Personal Ads Ch. 03


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"What...out there?"

"Why not?"

"People over the back can see in to my garden from their bedroom windows...and...and we don't have a back gate a...out here in the country everyone calls around the back."

"When you sunbathed in the nude on your holiday balcony...could the people either side have seen you...or the people across from you?"

I thought for a moment, "Possibly but I was gambling on everyone being by the pool or on the beach."

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"And your neighbours are probably not in their back bedrooms on a warm day like today!"

I opened the back door and walked out into the garden, I looked all around and then I peeled my bath-sheet off and spread it on the back lawn and I stretched out on it. Sue carried one of the chairs from the kitchen out into the garden and sat on it, just looking down at me and all around as well.

"Are you just going to sit there watching me?"

"It would be unseemly for your mother to sunbathe in the nude with you!"

"You're not really my mother though are you?"

"I came around early so that we could get into character for tonight!"

"Look Sue, it's our local industrial holiday fortnight, Franklin could be away on his summer holiday by now, he might not even turn up at the pub."

"But the barman has had fun with you, if Franklin isn't there I'll have to settle for watching that Mike bloke fuck you."

As Sue spoke I looked at the bushes that were shielding my garden from view out of my rear neighbours lower windows, they were blowing towards Paul's house. If Paul; was out in front of his house he would probably be able to hear Sue's deep voice talking to me. I was right, Paul called out, "Hello, anybody there?"

Sue looked down at me and then she called out, "Out the back," in reply.

I rolled onto my face just as Paul appeared around the corner, he grinned at me, "Sorry to bother did say on Saturday that I could call around any time to see if there were any of John's tools that I'd like to have."

I looked at Sue and then back to Paul, "All John's tools are at the back of the yourself."

Paul looked from me to Sue, did a double take and then he looked back at me.

"Paul, this is mother, Mum, this is Paul, from across the road."

Sue shook Paul's hand and he headed for the garage, the 'Up and over' door was unlocked and most garages in the village were. Calling our garage a garage was a bit of a misnomer, it was built in the days when a 'Standard ten' was considered a big car, few modern cars would fit in it, maybe a smart car or a Nissan Micra but certainly not my car...or John's company car before the accident so it was just a junk store but a junk store with a large window looking out over the garden. Sue saw that Paul was spending more time looking at me than looking for tools but her face was in my direction as we made small talk together but all the time her eyes were turned towards the garage window.

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Sue whispered, "Turn onto your back!"

I looked up at her, she had a grin a mile wide on her face. I rolled onto my back.

Sue whispered again, "Lift your knees, put your feet flat on the towel and open your knees a little!"

I followed her instruction again.

"Do you have any sunscreen?"

My turn to whisper, "In the downstairs toilet, the door opposite the living room door and it's under the sink,"

"Ask me to go and fetch your sunscreen loud enough for Paul to hear you."

"Mum, can you see if you can find my sunscreen please!"

Sue got up and walked into the house, Paul stopped searching through John's tools and just stood in the window pointing at me with his cock inside his jogging trousers.

Sue returned with the bottle of sunscreen and she offered it to me, "Ask me to put it on for you!"


"I'm not going to...I'm going to ask Paul to do it."

"Can you put some on for me please mum?"

Sue looked closely at the small print on the back of the bottle, "It has Titanium Di-oxide as the whitening brings me out in a rash if I get it on my hands."

Sue walked over to the garage door, I saw Paul jump away from the window as Sue approached, she cleared her throat "I say...erm...Paul is it? Could you help out a little, I can't get this stuff on my hands..."

I saw Paul pick up the box of latex gloves that John used to wear to stop him getting oil on his hands whenever he worked on my car, Paul was offering the gloves to Sue, "...I don't suppose you could help out and put a little sunscreen on Vicky's body could you?"

Paul threw the box of gloves over his shoulder and rubbed his hands down the front of his joggers. "No problem, always willing to help!"

Paul took the sunscreen from Sue and walked over to the towel that I was lying on. I watched Sue walk back to the chair and she sat watching as Paul started rubbing oil all over the front of my body. It was very exciting to have Paul rubbing his oily hands all over every inch of my body.

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Sue cleared her throat again, "Perhaps Vicky could reciprocate and oil your arms and shoulders for you Paul. Sue leaned forward and pilled the shoulder strap of Paul's vest to one side. "Looks like you could do with taking your vest off; let the sun get at the rest of your body!"

'The rest of your body' got Paul's eyes open wider. "I never usually get the chance to do any sunbathing, my back garden is north facing, we never get the sun in our back garden."

"Well, you could sunbath here with us."

Paul gave Sue a sideways look, "I suppose I could dash over home and put some trunks on."

Sue smiled, "Are you shy Paul...afraid that I'll jump on you if you get naked in my daughter's back garden?"

Paul laughed and then he stripped his vest off and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his trousers and stopped, "Are you sure it's okay?"

Sue nodded her head and Paul was naked apart from his socks and they were gone in a flash.

Sue smiled at me and told Paul to lie on his back so that I could oil his body. I oiled him from his neck to his toes but missed out his cock and his balls, I looked into Paul's eyes and said, "Okay?"

Paul nodded and I rolled onto my back again at Paul's side on my towel.

Sue said, "You missed a bit...the last thing Paul wants is a sunburnt todger darling!"

Paul started to say that it was okay but I knew exactly what Sue wanted...well, one of two things, she either wanted me to fuck him or to wank him off. I squirted a little more oil into my left hand and rubbed my hands together to warm the oil up. My right hand slipped over his cock and my left hand rubbed oil over his balls, I sat at Paul's side and worked both hands at the same time, fondling his balls as I rubbed a lot of oil well into his cock shaft. I whispered, "Do you want me to get you off Paul?"

Paul nodded his head enthusiastically so I sped up with my right hand. Paul was looking from me to Sue and back again. His head and feet suddenly jumped up off the towel as his body jerked through an orgasm sending a fountain of spunk into the air. This was no weak teaspoon full of jizz, this was about as much spunk as you'd get in a shot of alcohol in a pub from an optic.

I lay back down and Paul looked over at me, "I feel guilty now that I didn't offer to get you off now!"

"Paul mother is sitting right there..." I said sharply.

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Incongruous was the word, two neighbours lying in the sun totally naked, so close that our elbows were touching, my supposed mother sitting a foot away making small talk with us and a string of Paul's spunk diagonally across my breasts as if nothing was out of the ordinary at all.

Sue left us for an hour before she called an end to our sunbathing, "Right, time we were off Vicky darling, we have to be in Northampton before six o'clock."

Paul reluctantly dressed but he was happy that I'd given him hand relief and perhaps the door was open for more once my mother had gone back home and Gail was back home to give me permission to have sex with him.

Sue went through my wardrobe and picked out the clothes that she wanted me to wear, as I looked at her selection on my bed it crossed my mind that it was almost exactly the same outfit that I'd worn for John the last time we went out on Saturday pub night, different colour of bra and panty set but from the same range.

"Erm Sue...when I went to the pub on Saturday evening I wasn't wearing any knickers...I kind of made out that I didn't usually wear them."

Sue raised her eyes twice and grinned, "Better and better!"

Sue drove us into town and parked in the pub car park. It sounded like there was a quarterstaff fight going on inside the bar, rapid blows of wood on wood but when we walked in we found that all that was going on was a dominoes match between four African men. Sue walked up to the bar bold and brassy and when I spotted Franklin I tried to hide behind Sue.

On the drive into town we'd agreed on a scenario for our little game, my mother was taking me out for a drink, she'd picked the pub because it was a long way from my house so there was little chance of my husband or any of his friends bumping into us. In our game, I hadn't told my mother about my infidelity just two days earlier and our turning up in that pub was pure coincidence.

Sue said to Mike, "Port and lemon for me love and a 'J20' for my daughter."

Mike looked at my face, I was shaking my head and looking startled or worried.

"What flavour Madam?"

"Erm, passion fruit please."

We got our drinks and sat at a table in the middle of the room, Sue was facing the dominoes match and I was sitting with my back to it, 'let the game commence!' went through my mind.

"So, are you going to divorce that bastard now."

"I can't mum, what grounds could I use?"

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"He doesn't have to hit you these days, you can go for mental cruelty!"

"Not sure that I could prove that mum."

"See a solicitor, tell him about the way John controls you. A mother shouldn't have to pretend to break her leg to get you out of the house for a few days!"

Sue took a sip from her port and lemon to hide her smile, the dominoes match had gone quiet all of a sudden and we were the centre of attention for the four black men playing as well as Mike behind the bar.

The game ended, Franklin was the winner and the other three added up the spots that they had left in their hands, they were only playing for ten pence a spot but Franklin picked up three pounds in total from the three men he was playing with.

Franklin walked over to the bar and spoke to Mike and then he came over to our table with another port and lemon for Sue and passion fruit 'J20' for me.

"Forgive my boldness ladies...I've been losing all night and since you two beauties came in my luck has changed."

Sue laughed, "Thanks for the drinks sir but, you only won three pounds and our drinks cost five pounds fifty pence...not a good way to celebrate your change of fortune."

Franklin offered Sue his hand, "I'm Franklin, Frank to my friends."

"I'm Sue and this is my daughter Victoria."

Frank looked shocked, "Daughter, surely not, you look like sisters."

I looked over my shoulder at Mike and the other three players at the dominoes table, I tried to make my face look as guilty or embarrassed as possible, they'd all seen me in the pub before and now I was pretending that it was my first visit to fool my mother.

Franklin's friends were calling him back to their table, "Come on Frank, I know that you're not used to winning but you have to shuffle the dominoes and take first pick to start the next game."

Franklin turned and batted away the chide and then turned back to look at me and Sue.

"I don't suppose you ladies would like to take part in our little game would you?"

'Not as much as Sue would like the four of you to take part in our game...' ran through my head.

Sue smiled up at him, "Well, I know how to play but I won't play for money!"

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"Well, how about playing for kisses?"

Sue shrugged her shoulders, she looked at me, "How do you fancy a game of dominoes darling? Might take your mind off of 'You know who.'..." Sue looked up at Franklin, "...that's if your friends don't mind us gate crashing...that is!"

Franklin gave us a wide gesture, as if he was sweeping us towards his friends, "They'll love you girls joining us...especially if you two are willing to play for kisses."

Sue was about to get up but stopped, "Wait a minute, how will it work?"

"If one of you loses, any player with less spots than you have gets a kiss and if the winner is one of us you have to sit on our knee to deliver the kiss."

Sue seemed to consider Franklin's offer, "But what if one of us wins?"

"Then the man with the most spots left has to buy you a drink."

"That sounds fair to me."

I just sat silently, I wondered what my own real mother would have said to Franklin's offer...nothing really, she would never have gone into an inner-city pub, not even at home in Newcastle.

Two new chairs were pulled against the round table that the guys were playing dominoes on, Franklin guided me to a seat next to his and Sue on the opposite side of the table, Franklin started introducing us to his friends, starting with the man on my left, "Right, this is Winston, John is next, Sue, Good-time Charley, you all know my name and finally, Victoria."

All the dominoes had been turned face down on the table and Franklin started to stir the pot, jumbling all the dominoes up on the table before picking up all seven dominoes in his hands. I took my seven dominoes next but I couldn't hold them in my hands, I had to stand my tiles on their edges on the table in front of me in a semicircle.

Franklin said, "Double nine anyone?"

The four men knocked on the table, Franklin looked at me, "Do you have a double nine Vicky?"

I shook my head, he looked at Sue, she shook her head as well, "Wait a minute...double nine? How do you get a double nine?"

"Well, with four of us playing and all of us needing seven dominoes, if we were playing with a standard set all the dominoes would be in play so we'd all know exactly what we all had in our hands so we use a competition set that goes up to double nine, that way, with four players only half the dominoes are in play."

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Franklin then asked if anyone had the double eight, Good Time Charley slammed the double eight down and the game was afoot, Franklin was next and then me, we ran twice around the table before John knocked because he didn't have anywhere he could place a domino. Franklin was looking at my shoulders, the bare flesh of my cleavage and the scarlet straps of my bra, he smiled and said, "Pretty lingerie Victoria, does your knickers match your bra?"

Sue had to knock because she couldn't go, I looked over at her and she smiled at me. I shook my head.

Winston looked at my bra straps and said, "Vicky looks like a black thong kind of a woman!" the four men laughed at Winston's comment. And I shook my head again. Franklin had already had the pleasure of seeing my unclad bottom half and said, " looks like the kind of woman who goes commando...and I'll bet five pounds that not only is she knickerless but that her pussy hair is exactly the same colour as the hair on her mother's head!"

Good Time Charley jumped in with, "I'll take that bet...but how do we find out?"

The four men all looked at me and almost like a choreographed move they all looked at Sue.

She grinned at me again, "Weeelllll...she could prove the first part reasonably easily without too much embarrassment, she could lift the side of her dress and show you her hip."

John laughed and said, "No, that wouldn't really prove anything, she could be wearing a pair of those French cut things with the really high waistband and little else."

Sue turned to face John, "Well, in that case, as the bet only involves Frank and Charley, they could take her to the men's toilet and find out both parts of the bet in one go!"

John appealed to the referee, "That's not fair!"

"You have to put up John, to be part of the bet."

"Okay, I'll bet five pounds that Victoria does have knickers on then and that her pussy hair is the same colour as the hair on her head!"

Winston looked shocked, "I'm not going to be left out, I'll bet five pounds that she is commando and that she has a ginger bush!"

Frank said, "It's getting out of hand guys, the gent's toilet is very small and very smelly...let's just finish this game, sort out the winnings and I'll go and have a word with Mike, see if he can suggest anywhere better than his toilet."

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Mike walked past our table, he was collecting empty glasses from the other tables and as he walked behind Franklin he dropped a note over Frank's shoulder so that it landed on the table in front of him and then he said, "Keep it down a little lads, you're frightening the horses."

Frank casually looked around the bar, he was scanning the other customers to see if anyone was paying us any attention as he unfolded Mike's note. Frank laughed and he leaned in to whisper, "Phew, I thought that Mike was trying to warn me that your husband had just come in...It's only a warning that 'The Old Bill' is in the house and for us not to gamble until they've gone."

The next discussion was around what would happen if Sue or I lost the match and had to kiss the winner, would the police see that as gambling? Good Time Charley chirped up, "Man, de Babylon will use any excuse to rass us up no-man!"

Frank shook his head as he slammed down the double five, "Charlie, your Jamaican is showing through!"

Charley burst out laughing, I knocked, Winston knocked and Charley said, "I'm terribly sorry old boy, did a little of my ancestry slip out there?"

John knocked, Sue knocked and Charley knocked and Frank slammed down the five seven.

I looked at my dominoes, desperately searching for a seven to go next to the domino that Frank had just put down or an eight for the other end of the chain...nope, I had to knock again. Winston, John and Sue all played a domino each and Franklin smashed his final domino into the table, "Read 'em and weep children!"

"I've got thirty spots left." I called out, Winston had fifteen spots, John had eleven, Sue had ten spots and Charley had twenty spots left so I was the outright loser and Frank the winner.

Frank caught up with Mike in the corner of the bar and helped him collect a few glasses while they talked, he came back to the table and said, "I've arranged a place for Victoria to help me win my bet, just got to get a key from Mike."

Mike had his phone in his hand as he opened the till and lifted the coin drawer out to fish the key to the mortise lock on the door to his flat from beneath it.

"Hi Pete, any chance of you popping over for an hour or two...okay, I understand that you're on holiday...double pay again, just like last, there's already five of us in the mix...maybe next time. You'll come? Great!"

Mike handed over the key and held up five fingers, I guessed that Mike was telling Frank that his stand-in barman would be there in just five minutes.

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Frank came over to our table and wiggled the door key in front of my face, "I have a much better place for us all to go so that you can prove the bet one way or the other..." Frank looked at Sue, "...Are you coming too Sue?"

Sue nodded her head, "I wouldn't miss this for the world...I can't think of any better way for my daughter to get her own back on her controlling bastard of a husband than going home stretched four ways from Christmas!"

Frank unlocked the door, just the way he did on Saturday evening and he stepped back, again just the way he did on Saturday, I stepped past him but this time I didn't stop, I just walked straight up the stairs in front of Charley.