosity. "My brothers and how mad they will be when I introduce my sexy new wife. Baby, we might have to have another ceremony to appease the family. Um will you marry me again?" He asked. Eileen nodded and kissed her husband.

"Husband, I have other needs right now," she reminded him. So for the next few hours, Kevin took great pleasure in taking care of his wife's needs. "I love you so much Kevin." She whispered, tired sweaty, and completely satisfied. Then she kissed his chest and napped.

"Eileen, I love you, too. I promise to be the best..." she snored and he realized she was asleep. Holding her against his chest, he mused, Hmmm, I wore her out. I'll pamper her when she wakes up. Easing from their bed, he went to make an important call.

"Hello, Kevin." Shaun answered. Kevin greeted his mentor, forever grateful to him for saving his life. If he had not shown up, Kevin would not have survived. He would forever be grateful for him. Kevin asked, "I have a surprise. I want to drive home this Saturday. Can you have everyone meet at your house?"

Saturday morning dawned bright and early. Everyone arrived at the MacGregor's home. Shaun called everyone and told them what Kevin had said. They had finished breakfast and Kevin had not arrived. That morning, a little after eleven, he drove up.

Kevin and Eileen entered and everyone greeted them. Everyone was excited about his announcement when Kara screamed. "Oh my God, you two got married!" She grabbed Eileen's hand as everyone else noticed the gorgeous wedding band that donned her finger. Not to be outdone, JJ pointed out that Kevin's ring matched. The whole family celebrated welcoming Eileen into the family, finally.

Darren, Gianni, Michal and JJ cornered Kevin to tease him. "Oh Hell no, you tortured us before we married. It's pay back. We are going to..." Darren stopped and for a second looked at his brother, his friend. "Man, congrats, she is perfect and you deserve to be happy."

"Darren's right, as much as I want to tease you, Kevin I'm so happy for you right now." Gianni added.

Kevin looked at all three of his brothers. He would never forget what they went through, where they came from, because that's what made them who they were. They were his family and that's all that mattered.

Glancing over, he saw the smirk on Michal's face, "Come on, Mike, let me have it." he teased.

"Nope, I'm happy for you Kevin. I never knew you were so slow on the uptake, but you finally caught on. It took you long enough." he teased. Soon all the guys laughed and the women looked over.

Eileen loved his family, because they made her feel at home. As she sat and talked with her new sister-in-laws, Ms. Delia took a moment to thank her for loving Kevin. She was rendered speechless by her gesture, because how could she not love the one man that was made for her, even though he was ornery, mule-headed, and short-tempered. He was hers, as she was his.

The cheers and jubilation lasted well into the day, before Shaun had a chance to speak with Kevin alone. Shaun went to his office because he needed a few moments. Someone knocked and entered. He thought it was Delia, but it wasn't; it was Kevin.

"Mr. MacGregor, are you alright? I looked up and you were gone." Kevin stated. "I'm fine, son", he answered. "I want you to know that I am so happy for you. You deserve this happiness. You've overcome so much. I want you to go on and live. Love her. Take care of her. Live your life son. You aren't alone anymore." He smiled.

Kevin hugged his mentor. This man, this one man, changed his life. Not only his, but the lives of his brothers. He'd honor him. He'd make sure he would help someone else along the way. Kevin realized he missed his wife. He smiled, his wife; that title had a nice ring to it.

So he and Shaun joined the rest of the family.


Shaun stood out to the side and simply admired his family. Delia walked over and asked what he was thinking about so intently. Shaun laughed. "Nothing much, just how a few traffic tickets was the best thing to ever happen to me." Delia looked at their kids and she had to agree. Those tickets years ago, changed their lives in ways they couldn't imagine. She and Shaun stood, hugging each other.

Darren looked over at the MacGregor's. He took a moment to reflect. He smiled as he thought for a moment about his life's journey. If it wasn't for that man standing over there, he'd probably be dead. Mr. MacGregor saved his life. Thanks to him, he had a beautiful wife, two lovely daughters, and a handsome new son. Years ago, Mr. MacGregor gave him a card. The card said, "I know life is hard and you want to fight. Let me teach you to fight the right way, and I'll help you slay your demons. Trust me. I'm here for you." Those words gave him hope, and he latched on. Now, years later, he owed this man and he'd never forget it. He even took time to volunteer on weekends to mentor some of the young boys at his children's school. It wasn't much, but he'd learned that even the smallest step over time could yield big results.

When Mr. MacGregor promised to protect Clemmie, he sealed his fate as a true leader to him. Under the guidance of the MacGregors', Darren watched his baby sister flourish and blossom. Now, not only was she safe, but now happy and married to a man he considered his brother, Michal. Clemmie and Michal lived in LA, but when Shaun called, they came back home to be with Kevin. Clemmie was now a nurse practitioner. She and Michal's family was the reverse of his and Sharon's. They had two rowdy boys, and she and Michal were expecting their third child, a daughter. His sister was finally happy, as was he.

Clemmie smiled at her brothers as she glanced toward the two people that changed her life as well. Shaun and Delia MacGregor were the parents she and Darren lost when they were young, and she'd love them for eternity for the normalcy their love and support gave them. After Robert attacked her, she was at the lowest point in her life, but those two people would not let her drown. They fought for her, even when she could not fight for herself. Ms. Delia taught her how to be a woman, and for that alone she was eternally grateful. Mr. MacGregor promised her she was safe and he was true to his word. He always told her, don't thank me, help someone else along the way and she did. Because of them, she treated patients for free on weekends at her clinic, honoring the idea that Mr. MacGregor always taught. You should always help someone else along the way. She couldn't see many, but the few she could help, she did.

Soon, Darren heard Gianni laugh and looked his way. Gianni was playing with his oldest, Giovanni. Gianni saw Darren looking pensive, and he too looked over at his mentor. He smiled and nodded at him. Gianni knew this quiet man was his life-line. He taught him how to be a man, not only him but also his brothers as well. He lost his mother a year ago, and it was hard, but he and his brothers were never alone. Shaun & Delia, alongside his wife Kara, and the rest of his family stood with them. Mr. MacGregor promised him he'd never be alone again, and he kept that promise. He held his wife close and watched their extended family mingle. He whispered a silent thank you to his mentor, his father.

Kevin would usually segregate himself. But today was about him and his wife. He looked across the area and saw Shaun and Delia. It was then he realized that he wasn't alone anymore. He had people that were there for him, cared for him. He smiled. Mr. MacGregor gave him a card that said, "Kevin, you are so much more than what you know. I am here for you and will help you find your way. Trust me, let me in and you'll never be alone again. Kevin looked into is eyes and he believed him. That moment changed everything for him. He met his brothers, and sister. They were and would always be a family.

Michal looked at his parents. He was so proud and in awe of them. They were two of the most selfless people he knew, and he was honored to call them Mom and Dad. Years ago when his dad told him he was mentoring three guys from a detention center he worried at first, but in the end, he acquired three brothers and a beautiful woman that was all his. Michal stood and admired his parents for a moment, as he felt Clemmie's arm encircle his waist. Turning he moved behind her to hold her and caress her growing stomach, where his daughter was safe and protected, smiling he thought I wonder if he has any idea how great he is. If he knows how many lives he has changed. I am so proud to be his son.

All four men stood and walked over to their mentor, their father. Each young man took a moment to thank the one man that fought for them, and gave them a reason to hold on. Delia stood next to her husband, as the boys showered both him and her with praise and adoration. She smiled. Can one man make a difference?", she thought. "Yes, one man can."


Thank you all for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed the ending and that you weren't too disappointed. As I wrote this, I had no idea where it would lead. The characters took on a voice of their own. Late one night, I wondered could one man make a difference. This story was born.

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Smiffy69Smiffy69about 2 years ago

I love a happy ending and this story has so many. Heart in throat moments too. Great story. Good length. More please. Let’s spread “feel good” stories!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
loose ends

Great story, but I want to know what caused the mutual dislike between Shaun & his wife's brother. Same with the cousins.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
5 stars butcould be better

I have voted this story as a 5 star, something I don't often do. When a story makes my eyes leak it deserves the 5.

It does however contain a number of errors, words used incorrectly and some syntax errors which detract from the enjoyment. Please take this as constructive citicism as it is intended.

Thank you for a great story line with believable and enchanting characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

You are the QUEEN of EMOTIONAL stories. The best at writing about true romances of love. 5 stars and more for each stories from you.


xtchrxtchralmost 7 years ago
One Hell Of A Story!

This is one true 'feel good' story. I enjoyed it from the very beginning. Ever since the movie of several years ago, I have been a true believer of the 'Pay It Forward' concept. This was definitely an exceptional story. Thank you for your writing.

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