Play Testers Wanted Pt. 09


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'Hey, it's me.' I whispered telepathically to MJ. 'How are you two doing?'

'We told you he loved us both,' MJ sent back. 'When does the killing start?'

'Soon. The Vanir, the tall blonde ones, are getting ready to start a war with Asgard.'

'I will guard Angela and the others. Do what you need to.' She replied. 'Sometimes a few must be sacrificed to keep the peace.'

'Get ready, I am on my way!' I warned her as my fangs dropped and I drained the Vanir in the engine room first.

I opened the door, activated my armor, and silently slipped towards the exit. My sense of smell pointed out the Yautja from the Vanir. I drew the dark elven dagger and Death Kiss out. There were three Predators chatting and then fell silent as I neared them.

'I mean your folk no harm. I give you the option to leave now.' I touched their thoughts.

'Honor?' One of them replied his thoughts quite clear.

'Yes.' I sent back.

'Good hunting.' He replied as he brought his left forearm up and keyed into his wrist computer. They departed the area en masse. I counted to sixty before I attacked. I gave them plenty of time to leave the area.

'Master,' Death Kiss purred in my thoughts. 'Why is it you only draw me when someone really pisses you off?'

'The right tool for the right job.' I laughed.

'MMMMM,' I love it when you talk dirty. 'Let's fuck some shit up!'

The rune sword let out a deep guttural moan. That was the only warning the Vanir received. I set the gloves to double my agility so that I could attack faster and more accurately. I hit hard enough with my normal strength. The first two Vanir perished without them uttering anything but a confused moan when Death Kiss' pleasurable enchantment hit their nervous system. I saw a body fly and crash into the opposite wall. MJ was in full She Venom form and inflicting damage.

"We said back off bitch!" MJ roared.

I dove over her as I headed outside to make sure Singer was still alive and well. Three of the Vanir were standing near her. Death Kiss was moaning loudly now and that alerted them. I threw a defensive screen around Singer and took up a defensive position. I scanned the spectra to see if I could pick up the cloaked enemies. The plasma blast came from the tree line. My armor absorbed most of it and my shoulder cannon fire back automatically. If they were trying to lure me away, they weren't going to succeed.

"Since I am visible," I growled. "It doesn't seem fair that you should have an advantage." The rain fell hard and fast, the thunder rumbled ominously, and flashes of lightning streaked across the gun grey sky.

"Why are you doing this?" The Vanir that had shot at me asked.

"I..." the words died in my throat. The sense of power radiated behind me. "...oh shit!" I cursed as I turned to see Angela standing in the open doorway her eyes ablaze with divine wrath. "I'm gonna step off for now."

The air warped around her. I had never seen Angela in full god mode before. It was terrifying. A pressure wave preceded her and struck with the same force as tons of TNT exploding. I was forced to throw up a protective sphere around myself as well as the Singer. The aftershock of her passing leveled anything that wasn't fashioned to withstand hurricane forces. The nearby jungle was wiped out of existence and left her hovering over a ten-foot crater. I didn't know she could fly. Fighting alongside Thor had been a fun romp compared to seeing this pissed off Asgardian.

I freed the Singer and we stood by and watched. The Assassin of Asgard hunted down and slew the rest of the Vanir. A small part of me regretted the experience points I wasn't going to gather but it would have been futile to try and stop her. It was better to let her have her way.

She reappeared from above. She dove out of the storm clouds like a falling hawk. I opened a hole in the clouds around her letting a shaft of sunlight embrace her. She pulled up a hundred feet or so above the ground and settled slowly to the earth.

"Nice touch at the end," Angela called out and let out a cleansing breath.

"Better?" I asked and she nodded. "Good, we need to talk about what to do with the sleepers."

"I will help them out, somehow." Lincalan the Singer offered.

"My ship doesn't have enough room for that many bodies and I am going into danger from here." I informed her.

"We have not been idle," one of the Yautja said as he cancelled his camouflage. "We are departing but we have two extra vessels, vessels that belong to you." He said as he touched several keys on his wrist computer. Three strange looking spaceships decloaked right above us. Two of them were smaller but all three were identical in design and covered in Svartalfar runes. The ships landed and I walked around them. The largest was easily able to carry all the sleepers. A plan formed almost instantly.

"I got an idea," I said, and they saw my expression and knew what was coming. "We need to split up. Angela you need to help the Singer get back to Vanaheim or Alfheim. I think the others should back you up to protect the larger ship to return to real space at least. I need to sneak aboard Blastaar's ship and acquire something. After that I need to run the blockade and the minefield to reach the surface of the Shi'Ar home world. The more people the more at risk." I rambled.

"It will take time to remove necessary components from the remnants of the ship." The lead Yautja said as he entered the derelict and went to work. "We have long anticipated evacuation."

"I have people to wake," Lincalan eagerly followed the Predators.

How strange that deep within the confines of the Negative Zone one race dedicated to self-improvement through endless combat via hunting and another based off followers of gods of fertility, lust, and wealth not just got along but worked together for who knew how many generations. How long had they been here? Someone had said 200 cycles. What was a cycle?

"Excuse me," I called out to one of the Predators. "How long is a cycle? One of the Vanir said you've been here for 200 cycles."

"That is true." He said. "A cycle is five thousand Terran years. It is a universal measurement since different world's years vary."

"Thanks." I said and he went to work stripping the Vanir craft. The conjunction of the nine realms was a universal concept. It made sense and was perfectly logical.

I looked at one of the smaller ships. I had never seen anything like it. The main body reminded me to that of a scorpion with a heavy exoskeleton. Attached to the front corners of the ship were two blade shaped wings that gave it an overall Y-shaped silhouette. I walked to the spot directly between the 'tines' and noticed a heavily armored airlock. I turned to face outward and examined the bladed wings.

"Not wings... twin rams. The airlock allowed for quick access to enemy ships after the rams cut through the target's armor." I pondered aloud. "Yep! Two high power energy beams cut through the hull and boom you are inside."

The strangest part of the craft were the portions of the craft that hovered close to the main body but weren't directly attached to it. Did they make it more maneuverable or were just for show? Overall it was an impressively wicked looking vehicle. The dark non-reflective alloy appeared to be dark star alloy. If so, this beast would be able to take some serious damage.

"Mine." I said claiming it for my own. "I wonder if I am going to have to build a space garage?"

"The others are waking up," MJ stated as she ran a hand over the hull of the ship. "Do you want to tell them or shall we?"

"Tell me what?" Susan groaned. "I feel like shit."

"Drugs." MJ explained. "You were saying shit you wouldn't believe."

"That explains earlier," I said. "Someone was boasting about my cocks."

"Cocks? Plural?" Lincalan stuck her head out of the ship. "How the hell does that work?"

"You'll see," Jenny Storm giggled as she placed a hand on the Vanir's shoulder. "Lucky girl. I remember my well our first time." She explained as she stuck out her tongue and made a yucky face. "Blech! What crawled into my mouth and died?"

The Yautja were quick to remove their trophies from the Vanir ship. While I watched the parade of skulls being carried to the second smaller craft I asked where the dark elf ships came from. The lead Predator gestured towards Lincalan. He remained silent. I sought out the sole Vanir survivor. She was bringing the light elves from their artificial slumber.

"Singer, can we talk?" I began and I watched her shoulders drop. "Do I really need to ask?"

"No." She said and turned from the control panel. "I... I hoped the others would kill me before we had this talk." She paused and a parade of emotions crossed her lovely features. I imagined she could have passed for a younger version of Frigga. I could see why Odin would have fallen for her. "The war was going poorly." She admitted her lower lip trembling. "Our leaders decided to make a pact with the Svartalfar, your people." She paused to let that settle in. "Mor, Bor's father was passing off his mantle as the King of the Aesir. Our mission was to travel to a strange world our folk had discovered. We were ordered to set up a base camp there and take the light elf shock troops, dark elf assault craft, and along with other ships train those troops for a surprise assault. The world was either a colony, hunting ground, or perhaps even the home world of the Yautja. They won't say. All they'll say is that we intruded."

"You've been asleep for a million years. Time runs much faster in the Zone. Listen, the Vanir and Aesir have been living in peace for a long time. I need your promise that this conflict is over." I asked watching her intently. Would she lie or would she give up her war?

"I only want to go home and find out what happened to my people. I have no taste for war, I never did. Look at the records." She said and touched the controls and a holographic screen appeared.

It was entitled historic record. I watched what the flashback had left out. The bridge had been sealed off. One of the three stars that powered the ship had been damaged. Singer had triggered the ship to split apart. The leaking radiation combined with the output of the Tamer had triggered an explosion. A dark energy big bang that created the Negative Zone. The solar system that the Zone had formed in originally had been sucked in to form the fuel for the original explosion. The rift hadn't just formed the Negative Zone it had also touched other realms, other universes. That is where the other energy and matter that initially created the Zone had come from. Singer had tried to save the flight crew by splitting the ship and had inadvertently created the Zone.

"Whoa!" I gasped in surprise. "I need something from you..."

"Your secret is safe with me. I wouldn't want the wrath of an Aesir hovering over my head." She promised looking at Angela. "The forge is being loaded onto the smaller craft for your use."

"The forge, I thought that belonged to the Yautja." I replied confused. "It produced a dagger for me."

"It is tied to the operator. Once it is disconnected the secret of the marvelous near weightless alloy will be lost." She explained. "However, anything that you know it will be able to create."

"What about the Storm Arrow drive?" I asked continuing to pump her for information.

"Your people developed that. They gave it to us to help thwart the Aesir. Bor stole it from them and created the Bifrost. He called it a war trophy. He and the other Aesir bent their cunning minds to improving upon what the Svartalfar had discovered." She frowned. "They succeeded."

"Holy shit," I cursed as I remembered. The memories popping into my head.

Loki: Oh, you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the All father have to muster to conjure you here, your precious Earth?

Heimdall: All father, let the Dark Magic flow through me one last time...

Dark energy and dark magic both referring to the Bifrost or travelling between the realms. Did Bor, father of Odin, steal the technomagic from the Svartalfar? If he did why did the dark elves quit using it?

"Your people were forced to create a new way of traveling secretly between the nine realms. Bor could track their movements. The loss of the Bifrost technology was a key element in the destruction of your folk." Singer explained. "Bor used it to find the Vanir training colonies and put us to heel and force us to the bargaining table."

"History is written by the victor." I stated and she nodded.

"Two?" Singer giggled as three of the sleepers woke and were led outside once they were cleaned off and dressed. There they would be fed and told what had transpired. They would be leaving the Zone and going home. Once outside Lincalan took me to the engine room and showed me the intricacies of the engine. "If you want help, I will show you how to remove the core and install it into your ship. They are compatible."

"Won't the Asgardians be able to track me?" I asked and she walked me outside to the ship I had claimed. She touched the runic keypad opening the main side hatch. The interior was as gorgeous as the outside. If this were a car it would have a Lamborghini insignia on it. The engine room of this vessel was nearly identical to the other, so it was clear that the light elves had direct dealings with their dark brethren. Singer pointed to the core and a device above it.

"See that?" She pointed to it. "If somehow the drive is damaged in combat it can drop down, grip the shaft, and then eject it safely. If the ship happens to have a spare, then that can be dropped into place." She purred and I couldn't help but smile. "Svartalfar pirates would use Storm arrow drives to strike quickly, rob their victims, rotate their drives and escape using FTL drives. This ship was designed for just that purpose."

"Ah, so it was meant to have two." I whispered in her ear. "Are the Vanir designed to take two?"

"UNNNN..." She whimpered as she bit her lower lip. "I've never but I am willing to..."

I kissed her into silence, and she pushed herself against me. My first thought was I was about to christen my brand-new dark elf assault craft. My arms slipped around her waist while my hands slithered down to cup her ass cheeks. Singer moaned into my mouth and I wondered if this counted as the longest time between getting laid in history after her long cryogenic sleep. We tugged at each other's clothing and were soon naked and her ass was parked against the ships engine core. I felt her hands, one on each, began stroking me.

"Can I taste them?" She asked while sitting on the crystalline core. "Ooh, while I'm here." She giggled. Her fingers danced over a nearby control panel. "Mind your head," she warned as she lowered her mouth to my upper erection. As she sucked me off a soft humming sound made me duck as the rainbow core from the Vanir craft slowly materialized above us held in place by a series of metallic rings. "You taste amazing. Let's see if the other is equally yummy."

"Damn girl," I gasped when she tried to deep throat my lower cock. "Eager to please aren't you?"

The rings holding the Storm Arrow core rang as it took the full weight of the shaft once it was safely shifted from the Vanir ship.

"All yours my Lord," Lincalan purred. "Can you pierce me now? I just have to know."

"Bend over and get ready." I ordered. She stood, bent at the waist, placed her hands on the lower core, and thrust her naked ass in my direction. "Here we go, get ready to initiate double initiation."

"Oh... OH!" She gasped as both were penetrated. "I never... UNNNNN... gently my Lord."

Trophy earned: One million years and worth the wait!

Trophy earned: Slavish devotion earned. Vanir

"They're in," I moaned. "You ready?" She clenched her pussy and ass around me. "I'll take that as a yes."

I slowly pulled back and then thrust hard. The Singer sang while I fucked her rotten. I pulled back rolled her onto her back so I could watch her expressions. I slid back in and I heard a soft sound behind me near the ceiling of the engine room.

"It is impolite to spy on folks you two." I chastised She Venom.

"We knew you couldn't resist." MJ purred as she dropped the symbiotes active camouflage.

"I don't mind her watching," Singer moaned as I picked up speed.

"Them," I groaned as she climaxed without warning.

"That was a good one," MJ giggled. "We could share."

"I don't know if..." I tried to warn Singer, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Oh, don't be a prude," the Vanir chastised me.

"Don't bitch since I tried to warn you," I laughed as I pulled of her ass and dismissed the upper cock.

"Why did you... IRK! My ass!" She cried out as MJ moved behind her, fashioned a faux erection from the symbiote, and plunged it into her.

"Yeah, that's what we're talking about!" She Venom roared.

"I warned you." I snickered as MJ did most of the work. I held onto the poor Vanir as her ass was pounded into absolute submission.

"I'm broken." Singer whispered. "Aw gods."

"Do us both," MJ asked after her second climax. "Her and us you silly goose."

"Okay, you asked." I smiled and MJ frowned as she mouthed 'oh shit'. "By the Crimson Bands of Cytorrak!"

It was one of the most interesting encounters I had experienced in game for sure. She Venom was a selfish partner and let us know it. In the end I left both whimpering in the engine room. I explored the rest of the ship and found not just the captain's cabin but a perfect area for combat practice.

"I have taken the time to ensconce a copy of myself within this ship's A.I. receptacle. I can prep and fly it with ease." Surfer whispered through the hidden speakers.

"You beat me to the punch. So, what do you think?" I asked.

"It can't hold up to a capitol class warship, but uh, she's fast, can cloak like a beast, and hits like a ship three times her size. She should be able to survive a run through the Shi'Ar minefield."

"I still need to sneak aboard Blastaar's flagship." I mused.

"Ah, you are here, good." A Yautja called out from the open main hatch. "May we enter?"

"Sure, what is... holy shit... is that the forge?" I asked and the parade of Predators carried in the disassembled device and as I watched them reassemble it in an empty chamber close to the engine room. They tied it into the ship's power plant just across the hall. "How does it work?"

"I'll show you boss," Surfer chimed in. My HUD dropped down and a new screen appeared. It was labeled 'workstation'. I wondered if this was part of an update, I didn't pay attention to. "Starting tutorial," Surfer said as she started with the very basics. "Crafting ingots. Different material created different alloys. Basic steel requires..." She went into the very basic elements required to make copper, brass, bronze, iron, and steel. She then went into more complex recipes for stainless steel, Damascus steel, Japanese steel, or the alloy used to fashion katanas and ninjatos. "Those are the basics. Do you wish to continue?"

"Show me everything." I replied and she laughed before going onto intermediate metals, alloys, and materials. This covered simple mystical metals like Mithril, Orichalcum, Galvorn, and Laen. I paused and looked at samples of each of them. Sure, I had heard of Mithril and Orichalcum, they had been used in other RPG's. However, I had never heard of Galvorn or Laen. Galvorn was a shiny black alloy that kept an edge and had a knack for destroying weapons or armor it encountered. Holy shit! I pulled up the file on Laen and it was quite literally enchanted volcanic glass. The stuff was damn near unbreakable, lightweight, and primarily used in visors and shields. I looked to see if I could make a dagger out it, I could. "Sweet!" I chose an elegant tanto blade design and drew on the materials to craft it from my inventory. Since it was glass, I could tint it any way I wanted. My first thought was black but since I wasn't going to use it, I chose a deep sapphire blue instead. I tweaked the way the Laen was colored. I kept the tip and cutting edge transparent. The closer it got to the bolster, the space just in front of where blade and guard met, the darker the shade. It began as an icy blue and ended with a near indigo. "Initiate." The forge did the rest.
