Play Testers Wanted Pt. 09


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"Damn Ghost," MJ said aghast. "I thought I was brutal."

"Sorry," I replied feeling the last of the rage leave me. "I... am better now."

Trophy earned: Rune Master. Trophy earned: Behold the Dark Side. Talent earned: Critical Strike.


I pulled down my HUD and saw my inventory sparkling. I swiped through it and found a gold icon over the 'Unnamed Yautja Rune Dagger'. Bright golden letters hovered over it.

'Name me.'

"I don't know. How about Shatterpoint." I muttered.

"Well, you did shatter them." MJ snickered.

"Shatterpoint it is." I agreed and the item name was updated. I touched the icon for the dark elf dagger and the option to rename it appeared. Aw fuck, it deserved a cool name. "How about Umbra: The Shadow Blade?"

"We like." MJ cooed. "Wanna fuck in his bed? That would really piss him off."

"Clean sheets first," I counteroffered.

"We'll see your clean sheets and raise you a nympho shapeshifter," She said and looked over at the cringing skrull. "Well?" MJ purred.

"I've got security covered." Surfer chimed in. "You got time for a quickie."

"Well?" I asked De'Lila. "Wanna fuck?"

"Oh, what the hell! Got anyone in mind, a girl I mean." She asked as she sauntered over.

"Have you ever met Princess Lilandra?" I asked seeing if I could fudge one of my quest goals.

"You mean Empress Lilandra," she corrected as she shifted midstride into the tall dark maned humanoid. "Kneel before me and I might let you lick my pussy."

I kneeled and played into the character she was mimicking. Lust replaced my rage and a quickie lasted far longer than it should have. Surfer's urgings left me racing to get rid of the corpses. I opened a portal to the shadow realm and shoved them inside. It was time to go. It was time to seek out the Weird Witch and hear her prophecy.

"I'll come back for you." I promised the skrull. "I have a witch to find."

"The throne room," De'Lila urged. "He has his daily reading performed around this hour. You should hurry."

My armor merged into a puddle of shimmering black glass. It slid towards me and climbed up my body mimicking the Venom symbiote. I heard Surfer giggling in my mind.

'We are Ghost Fire.' She laughed.

MJ and I headed to the bridge. The double doors were now protected by a static hologram of the Tyrant and the Brute. Hopefully, it would fool them long enough for me to hear the prophecy. We crawled along the ceiling invisible until we reached the hub of activity that was the bridge. Blastaar sat on his throne watching his crew maintain the blockade around the Shi'Ar home world.

"Where is she?" The despot roared. "Where is my seer?"

"Here my lord Blastaar," a decrepit old crone slowly entered from the opposite side. "My poor old bones were reluctant to carry this husk of a body."

"Yes... yes... cast the stones... or flip the cards... do whatever the hell it is you do witch!" Blastaar gestured angrily.

"I will perform for my supper," she fired back and the troll like figure roared in laughter. "Here is my seeing stone my lord." She said and my heart sank. It looked exactly like the stone in my dreams about Bor and Allisara. "I see..." She began as the gem began to glow. "...your prize is before you. A new world to conquer. It possesses technology that will make you unchallenged ruler of the Negative Zone!"

"Yes!" Blastaar growled as he leaned forward hanging on her every word. "How do I break through that damn mine field?"

"A moment," she moaned her eyes glazing over in the mystical radiance. "There is a male, he is born of Svartalfheim... born of Asgard... a child of opposites and champion of Anackire."

"Anackire? What is an Anackire?" Blastaar asked his mouth drooping into an angry frown.

"She is the Nine-Fold Goddess and patron of the Ghost Fire. He is close. He is a thief and a liar. He has stolen your most prized object. He has defiled your favorite toy." She paused and I smiled behind my mask. "The path through the minefield can only be achieved using the Bifrost."

"Bifrost? The famed bridge of Asgard. How can it possibly reach here?" Blastaar asked. "Well?"

"I only tell you that which I see." She whimpered in fear. "The rest is... AH! The pain! The Forge of Stars! The terror of perfect darkness!" The witch cried out one last time and crumpled to the deck.

"Take her to her room and let her rest. Send guards to my harem. Find this thief and bring him to me." Blastaar ordered.

"She is dead my lord," the guard that moved to pick up the witch declared. "There is blood around her mouth."

"Her heart must have burst from the strain," the tyrant snarled. "Toss that thing to my pets. They can feed on her bones at least. Find the thief! Bring him to me!"

Claxons sounded and it was time to go. MJ and I retreated the way we had come. Security droids were patrolling the hallway now. They were scanning everywhere. We had little time before we were detected and attacked. I pulled up the confines of my ship and folded space to it. I hesitated and MJ placed hands on hips.

"Are you really going to leave her behind?" She asked.

"Damn! No!" I cursed. I reached out and folded space to the harem. I opened a way for De'Lila, but the entire harem rushed through and filled the ship. I withdrew and MJ was too busy prepping the ship for launch to comment. "Great! Just fucking great!"

"Variety is the spice of life," MJ laughed. "Maybe you'll earn the title of Harem Master after this?"

"Funny." I snapped and looked at the twenty or so females of various races, ages, and stages of undress. "Nothing to say De'Lila?"

"You won't be lonely for a long time will he girls?" She asked and they all shook their heads. "Plot a course towards the Shi'Ar home world. Surfer, I need your help."

"Plotting deep atmosphere penetration," Surfer laughed. "You know what I mean. A short jump in atmosphere. Reconfiguring wings."

"They are launching fighters!" MJ called out.

"Stay cloaked. We need to..." I began when the first shot struck the ship. "...Fuck! Stupid me! The girls are bugged. You have trackers on you, don't you?"

"Did I forget to mention that?" De'Lila replied making a face.

"How long until the computer plots a safe jump?" I asked as the ship shook again.

"One minute." Surfer declared.

"We don't have that long." I grimaced. "Hold on everyone. I'm about to do something stupid. Istus preserve me! Head towards the mines at full speed. Keep it as steady as you can."

I closed my eyes and raised my arm. I reached out for the clouds. That should be low enough to be beyond the minefield. I could see it and now came the hard part. Istus hear me! Grant me your strength! I pushed hard and folded space around the entire ship. It only lasted a second, but it hurt like hell. I screamed in agony as I dropped to my knees as blood gushed from my nose, mouth, and oozed from tear ducts and my ears.

"Upper atmosphere, reconfiguring wings... hold on... course stabilizing! Ghost? Can you hear me Ghost?"

I was floating. It was a familiar dream. I hovered in interstellar space. No matter the direction I could see stars, nebulae, and planets racing around their home suns. I reached out and my hand touched a hard-unyielding wall. I was floating. I hovered in a watery abyss with flashing lights outside and beyond the glass canopy.


My eyes snapped open and I was naked under the scanning arm of the ship's auto med unit. Bright red letters in my field of vision read 'negative stamina'. MJ was speaking to the members of the harem.

"He needs blood," she explained. "We will make sure he doesn't harm you."

"I will gladly offer up for my new master," A blue skinned Kree girl offered. "It is the least I can do to be rid of that fat bastard."

"I'll try not to hurt you," I whispered as my fangs descended.

"I trust you Master," she whimpered. "UNNNNN coming!" She squealed as I drank from her. I felt MJ hand on my shoulder, and I released her.

"Me next!" Someone shouted.

I drank from six of them and felt restored. The Kree girl tasted by far the best of the lot. I smacked my lips and slowly sat up. My stamina and health were back in the green. I thanked them as we flew towards the capitol city of the Shi'Ar. I checked my quests and I pumped my arm in triumph when I saw that my attempt was successful. Sleeping with De'Lila while morphed as Lilandra qualified for the bonus. I had technically slept with one of the Shi'Ar royal family.

"How do we safely get their attention?" I asked and MJ informed me that we already had craft surrounding us and guiding us in. "Oh. Well, I better pick out my best suit."

I chose the black glass skin for my armor and didn't select any weapons thinking that was a great way of getting shot or worse.

"Sit tight, Surfer see if you debug the girls. Can you remove their security devices?" I asked.

"It is doable," she assured me. "I'll get on it right away."

"Keep yourselves amused," I said, and they giggled. "I thought so."

I teleported outside leaving the ship buttoned up tight. I knew the Shi'Ar and the Skrull had issues and it wouldn't do to be see with a Skrull right now. I waited but not for long the Imperial Guard, some of the most powerful mortals in the galaxy approached. There was no sign of Lilandra or any member of the royal family and that didn't surprise me, it wasn't like they were going to come to me.

"What is your business here?" Gladiator, leader of the Imperial Guard, asked looking unhappy.

"I came here to help you. If you will let me explain." I began watching them intently. "Good, I have two thirds of a device that will allow us to return this world back to its place in real space."

"You must think quite highly of yourself," one of the Imperial Guard declared and thanks to De'Lila I recognized her voice. It was the Empress herself behind that full-face mask.

"Not me, the objects themselves," I corrected her and that irked Gladiator and a few others. "One is a Dark Star called the Tamer from the power plant of an ancient Vanir spacecraft." I said and paused to let that make an impact. "The second is the staff of Blastaar the King of Baluur and the guy laying siege to your planet."

"You said you have two of three items," the masked Empress stated. "What else do you need?"

"Something called the Crescent, and it is on this world." I said and that got a knee jerk reaction. "I take it you've heard of it."

"We have," Gladiator replied. "It is one of our most sacred religious artifacts. The Crescent is lost to time."

"Pity. I tried." I said as I turned and Lilandra broke ranks. I felt her hand on my arm.


My HUD chimed and my quest updated. Bang the Real Lilandra! Earn a bonus! It took everything not to laugh when I read that.

"I know where it is." She stated. "If you return it to us you will earn the favor of the royal house and the entire empire." Lilandra said and the Imperial Guard seemed to agree.

"Where is it?" I asked and she smiled. The real empress smelled nicer than the skrull though the skrull did some seriously kinky shit to impress me. It worked. I was impressed with her heroic level of flexibility. She bent in ways that would have broken any action figure back in the real world. "The faster I get it the sooner we are out of this hell hole."

"There are rituals that must be observed," Lilandra demanded. I let my head drop in resolve. "It is as much for your own benefit as a boost of morale for the people."

"I understand," I said in the same tone as I did when my mom wanted me to dress nice for when we had company. Speaking of mom, how long had she been friends with Kat Shaw?

A hover platform carried us to the heart of the city. An announcement was made, and I was blessed in front of the masses and told about the Tower of Ashen-Dur. It was still an active power plant sitting atop an active volcano. The plant was fully automated since the intense heat was so oppressive the only living beings that every visited it where maintenance slaves in full environmental suits. I could expect all types of elemental and spiritual guardians to attempt to stop me. I was shown a painting of the last emperor to have possession of the relic so I could see what it looked like.

"A silver metal crescent moon. What are those characters etched on it?" I asked and one of the holy men replied.

"It is said that when Sha'rar forged the holy artifact he placed words of love for the living goddess upon its surface." The priest intoned.

"Wait... did you say living goddess?" I asked as everyone froze, and I felt a surge of power behind me. "Aw shit!"

"Are you always this distasteful?" Sharra, Mother of the Shi'Ar growled as I turned to face her. "Well?"

"I do tend to get obnoxious especially after a few mugs of Asgardian mead. After that it is full throttle ahead and it usually ends with naked bodies and a lot of questionable moral choices." The roar of laughter filled the great hall and Anackire whispered in my thoughts.

'I do believe she expects you to kneel my champion!' The Nine-Fold Goddess suggested.

'Should I? I mean, you are my patron after all. It wouldn't be right to...'

"KNEEL Worm!" Sharra roared and Anackire let me know she understood. I knelt. "Who are you?!"

"I am Ghost Fire, Champion of Anackire, the Goddess of Diametrical Forces. I also follow the whims of the other members of Coven of Duality. I am called Dragon Slayer and Demon Queller by Odin of Asgard. At your service," I said feeling the effects of the Negative Zone aggravating my last possible nerve.

"Lovely. I thought she was locked up." Sharra snarled unhappy to learn that Anackire was free.

"I freed her with the Darkhold and the Book of the Vishanti." I added to see how she reacted to that. She wasn't happy.

"You were a fool." She snapped and so did I.

"Fuck them," I growled as I set down the orb that was the Eye of the Tamer. "Fuck this situation," I continued as I laid the Yautja Staff next to the Eye. "And... fuck you!" I said as I stood and flipped her off. "I came here to help. Don't want it... get one of your fucking lap dogs to get your fucking crescent sweetheart. I'm done. I am out of here!"

I felt her unbridled rage. She lashed out and I drew and activated my namesake catching her divine wrath on the black blade of the Darksaber, it swallowed up the divine energy into itself. I don't know who was the more surprised her or me. It was like graduation day with Nightwind all over again. I had reacted without thinking and it had saved my life.

"Finish the Quest." Sharra growled as she vanished, and time began flowing again.

"So, no shit there I was..." I said as I deactivated my weapon, gathered up the Eye and the Staff back into my inventory. "...where is this tower?"

"I will give you the coordinates." Lilandra stated not knowing what happened but knew better than to ask.

The Shi'Ar provided an aircraft and a pilot to take me to the tower. I spoke with MJ and asked her to keep the others safe until I returned. The pilot stood at the controls while I sat behind her enjoying the view. One of them was her outstanding backside.

"Some cultures find various body parts sensual. One Earth an island nation finds the nape of the neck sexy as hell. Other find the S shape of a female's spine to die for. Me, I'm an ass man your Majesty. I'd know your ass anywhere." I laughed.

"You are decidedly infuriating!" She snapped as she spun, and I caught her up in my arms. She froze and her breath was quick and shallow. I nudged the face plate of her helm up and away.

"I hope this thing is on autopilot." I said before I kissed her.


"One does not simply kiss the Empress of the Shi'Ar Empire!" She growled before kissing me back. De'Lila hadn't been far off on the personality of the spoiled empress. I felt Lilandra's fingers slide into my hair and make a fist. Wait, shouldn't I be...

"UNNNN!" I groaned when she pulled my hair back and gazed into my eyes.


Her heavy armor hit the deck of the vehicle. She shoved me down to my knees, placed a foot on my shoulder and shoved my head between her legs.

"Lick me bitch!" She growled. I liked her. As I used serpent tongue technique on her I pondered who was seducing who. "Not bad for a Terran." She moaned. "Wait, how are you... oh yeah!" Keep the Empress happy. I winced when her nails dug into my scalp as she fucked my face. I thickened my tongue and pondered going on the offense but that was not to be. Lilandra climaxed and shoved me onto my back. "Let's see what you are packing sweet cheeks."

She gestured and I felt a telekinetic force strip me. I didn't fight her. What was the point? She was handing me my bonus willingly. Lilandra stood over me and placed her bare foot against my cock. She rubbed me and chastised me as I got hard.

"Men are just worms, playthings... ooh! You are slightly bigger than expected." She purred as I reached my full length. She was forced to sit on the pilot's chair so she could use both her feet. "I love having a new toy." She mused as I kept the double dragon a secret for now. "You are leaking. I believe you are ready to service me." She stood, used her foot to push me prone before straddling my waist. "Don't fret, I'll release you when I'm done." She chuckled as she slipped a sophisticated looking cock ring around the base of my erection. "No climaxing until I tell you so." She informed me just before she mounted me. "If I like you, I'll keep you around." She said producing a collar from somewhere. I narrowed my eyes and she laughed. "Like you have a choice."

"You just try and put that collar on me and see what happens." I replied not even trying to hide my anger or contempt.

"They all say that." She chuckled angrily as she turned to face away from me and ride me reverse cowgirl style. Her body rose and dropped. She gasped and drove her hips faster as I teleported the collar in her grasp around her own throat.


"What have you done?" She gasped in surprise.

"Put the shoe on the other foot." I growled as I rolled her onto her knees and took over. "Your turn sweetheart."

"That was foolish," Lilandra growled. "Remember, you are still wearing that." She panted as I pounded her. "I'll show you." She brought her hand towards a jeweled bracelet.

"Hey, my cock is buried inside of you. It'll..." I lost the power of speech when she touched the jewel.


"UNNN! Coming!" She shrieked as her body bucked.

"Bitch!!" I screamed as my load pulsed inside of her and there were bright sparks down there. There shouldn't be sparks down there! She touched the jewel again and I was panting and gasping atop her. "Cunt! You fucking pain freak!"

"HA!" She laughed. "That was a good one!" She laughed as she wiped sweat from her face. "You should've seen your face."

"Speaking of face," I snarled as I pulled back and summoned the double dragon.

"Face? What are you talking... IRK!! My... ass!!" She yelped in surprise. "Two?"

I pounded her hard and fast forcing her to forget the common tongue and switching to speak Old High Shi'Ar. She reached for the damn bracelet again and I winced. My cock felt like it was numb. It was ice cold and buried in her warm wet depths. Another scream escaped her lips as she climaxed. I used just the smallest of energy to use Force lightning and I cupped her tits making sure to pinch her nipples. It went on to see who would concede first. My pain tolerance was damn high but, in the end, hers was superhuman.

"I yield." I said and removed the collar around her neck. She unlocked the cock ring and retrieved it. I stared up at the cloudy sky and gasped and shivered. Lilandra lay next to me whimpering.

"Damn impressive for a lesser species." She happily declared.

"Fuck you," I said flipping her off. I touched her thoughts and learned the truth. "You cheating bitch!"
