Peach — A Story


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"So, you two are going to be married?"

I was concentrating on not trying to watch the two naked girls on the screen so I didn't really get her words, not at first, not until Peach answered, "In two years, probably in June, mum wants July."

Aunt Wilma clapped her hands together like she was really excited, "I'm already planning what I'm going to wear ..."

"Come on, Peach ..." I pushed at her.

But Peach pushed my hand away and continued talking to Aunt Wilma as if I wasn't there, as if I hadn't already told her that I wasn't every going to get married to anyone, "Oh, gracious, Aunt Wilma, we're really excited, it's going to be at the country club, we haven't firmed up the date yet, it's a pretty busy place."

Aunt Wilma turned in her chair and brought a naked leg up and sat on it and spoke directly to Peach like Peach had been speaking to her, like I wasn't even there. "God, you're just so lucky you have each other, it's never better than it is now. I've had four husbands, five if you count this one but that first one was by far the best. We were so young ...," she seemed to tune out for a moment, like she was lost in a thought, then she snapped out of it, "like you two. We used to do it all the time, everywhere, 24/7. Now Dan's on the road so much that most of the time about all I have is that," she waved at the TV, "but it's not the same. Take my advice, Peaches, do it while you can, do it as often as you can and do it everywhere you can, anywhere, because it just doesn't get any better than when you're as young and alive as you are today."

I wasn't really listening to this because I thought I could see the outline of Aunt Wilma's breasts through the thin material and I was sort of trying to see if I could see her nipples, I didn't mean to do this, I knew it was rude but I just couldn't help it, so I was a little slow on her words and it took me awhile to realize that she wasn't talking about her husband and her having sex, which I didn't want to hear about anyway, but about Peach and me having sex. Then I noticed Peach sag back in the couch and she let out all the air in her lungs in a big long sigh like she was depressed or something and I knew something was up because Peach never does this and she never gets depressed, "God, that's too bad," she said, and she sounded like she meant it.

"Too bad, why? What's too bad?" Aunt Wilma couldn't have been more interested. When she leaned forward towards Peach, who was between me and Aunt Wilma, I could finally see Aunt Wilma's nipples which were dark against the light pink material.

Peach's voice was sorrowfull and Peach's voice is never sorrowful, "Freddie and I are kind of afraid of sex, Aunt Wilma, aren't we Freddie?" She turned to me but she didn't really look at me because she quickly turned back to Aunt Wilma, "Well, we're not really afraid of sex so much as we're just afraid of the unknown ..."

"The unknown?" Aunt Wilma's nipples were bobbing a bit, they really were, "Do you mean to tell me that you two haven't had any sex yet?" Now Aunt Wilma seemed to be getting a little mad, her voice had changed, she seemed to be a little scornful, "What on earth are you two waiting for? You found each other, you love each other, you're as ripe as you're ever going to be, God, you two shouldn't let another moment pass without climbing all over each other. It doesn't last, you know. As you get older it's not the same. Great sex is for the young."

Like I said, I wasn't really listening to them, I was trying to make sense out of what was happening on the TV screen and what was happening behind Aunt Wilma's negligee and I could only try to do this by peeking now and again so I wouldn't get caught, but then I began to realize what Peach was up to: she was trying to get Aunt Wilma on her side and Aunt Wilma seemed to be really happy to be there so I thought I'd better speak up, "Look, Aunt Wilma, Peach ..."

"We're just both kind of nervous about it, Aunt Wilma," Peach cut me off like she did before, "We really don't know what to do," she said this last bit in that innocent voice of hers which wasn't so innocent because she only ever used that voice when she wanted something.

I was going to cut in again but Aunt Wilma was a way faster than me and anyway, I kind of got the impression that Aunt Wilma didn't want to hear from me, I mean her eyes were always only on Peach, she didn't looked at me at all, which was OK, seeing as how I was trying to look at her nipples and at the screen. "What do you mean you don't know what to do? Hasn't that mother of yours shown you?"

Peach shrugged like she was an innocent school girl or something and she never does this so I was thinking that Peach is a really good actress which was something I didn't know. "It's kind of hard to learn ... you know, from your own mother."

"Well you sure as hell can learn from your own aunt." Aunt Wilma rubbed her hands together again, "God, I'm happy you're here ... you two can put some joy back in these old bones." She seemed to bounce in her seat and when she did her naked leg came out from under her and she put her foot on the floor beside the other one and put her arms on her thighs as she leaned towards Peach she said, "I love sex, Peaches, always have, what do you want to know?" It was easy to see Aunt Wilma's nipples now, they were long and stiff and they were poking through her thin negligee and because she was leaning so far forward I could see a lot of her cleavage, too.

I couldn't see Peach's face, but her voice was really excited, "Everything, Aunt Wilma, everything. We don't know anything."

It was that school girl voice again, as if she was really anxious to learn and I was about to say something, to set the record straight but I was shocked that Aunt Wilma could move so fast, I mean she sprang out of her chair and waved at the screen, "Eject that, Freddie, you won't be interested in lesbians yet anyway but I have lots you'd like to see — they're great learning tools."

I don't know why but I did as I was told, well, no, I'll tell you why I did: Aunt Wilma may be old but she has a fantastic looking body that was kind of getting to me a little, I mean now that I knew what they looked like but when she sprang from the chair I could see a little of her private area, too because she had no panties on at all, at least I think that's what I saw but there wasn't any hair of any kind on it or there didn't seem to be any, her's wasn't anything like Peach's where there seemed to be a whole lot of hair. And another reason I did what she told me to do was because of what I was now ejecting from the screen. I had never seen two girls sucking on each other before so I got a chance to watch for a bit and I would have been supremely happy if Aunt Wilma and Peach both just got up and went outside or someplace and left me alone for awhile.

And then there was Peach. It wasn't the little grin she gave me as Aunt Wilma went off to fetch her 'tools,' it was the ... I was going to say sight but I really didn't actually see Peach masturbating on the seat beside me in the car or last night, either, but that she had done that, right there in the car right beside me and last night, too, in the bed right next to me, that had really got to me, I won't lie to you, and it still was getting to me, but the biggest deal here, to be honest, is that SHE is starting to get to me, Peach is. We've always been close, like I've said, we've always been best friends and it's true, I've never thought of her in a sexual way before but that stopped last night, I mean I stopped thinking of her as a girl and I started thinking of her and sex and I have to admit I've been thinking of sex with her ever since, especially after what she did in the car. I didn't want those thoughts to happen but they did: at first the thoughts kind of crept into my head that I'd kind of like to see Peach, like without clothes, then the thoughts crept in that I'd kind of like to have sex with Peach but now those thoughts were kind of flooding into me but even that wasn't all that I was feeling right now. Now, I was feeling really, really horny, honest, I was feeling so horny I might have even had sex with Aunt Wilma if she asked me — well, no I wouldn't have but you get what I mean.

That's what I was thinking when I noticed that Aunt Wilma didn't have to go far for her 'tools.' She took a big zippered nylon folder from the bottom drawer of the desk and in a few seconds she was sitting back down, unzipping it and folding it open on her lap. There looked to be like a dozen pages in the folder and each had four DVDs in them or, at least, the page she opened to did. "So?" she said, looking at Peach, "What's up? What's up first?"

It was like Peach kind of expected the question because she immediately said, "Oral."

Aunt Wilma quickly flicked over a few pages and pulled out a disk, handed it to Peach and spoke to me, "Put this in, Freddie, go to chapter 3."

Peach sort of smiled at me when she handed me the disk, I wasn't sure if it was a smile or not because I had never seen her look like that before. Anyway, I did what I was told to do and in a minute Aunt Wilma told me to pause it, then she turned to Peach, "So Freddie has never seen you?"

Peach shook her head, sorrowfully again, I mean Peach really can act.

"OK, he's going to now, but slowly, OK, so stand up and take your pants off, leave your panties on."

When Peach sprang from the couch I don't think I've ever felt more lonely, I didn't know what to do, I mean, I wanted to run, I really did, but then I wanted to look, too, at the TV screen, at Peach's bum in her yellow panties that was just in front of me, and at Aunt Wilma's breasts and her clevage, too, I mean this is going to sound really stupid but I was really confused more than anything, I didn't know what to do: my mind said to run but my body said to stay, or maybe it was the other way around, I don't know, like I said, I was really confused.

"Now stand in front of Freddie, Peaches, so he can see you, I want him to look at your belly and hips so pull up your shirt."

I guess she did, but I was afraid to look, then I was afraid not to look because Aunt Wilma sounded mad, "Look at her Freddie, for God's sake look at her, she's yours for Christ's sake, you should be drooling." Aunt Wilma was scaring me a little so I did what she said. Peach's belly was about two feet away from me, I mean it was so close I think I could feel the heat coming off it. "What do you see, Freddie?" Aunt Wilma sounded like a teacher who wanted you to get the answer right.

"Her belly button?" I was kind of timid with this because I wasn't sure what she wanted me to say.

This wasn't it, Aunt Wilma was almost shouting now, "She's a woman for crissake, a goddam beautiful woman, look at her, really look at her, study her, feel her with your eyes, look at every pore, she will never be more beautiful than she is right now. She's going to get older, Freddie, she's going to have your kids — your goddamn kids for chrissake and that beautiful, sexy flat stomach is going to change, and not for the better." She leaned towards me a little so she even sounded a little louder, "Now is the time to look at it, Freddie and you should be looking at her belly a hundred times a day and your fingers should be on it, they should be reading it, every inch of it and your tongue should be on it, it should be washing it for chrissake and you should be kissing it, every inch of her fabulous belly and when you do, you should be thanking the fucking Gods that it's your belly, that it's there for you, and if you play your fucking cards right, only for you." As she talked she seemed to get madder as if all of this was my fault, but she stopped now for a moment and when she spoke again she was a little more calm but she was still mad, you could tell she was still a little mad, she sort of reminded me of some of my teachers in high school — she was talking like them now, like when they talked to me like I was a little child or something, "Now, Freddie, look at her again and tell me what you see."

I didn't really know what to say, I didn't know what she wanted, I honestly didn't. There was a kind of red welt just above Peach's navel where I guessed her pants had been belted, I was going to comment on that but I wasn't sure that's what Aunt Wilma wanted, and I was going to comment on the way her panties seemed to be biting into her hips, that was really neat but I wasn't sure that's what Aunt Wilma wanted, either, and I didn't think she wanted me to mention the little furry line that went up from Peach's panties almost to her navel, I mean I was really looking hard to find out what she wanted me to see but I couldn't really see what she wanted and I was looking so hard that after awhile I couldn't really see anything but I sure could feel something, I wanted to lean over and kiss her where her panties and her belly met, I mean for some reason I wanted my lips there, partly on the panties and partly on her belly, like on the waist band, I thought that was something really sexy, maybe it was the heat from her more than anything, it seemed to be attracting me like a moth is attracted to a light bulb or something, I mean I wanted to lean over and just push my lips there on her little elastic waist band and kiss it and maybe lick it, too. It seemed to be a really beautiful place.

"Well?" I guess I was taking too much time because Aunt Wilma's voice was mad again and I think I might have flinched when she spoke but Peach kind of read my thoughts, she's almost always does, and she leaned over, put her hands behind my head and moved into me while she pulled my head into her and my lips were on that waist band I had been looking at and I could feel her warmth and she smelled kind of sweet and she tasted a little salty which I found so nice that I brought my hands up but when I put them behind her they landed on her panties that covered her cheeks and that kind of scared me and I let them go like they were hot plates or something but I put them back when Aunt Wilma screamed at me, "Leave them there for fuck's sake. Feel her, squeeze her, Jesus Christ, she's supposed to be yours for fuck's sake."

I didn't like it that Aunt Wilma seemed so mad at me but I liked it that Peach was pulling my whole face into her belly and I liked what my hands were feeling. I think her panties were made out of nylon or something because they were really soft and really warm and I really liked the feeling I was getting out of them and I'm pretty sure Peach was feeling pretty good, too because she was really pulling my face into her.

"Good, end of lesson one, the belly." I wasn't really very happy when Peach let me go but I liked it that she bent down and kissed me on the head. That kiss seemed like a little silver star that a teacher might put on your exam paper or something.

"Remember, Freddie, you've got to kiss and lick and suck Peaches's belly every day and ALWAYS before you go down on her, which is lesson two. Now come over here and kneel down and pay attention, you, too, Peaches." When I did, when I knelt down where she told me to, just in front of her, Aunt Wilma sat up and pulled her negligee up from under her, then she scrunched down in her chair so her ass was on the very end of it. Then she lifted up her nightlie.

I almost ran, I really did but Aunt Wilma kicked me, "Oh, for God sake Freddie it's just a pussy, you're going to see a lot of them," then she seemed to think about what she had said, "or at least you're going to see one of them a lot of times. Look at it, concentrate, I want to show you where you're tongue's supposed to go."

"Mine?" This was scaring me to death, I mean I've never been more afraid, "You want me to put my tongue there?"

She kicked me again, harder, "Not on me for Christ sake, on Peaches, I'm just showing you where to go."

I felt some relief but not much because with her fingers — she had on about a hundred rings with gems of different colours and sizes and one of the rings had a tiny chain on it that dangled something, I couldn't tell what because her fingers were always moving, she was peeling back these lips and I won't pretend I wasn't because I was, I was scared as hell and Peach must have known that I was because she was rubbing me on the back really gently to kind of calm me down, to settle my nerves and it was working because in a minute or two the shock of it all was kind of going away and it was sort of like being back in health class with Mrs. Warrand and, really, it wasn't all that bad, it didn't seem sexual at all, I mean I never actually wanted to go where she was telling me I had to and that sort of scared me too because I couldn't actually imagine doing what she was saying I was supposed to do and I made the mistake of saying that.

I thought Aunt Wilma was going to explode again. She had the lips of her pussy peeled back, she had been showing us what she called her clitoris, and she just kind of froze and stared at me and I really think she was about to explode when Peach came to my rescue again. "Let us try it, OK, Aunt Wilma and if Freddie doesn't like it I wouldn't want him to do it, OK? Can we just try it? OK, Freddie?" She had been leaning over me as I was kneeling on the floor and she had been rubbing my back, like I said, but now she was pulling me to my feet even before Aunt Wilma said I could and then she was stepping out of her panties and she was sitting on the edge of the couch, like Aunt Wilma was and she was opening her legs.

I didn't understand any of this, I really didn't. Why would anyone want to put his face in one of those, I didn't get that and particular in Peach's, I mean if Aunt Wilma's was really bald, Peach's was really, really hairy, I mean it was thick and it grew into her crotch, I mean mine doesn't even do that and I'm a boy and I guess Peach could see that I didn't want my face down there because she put her arms out and smiled at me, her encouraging smile, I knew most of her smiles, not all of them, but most of them and she said, "Let's just give it a try, Freddie. If you don't like it we won't do it any more." Even at that I wouldn't have gone but I could feel Aunt Wilma looking at me, I was scared to look at her but I sure could feel her looking at me, so I went over and kneeled between Peach's legs, where she was pointing, and when I did Aunt Wilma kneeled beside me, really close as if she was trying to threaten me, or that's the way I was taking it.

"You're beautiful, Peaches, really beautiful. Do you like a lot of hair like that, Freddie?"

This is really the first time I've ever seen Peach like this, I mean before I just sort of caught a glance, maybe that's why I just shrugged.

It was the wrong thing to do again, I didn't seem to get anything right. Aunt Wilma reached out and pushed her fingers into Peach's hair and gripped some, "Why do you think she's left it like this, Freddie?" Then she was almost yelling again, "FOR YOU for fuck's sake, so you can put your face in it, smell it and you don't even appreciate it?"

"I don't think that's there for me," I said, and I didn't, that didn't make any sense to me.

"No? Where's the hair on her legs? Do you want it there?"

"No," I didn't think hair looked good on any woman's legs, especially under stocking.

"That's why she shaved it off, for fuck's sake and that's why she's left this here, for you, if you want it. Do you want it, Freddie, or do you want to look ..."

"We'll talk about it, Aunt Wilma, I'll shave it if he wants ..."

"Or at least trim it a bit, you don't want hair growing down your leg when you're walking around in your panties or a swim suite."

"We'll work it out, Aunt Wilma, won't we Freddie?" Peach was smiling at me with the smile I really like.

I didn't know what to say so I nodded again, but this time when I did I had Aunt Wilma's hand on my head. You may be wondering what I was thinking as my face was slowly pushed towards Peach's crotch but I don't really know, really I don't, I was concentrating, trying to remember what Aunt Wilma wanted me to do but I have to admit, I was hornier than hell too, pardon my swearing but I definitely was and I got hornier the closer I got because I could feel her heat again, like from her belly but now she had this really odd smell, too, it wasn't sweet like a perfume or anything, it smelled more like some kind of acid or something but a good acid, I kind of liked it and the closer I got it suprised me, but the closer I got the more I wanted to push my face into her, to see what it was like, the feeling of the hair against my face and the smell and for some reason I wanted to taste the smell, as if that could actually happen, tasting a smell I mean, and I wanted to see how she'd react when I did this, I mean Peach not Aunt Wilma, Peach looked like she was waiting to explode, but a good explode, not like Aunt Wilma's, but even at this I could still feel Aunt Wilma beside me and I was a little ascared of her so that's why I was concentrating so hard on doing exactly what she had said I should do, so I started kissing and licking the inside of Peach's leg from about mid-thigh up to her crotch, on both legs, really slowly, using a lot of tongue, as Aunt Wilma said I had to, so by the time I finished her thighs they were pretty wet.