Paying The Rent Ch. 02


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He'd played the little game before. You got the girl to bring her birth control down and you told them that one more light rent envelope and she'd have to dump it. With some girls that got them going like nothing else could. For them just the concept of Lavon seeding and breeding them was the ultimate. But the ultimate what? The ultimate pleasure, the ultimate achievement or the ultimate taboo, the ultimate disgrace? Fucked if he knew and fucked if he cared. It made his Big Black Cock hard and their tight white pussies wet and that was all that mattered.

It was a little game for everyone's pleasure. They loved the idea of him taking them fertile and planting a big potent load of African baby-seed just as deep in their unprotected white pussies as he could. It proved how much you wanted them, it told them just how easy you could make sure there was no way back for them.

Like any of them wanted a way back. What had Britney screamed? That he had 'ruined her for white boys'. Like that mattered. None of his girls were ever gonna be interested in weak-sauce white-boy sex again. They'd had the genuine article.

So anyway he kinda had a script to improvise around when playing the game but fuck if that hadn't gone out the window. Hearing the beautiful horny little Austrian slut yell about him breeding her had kind of got to him. After he'd cum he'd thought about it and then it'd sort of come instinctive like.

"Get them fucking birth control pills," he'd almost snarled at her.

"Yes sir." She hadn't hesitated for a second. Just found her jacket and fished a small container out of one pocket.

"In here," he'd taken a firm grip of her arm and led her into the bathroom. "Dump them, dump them now," he'd ordered.

She'd looked at him then, her eyes wide and intense. That wasn't hesitation either - she was savouring his words, drinking in every moment of a Black man ordering her to destroy her only birth control.

Because he wasn't asking her - he was telling her.

She was smiling kind of nervously as she began popping each of the little pills out of their pack and letting them drop into the toilet. Then the smile went and all you could hear was her excited shallow breathing. She didn't stop until the last of the pills was dropped down into the water. Only then did she look up at him her chest rising and falling real nice and real quick, them wonderful eyes of hers looking so big and hooked onto his.

"Time to end any chance of going back, of ever being the sweet white-bread respectable daughter that your family wanted, any chance of getting that good marriage and that house in the suburbs and them blue-eyed blonde-haired kids. You know how you do it don't ya. You just flush 'em away."

She was still looking at him as she reached out and flushed the toilet, sending her pills into oblivion.

Took all his self-control not to smile or at least show his approval. That wasn't what she wanted just now. The little bitch was really getting off on the scenario - almost as much as he was. So he sternly pointed a finger at her.

"Now you pay attention. By four weeks them pills will be outa your system and you'll be fertile as fuck. You come up with a short envelope again and fine as that booty is I ain't gonna be fucking it. I'm gonna be fucking that primed pussy and coating them lily-white eggs. Gonna be sending you home with my Black baby growing in ya." He paused a significant moment. "Maybe I'll be taking that plane ticket of yours and making sure you don't go back till I'm satisfied, till you showing good, till everyone knows you been a slut and in a few more months they'll know you a Black-bred slut. Now - you understand how its gonna be?" His eyes were fierce, locked onto hers.

She swallowed and then said one clear word. "Yes."

In that instant he knew she'd do it. She'd turn up ten bucks short and let him knock her up. She'd do it and she'd do it because she thought he wanted it, she'd do it to please him. She wouldn't care about the consequences, she'd just be focused on pleasing the Black man in her life.

He knew she was the wild one in the house but this was better than he'd imagined. A part of him wanted to keep it going, to give her just what she needed, to fulfil her destiny. He had no doubts that it was where the road led for her - she'd end up raising a Black man's babies, more likely Black men's babies. Why shouldn't the first one be his?

He opened his mouth in a broad smile and then blew out his cheeks. "You something else girl. Tell me straight - do you wish it was real?"

Now she did hesitate. Thought for maybe four seconds as he watched her face. Saw the realisation that it had been a role-play, saw her mixed reaction to that, saw her try to find the words and fail. "Yes. Yes I do but..."

He kissed her hard and deep. That said more than words. Lavon had his rules. He didn't take tenants here under twenty. Needed a few years on that before he'd think about making a woman one of his baby-mommas. A young woman needed to know what she was doing and to happily embrace it. Lavon had been around the block enough times to know that was where the true satisfaction lay.


There were worse things. Walking up to the club with a cute little white piece on each arm. Signalled he was a successful and a generous man. Generous - because you didn't bring your piece here unless you were willing to share her. Britney's rear-end was drawing the 'male gaze' before they'd even done the formalities.

He was a member of course and frankly no-one was gonna bar the door to his guests. Some there knew Corinne already - knew that a night with her was a real good result. As for Britney - well she was swinging them hips real nice. She knew they was watching and she was fucking loving it.

So there was just the paper-work. A test from the last thirty days. Hardly a guarantee but this club and the others like it were little communities. People looked after each other, people were responsible when they needed to be. He could only say he'd never had a problem - neither had any of his guests. What were you supposed to do - stay home every night in a full-body condom. Wasn't there a risk in crossing the street?

Anyway tests were easy thanks to the Nikola Clinics. Free of charge for students too. A federal initiative apparently. Not hard to see the hand of Mr Taylor in that one. Him and Nikola went back years so Lavon had heard from those that knew.

Lavon took them into a corner of the reception area. It made sense. These two honeys were gonna get a lot of attention in the main club and he needed to keep his eyes open. He himself was across the room and out of the eye-line of anyone entering the club.

It didn't take long. He was pleased to see the girls watching the door - they'd liked the idea of this from the first time he'd mentioned it. When a familiar figure came through the door he nodded in their direction and saw them move in for the kill. Lavon smiled - the young man was in for quite an experience.


Having done his duty for the night Lavon walked into the main club, looked around him and instantly focused on a delicious brunette. Maybe thirty, 5'5 with that dark brown hair and a porcelain complexion. She was slim save for where it counted up top. Couldn't be natural but looked pretty damn fine - if he had to guess he thought that was another thing to thank Dr Nikola for. Like a fine piece of furniture you could always tell the work of a true master. Piece was worth it too - just fine from top to toe. One thing was for damn sure he hadn't seen her before.

A young buck was making a first approach. No offence to the lad but this was man's work. He simply eased himself the few steps until he was in the fine piece's eye-line. The movement registered with her and she glanced up. He gave a little nod and she made a little show of looking him up and down with the tip of her tongue just showing between hr strong white teeth. Fuck - the little bitch knew what she was doing. Had him tenting his shorts already. She turned to 'junior' and gave him the most beautiful smile and a kiss on the check. Rain check for 'junior'. He'd get over it - there was plenty of pussy out there tonight and plenty of future nights. His time would come but tonight, by all appearances, belonged to experience over looks!

"Hey sweetness - I haven't seen you down here. Damn sure I'd have remembered."

"Really?" She was thrusting them fine titties at him as she spoke. "Why?" Her deep brown eyes twinkled. Bitch was the full package. Those were the sorts of eyes looked out on the Atlantic from the coasts of Argyll and Donegal. Her fore-fathers had come over to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Old Lavon was real appreciative of their decision and you could take that to the bank.

"Cos you the finest chassy here. I never did like settling for anything but the best. So I figured if I didn't come see you then I'd have to bail and I just got here so..."

"You've used that before." The twinkle was still in her eyes.

"Uh-huh." He smiled back.

"It ever work?"

"Normally gets me a name and I can take it from there." He knew she liked what she saw. Not all women went for Lavon's type but when they did they was generally real happy to go all in on it.

"I'm Louise," she said.

It suddenly clicked with him. "Theo's Louise."

She gently shook her head "Not Theo's Louise. I'm Louise's Louise. But I work for Theo and we do... work real well together."

He nodded. "Know Theo myself - we third cousins twice removed or something, I never could get that shit straight. Heard a lot about you - all of it good."

"Aren't I keeping you from something? I think I noticed you arrive with a young honey on each arm"

She'd noticed him - that was real good. He thought whether to finesse it but fuck this was Theo's Louise. From all he'd heard she'd like the straight approach.

"They tenants of mine - brought them along to meet our young friend DeShawn. Doing a solid you might say."

She was obviously amused. He'd read her right. She just asked, "For him or for them?"

"For everyone I'm thinking. Sure looked that way when I left them."

She'd had a similar moment of realisation to his earlier one and her smile had broadened. "So you must be Lavon. Heard a lot about you too. Theo keeps saying we should meet up."

"Theo is a good and generous man."

She giggled just a little, just the right amount. Tonight just kept getting better. Meant he could chill, this was only going one way. He smiled. "Not seen you here before. You want the tour?"

There was the tip of her tongue again as she eased her pale fingers through her beautiful dark brown hair. "I've heard there are places upstairs where a girl can take a handsome Black gentleman who she wants to take advantage of?"

"Heard them rumours too - want to go find them?" He eased towards her. Not all the way - he sensed this lady liked to set the pace and call the shots.

She closed the rest of the distance immediately and their mouths met. She tasted and felt real good. He took a nice claiming hold on her butt and her tongue pushed into his mouth. He held her close, enjoyed their first intimacy. Left her to ultimately signal the next move.

She looked at him and very gently exhaled a breath before giving him the most beautiful smile. "I think its time you showed me those rooms."

Lavon took her by the waist and started to lead her towards the stairs. He had a feeling he was going to be exploited tonight and he was feeling not the slightest pain at the prospect.


DeShawn hesitated a little, scoping out the situation. He wasn't in that life no more but learned habits can hang around a while. He saw a group of Black men arrive and soon after there were five white women. Then a vehicle pulled up and dropped off another white woman. There'd been a white boy at the wheel - delivering his wife?

DeShawn wasn't in any particular hurry. He was very partial to white girls but it wasn't like they was a rarity for him. He worked at Theo's and some of the girls over there were real friendly. They'd have a good night for tips and maybe they'd tip him for sending custom their way. Not in green tho. First time it'd happened he'd known it was by far the best blow-job he'd ever enjoyed. He'd had several more since and the quality hadn't dropped. Anyway that meant he wasn't no fool to rush in until he was happy that what he'd been told was true.

There was a brotha on the door, a real big motha-fucka but he was acting friendly like. There in case of trouble but not expecting any. DeShawn took a sniff of the cool night air and moved forward. He'd dressed carefully. Pretty much his outfit at work. Smart but informal.

"Hey," he said to the door-man.

The man's eyes took him in lightning fast, assessed him. The man nodded a little. "Got your paper."

DeShawn handed the test over. That was no sweat - a requirement for Theo's staff. The man led by example and that was one of the things made DeShawn like him so much.

The door-man eased himself an inch or so to one side to allow DeShawn entrance. "Enjoy yourself," was all he said.

DeShawn moved into the reception area and quickly saw the entrance to the main club. He'd only took a couple of steps in that direction when...

"Oh yeah - now THIS is what I'm talking about. Fresh meat and just my favourite sort!"

DeShawn felt her fingers on his bicep. Well fuck he liked to work out, liked to look good. She moved round into his vision and he saw a beautiful blonde girl, a few years younger than himself. That wasn't the first thing got your attention though. She had a deeply plunging neckline and a real fine pair of white-girl titties. He tried to stop his gaze dropping and staying there - tried and failed.

"All natural baby - like me to prove it?" Fuck she was pretty and that little sparkle in her eye told DeShawn all he needed to know. He jumped a little when another slim pale hand cupped his junk.

"Don't be shy," purred the second girl, "but you shouldn't be putting a sock down your pants. That's false advertising." Her voice had the slightest of accents. Now he could see her too. A brunette and chunkier than her friend but that didn't worry DeShawn none. He liked a girl with curves and damn was this girl curved in all the right places and real fine too.

"Ain't no sock there," he said trying to sound as confident and masterful as he could. It didn't come out so bad considering he was a little off-balance like.

The blonde had a firm hold on his arm now. "If I'm proving it," she said, "only fair you do too. Come on."

DeShawn liked the sound of that but he was aware he'd been asked to come down here for a reason. "Ain't we supposed to go in the club like." He nodded towards the main door.

"Oh no," said the brunette, "we saw you first. You're ours."

Resistance was futile and DeShawn wasn't much minded to resist in any case. He let the girls lead him upstairs and his eyes never left that brunette's awesome whooty all the way there.


Britney was undoing his shirt and letting the tips of her pale fingers brush his warm dark skin. Corinne was leaning over him and moving her naked breasts an inch or so off his face. Naked and perfect and, he could confirm, all natural. DeShawn was seated and pitching a tent to rip a hole in his fucking pants. He wasn't no first-timer but these two were fucking fine and fucking skilled!

Britney moved back behind his seat and put her hands on his arms. He was a powerful man and he could break free easily but the message was clear. He kept his arms down on the armrests no matter how much he wanted to reach out and touch, caress and claim. Now the blonde, Corinne, could really do her thing. Her eyes locked on his as she stepped out of her skirt.

"Fuck," said DeShawn. The girl had been naked underneath. Just the prettiest little pink pussy all out and on display. She moved forward and was over him again. Her breasts in his face and her naked body on his clothed one. She moved again - let her tits rest on his bared chest, let her mouth find his. Her tongue teasing first and then demanding his own tongue's tribute.

She stepped back and grinned at him. Then she spun into a handstand and her legs were skilfully caught by Britney behind him. Corinne arched her back and suddenly DeShawn's whole vision seemed to be filled with white girl pussy. Looked fucking delicious and DeShawn wasn't minded to deny himself no more. His hands finally moved and grasped Corinne's legs. He moved his face forward and got his tongue to work. She tasted as good as she looked and her fruity little giggle just urged him on.

He knew Britney had moved and soon she appeared in front of him. Her hands were skilfully undoing his belt even as her mouth met her friend's. DeShawn was a tall young man and Corinne wasn't so big. Her body lay on his but Britney could still find her way underneath to pull down his pants and then his shorts.

"Oh yeah," said the brunette enthusiastically.

"No socks?" enquired Corinne.

"Uh-uh," said Britney and then DeShawn felt the warmth and wetness of her mouth on his cock. A tongue run up and down his shaft before she took him into her. From second one he knew this was way up to the standards of Theo's girls. He was becoming a connoisseur in fly white-girl head and right away he knew Britney was a bopper of distinction. He might have told her so but just then his mouth was full of premium white pussy and he was working on making Corinne shiver and shake for all the teasing she'd been laying down.

Back in the day they'd said Black guys didn't eat pussy. Well fuck them dumb old-timers. DeShawn loved eating pussy and he was pretty damn good at it. A few exploratory movements and he had an idea what Corinne liked. Once he was there he knew his job. He gave her just what she needed just as fine as he could. Exploring and teasing and then exploiting her sensitivities. Didn't take long - soon she was quivering in his grip, her moans audible. Amateurs would stop there - switch their attention to the fine-ass blow-job he was getting. DeShawn knew better. He kept going, intensifying his efforts. Making sure everyone knew that this pussy was his tonight. Powered on through till Corinne had to give him what he was wanting. Shaking and sobbing out her climax.

Then, as Corinne moved aside for a moment's recovery, he could turn his attention to the PAWG sucking his cock. Turned out to be a mistake. His Big Black Cock in that sweet white mouth was a real beautiful image. He felt himself ready to nut, to fill that talented mouth with his seed.

DeShawn grasped a handful of Britney's hair and pulled her off his cock. He didn't try to be rough but the situation had been getting urgent. Britney just giggled and Corinne joined in. They knew why he'd moved so fast. They knew they had him just as he had them.

Corinne pulled Britney down to the carpet and then straddled her friend's face. DeShawn knew his part and dropped between the brunette's legs. Another beautiful white pussy just crying out for his attention. Girl had nearly got him off and he would go one better for her. His tongue explored and caressed and teased and tormented. He brought his fingers into play. Britney wasn't going nowhere and he was giving her an idea of just what he could do.

By the time they were finished with her Britney was red-faced and gasping for breath. The opening act was done and DeShawn knew it was time to take charge. He clicked his fingers and pointed at the bed. Seemed both those fine-assed bitches agreed with the idea because they scampered over and took up position real nice. On hands and knees side by side with their butts pointing out over the edge. Fuck but Britney had a fine donk, crying out for a Black cock. He ran a finger over each pussy's entrance, set both them fine white rears quivering and wiggling for his attention. It wasn't a time for delay. He moved up, presented his cock to Corinne and then pushed home. She squealed in delight. Warm and wet and perfectly prepared for him. He pushed a couple of fingers into Britney, matching his strokes into Corinne.. He set up a good rhythmn, claiming that pussy.