Paying The Rent Ch. 03


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"You might get lucky," admitted Lavon, "you been thinking about coming back next year?"

Helen's hand paused for a millisecond and then began gently stroking his cock again. She knew what he was asking. She knew like all the other guests - just as Elize would soon know.

The first visit they played by hubby's rules. That generally meant rubbers unless hubby was too dumb to make his wishes known clearly. Lavon sent a silent prayer of thanks to his God for the dumbness of Elize's husband. The second visit they played by the wife's rules. That always meant real sex, skin to skin, nothing separating a man from his woman. The third visit the wife agreed to play by resort rules. Bare of course but with that other barrier removed. Pills dumped at least three months before and a diaphragm used until it could be put in the trash on arrival. A suitably timed vacation, a week spent in the exclusive company of one of the Resort's resident staff. Seven days spent trying to transfer as much African seed into her pussy as one man could manage. Seven days of knowing that a Black man was doing his best to breed her lily-white pussy, to make her belly swell round with his Black baby, to claim her forever as a Black Bred woman.

It was understood that a woman coming here got to choose which of the men would be her first vacation fuck. Down the line, though she didn't know it then, that would also be the man to breed her - in the event she was one of the exclusive few to take that step. Lavon had been the first partner for both Helen and Elize.

Helen finally spoke into his ear again. "You know what you talked about - the place that opens up every Friday..."

Lavon knew where this was going now and he felt that supreme surge of pleasure that only came at times like this. There never was a guarantee with these things. That was what made the victories so sweet, the pleasure so intense. He spoke carefully, just so he was sure Helen knew what she was getting herself into,

"That'd be Mama Cootch's place. Generally there's twenty or thirty men over there. All real eager for some pussy. Mama Cootch brings a couple of her girls over. So long as the girls still get the cash they'll take a night off and let you step in for them. You'll be real busy..."

Elize moaned loud from where Jase was fucking her hard, sweat standing out on his forehead as he concentrated on long powerful thrusts, owning that white girl pussy. "Yes. Yes. Yesssss," Elize squealed and her legs tightened around his back. The young man wasn't finished though, in fact it might be he'd hardly started. He powered on through her orgasm and they saw the expression on Elize's face. Shock, wonder and pleasure in equal measure. Her mouth opened and her head shook from side to side. She made a sort of wordless moan but Jase just held her body tighter, his dark fingers stark against her pale skin. She was shaking now, shuddering out the strongest orgasm of her young life. Jase only paused to shift his position slightly and then he was fucking her again.

"I think I know someone who'll help me out down there." Helen's voice in Lavon's ear again. He knew who she meant.

He made it plain. "Lots of our people go down there. The cook, the cleaners, the garbage guys, the maintenance and the porters. They'll all have seen you and Elize round the resort, word'll get around fast. You two could be extra busy. Sure you can handle it?"

"You know we can and if you arrange this for me then I'll come back just as often as it takes. Then I'll come back again - once I'm showing, once you can show me off as your latest baby-momma. That a deal Lavon?"

Well fuck. Lavon's momma hadn't raised no fools. Of course it was a deal. Mama Cootch wouldn't need any persuading. She just charged double on the rare occassions guests wanted to 'party' at her shebeen. The two women would be busy for sure despite that. As much Black cock as they could handle and just as well it was their last night here. They could sleep on the plane home.

"It's a deal," Lavon said.

She kissed him. "Then why aren't you fucking me to seal the deal?"

That was one reason Lavon liked Helen so much - she talked a lot of sense. He was thinking just that as he dropped her onto the bed beside the other couple, lined up his rock hard cock and pushed it home into warm, wet, white pussy.

Yeah. Life was real good down in the islands.

Hard Times

In a way it was just as well for Rachel that her position in the office had been temporary - covering maternity leave. She had felt so ashamed of herself. Knowing that all her work-mates knew what she had done and, more to the point, what she had been planning to do. They had been pretty good about it - but she had known.

Which was all very well but that job had been keeping them going. Frankly she could bear a bit of embarrassment if it kept food on the table. There was still no sign of Preston having any luck. He spent a lot of his time on the internet looking for opportunities but there just didn't seem to be anything out there.

She had heard from a friend about another delivery job - fast food. He'd not been happy but she'd got him to go down and apply. He'd come back and said he'd got there too late. She believed him of course but a couple of weeks later her friend had asked why Preston hadn't come in. She must have missed him. That must have been the explanation.

She knew Preston did spend time looking for jobs because he sometimes suggested ones for her. It was difficult though She was either specifically under-qualified or vastly over-qualified and in that economic climate there were just too many people chasing too few opportunities. She'd long despaired of getting anything in her field - another two years of graduates had qualified. She was already getting out-of-touch and her job-hunt and domestic work didn't leave much time or mental energy for such things.

It had been a brutal grind of job-hunting. After a while it engendered a sort of desperation - a desire to clutch at straws. To remember old contacts and conversations. One of her interviews had taken her back close to her old college - a painful reminder of past hopes and unfounded optimism. She wasn't sure why but she had found herself driving back to very familiar streets, parking in a very familiar slot and then walking back round the corner to her old digs. She had in that moment realised how much she yearned to see that equally familiar figure. The solid reassurance that was Lavon Crawston, stood out by the stoop of his town-house. She remembered how he had offered to help her if she ever needed it. Just how Lavon was meant to help her she wasn't quite sure. Somehow Lavon was just solid, reliable, someone that would help if he could and not let someone down.

Rachel stopped in her tracks. She had to get a grip on herself. She would get herself and Preston through this. She didn't need help. They were brave thoughts but she knew they were masking something else. Shock and disappointment. There were two men standing outside the town-house in discussion but neither of them was her old landlord. They were both African-American and as she stopped she caught their attention.

One of the men was younger, only a little older than Rachel herself. His gaze took her in, appraised her, just as the male gaze had been doing for all her adult life. The other man was perhaps a decade older and his brow furrowed slightly as he saw her.

She was about to turn around - to get out of an embarrassing situation - when the second man suddenly smiled and clicked his fingers before pointing at her. "It's Rachel ain't it", was all he said.

"You know this fine-assed little bitch," said the younger man, his eyes on Rachel.

Rachel felt the blood in her cheeks. It had been a while since a man had talked about her like that. Maybe the vocabulary wasn't what she would have preferred but the meaning was clear.

"Got a good eye for faces and some faces a man does NOT forget. Your uncle introduced us back when, might be a couple of years back. Lavon liked Rachel a lot, had a lot of time for her, I know that." The older man smiled at her again.

"No doubt," said the younger man. His expression and tone of voice equally gave no doubt just how he assumed his 'uncle' and Rachel had spent most of that time.

His friend looked at him as if to say, 'Watch your mouth.' However, he need not have worried. Rachel hadn't heard him. She'd heard nothing after - 'Lavon liked Rachel a lot, had a lot of time for her.' Past tense. She felt that shock again but stronger now and mixed with a real fear.

"Lavon, he...," she felt difficulty saying each word, "he's not... I mean he's alright isn't he."

"Alright!" said the younger man, "That old brotha is like a pig in shit. Sunning his old Black ass down in the islands while I'm fixing busted pipes and shovelling snow off the sidewalks all winter." He laughed.

Relief surged through Rachel, it amazed her just how relieved she felt to realise her mistake.

The other man's attention was back on Rachel. "Name's Theo," he said, "you want DeShawn here to get a message to him."

"I was down here for an interview and I..." She hesitated. What was she going to say? It was ridiculous. How could Lavon help her - especially if he wasn't even in the country? More to the point - why would she expect Lavon to help her? It was ridiculous, needy and pathetic. She finally completed her sentance, "no, no, there's no message. I'm just sorry that I missed him."

The two men watched her go and then shared a meaningful glance.

She got home after a long day and found Preston whining about not having the right brand of peanut butter. Like that wasn't the most expensive brand available locally. Like that was all he'd been thinking about all day. Like he was less her husband and more a needy toddler. That night she dreamed of the islands.


Over five hundred applications, four interviews, zero luck. She'd hoped to at least pick up another temporary job but it was insane out there. What there had ever been of their savings had dwindled almost to nothing. She knew something had to change and change really fast.

Which was when Preston showed her the advert.


"You can't be serious."

"Why not? Honey - we NEED the money."

"Well - for starters. It's probably not even in the Capital. Just think of the gas money."

"It can't be so far away - not if they are putting out flyers here. Maybe they have something in the Capital. Anyway it can't hurt to apply. We need something to happen." Preston's voice had taken on that tone. Sort of half ordering and half pleading. She knew she didn't really have much of a choice. If they waited for him to find something then they'd wait a long time. Time that they didn't have. Rent needed to be paid and rent was not cheap. They'd already had to move out of the Capital proper but soon even their couple of rooms in Douglas would be beyond their pockets. Things were getting desperate - but were they THAT desperate

She looked at the advert again.


For attractive female servers

Uniform supplied and required

Photo required with application

Expenses provided if called for interview

Then a link to an online application form and a phone number which appeared to be a mobile. It looked as shady as shit and she couldn't help noticing that it didn't even mention payment. She already did some cover work as a server at one of the local eateries. If you were relying solely on tips then you were going to struggle unless you got real lucky. One day there'd been a woman in wearing an amazing designer outfit. Her colleague had told her it was some lawyer or other they'd seen on the TV. She'd left two Benjamins for a tip but customers like that were REAL rare. Rachel had barely made the rent working long shifts.

But she HAD made the rent. Without it they would really have been in trouble by now.

"It doesn't look legit to me." That was the way of the world nowadays, especially on the internet. Scams and scams and more scams.

"What have we got to lose? We're not going to be giving them any money."

Like they had any money to give over! But Preston was right to one degree. They had pretty much nothing to lose. She got on her phone and found the online application. The form looked short - what was ten minutes of her time?

"How about that retail job? Did you apply?" She tried not to sound like a nag, tried not to sound like she thought he needed a big boot up the butt. Even if he did.

Preston paused. "Err, yeah babe, I put my application in and they say it's on file. The next opportunity that comes up they'll be considering me."

Well - shit. So it was down to her and what did they have to lose. But she'd need a photo to attach to the form. She checked her Pictures folder.

Preston came over and she heard him almost snort with laughter. "Not that one babe - that's the one for your Drivers License."

"Well what do you suggest?"

"I'll take one now." He produced his phone.

"Ok - get on with it."

"No babe, you know what they want. You need to smile and ditch that sweater. You know - you need to look sexy babe."

"What the fuck Preston. I'm your wife. What are you trying to do here?"

"Babe, babe, you know what I mean. You're always sexy as hell but you just need to accentuate a few things. Give me that beautiful smile and let them see what a cute little body you got."

"Preston - I'm serious. What the fuck are you trying to do here." She stormed out of the room, tears in her eyes.

He'd always been a smooth bastard. He waited just long enough to leave her wondering if she'd over-reacted, if she'd made a fool of herself. Then he followed her and was all contrition.

"Rachel you know I'd never have you do something you didn't want to do, anything you were uncomfortable with. I just want what's best for us. We need something and if there's a chance here. But if its too much to ask..."

She'd already started to feel a little foolish. It wasn't like she didn't wear a bikini at the beach and it wasn't like she didn't get plenty of guys looking at her when she did. If it was just a matter of looking pretty. Well, she didn't like being taken for just a pretty face but if that was the world they were living in...

It didn't take long to check herself in the mirror and adjust her hair and lip-stick. She did take off her rather baggy sweater.

"Maybe you should undo another button of your blouse..."

She'd just answered him with a look.

"Sorry babe - you look amazing. Gimme that smile."

She plastered a fake smile on her face. She'd learned that in her previous serving job.

Just like that the pic was taken, then attached to the form and sent off.

She'd been job-hunting long enough to know that the response would probably be a request for cash. Proving it was just another scam.

She pretty much assumed that was what it was - a scam. Well what had it cost her - ten minutes, a cheesy grin and the latest in the increasing roster of arguments with Preston

She heard nothing for two weeks. Another two weeks where the grim reality of their position closed in on her. They needed work, they needed income. Preston wasn't going to get it in the short term - his skills as an artist were just not marketable at this time and he seemed unable to adjust. She still had faith in him. The game he and his friends were developing would no doubt come good in time - she was sure that it would succeed. But they needed money now.

She remembered when things had first begun to go wrong. Then Preston had been almost frantic in his chase for work, any work - well any work so long as it was as an artist. Of course that had been the problem. The very little work in that field was not being offered to those without experience, those like Preston. She had seen him slowly retreat into their flat from the constant knock-backs, rejections and humiliations. He spent whole days at his computer or a drawing board working on designs and concepts for the game he was developing. They were beautiful and skilful but they didn't contribute one cent to the finances, at least at the moment. He had also taken to drinking as he worked - another expense they definitely didn't need.

It was clear that if something was to change and they were to get out of this mess then it would have to be her that did it. That knowledge had been growing within her for months now. As disaster loomed ever closer, the awareness of their situation grew ever starker. The need for action ever more apparent.

Which was when she got the phone call.


Strong practised fingers worked on the soles of each of his feet. Strong pale fingers against the darkness of his own skin. Lavon felt the kiss of the sun on his body, felt the skilled ministrations of each of the girls massaging him. For a second he pondered which of them he preferred before dismissing the thought. That was foolishness. Every one of his white women were individuals with their own strengths and weaknesses. It was the package that made each so uniquely desirable, so ready a source of pleasure to a man who knew how to treat them right.

Of course physically a man had his own preferences and he saw a snap-shot in his mind. Damn but that girl had been so fine - one of life's little jokes that she had been 'one that got away'. He idly thought about her - along the same lines he'd thought about her several times over the last three years. He guessed she'd got married by now - probably to some rich-ass white boy. He hoped she was happy, hoped she was doing well. A crying shame that a fine piece like that was wasted on a white boy but sometimes these things happened. Now in a perfect world...

"You enjoying that then?" Serena giggled.

"I can see you are." Tish joined in her laughter.

Of course they were real good at massage. That might be the cause of the fact his cock was getting hard and trying to bust out of his shorts. Or it might be the fact that he was thinking about that girl Rachel, seeing that beautiful face of hers just as clear in his mind as if he'd last seen her yesterday, rather than three years before. Just when you thought there were no more surprises.

Lavon wasn't going to worry overly much He just knew it was about time he adjourned this session to one of the cabins, away from prying eyes.

"Lavon man," that was Marcus suddenly looming up by his lounger. "You got a message come. You wanna see it now?"

One of the great joys of the resort was the lack of electronic devices. However, there was provision for emergencies or important messages. Marcus held out the device.

Lavon frowned - until he read the message. From his old friend Theo. What were the odds of THAT message coming at just THIS time. He tapped a two word response and then returned the device to Marcus.

"Bad news?" asked Tish with a captivatingly genuine concern on her sweet face.

"Just the opposite," Lavon assured them, "now whose gonna help me celebrate?"

Seemed they both were so inclined and as he walked them across to his cabin Lavon knew he would have a busy evening. Live in the Islands was almost perfection but come late Spring he'd be heading back to the States. He'd planned that to avoid the hurricane season but it was even better to know there might be a more positive reason to look forward to getting back home.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story as we’re left wondering what’s to become of Rachael but also Elize and Helen.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What a beautiful story . Can’t wait for the next chapter

crimfolkcrimfolkabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks for the interest. This story will be continued but probably that won't be until I have concluded 'Black and Blue.' I felt I needed to take a break from this one for a while but rest assured that I will return to it

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Beautiful story. Please continue

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