Paying The Rent Ch. 03


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The door had barely closed behind the couple before Lavon quietly spoke.

"Thinking of trading me in for the younger model?"

Elize seemed to jump about a foot in the air and turned to him with a startled and guilty look. Lavon had always hated the fact that some white girls were fooled into feeling guilty about their natural desires. It was one of his greatest pleasures to free them from all that crap and help them to be themselves and express their true needs and desires.

He closed the gap between them and gently took her arms in his. His deep brown eyes locked onto hers. Yeah - there it was. The longing and the desire and the hesitation, the fear drummed into rich little white girls. Rule Number One was you didn't go with Black guys - no matter whether you found them sexy as fuck, no matter if your white boy husband was a limp little noodle.

Well some rules were made to be broken. It was always beautiful the moment a white wife accepted and embraced that fact. Moments like right now when Elize's eyes widened a little and then she moved her lips towards his. Lavon instinctively met her half way, their lips exchanging gentle kisses. He felt her softness and tasted her sweetness and moved in again. This time he held her a little tighter and kissed her a little deeper, his tongue finding its way between her lips. His hand moved down her exposed back and slid into her costume to take a grasp of one perfectly-rounded butt cheek.

Now he kissed her hard out there as the sun went down, as the shadows grew over the island. Now he was ready to claim her, to show her what she had always been meant to be. As he finally broke their kiss he noticed the flush in her cheeks, those wide blue eyes.

"This your husband's idea?"

She hesitated, glanced down and then back up at him. "Yes - I mean, well, it was at first but..."

Lavon kissed her again. "Don't matter how we got here so long as we are here. But I'm about to take you in that cabin and when we do it'll all be about you. He'll be out of the picture from the moment that door closes. It'll just be us - you and me, a man and his woman."

Had he used that line before? Perhaps - but he always meant it.

He knew this fine little piece's white husband was out there watching them. Well Lavon wasn't no show-pony. Hubby would have to let his imagination do the heavy lifting because he'd seen all he was going to see.

"Ready?" He knew he only needed only that one word as he held out one hand.

"Yeah," she said.. Just one word in reply but it was weighted with such intensity and desire that Lavon knew this one was something special. He felt his cock stir again and begin to grow. That was what he loved about his life so much. That moment with each woman when you knew just how special they were - just how fortunate you were to be with them. You never took that for granted, you always fulfilled your responsibilities.

Her hand found his and he led her over to the same cabin that they had seen Jase and Helen disappear into. As the door clicked shut behind them Lavon allowed himself one last thought for the white boy left outside. It had been his idea but would he be able to cope with the reality? Lavon hoped so - plenty of white boys came to live with their true status in their relationship - but he felt no qualms over that. His only intention was to ensure that Elize left this cabin a different woman to the one who had followed him inside. After tonight she wouldn't be settling for what she'd had before and after tonight she'd know what she really needed and who to get it from.

The cabin was a two-berth and the connecting door was open. They could hear noises beyond that door. Noises that weren't too difficult to identify. It was getting hot and heavy over there. Elize looked at him and Lavon relished the look of excitement in her eyes. They had a bed and a couch so Lavon took a seat on the latter and patted the material next to him. She didn't hesitate and joined him but the noises from next door had removed any doubt about where this was leading and Elize wasn't quite there yet. Lavon sensed her hesitation, knew it was the last doomed resistance of her 'good-girl' white-bread upbringing.

"Oh yeah - now that is one beautiful cock." Helen's voice from next door.

"Well you know what he's needing dontcha." Jase's voice had just the right mixture of expectation and humour.

There was a giggle and then through the door came,

"Oh yeah sweet thing - suck that dick. You real good at that..."

Lavon raised an eyebrow at Elize and smiled. Elize was biting her lower lip and trying not to laugh out loud. Hell, she need not have worried. Nothing was going to break the mood next door any time soon. Lavon shared the moment with her and then glanced down at his own lap before bringing his eyes back up to those of Elize.

He'd timed it right. He knew that at the moment their eyes met. He moved a hand across to gently take hers and bring it half way towards himself. Then he left her hand sat on the couch and again gave her his confident smile.

Lavon saw Elize run her tongue over her lip. He knew her mouth was feeling dry, he knew she was still aware that she could take a step back. But that escape route was closing and closing fast He knew that they both knew that this was the point of no return. A barrier wasn't about to be crossed so much as smashed open irreparably.

Elize's hand moved tentatively towards him and then moved up his leg before stopping just below the bulge in his shorts. A last futile moment of hesitation and then he felt her fingers on his body, knew they were tracing the outline of his bulge, assessing the size of what lay beneath the material of his shorts.

"Oh wow..."

Well that was always guaranteed to make a man feel good. Almost as good as that look on the girl's face did. It was just the right mixture of excitement, curiosity and pleasure. Did a man good to see that, joined the touch of her fingers in making sure a man was ready to give her just what she needed and deserved.

When he moved his hands down to pull open the top of his shorts Elize didn't hesitate. Her cool fingers found the warmth of his skin, felt the hardness of his cock and knew that he was hard for her. Now Lavon eased himself off the couch for a second to allow his shorts to be pulled down and clear. Her eyes went to his cock and were held there. He knew it was the first time that she had seen a Black cock in the flesh. The first time she had known a Black cock was hard for her, was ready to fuck her.

Lavon was no fool. He knew Elize was interested in him - her earlier question had showed that - but he also knew that wasn't entirely down to his winning conversation. The young woman had been thinking about this for a long time, had been imagining how she would feel with a Big Black Cock in her hand, in her mouth, in her pussy. Well part one was happening right now and two and three weren't far behind. They both knew that now.

He stood up and faced her with his hard cock standing out in front of him at just the right height for her. She didn't hesitate and her hand cupped his heavy balls as her mouth moved down to cover the head of his cock. She began tentatively and Lavon moved his hands to hold her head with carefully practised gentleness. The young woman was doing real good and he was happy for her to set the pace.

"Yeah - thass good." He knew his words and the gentle touch of his fingers were necessary encouragement for Elize. A lot of the less experienced women came down here with strange ideas. They needed to understand that for a man like Lavon there was nothing sexier or more desirable than a white woman who was realising her true potential. Who was coming to understand where her desires and maybe her destiny lay. Who was learning that all those barriers put up by society were so much fake bullshit. That she could chose who she was and how far she chose to take it. That men like Lavon weren't huge-dicked Black Gods but rather men that desired and mutually enjoyed women just like Elize.

Elize paused and dropped down from the couch onto her knees. Kneeling there in front of him her hands held his butt as she worked her mouth up and down the hard Black shaft of his cock.

"Fuck yeah - you got it." Lavon wasn't fooling. Girl had some real talent. he felt her fingers tighten a little on his butt and her mouth push a little further down his cock, that little rush of intensity as a girl really got into her work.

He was watching her every movement, gauging her every action. Every woman was unique, each had her own desires and her own needs. These were vital moments for a man to understand the woman with him, to crack those codes and meet those desires. No-one had ever taught Lavon the truth of that. He had just seemed to know it - had never doubted that the pleasure a woman gave him was in direct proportion to the pleasure that he gave her. It was a reciprocal thing - not a power thing. Unless, of course, the woman wanted it that way. Just so long as a man remembered that he was playing a role there wasn't no harm in that.

Elize was looking up at him now and he instinctively knew what was required of him. He'd read the signals but a man, even a man of experience like Lavon, could be wrong. Could be - but not this time.

He moved to help her to her feet and then kept his motion going, sweeping her off her feet. She gasped and then giggled as he carried her over to the bed. The time for preliminaries was over - it was time Elize learned what she'd been missing in all those years with white boys.

Lavon gently dropped her onto the mattress and followed her down. He took a claiming hold on her thighs and moved his mouth to her pussy. He'd seen enough to know that she was ready for him, wet and ready. However, he wasn't in no hurry. This was about Elize. Lavon wasn't an arrogant man but he knew that he had skills. He explored and teased and exploited with his tongue and lips. Felt her hands clasp tight on his head as he did so. Knew that he was hitting all the right spots in just the right way. He loved that moment too - when the woman realised that this was going to be SO much better than anything she'd had before, that she was about to be taken to places no white boy could ever take her. That was the moment he lived for - the moment women like Elize would remember for the rest of their lives.

Elize was getting close and Lavon considered taking her to orgasm. There were no rules in these things - you had to go on instinct. Elize was primed and ready. The setting, the scenario, the 'illicit' nature of it all. Elize had most likely been most of the way there before he had even touched her! Now the passion was still building within her, ready to peak. He made his decision and pulled back. He stood at the end of the bed, his cock hard.

Her blue eyes were fixed on him, fixed on his hard shaft of ebony-dark meat.

"Tell me what you want girl."

Her mouth seemed dry again, her voice strained as she replied. "I want you to fuck me Lavon."

Lavon nodded his satisfaction. He moved forward and put the head of his cock to her pussy. "Once you've had this you're gonna want more. You know that don't you?" All the time with the meaty head of his cock exploring her pussy lips, teasing and not quite entering.

She didn't reply - she was just staring at his cock. One of Lavon's girls back home had told him that it wasn't the size or the girth or whatever that got her. It was the contrast. Dark skin on pale skin. A Big Black Cock looked like it meant business, looked strong and potent and powerful. A white dick just seemed weak and puny by contrast - even if it measured level it looked way less impressive. It FELT way less impressive.

"From now on this is a Blacked pussy - belongs to the Black man. Understand?" He said it low but, even above the noises of sex from next door, he knew she heard it.

"Do it. I'm yours."

That was enough. Lavon lined his cock up with purpose and pushed it home. Damn but that pussy was fine! Just how he liked it - warm and wet and ready. He pushed until he met a trace of resistance and then eased back to prepare to gently claim more with his next thrust.

"Oh God," whispered Elize.

Lavon lay down on her, let his mouth meet hers, felt the hardness of her nipples against his chest. He held her tight and began to build the intensity of his thrusts. Once he had claimed all that sweet pussy it was time to let Elize know what he could do. That pussy was hungry and he fed it with strong rolling thrusts of his cock. He felt as much as heard her ragged breaths - knew that he had her and that she was his. He made a snap decision. She was a beautiful young woman and he wanted to see her cum. He eased back and took a grasp of Elize's legs before lifting them up. he locked his eyes on hers as he pushed back home. The moment had come and there was absolutely no need for talk. They both knew why they were there. A man was claiming his woman and that needed consummation in the most basic and primal of ways.

Her lips were parted now and her chest was rising and falling as she gasped for breath. Lavon was fucking her hard and with purpose, fucking her just the way the last few minutes had told him that she liked. Her eyes stared into his, eyes wide with excitement and passion. Her cheeks were flushed. She seemed like she wanted to say something but no words came out and then,


It was a long wail as her hands grasped the sheets into twin balls of material. Her body moved against his and he felt her orgasm and it was more than enough.

"Fuck yeah," he grunted and then shot five heavy spurts of seed deep into her pussy. He kept up his thrusts until he knew he was spent, until he knew his cock had pushed all that cum just as deep as it would go. Only then did he stop and wipe the sweat from his brow. She was looking at him now with an expression he couldn't quite read.

"You came in me Lavon," was all she said.

"Of course," he replied, "you're my woman now."

"My husband gave me condoms," she said and then giggled.

"He tell you to use them?"

"No - but... I guess it was sort of understood." She paused a long moment and then added, "You came a lot."

She watched as his fingers moved to her pussy, gently pushed inside.

"A heavy baby-making load," said Lavon his eyes fixed on hers and his fingers gently worked his seed deeper into her body, "the sort that makes a trim flat white belly swell up real good. The sort that lets a woman fulfil her true potential, lets her be what she was born to be. A Black man's baby-momma."

She gasped and he read the signs, all the signs. "You on the pill? he asked.

"Yes." A single word - again not easy to read. What lay behind the tone of that word. Relief or regret?

"Well - what's it they say. The pill is 99.9% effective."

"Yes." Again that single word - still hard to read. However, Lavon thought he had the situation weighed up. A woman's eyes didn't lie at moments like this and he'd seen that look before.

"I need to go clean up." Her mouth said the words but her body wasn't moving. She was still there on the bed watching his long dark fingers push gently in and out of her pussy.

He gently put his second hand on her belly. "Stay there," her said, "I like the idea of that 0.1%. We need to give this a chance - no matter how small that chance might be." Her eyes were on his again and he knew he had read her right. The benefits of experience. "Of course if you ain't so careful in taking them pills it can be up to a five, nine, maybe a ten percent chance." He kept up that gentle stroking of his fingers into her pussy, keeping his seed deep in her. Her mouth opened as if to say something and then shut again. "I hope you've been real sloppy about taking them pills," Lavin concluded.

A slight shudder ran through Elize's body, Lavon saw it and felt it via his fingers. He finally withdrew them from her pussy and moved them, slick with their shared juices, up to Elize's mouth. No words now. Just her beautiful mouth opening to take his fingers inside, her tongue and lips cleaning and tasting what they had produced. He knew she was thinking about what else their bodies could produce together. She'd be thinking about that all week and then all year until she came back again. Lavon was already sure Elize would be coming back.

"That's fucking hot." Helen was stood in the doorway, a broad smile on her face. How long had she been watching and listening? Did it matter? Not apparently to Elize - she didn't react at all. She wasn't the same white-bread little white wife that had walked in here.

"Where's Jase and how did he do?" Lavon asked.

"He's in the shower - he's real good. Got the right instincts too," giggled Helen. She moved forward and leaned over. "You cleaned his fingers but that's just half the job." She gently pushed Elize down on the bed and leaned over her to take Lavon's cock into her mouth. "Hmmmnnnn," she signalled her pleasure at tasting them both on him. Then she moved her body to straddle Elize's and carefully lowered her pussy onto Elize's face.

Lavon couldn't help but smile. That Helen was quite something. Elize didn't seem too experienced at eating pussy but fuck if it wasn't a night of firsts for that sweet little piece. She seemed to pick it up pretty fast. Soon Helen was riding Elize's face - demanding more and more from her hard-working mouth and tongue.

"Can you taste him?" asked Helen. "He might be a young bull but he knew just where to plant that potent Black seed." Was it Lavon's imagination or did Elize seem to bury her tongue even deeper into Helen's pussy. Eager to taste the seed or excited by the implications of Helen's words? Lavon knew the answer to that little riddle - it was 'both'. You just had to look at her, her face smeared with juices as Helen rode her face. Quite a show and Lavon felt his cock start to stiffen again.

He glanced up and saw Jase in the connecting doorway. The young man was towelling himself off but he stopped when he saw the girls on the bed. He casually tossed his towel back into the room from which he had come. Lavon switched his gaze back to the women just as Helen noticed Jase.

"Oh yeah," she said, a broad smile on her face, "you ready for Round Two Jase. I can see you are." The benefits of youth Lavon guessed - but he knew he wasn't so far behind.

"You got Helen's seal of approval man," Lavon said, "but I think we need a second opinion." Helen hopped off of Elize and left her on the bed.

Jase reached forward and grasped Elize's legs before pulling her to the edge of the bed. He lined up his cock and paused while looking at Elize.

"Fuck me," said Elize in a husky voice.

Jase pushed his cock home and then moved forward over her as he thrust. Elize's pale arms and legs came up to hold his bigger dark body close to her. Their mouths met in a deep lovers' kiss.

Lavon was satisfied. Jase and Elize both knew what this was about. A man and his woman enjoying each other, giving and taking pleasure, feeling the rush of sexual power within themselves and their partner. The coupling dance as old as time, the dance that ended with another heavy load of African seed planted just as deep in a white pussy as each of them could desire.

He felt arms around him and knew it was Helen, felt her tongue in his ear and then the warm sweet breath of her words. "He has a beautiful cock and he really knows how to use it. He's amazing for such a young man - definitely my second favourite cock."

Lavon smiled. "Who's your favourite?"

"That'd be telling," giggled Helen. "But I'd like him to fuck me now and it just so happens..." Lavon felt her hand move round to grasp his cock, a couple of skilled strokes completing the task of making him fully hard.