Physical Therapy


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"Did she ever explain to you why she asked for the divorce Ken?"

She hadn't and I really didn't want to go back and have that conversation. I liked the closeness I felt developing. I took a second to think of a response but Karen kept talking.

"You idiot. She is dependent on you. You enabled her to get Claire. And Claire of course is still recovering from the loss of her parents and still growing with Julie. And then of course is her mother. I would tread very lightly with your emotions and especially your heart. Take things very slow. And remember the contingencies we listed in order for her to have the house. No 'Male' guests inside. You technically would push her into violating that agreement. Don't do it."

I walked out of her office and went home that night second guessing all of my thoughts. She was right. Claire and I had gotten closer. Julie and I never really had a meaningful conversation.

Saturday morning it was raining. The thunderstorms in the forecast wouldn't let up until Sunday afternoon. I would not be cutting the grass or going to the house. I left a message for Julie but never got a response. That just dampened my spirits even more. I somehow was hoping for a sad emoji or anything that would give me hope for moment. The lawn would have to wait.

My coworkers noticed that I moped around all Monday and for part of the day on Tuesday. I stood up to adjust the blinds in my office to minimize the glare when I saw the service doing the grounds of the office park. I decided to do the lawn that day. I talked to my boss and headed back to my apartment to change just after two in the afternoon.

Anxiety crept up as I drove over. And for some stupid reason I decided to get flowers. The girls in the floral shop didn't say anything but I knew they were processing some thoughts about me and my quest to woo Julie again. I pretended to be oblivious to them staring at me and took the bouquet and left.

When I turned into the driveway I was troubled. There was a car next to me as I got out. As I approached the front door with the flowers it opened and Julie stepped out onto the porch with guy about our age. They were all smiles until she saw me. I just dropped the flowers, turned and got back into my car. Julie called my name and ran towards me but I had already backed out and pulled away. The phone started ringing instantly.

...We need to talk..... Julie texted me. I ignored it. I was over every Saturday and she chose not to talk. So why now?

.... That wasn't what you thought it was..... Again, I just ignored it.

.... He was from the state checking on Claire. That is my last check-up and Tim was moved to another area. Please take my call....

When the phone rang again a short time later I answered it.


"Ken that was my six month Wellness Check. He talked to me and Claire for an hour and decided there would be no more." I didn't respond. I heard her anxious breathing but she could not see my tears.

"Did you hear me Ken?"

"Yes, I heard you. I will be by Saturday to mow the lawn." Before she had a chance to respond I ended the call.


Our Saturday's took a step backwards. Any momentum I thought we had, just disappeared. We treaded lightly and slowly took another month before we had an actual conversation and it was only because of Claire. They had come home from the store while I was in the backyard working. They both had on summer dresses and looked incredible. I struggled not to show admiration for their appearances.

"I get to go to Kindergarten. Can you walk me to school?" She asked.

"Wow, a big girl now. When do you start?" I asked her as I knelt down to her level. She came right up to me and stopped inches from my face.

"Claire, Mr. Ken works all week, it would be hard for him to walk you to school."

I stayed on my knee and looked up at Julie. "What day does she start?"

"She goes for an hour and a half on Tuesday. Full days start on Wednesday."

"What time do I have to be here Tuesday?" I asked. Claire stepped forwards and hugged me for the first time.

"We were going to walk over around nine." Julie added.

"I will be here at eight forty five."

On Tuesday we walked holding hands with Claire in the middle. I carried the backpack since it was loaded with the supply list. It was an amazing feeling. I had taken the week off so I could be here every morning. I caught Julie looking up at me occasionally but tried to make her think I wasn't noticing.

Awkwardness set in when I found out that since I wasn't listed as a parent, I could not enter the building and had to wait outside. The look on Julie's face was sad but Claire said she would only be a moment and dragged Julie into the building with her.

I think Julie expected me to walk home on my own and was genuinely surprised I had waited. We walked slowly back to the house without venturing too far into a conversation.

"Claire was really excited." I said finally.

"Yes, she was up at six this morning wanting to start her day."

I couldn't suppress a laugh as I pictured her abundant energy waking Julie up.

"She is a great girl and will make lots of friends easily."

"I hope so. I am still scared for her. This is a big day. Her situation is not like the other kids."

We made it to her porch in silence. I could tell she didn't know what to do or say and neither did I. We had walked slowly and still had an hour before we would have to walk back. To ease the tension I turned and sat down on the top step of her porch. She waited a few seconds and did the same. It was a great weather day for the first day of school. I was going to say something about the weather to make idle chat when Julie spoke.

"Can I ask you a question?" She had a nervous passion in her voice.

"Yes. Of course you can."

After running her hand through her hair and tightening her sandals for the tenth time she stunned me.

"Why did you file for divorce? I thought that when you stayed with me in the hospital night and day we would make it through the terrible things I had done. Then you disappeared and served me with those papers."

"What are you talking about? I never filed for divorce, you did."

We both stared into each other's eyes as our tempers both rose. I think she realized at the same time I did that her mother had done this.

"Julie your mother wouldn't let me see you at the house. I came over the next day and for three days afterwards and she told me you didn't want to see me. I texted and called your phone but you never answered. I sent flowers every day for a week and she refused delivery."

"My mom said you took my phone. She convinced me that you had abandoned me and I believed her. She said she tried to call you but you ignored her. You had me lose my job and the center closed. Then she said some man had dropped off divorce papers. I believed her because you had already signed them."

"Julie, you have to believe me. She came to my office with the papers. That is when I went down and saw Karen. Then Joe Calson, one of the attorneys she works with convinced me to file against your employer. She stormed in after that case closed and demanded I sign the papers so I did. Karen was upset with me but had already told me you didn't want anything. You just wanted out. I was hoping the judge would force you to see me one more time." I told her.

By this time Julie was a bundle of tears. She was shaking. I reached around to hold her and she just melted into my shoulder. Together we had a good cry.

"What is going to happen now?" She asked.

"I don't know Julie. We have a lot to discuss. I have a lot of questions but I am not sure I want to ask them or know the answers." I said. "But for now, you have to go inside and freshen up. We have to walk back and get Claire soon."

She reached up and kissed me on the cheek and went into the house.

We left on time to get back to the school. As we were walking next to each other, our hands ended up finding each other and intertwining our fingers for the first time in long time. It was if they knew on their own what to do.

With a few hundred feet to go she stopped and pulled on my hand forcing me to turn towards her. Within seconds her arms were around my neck and her lips were pressed against mine. We held each other for a minute or so before I warned her about crying again. I was rewarded with a smile and went and picked up Claire.

We walked to school every day that week. She asked me in twice when we got home but I had to remind her that any male stepping into the home would allow me to terminate her stay. Man can she punch hard.

Things moved rapidly from there. I ended the lease on my apartment and moved back home permanently. Karen handled most of the paperwork and even went and met with Julie a couple of times. Our only issue would be how to handle her mother. We agreed not to say anything to her for a few more weeks as details of our lives resuming came together. I must say Julie was the nasty one and I agreed to her plan.

It seems her mother knew I cut the grass and took care of things on Saturday. She had purposely stayed away on that day. She also continued to feed some pretty poisonous thoughts to Claire any chance she got. But we didn't know that until Claire brought it up at dinner one night. Claire said she was told that it would be better if I wasn't in their lives. I had to hold Julie with everything I had to keep her from going over and harming her mother.

We decided to have a Sunday dinner and invite her mother over. Julie told her she had some good news to share. We foolishly thought we would shock her that day but when I walked out of the bedroom without anything on but my jockeys it didn't faze her. I looked and Julie and we shared a confused look.

"Ken, please go back upstairs and put some close on. I don't want to see you in your underwear." Her mother said.

She then smiled and looked right at me. "I know you have been instrumental in my daughter's happiness for the last year. I also know you never stopped loving her. And I am also aware that you are the best thing that ever happened to Claire. But if you ever hurt my daughter again, you will regret ever coming back into her life. Got it?"

Twice Julie started to say something then stopped. Finally she looked at me and said, "She is right. Go put some clothes on. Dinner is ready."


It appears Claire shared a lot with her grandmother. We also found out she had come over that day to see Claire off to her first day of school and saw us walking down the street hand in hand. It took a long time for Julie's anger to thaw, but mine never did. The Friday before Julie and I were to remarry I found a brass train engine on my desk at work. It was from Karen.

Dear Ken,

I was wrong. Not all trains crash.


skruff101skruff101over 3 years ago

He didn’t seem to be worried about an explanation concerning his slut wife giving a blowjob to a naked old man.

Perhaps he secretly enjoys watching the video he got of the action.

But how are we to know any of that, no reasons given for any of the important events throughout this story.

Readers decry the overlong explanations of most stories, going on for page after page but here? Nada, nothing, zilch, fuck all, diddly squat, bereft of all understanding etc etc etc.

And the characters had personalities akin to that of really boring amoebas.

As my old English teacher used to say ‘Must try harder’.

arrowglassarrowglassover 3 years ago

I liked the story, but did not like the fact no answers were ever given about what he saw when she was still pregnant, and what happened with his never getting over his anger?

argeelogargeelogover 3 years ago

Way too many unanswered questions in this story. Too many holes. Too hard to understand as a result. Some of these commenters are right. I accidentally gave it 3 stars. Should have been 2.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Not buying this ending.

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

What was with the crap that when he first met Claire he couldn't provide Julie with a child if they stayed together..He had already got her pregnant once.Also why would Julie want to adopt instead of getting married again and trying with her new husband for a child.If she was as nice a the story goes she would have no trouble finding an husband.

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