Peace, Love, and Grace


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I knelt before her and parted her toned legs and lifted them so that the backs of her knees rested on my shoulders. I gently kissed, nibbled, and licked my way along her inner thigh, making my way toward her nethers. Grace giggled in delight as I teased her. Her laughter tapered off into sighs and soft moans of pleasure as my mouth arrived at its destination.

I started with kisses and light licks up and down her outer lips. Gracie quivered in pleasure as I slipped my tongue between her labia to taste her nectar. I licked my way along the inner folds of her sex, moaning my own pleasure as I thoroughly enjoyed the act of pleasing her. She was incredibly wet, and her increasingly frantic tugs on my hair told me she was ready to cum. I used my fingers to gently open her lips so I could lick her throbbing clitoris. To put it mildly, ahe went absolutely nuts when I started flicking that sensitive little nub with the tip of my tongue.

"Yes! Oh YES, KEVIN!" she cried as she mashed my face into her sweet mound. "I'm almost...there...yes, Kevin, a little harder...yes! I'm cumming, baby!"

And damn, did she cum! I could barely hear her cries of pleasure because her thighs were trying to squish my head like a grape, but the wild bucking of her hips was unmistakable. Knowing how sensitive she was after an orgasm, I eased off of her clit and contented myself with licking the inner folds of her sweet sex. Grace was still for a few moments, catching her breath and enjoying my oral attentions. The pressure of her thighs clamping my head eased, and she lovingly ran her fingers through my hair.

"Oh, Kevin," she said. "You make me feel so loved. I love you so much."

I shifted Grace's thighs off of my shoulders and stood before her. She gasped in excitement as she caught sight of my renewed erection. I'd never gone completely soft, even with the incredibly strong orgasm she'd given me, but the act of pleasuring her with my tongue had brought me back to my fully hardened state. I took her ankles in my hands and lifted her legs up, and brought the head of my throbbing phallus to rest against her entrance. Then, without a word of warning, I took my sister. I buried myself inside of her to the root in a single thrust. Grace moaned and placed her hands flat against my chest.

I was completely in sync with her as I set the pace. By mutual accord, we both knew this wasn't going to be the slow, gentle love-making we usually enjoyed. No, this coupling was going to be a hard, desperate fuck between people who were on fire for each other. As I thrust rapidly in and out of her, she met me with equal vigor. Her body rose up off of the bed to meet mine on every thrust, taking my shaft to the hilt. My hands released her ankles and slid down her legs. Then I reached beneath her to cup the cheeks of her ass. I used the leverage this gave me to drive even faster and harder into her.

Grace cried out as she came hard, and I felt her feminine muscles grip my manhood in their powerful grasp.

"C-cumming," she stuttered unnecessarily.

I bent forward far enough to kiss her, and as I did, I felt my own release approach. We moaned loudly in unison at the feeling of my cum shooting into her. I held still for a few long moments, just letting myself enjoy the feeling of being inside of her. Finally, though, I softened to the point that I slipped out of her. Grace reached out for me with both hands and pulled me down into her arms.

She stroked my back in a gentle lover's caress as we shared a deep, wet kiss.

"I love you, baby," I said.

"I love you too, Kev," she said tiredly. "And I love what we do together. Will you hold me? I need some time to recharge."

I rolled off of her and helped her get under the covers before climbing into bed next to her. I lay on my side facing her back and slid one arm beneath her so I could hold her close. I gently draped my other arm around her, placing my palm over her trim belly. Her musical sigh of contentment brought me a smile. Grace loved to be the little spoon when we slept.

I held her close and felt myself gradually succumb to sleep.


I slept soundly that night with Grace cuddled tightly against my chest. At some point, I felt her stir, and then she slipped out of my embrace. That was enough to push me into reluctant wakefulness.

"Shhh, it's alright, Kevin," she said soothingly. "You can rest a little while longer. It's still pretty early."

She caressed me gently until I fell asleep again. I don't know how long I slept, but it couldn't have been more than an hour or so, judging from the angle of the sunlight streaming in through the bedroom windows.

"Time to wake up, sleepyhead!"

The unexpected voice snapped me to full alertness. It had been a woman's voice, but it wasn't Grace, nor was it Carmen. I turned my head towards the direction of the sound and was further surprised to find Fleur standing there in the space next to the bed. She tilted her head and gave a tinkling laugh at the confusion on my face.

"Fleur? What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

"Everything is bonne, Kevin, but you need to clean up and get dressed! I brought you some clothes," she said and held up a garment bag.

"I did mean today, Kevin," she said sardonically when I didn't move.

I mentally shrugged. I had figured that my cousin and her new wife were doing their best to sex each other to death in Cancun, but if Fleur preferred to spend her honeymoon pestering me, I'd go with it for now. Not thinking about it too much, I stumbled my way out of bed, stretched, and headed into the ensuite to warm up the shower. It wasn't until I heard Fleur's low chuckle that I remembered my nudity. In my household growing up, we were never bothered by non-sexual nudity. For that matter, it still didn't bother me; but I failed to consider that Fleur wasn't accustomed to that.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't expecting company this morning," I called out in a sort-of apology.

"Don't worry about it," she replied. "I have seen naked men before. While I can't say the sight does anything for me, I won't faint away at the sight of a penis."

I didn't bother trying to over-analyze that comment. I jumped into the shower and scrubbed up. I then shaved the stubble off of my face and rinsed. I got out of the shower and dried off. Then, I opened the garment bag Fleur had brought me.

"What the-?" I uttered in surprise. Inside the garment bag was a nice tux, a nicer one than the one I'd rented to wear to Fleur and Elizabeth's wedding, in fact.

"Come on, get dressed!" she urged. "You might be perfectly comfortable in your own skin, but I don't think you're up to a public display. Or are you?"

I once again decided to just go with it. I slid myself into a clean pair of briefs, then proceeded to put on the tux. It fit perfectly, I noted, as I checked myself in the mirror. I ran a comb through my short hair, although it wasn't really necessary. Fleur nodded her approval.

"You do clean up nicely, Kevin. For a man, anyway!"

She stepped close to me and attached a buttoneer to my lapel. I heard Keith clear his throat, and looked up to see him standing in the bedroom doorway.

""They're ready for us at the destination if you're ready to go," he said cryptically.

"I think we're ready," Fleur said.

I looked at the two of them. Normally I enjoy surprises, but this was starting to become a little too much. Then I noticed that Fleur was dressed up nicely. Not a dress today, but a very nice pants suit. Her short hair was still in the elegant style she'd worn at her wedding. She was also wearing a touch of makeup! This wasn't quite unheard of, but it was very unusual.

"What's going on, guys?" I asked.

"Just trust me, Kev," Fleur said. "Let's go!"

Fleur and Keith led me to the elevator. Once inside the elevator, Keith used a small silver key before pressing the button for the penthouse. I was surprised by this. Crystal, Kayla, and now Jack, lived up there. Grace and I had been up there a few times, but when she visited, Crystal usually came to our place.

The elevator deposited us in the entrance foyer where Jack was waiting.

"Hey guy!" he greeted us warmly.

We followed my cousin into the penthouse, and then outside. The penthouse doesn't take up the entire top of the building. There is a beautifully manicured garden space that occupied the remaining space. there were flowering plants and shrubs of nearly every description, artfully arranged to give the illusion of a natural environment. We walked through the profusion of plants until we came to a large area that had been cleared. there was quite a crowd of people there, seated in two groups of chairs, one on each side of an aisle with a white runner. At the head of the aisle, there was a man I didn't recognize, standing near a trellis arch. It was to this arch that Fleur led me to stand.

I looked around in confusion as music suddenly started playing from the outdoor speakers. Fleur gently squeezed my hand.

"Today is for you, Kevin," she said. "We all wanted to give you a gift, and this is what we came up with. Jack and I are here to stand with you."

Before I could ask what that meant, she directed my attention to the aisle. Crystal was walking down it towards us. She was gorgeous in a pink sleeveless dress. On her arms, she wore elegant white gauntlets that came up just past her elbows. She looked remarkably stable in her high heels. How do women do that?

A few moments later, Elizabeth marched toward us and took a place directly across from where I stood. Her dress was nearly identical to the one Crystal wore, right down to the gauntlets. I took a quick glance at Fleur and saw that she was all but drooling at the sight of her new wife in her formal wear.

I was startled out of my reverie by the sounds of "Here Comes the Bride" playing over the speakers. Grace, summoned by the notes of the traditional wedding march, appeared at the foot of the aisle, and began making her way towards me!

I was, to quote the song by Dan & Shay, speechless! Grace wore a beautiful white gown. It had a strapless top and bodice that clung to her slender torso and cupped her breasts, showing off a good deal more cleavage than she typically displayed. The skirt clung to her shapely hips and rounded ass before blooming into a full train. Her traditional veil served to emphasize her radiant face rather than conceal it. Dad looked like he was going to burst as he walked her down the aisle.

This is a dream, I thought to myself. After all, I'd dreamed of this so many times since Grace and I had declared our love for each other.

"Keep breathing, Kevin," Fleur whispered in my ear. "You're not dreaming! We - your family - wanted to give you this moment."

I continued to watch, completely entranced, as this stunning vision of everything I'd been wishing for seemed to float down the aisle towards me. At last, she came to a stop next to me, facing the older gentleman whom I had finally realized was going to marry us. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I was wondering how that was going to work. Then the man smiled broadly and began to speak, and my questions were answered.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to witness a unique joining," he said in a strong, clear voice. "In the eyes of the state, it is illegal to join this courageous couple in marriage. But everyone here knows that nothing will stop true love, especially the kind of self-sacrificing love that exists between this young man and woman. For that reason, rather than a state-sanctioned 'legal' marriage, we will be joining this young couple in a permanent bond. In times past this was known as a hand-fasting."

The old man turned his warm smile to Grace and then redirected his attention over her shoulder to my father.

"Who gives forth this woman to be joined?"

"Her mother and I do," my father answered.

"Will you swear, by whatever you hold sacred, that your daughter enters into this union of her own free will, and suffers no threat or pressure to do so from you or any other within your knowledge?"

"I do so swear," my father said.

"Heard and witnessed," the old man said. He then faced me. "Face your beloved, and take her hands in yours. Bring forth the rings!"

Oh shit! I don't have a ring, I thought desperately. I should have known that the people who planned this surprise wedding thought of every detail. Even as I was stewing away in momentary panic, my trusty Best Man, Fleur, was holding out a simple gold band to the official. On Grace's side of the altar, Elizabeth was doing the same.

"The ring has been a sacred symbol between couples for centuries," the official said. "As a perfect circle, it has no ending or beginning. [t is forged into a perfect shape in and of itself, and that is why it continues to be symbolic of the union between committed people. Kevin, take this ring and place it on your Bride's finger, then repeat after me."

I slid the simple, but beautiful gold band on Grace's left hand, then spoke the words I was told to repeat. I hadn't written or practiced these vows, yet they still seemed to resonate within me as I spoke them to Grace.

"I, Kevin Michael Richmond, join myself to you in the bond of love. I enter into this joining with my eyes open and my conscience clear. I hereby promise to be your true man of mind, body, and spirit. From this day forward, I will forsake all others, as I belong only to you. I shall be your lover, your truest friend, and father to our children. May the Divinity that I worship command my death if I be forsworn!"

"Now Grace, take this ring and place it on your Groom's hand, and repeat after me."

"I, Grace Lynn-Moira Richmond, join myself to you in the bond of love. I enter into this union with open eyes and a clear conscience. From this day forward, I will forsake all others, as I belong only to you. I vow to be your true woman of mind, body, and spirit. I will be your lover, your truest friend, and the mother of your children. May the Divinity that I worship command my death if I be forsworn!

"Heard and witnessed!" the official said.

I was startled when our guests suddenly echoed hid words. "HEARD AND WITNESSED!"

The old man then reached behind him and picked up a short coil of rope from the altar. He took my left hand and placed it back to back with Grace's left in such a way that we were touching, but could not grasp each other. He then began to wrap the soft cord around our hands, wrists, and forearms. I noticed that he did not at any point tie a knot. The loose ends of the cord were merely tucked under a turn of the wrap.

"Parents, come forward and test if this hand-fasting is true and blessed."

Mom and Dad stepped up, Dad behind Grace and Mom behind me. They each held us firmly by the shoulders and tried to pull us apart. They gave us three sharp pulls, then released us. The cord wrapped around our arms had not given an inch.

"Your joining has proven true! You are now bonded in the eyes of all who matter! You may kiss your bride."

Our assembled guests cheered enthusiastically as I lifted Grace's veil with my right hand and kissed her. It started out as a fairly sedate 'remember-we-are-in-public' kind of kiss, but quickly deepened.

Fleur and Elizabeth gently separated us as the kindly old official declared, "I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Richmond!"

Music once again began to play. Grace took my arm and grinned happily as we walked back up the aisle together, ready to face our future with Peace, Love, and Grace.

Editor's Note:

I didn't think I would be writing one of these, but I thought those of you who have been fans of these stories deserved some kind of explanation. My husband, Carbinemaster, spent the last few years working overseas contracts. He worked for a private defence/security firm whose name most of you would probably recognize (which is likely why he made me swear not to mention it). The last contract was to be his last. He retired, having decided to try a stateside job that didn't involve getting shot at.

I was there at the bus terminal when his group returned. He was maybe 20 feet away from me when he was struck by a car driven by a drunk idiot who didn't even have any right to be in this country in the first place. For a brief, horrible moment, I thought I'd just seen him die. Thankfully, he was alive, but the road to recovery has been long and brutal for us all.

He lost most of the fingers on his right hand. Both legs were crushed and required many surgeries. They will eventually heal, but for now, he's confined to a wheelchair. By far the worst two injuries were to his eyes and kidneys. His kidneys have failed, so he has to take dialysis treatments 3 times a week. He also suffered retina detachment. It didn't leave him completely blind, but the vision he has left is weak, about 12 percent of normal. His children won't remember their daddy the way he was, but they will at least grow up knowing who he is. Personally, I'm just glad I still have him with me!

This story is Carbinemaster's creation. I typed it out for him because he can no longer type. As usual, I've acted as his editor. He has told me that he still plans to continue this story, so keep watching for new chapters.

- Gungurl_300blk

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kaotic2kaotic26 months ago

Once again, thank you for writing this. I won't forget it.

MsgPMsgP6 months ago

Very sorry to hear about Carbinemaster's. Hope he is doing better now. Y'all take care of each other and try ti stay Safe. Did you ever catch the driver.

Still a great story. Glad to hear about his change in jobs not that it will do much good now, atleast he will be home.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This series is amazing and I hope it never ends. Kevin and Grace's love is eternal!

I am so sorry to hear about the awful tragedy that has befallen your family, in particular, your husband. I wish you all the best and hope you continue to enjoy many wonderful years together. You're doing a great job. Any man would be lucky to have a wife that is even 1/10 as loving as devoted as you are.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Masterfully written !!. I’ll be praying for your recovery !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Praying everything works out for u guys enjoyed the series it really is a great tale n well written. Get well soon CM

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