Peach — A Story


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"Good, Freddie," Aunt Wilma patted me on the back, "now just like I showed you."

I wanted to, really I did, I was really horny but it just seemed so stupid putting my face and tongue in there like Aunt Wilma said I had to, it just didn't seem right but I wasn't going to say anything but it just came out, "Do people really do this?"

Aunt Wilma's pats on my back felt more like a punch now, "REAL men do this, Freddie, real men want to make their woman happy," the words seemed almost to grind out of her like she was trying to control her anger and I was going to do it, I had made up my mind to do it but I didn't really believe her, I mean I couldn't imagine my father doing this and I said something like that but that just made Aunt Wilma madder, "Of course your father's been there."

My face was just a few inches away from Peach's hairy opening when Aunt Wilma said this and I guess because I was so close that I thought she was saying that my dad had been there, like in Peach and that just shocked me and I guess I sat up really fast and that's when I felt Aunt Wilma's punch in my neck, "Not in Peaches's pussy for chrissake, in you mother's," and then she put her hand on my neck and forced me down like I used to force my puppy's nose near his doodoo when he pooped in the house but she let me go before I actually got there, I think she wanted me to make the last part of the journey on my own and I did and really it wasn't like I expected at all. As I said, I already liked the heat and the smell of the thing but I also found I really liked her hair against my face, too that was really neat and she was really wet, like really wet and the taste was hard to describe, I mean I kind of liked it but I'd never put it over my potatos or anything, I mean a little bit of that stuff went a long way but I liked it alright and I liked Peach's hands in my hair and I liked it that she was pushing herself at my face, encouraging me. And then it was over, Aunt Wilma was pulling me away, "Ok, Ok, you can do more of that later, now I want you two to change places. Take off your pants, Freddie, and your underwear."

I've got to admit I was a little stunned by all this but Peach sure wasn't. She bent forward and kissed me in the hair again and when she stood up she helped me up and she helped me with my buckle but she didn't need to because for some reason I didn't mind taking off my clothes, in fact I actually wanted to and that really suprised me.

"Sit down, Freddie," I did and when I did Peach pushed my legs apart and got between them. "Have you ever had oral sex before, Peaches?"

"Once," Peach said, looking over at Aunt Wilma who was kind of scurrying on her knees over beside Peach, "this morning, in the car, when Freddie was driving." I think this really surprised Aunt Wilma because she took a quick look at me as if to see if it was true and I guess Peach saw this because she explained, "I wanted to have sex with Freddie last night, in the motel but we didn't so I decided to suck him when we got the car on the highway, when he couldn't stop me."

Aunt Wilma's reaction to this really suprised me, she brought her hand up and stroked the back of Peach's hair a few times and when she did she looked really soft and loving at Peach and she said, "You're a saint honey, you're a real saint," and it looked like she believed it, too then she sort of snapped out of it and asked Peach to show her how she did it.

This was a mistake. The moment Peach's lips touched me it was as if she pulled a trigger or something because I guess everything had really built up in me because I couldn't help it but the moment Peach's lips touched me I began to shoot, I couldn't help it, I didn't want it to happen, it just did but I was really happy about one thing, that Peach kept her mouth on me because if she didn't I would have got the stuff all over Aunt Wilma's wall, or TV or rug or someplace and I really liked it that Peach sucked really hard on me and brought one hand up to squeeze my balls as if she was helping the stuff come out and I really liked that I didn't have to watch the highway when all this was happening, that I wasn't afraid of running off the road or in to something, that I could just close my eyes and enjoy it.

When I opened my eyes Peach was sitting up, she had a big smile on her face and Aunt Wilma was stroking her hair again and looking at her all loving like, "Like I said, honey, you're a real saint."

I would have been really happy if class was out now. It wasn't that I wasn't interested any more, I was but I was really tired, too, we hadn't driven very far today but I hadn't got any sleep last night so it would have been great if I could have just rolled over and gone to sleep. But class wasn't out, not yet because Aunt Wilma got down on the floor and lay on her back and she smoothed out her negligee, "Come here, Freddie."

I froze, I know I said I wanted to have sex with Aunt Wilma before but I didn't really mean it, honest I didn't and besides, I just had sex, sort of and I could see that I didn't even have a full erection yet.

"Oh for God sakes, Freddie, get over her. We're not going to have sex I'm just going to show you some of the positions. God, you really can be an imbicile."

I didn't know what an imbicile was but I could tell that Aunt Wilma was getting really tired of me and I didn't really blame her, I mean, I have to admit that I wasn't very good at any of this but then, it was my first time and all. I got up and stood over Aunt Wilma who opened her legs and told me to kneel between them. That was the first of the positions she wanted to show us and she showed us a few others, too and she was surprisingly patient with me, I have to admit it and she explained that I was to practise all of these positions later when Peach and I went upstairs so it was good, I really found her a good teacher, she was really helpful and really patient this time, like I said. The only time she got even a little mad at me was when she was kneeling down and she told me to come at her from behind and when I did my penis kind of got her a bit in the rectum hole, I didn't mean that, of course, it just sort of happened and she admitted it could.

And then it was over. She gave me a little kiss on the cheek, "Now I want you two to go upstairs and practice, OK? Remember, practise, practise, practice makes perfect and I want you two to be perfect. I'll call you down when supper is ready and remember, spend as much time as you can on Peaches's belly."

I put my pants on (I stuffed my underwear in my pocket) and went out and got our bags from the car and when I walked into our room Peach was kneeling on the bed with a really wide smile on her face. She looked kind of beautiful.

I wasn't ascared of her anymore, I guess because Aunt Wilma kind of talked me out of that and another thing, she seemed like she was pretty good at this kind of stuff and I knew she was never critical of me, really she always helped me whenever she could so I wasn't really ascared of having sex with her, either, I thought between the two of us and what Aunt Wilma had taught us we could figure it out. And another thing, I was really feeling that I wanted to have sex with Peach, I wanted to try a lot of what Aunt Wilma had shown us. It was kind of exciting. But there was one other thing, too, I was sort of seeing Peach in a different way now. Like I said before, I never really looked at her before because she was my cousin and all, but I was looking at her now in a whole different way and I really liked what I was seeing and feeling.

I knew I had to say something, she had that look on her face so I said, "I like it when you have your underwear on, Peach. You look really sexy." And it was true. When she was standing in front of me, when Aunt Wilma told me to look at her belly, I did, of course, but one of the things I really liked was the little waist band of her panties and how it dug into her a little and I liked the softness of them and how smooth they were. When she was standing there in front of me I was going to put my face into her soft yellow panties but I thought Aunt Wilma would freak so I didn't. But I wanted to now.


I had put the bags down and was wondering what I was supposed to do, "Ya?"

"Did you like doing that?" I guess she could tell I didn't know what she meant, "down there. Did you like doing that because if you didn't you don't have to."

She looked really beautiful sitting there on that bed in her underwear. I took off my jeans but I did it too fast because I caught my erect penis and I kind of bent it and it hurt but I pretended it didn't and I sat on the bed beside her. When I had gone outside to get the bags I had decided that I wanted to become a really good lover for Peach and when I did I was pretty sure I could be, I mean before I got hooked on all those video games I'd been pretty good at sports, but now I wasn't so sure because I really didn't know what to do. And that's what I told her.

"Just do whatever you want to do, Freddie, honest, I'll love it." When she said this, she lay on the bed and crawled over and took my penis in her mouth, she seemed to really like to do this but I knew how quick I'd be so I kind of pushed her off because I didn't want to have one right now, actually, I wanted her to have one.

When I turned her over on her back I sure didn't want to do it but I took her panties off, boy I like the feel of those things, and then I tried to do what Aunt Wilma showed me but it was too hard to do it properly with both of us kind of lying on that bed so I pulled her down to the end so her legs fell over the end and I got down on the floor on my knees and I licked, I spent about 15 minutes on the inside of both thighs, I got them both really wet and she watched me, she got two pillows and put them under her head and she put her hands in my hair and she watched me with this really loving smile on her face like she really, really wanted me to do this and she was sort of purring like a cat does and then I put my tongue in her, just at the opening which was covered in hair but the moment I did she stopped me and sat up and she took my arm and pulled me and I got onto the bed and she pushed me down, put a pillow under my head and then she knelt beside me, "Freddie?"

I don't know why she pulled me up there, I was a little annoyed because I really wanted to try what Aunt Wilma told me to do, "Ya?"

"I want to do it this way, OK? This is the way I've always thought I'd do it, you know, for the first time."

I didn't get her, "What way?"

"I'm going to kneel over you and slowly just easy myself down until you can lick me, OK? If you don't like it, we'll stop but if you do like it then I'll just keep going lower, OK? I'm doing this so you can get more of me if you want it, OK Freddie?"

I thought this was stupid, Aunt Wilma didn't say anything about this but I could tell that Peach was really excited so I said, "Sure, it's OK."

I really think she had thought a lot about this because she knew exactly what she wanted to do and she did it real slow like she wanted to remember it after it was done. When she leaned down and kissed me I could see that she still had her bra on and that surprised me but I guess she wanted it on because she didn't take it off, she sat up and shuffled forward on her knees and she rested her arms on the head board then she slowly lifted her leg over me real slow so I was staring right up at her hairy pussy which wasn't so hairy any more, not from this view, not like when you look at it from the front when she's sitting down. From here I could easily see her long crack and the hood that Aunt Wilma had pulled open to look like butterfly wings or something, except on Peach these lips were sticking out and were all crumpled together and they looked really neat and a little wet and another thing I noticed, I could see why I kind of stabbed Aunt Wilma in the rectum hole with my penis because the rectum hole is really close to the crack, like really close, not even an inch away so I guess that's why Aunt Wilma didn't get really mad, because it's so close it could easily happen.

And as she slowly brought her leg over me and easied herself down onto my face I was seeing a lot of other things, too. I could see her bum cheeks which were really cute, particularly the little creases that separate her bum from her legs, I thought I might like to lick those little creases and I knew I liked to lick the white soft inside of her thighs which were really hot against my cheeks, even though they weren't even touching me but something kind of shocked me about all this because I thought I might really like to lick her rectum hole, too and who would do that, I mean that's disgusting but I had an urge to do it but I couldn't because she eased herself slowly onto my face.

Even before her hair touched my face I could smell Peach, like I did before when I was downstairs and Aunt Wilma was kind of guiding my face to her. I liked it then and I really liked it now because it was a lot stronger now and when her hair started to tickle my face I could tell it was wet and that kind of made it tickle even more but then something happened and I didn't see much any more, I mean right after she kind of sat on my face and my lips and tongue got inside her I sort of lost it because it was the most best place I've every been in my life, I mean I had her taste and her smell and she was hot and wet and I could hear her moaning real loud, I'll bet Aunt Wilma could hear her and she started to really grind herself into me and then it shocked me, I mean it really shocked me because it was the last thing I thought she'd do but she did, she pissed on me, I could feel the hot stuff in my mouth and nose and against my face and it was even running down my face into my neck and the bed, and she really had to go because the stuff kept coming, buckets of it and Peach was really yelling now and really pushing at my face and that's about all I remember because I had my hands on her thighs and I was pulling her against me as hard as I could so I could go deeper into her so I could feel more of her piss against my face and right then and there I knew I loved Peach, I mean I kind of thought I did downstairs when she was so good to me when Aunt Wilma was mad at me and all, but for Peach to just sort of piss on me like that, well that was really sweet and my penis seemed to pump out the stuff for about five minutes, well for a long time anyway, I mean I don't know if you're supposed to feel like this but I liked everything Peach was doing and I really liked the way she did it and I really liked the way she was kissing me now, she was sucking and biting my lips and then she was licking my face like my dog does sometimes after I eat ice cream and she was telling me how much she loved me and how happy we were going to be and how she wanted to do wonderful things to me so I had a hard-on again, I could feel it and I was going to put my face back between her legs again but she got off the bed and left.

I know I shouldn't have done it but when she left and I was still horny I thought I might just, you know, sort of stroke myself a little and when I did I remembered her panties and I bent down and got them off the floor and when I lay back on the pillow I brought them up to my nose and while I wrapped my fingers around my penis I sort of sniffed at them, I don't know why I like her underwear so much, I really don't, it seems kind of perverted when you think about it but I loved her smell and I loved the feel of them.

"I do that, too." She came in with a towel and sat on the bed and wiped my face with the wet end and then dried it. "It's kind of a funny smell, isn't it, not like anything else. Sometimes I do that when I masturbate. It's kind of stupid smelling yourself but ... I don't know, I don't do it a lot, I think I get a bit embarrassed but I do it sometimes."

"I don't think you should be embarrassed, Peach."

"You don't?" She kissed me on the lips, just a little one.

"Did you mean to pee on me?"

Her eyes narrowed like they do when she's confused, but only for a moment, "That wasn't pee, Freddie, it was cum, sometimes I have a lot of it, not always but sometimes. If I knew that was going to happen I wouldn't have stayed on you but by the time it started to come I couldn't stop it, it was the wrong time for me to stop, I don't think I could have anyway." She lay down beside me now and put her head on my chest and when she did she took the panties out of my hand and kind of held them close to my nose. "I love it that you like my panties, Freddie." I was thinking that I loved it that she loved that I loved her panties when she said, "And I love you, Freddie, I mean, I'm just so in love with you."

After a few minutes I had to pee so I carefully got out from under her and went to the bathroom. It took me a long time to pee because I still had a hard-on so I had to bend it and even then I couldn't get it to aim at the toilet so I had to wait a bit to let it relax a little before I could. When I got back I got on the bed real quiet because Peach was asleep and I was going to go to sleep, too because I was so tired, I really was but when I lay down on the bed I sort of propped myself up with my arm and I sort of looked at her, I mean Peach was really suprising me, she was like a whole different person now, at least that's the way I was seeing her and I really liked to look at her, she was really beautiful to me now, she wasn't ever before but she is now.

And I really like her skin, too, she has really white skin like she could use some sun but it suited her, I don't know why and it made the yellow bra that matched her panties kind of stand out a bit and it looked really sexy the way it was holding her breasts, the cups I guess you call them were really full and she had a really good cleavage. I wanted to touch them and the clevage, too but I was afraid I'd wake her so I just looked at them for awhile and I could see her nipples, not very well but they were there, I could sort of see them, then I looked at her belly, like Aunt Wilma said I should and she didn't have any panties on now so I had to look at just her belly and not the waist band of her panties and I think Aunt Wilma was right, it really is pretty, real sexy and I wanted to touch it, too and maybe put my lips on it like she said I should but I didn't want to wake her so instead I looked at her hairy pussy which I really liked and it surprised me that her pussy was so hairy and all and it always seemed so wet but, really, you know, I pretty much liked everything about Peach and I guess I always have but I was feeling different about her now, that's for sure, I mean when I looked at her now I always had a hard-on and even when I thought about her, too and that never happened before but it wasn't just that, either, I was kind of feeling like I owned her a little, I mean I knew I didn't but when I was looking at her it sort of reminded me of when I get a new video game, I want to see everything that video game can do as fast as I can so I can try to master it, that's the way I was looking at Peach, I wanted to see all her parts and think about them so I could try to master them but not in a bad way, I don't mean that, I mean master them in a way that she would want me to master them, the way Aunt Wilma would want me to master them like when I put my tongue in her, I wanted to do that the best way possible for her.

I guess I must have got some sleep because Peach was waking me and telling me supper was ready and I got dressed, washed my face and hands and went down to the dining room where Aunt Wilma had some hamburgers and corn.

Aunt Wilma looked at lot different now, she was in a nice blue blouse you couldn't see through and some blue slacks and her hair seemed different, too. When I sat down she stood up and she had a wine bottle in her hand and when she leaned over I couldn't see any of her clevage any more and she poured some wine into Peach's glass and into mine, then into hers. "A toast to you both. I'm really happy you've come to see me and I'm really, really happy, Peaches that you have chosen to come to me once you decided to join the sisterhood." Aunt Wilma call Peach Peaches all the time and so did Peach's mom and my mom, I don't know why. Everyone else called her Peach, except her brother who called her Peachnut.