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The sequel to "I Warned You".
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This is the sequel to "I Warned You." I hope you enjoyed it and didn't take it seriously.

There is only a mention of sex in this story. I decided to keep it in the category of the first story for consistency.

Please don't take either of these stories seriously. There is no permanent damage done to anyone. Just read and enjoy.



For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story "I Warned You," I'm here to let you know that I did not go gentle into that good night.

For those of you who did not read that story, I'll give you the short and curly about it. I work too damn hard and too damn many hours on my job. My home life sucks because I'm too damn tired from the job to give my wife the attention I want to give and get too many honey do lists finished.

The stress was getting to me so I decided to treat myself to some happy hour drinks. The problem is I tend to go overboard with everything I do and after a few weeks of drinking, my wife warned me that if I didn't stop I would suffer unknown consequences.

Everything went well for a few weeks until the need for a few drinks came up. Actually I had more than a few drinks and was forced to take a taxi home. I passed out drunk on the couch. When I woke up in need of a monster piss, I discovered my lovely wife super glued my penis northward to my belly! I had no choice but to walk into the shower and let loose with a piss that would put a Russian race horse to shame. Of course my wife was laughing her ass off the whole time.

I had to go to the hospital emergency room to get myself disconnected, as it were. The doctor had little difficulty getting me undone since super glue accidents happen more often than you would think. And believe it or not, I found out that the use of super glue to attached a husband's penis to his belly is not an uncommon event either.

Giving the medical staff one helluva laugh did make me feel good, but I definitely would've preferred it be for a totally different reason.

On the way home, I remembered my wife telling me a long time ago that she would do exactly what she did if I ever came home drunk.

To repeat Bugs Bunny...This Means WAR! No not really, I always wanted to say that. But I'm definitely not taking this lying down. Come on, I work 13 hour days and I get this shit because I need to stop for a drink! Why the hell isn't my wife helping me with things? Why doesn't she understand I'm fucking stressed out and need some "ME" time? We're supposed to be a team dammit so why isn't she making me feel better?

As I pulled into my drive, a plan started to develop on how my wife was going to understand exactly how it feels to be under appreciated. I was almost smiling when I opened the door, but as I walked in my wife was sitting in the living room with some of her friends laughing their collective fat asses off.

Before the cackling hens realized I was there, I overheard their continued belittling of my glued manhood. Oh yeah, she's gonna pay.

When they finally noticed me standing there I had already poked myself in the eyes and forced a few tears down my cheeks. Suddenly things weren't so funny any more and they all looked very uncomfortable. My wife especially looked shocked when she seen me standing there.

Step one of my plan accomplished, I turned around and went upstairs to our bedroom. On the way up, I heard the woman start talking about what had just happened. I heard a few of them tell my wife she took things too far and she needed to apologize to me immediately.

Making into our bedroom, I initiated step two of my plan by noisily moving my clothes into the spare bedroom. During one of my trips, I caught my wife and a few of her friends standing at the bottom of the stairs wide eyed in disbelief. Internally I was smiling inside, but outside I looked like someone had just ran over my dog.

I heard the front door open and close a few times as all the visiting hens went back to their homes to do who knows what to their husbands. Maybe a few of them will be nicer since they realized what happens when you push things too far.

Three trips down and I was almost done. Turning around for the fourth trip I found my wife with a worried look on her face. I said nothing as I walked past her. The last thing she heard was me locking the bedroom door.

It was only a few minutes when I heard my wife knock on the door asking me to let her in. Like that was going to happen. More knocking, more asking for me to talk and more of me ignoring her. Soon the requests became louder and more demanding. Thirty minutes later they became more pleading. Eventually they stopped all together. I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

In the morning I was up and out of the house before she woke up. I still had 13 hours of work to contend with with the bitch from hell. But instead of dealing with Satan's sister, I was met by her boss who wanted to talk to me.

Long story short, the bitch was fired and I was offered her job with an seriously nice pay raise. Along with the raise came some time off to recover from the months of busting my ass. I accepted the promotion and time off without hesitation. The best part was the time off started immediately!

God I couldn't wait to go home and tell my wife about our good fortune.

No, I couldn't do that just yet, could I? I still needed to make her understand she went too far with her stunt.

Today was my wife's day off so I wasn't surprised that her car was still in the drive. What I was surprised about was that when I walked in, I could tell she had been crying. When our eyes met I wondered if she would break down and apologize for what she did. Instead the shock of seeing me standing there brought questions why I was home so early. "What did you do?"

Oh yeah, it's on!

Step three, "I was fired." "What?!"

"The bitch got me fired." "Why? What did you do?"

I couldn't have set it up any better, "Why am I not surprised you would think that I did anything wrong? I'm just nothing but a fucking screw up to you aren't I? Well fuck you!" as I went back to my new bedroom.

She began knocking again calling my name repeatedly. I refused to open the door, but I did yell at her she had better take on more hours so we don't lose the house. Again I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

The next morning I went down for breakfast as my wife was pouring herself a cup of coffee. Initially I said nothing to her, but after she repeated her questions from last night I decided to answer them and continue with step three. Explaining that the bitch set me up for something I didn't do and the higher ups believed her instead of me.

My wife started to realized that I have been under considerable stress for a long time and her use of the super glue was uncalled for. I thought she might apologize to me, but she didn't. I guess I could understand that since she now had to worry about us paying our bills and losing our home.

She went off to work with what seemed like the weight of the world on her shoulders. Good. Time to know how it really feels.

I spent the day doing exactly what I was supposed to do, relax and recover from all those long months.

My wife came home to tell me she was allowed to take on more hours. She looked at me sheepishly when she asked me to help around the house since she was working more hours and would I be unable to do all the work she had normally done.

Man did her eyes go huge when I told her I would be glad to give her as much help as she did me these past months. There was almost recognition of "I'm in trouble" on her face when she realized the possible ramifications.

Her extra hours turned out to be ten hour shifts the first week then bumped up to 12 hour shifts on week two. Boy did she look tired. I gave her no sympathy.

By the third week she started to complain about being tired, not having time to do anything, not having a life and not having any fun. It also brought about step four. I started going at her about our lack of a sex and what was she going to do about it. Oh you bet I got the evil eye on that one.

What did surprise me was that the next night my wife didn't come home at her usual time. I waited for hours and was getting very worried. I was about to go out looking for her when she showed up smelling of alcohol. "Oh let the God's be praised. I got her!"

"Where the hell have you been and why do you smell like you've been drinking?"

She came right back at me about being stressed out and needing to let off a little steam. So when the girls at the office suggested a few drinks after work, she felt she was entitled.

"I see now. It's OK for you to do it but when it comes to me, I get in trouble. I'll remember that." As I turned around and walked away I mentioned it took me months before I needed to stop for a drink and it had only taken her three weeks. "Turn about is fair play. Remember that my dear wife." Her pleas to understand were ignored.

Now during this whole time I still refused to move back into the master bedroom and spoke to her only when needed and then it was mostly grunts. I probably would have stopped all this foolishness if she would at least apologize to me for her lack of understanding and use of super glue. But since she didn't...

There was going to be a big surprised for my wife tomorrow when she came home from work.

The little woman came home around 7 P.M. the next night and walked right up the steps to the master bedroom. It wasn't 2 minutes later I heard the banshee scream. You see, I moved her out of our master bedroom and into the spare, while I moved me back in to the nice soft bed I've had for years. I left a big welcome to your new bedroom banner in the spare bedroom. She was too tired to fight it and went to sleep.

Before I went to sleep I thought I may have heard crying coming from her room.

She was gone before I woke. I knew I was on a precarious edge. If things were pushed too far, I could cause serious damage to my marriage. If not enough, she would not learn from it and our marriage would still be damaged.

The next night I was surprised when she didn't come home timely. She texted me saying she was going to stop for drinks with her friends but shouldn't be late.

Damn. Oh well. Next step.

I have no idea what time she made it home. I wasn't there. You see it happened to be my wife's birthday and I arranged for a surprise birthday party for her. Too bad she missed it. All of her family and mine had a great time.

Imagine her shock when she finally made it home and seen the decorations hanging from the ceiling and walls. The half eaten birthday cake and unopened presents and cards were waiting for her.

On the table along side the presents and cards I left her a note.

My Dearest wife,

First I want to say "Happy Birthday!" All our families were here to celebrate your making it to the beginning of a new decade. It is one of those milestones that we seldom get to share with everyone being in town at the same time. Too bad you had to go out drinking with your friends. I'm sure you had a wonderful time.

Of course right about now your cussing me, "Why didn't you tell me?" It wouldn't have been a surprise party then would it? Your text did say you wouldn't be late so I was under the impression the party could be salvaged, but as the night wore on our family had no choice but to go home. They send you their love and birthday wishes.

I on the other hand have been hurt beyond words by your actions. Not only have you belittled me in front of your friends by making fun of me after your stunt with the super glue, but you have yet to apologize to me for the pain and humility thrust upon me by your actions.

Worst of all is your actions of late. They are exactly what you condemned me for not long ago. At least my stopping for a drink did not take away from you or our family.

Again, Happy Birthday! I Love You.

P.S. Don't worry about me. It's not like you have the past few months anyway. Also, I wanted you to know I finished all those honey do list you've complained about. I'll be home soon. I had to go out and think for awhile.

I really do love you.

When my phone starting ringing I figured she read the note I had left for her. I had no intention of answering. Any voicemail would immediately let me know what kind of mood she was in. It would either be her crying and apologizing for the last few weeks or a simply worded middle finger.

I hoped for the former and not the latter.

After listening to her voicemail, I knew what I had to do.

I wasn't that far away so it didn't take me long to make it home. As I walked inside the front door I was body slammed by a blubbering 135 pound wife holding on so tight it was difficult to breath.

Eventually she calmed down enough to speak clearly and apologize. And boy did she apologize. My pants weren't even down past my knees when her mouth found the bulge in my shorts. That was only the beginning. For the rest of the night as we took our make up session to the master bedroom.

We eventually fell asleep but not until she apologized three times in different languages...uh..I mean positions.

When I woke up she was watching me with a look of love and sadness on her face. She had me worried for a second, "Honey, are you OK?"

"No. Not really. I have been such a bitch to you and I'm so afraid you're going to leave me. I can't say I actually blame you after everything I did. I am so sorry for using super glue on your penis. After what I did to you, how can you stand to be around me?"

"I haven't for a long time. You've hurt me, badly. That stunt with the glue wasn't the last straw, you and your friends making fun of me was. I already had plans for payback, but they changed when I walked in on you and the rest of the hens that day."

She had a very worried look on her face, "What...what do you mean?"

"On the way home I decided payback would be to get creative with some of your hair care products that would've left you with a very bright shade of yellow hair. But when I walked through our front door, I knew it was time for my old fall back philosophy. Do you remember what that is?"

Her eyes grew large as recognition of what the last three weeks have been all about. "Yeah, I remember. Why hurt the body when you can cause more pain by fucking with the mind." Her mood began to change from contrite to something that I was afraid would be just short of the devil herself.

"Are you telling me the past three weeks have been some form of sick payback! Just because I fucking super glued your little dick to your fat stomach! You fucking bastard!"

Step five. So much for contrite. I got out of bed, looked down at her and just shook my head and walked out. I guess I failed in making her understand. I was down stairs sipping on a cup of coffee when I heard the shower start. A slight smile came upon my face as I knew my wife would soon experience something new and wonderful. Color.

Sometimes hurting the body has its merits. It wasn't yellow she was going to see. I thought a nice shade of fuchsia would match her cheek bones better. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" The banshee screams!

Wait till I tell her about my new job and pay raise.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

It was good until the ending that wasn't.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Pure awesomesauce

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


ker63469ker63469about 1 year ago

Better than the original but no ending. What happened to the couple, to the wife?

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