Play Testers Wanted Pt. 11


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"It is how my people share rare shapes amongst us. I felt the Farseer form was something you'd remember me by."

"Is there anything I can do to thank you?" I asked and she whispered in my ear. "Well, I think I can fulfill such a selfless request. Ass up... head down!"

After a pleasurable breakfast I summoned a light rain to wash off and dress. As the clouds parted a rainbow appeared and with it my first clue to where Druuna had hidden the blueprints. As the sun rose its scintillating rays passed though myriad stain glass windows and decorations upon buildings and towers alike. As I pondered where to search, I spied a moving pattern of light as the sun drove it across the ground.

"I'll be damned! Look Elder, is that what I think it is?" I asked as my HUD chimed.

'Blueprint found 1 of 6.'

Once I knew what I was looking for we poured over the top of the city seeking them. Taking the form of an eagle I flew around, thru, and over. It didn't take long to find them. Druuna had set them in places where the sun might reach them hidden in plain sight. One by one I claimed them and once I had all six the quest changed. I handed over all six pieces of the blueprint to the Elder of the Ia' Kandri. I watched as he reassembled it into a cube. The weird nature of the blueprints filled in the interior of the cube and formed a hypercube.

"Well done Champion! How can we ever thank you for returning our most sacred relic?" He said and briefly paused seeing my expression. "You have earned our wisdom. You have proven you share our love of shifting. Perhaps fate has led you here to be our heir if not by blood but by spirit. Here, he said as he reached into the cube and plucked a gleaming jewel from the heart of the cube, a jewel very alike the one already gracing my mask, the mask of the Osirians. I removed my mask, took the jewel from the Elder and slide it into the socket long prepared for it. "The gem will grant you the sight our people alone once possessed. May it serve your desire, and may you find worlds undreamt of Champion of Anackire!"

The last syllables of his last words faded like an echo on the wind. The illusion that had supported this place for so long perished and the rainbows fell to the monochromatic maelstrom. The beauty faded and crumbled before my eyes. I felt Druuna's hand on my shoulder.

"I am as much an agent of Fate as you. I go. Perhaps we will meet once more."

She faded just as the light that once brightened this place faded. I stood alone in shadow. I was an agent of that element and embraced it to return to umbra haunted Arkham. I stood outside Atwood's house drawn by instinct and perhaps something or someone else. She's waiting for me I thought. I altered my clothes for a nice dark suit as I climbed the steps to the porch and knocked on the front door. Moira answered the door. She looked surprised and welcomed me in with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Druuna escaped and you vanished." She said as she pointed toward the living room. Two Doctors with the last name Strange stood by the hearth. The cheery fire painted Steph in shadow and firelight. She never looked better. Doctor Atwood was working with the police to find and return Druuna to the asylum. "Let me pour you a drink."

"That would be nice." I said as she pulled the glass stopper on a decanter and filled my glass.

"Dinner and then perhaps a game of Bridge after?" Moira suggested with a smile.

"That would be lovely." I agreed. "How are you two getting along?"

"Your friend has some intriguing notions about surgical techniques." Anthony Strange stated.

"She is full of ideas." I said smiling.

"And you, world hopping?" Steph laughed. "First New York and now quiet Arkham."

"Not so quiet, a busty nymphomaniac is on the loose." I replied and Steph's eyes narrowed.

"No kidding," she stated, and her ancestor confirmed the diagnosis. "I'll be damned. You have the best luck!"

We all laughed as the butler informed us that dinner was served. We gathered around the dining room table. We ate and chatted dodging questions that were better left unanswered. Some of those were directed at me and how I vanished and reappeared so spontaneously. I think that Steph suspected so to clarify I touched the Byzantium ring. Her expression was priceless.

"What a pretty ring, I bet it has a story." Moira said and I relinquished after a fashion.

"There is a story, if you enjoy those sorts of things." I offered and once the meal was finished coffee was brought and as we settled down to play Bridge I launched into a story. "People often ask about a divine plan. What if there wasn't just a plan but blueprints? If a fearless soul were to get those blueprints, they could find shortcuts through eternity. Much like the titan Prometheus a rogue could sneak into the realm where those very plans could be found. He or she eludes capture and borrows those plans and memorizes what they can. In doing so they find themselves cursed by the stewards of that place." I paused to bid and take a sip of coffee. Once the bidding for this hand was done, I continued. "Where was I?" I asked as I set down my hand since I was dummy for this round.

"Stolen blueprints." Moira reminded me.

"Anyway," I continued as my partner ran the table and took every available trick. "Impressive." I complimented Steph. "The blueprints hint that these shortcuts were planned and not mere flaws. I think they hold a purpose, a secret purpose."

"Where do they lead?" Moira asked as she picked up her cards and smiled. My own hand was poor, and I pondered going nil, taking no tricks. Her opening bid told her partner how strong it was, told all of us just how strong it was. Sadly, the power split was between Moira and Steph. It seemed the men were weak this hand. My bid indicated my vulnerability. Emboldened by my bid Moira ignored her own partners similar bid when he didn't suggest her to jump bid and try to mirror Steph's own achievement. Steph let her cut her own throat. She must have enough strong cards to keep her from singlehandedly making her bid.

"They lead to places both light and dark across the universe." I continued as the elder Strange set down his land and she cursed. I had maybe one or two winning cards in my hand, the rest was shit. I had bid nil and so was desperately avoiding taking any tricks. I only had three suits in my hand and since Clubs had been chosen as trump, I was well suited to dump high cards when that suit was played. "There are many a world vast with riches that could be exploited and bring home again vast wealth and power." I said as I dumped my ace of hearts beneath Moira's ten of clubs and thus ridding myself of a huge liability.

"Ooh, you do like playing it ballsy," Moira commented her voice more than a little slurred at this point. I didn't miss that Anthony played a two of clubs that time out and neither did Steph. She took the next trick when Moira was forced to play into Steph's strength, spades. She dropped the queen of spades and I laughed when an unbidden memory popped into my head. Steph took the trick with ace and queried why I had laughed as she pondered her hand carefully.

"Oh, I don't think that story is for this place or time." I said and Steph raised an eyebrow. Moira was too tipsy to take no for an answer. "I did warn you." I said reinforcing my position. "I was playing at a club with an interesting crowd and an even more interesting group of musicians. One of them was a bass player whose nickname was Boom-Boom. That wasn't because of his playing though, he was an excellent musician, it described a certain asset he possessed."

"I see what you mean," Anthony laughed and tried to derail the story, but poor sex starved Moira would have none of it. "There was a girl."

"Ha! There is always a girl," Moira moaned to everyone's surprise. "Pray continue."

"Well, she was as friendly as she was generously blessed." I described and they all took a sip of alcohol the game forgotten for the moment. "She was from a wealthy family and spent her time following her favorite musicians across the country. During her travels she had acquired certain talents to impress men like Boom-Boom."

"Skills, what sort of skills?" Moira asked and Steph glared at me.

"With wealth comes wisdom, sometimes considered dark wisdom. There is a book." I said as Anthony reminded Moira of the game. Clearly frustrated we continued, and I took the opportunity to fall silent and focus once more on the game. Moira's mind was anywhere but on winning. Steph took her required tricks and then turned her attention to covering me. By that time however I had removed all threats from my hand and Moira was desperate for tricks to make her required bid. She made it and just.

"I need a break," she whimpered and before anyone else agreed she was on her feet and stomping off.

"I need a drink." Anthony chuckled. "Poor Atwood, when he gets home, she's going to eat him alive."

"I would speak with you," Steph said with barely hidden ferocity. We walked to the rear of the house, out the back door, and onto fresh virgin snow. Heavy flakes still fell from an ebony sky. Two small gas light lamps illuminated the frost garden with its frozen plants that slept until spring might awaken them. "Have you lost your fucking mind?!"

"Probably," I laughed, and she softened a bit. "I have spoken with Jason Tohl."

"Jason... oh... OH!" She said as she worked out the impact of what had transpired. "They swapped places then even as he fell to his death. That requires some serious coordination." She said as her enormous intellect attack the information. "What did he tell you?" I touched her thoughts and shared what I had learned. "I need time to process this. Don't fuck her."

"Atwood my dear man, you look like hell." Anthony Strange's voice could be heard.

"Francis!" Moira said as she pounced.

"I am exhausted. That sex starved sl... woman ran us all over Arkham. We collected her at the Pickman House near the university." Atwood continued. "A light meal and then to bed. Don't let me spoil your fun." He barely acknowledged my presence with a halfhearted wave and a plan sprang into my mind and I was powerless to fight it.

"I am going to crash on the couch." I offered and Steph agreed and went to the first spare bedroom.

"Good night all," Anthony said with a noticeable yawn and headed for the second spare bedroom.

I acted quickly. I created an illusion of my me sleeping on the couch. It would last long enough for me to claim my prize. Cloaked in invisibility I slipped into Steph's room. I heard the shower and saw her nightgown strewn on her bed. I tucked in under the bed and with a quick shift took its place. Boy was she in for a surprise. I watched as Steph stepped into the bedroom. She was drying her body and stopped by the full-length mirror and examined her reflection. She turned around, looked over her shoulder, and checked out her backside.

"Not bad," she whispered. "Pity we are back in the twenties. Poor Ghost would kill to fuck me right under their noses."

Steph laughed, grabbed me and let me flutter over her body. She covered up and rolled onto her side facing the mirror. I watched as she closed her eyes and waited for her to enter REM sleep. Once she was dreaming, I would begin. I felt her slip away and began slowly. I knew her body well enough to start off slow. I lightly caressed her ass cheeks with a feathery touch.

"Mmmm..." Steph moaned in her sleep.

I didn't rush no matter how bad I wanted to. I could both smell and taste her arousal. Once she reached that point, I moved to her breasts. Her nipples were poking against me and I rubbed them as gently as I had her ass. Steph's rolled onto her back and arched her back.

"Naughty boy," she murmured. "More."

I rubbed her labia along with her nipples. Steph's legs parted and she ground against me as a hand pushed against her pussy lips. I brushed against her clit and her body shook. I moved with less force and she groaned.

"Getting close," she whimpered dreamily.

I worked her relentlessly and I felt her climax build until she climaxed and woke up. Steph sat up in shock and looked around.

"I haven't done that in a long time." She purred. "Since I am up..." She growled as she slid a hand between her legs and worked two fingers between her labia. "I hate being a good girl."

'On your knees good girl,' I whispered in her thoughts.

"Ghost?" Steph giggled. "Fine. Are you in the shadows watching me?" She asked as she got onto all fours. "Come and get it."

'Okay, don't move... and tell me how this feel.' I sent as I caressed her ass cheeks again.

"How the hell are you doing that?!" She asked squirming.

'It's a secret,' I moaned as I formed a tongue and lapped at her pussy lips and asshole. Steph buried her face in her pillow and wiggled her hips. 'You taste divine.'

"Ghost! You sneaky little bast... unnnn!" Her voice fell off as my tongue thickened and impaled her pussy. "Deep! So thick and deep! Fuck me... harder damn it!"

I pounded her and she thrust her ass up and kept her head down. I licked her asshole as I thrust into her hard and fast. I cupped her breasts and teased her nipples not wanting to leave anything out. I felt her body quiver as she was soon close again. She bit her pillow as she climaxed. I flowed off her and took on my natural shape.

"Surprise." I whispered as she grabbed me and forcefully rolled me onto my back.

"Sneaky bastard," she said before kissing me. "I am going to fuck you blind."

Steph left me a panting sweat covered mess. We cuddled and I kissed the back of her neck as I told her about my time amongst the Ia' Kandri. She shared what little she knew of the H'Shoosh. It was very little indeed. I would have to leave soon so that we weren't caught together. I stood and performed the cleaning cantrip removing the sweat and funk with a gesture. I was about to activate my invisibility when she took my hand and told me we could snuggle on the couch together. I welcomed her company.

"Give me a second." She added breathlessly. Steph performed the cantrip, and once clean she bent over and donned her nightgown. She conjured a fuzzy robe and slipped that on before following me to the front room. I summoned pj's and a robe to match her modest clothing. We stalked by the master bedroom and we heard a cry from within.

"Moira!" Francis hissed softly. "What are you... UNNN!" He gasped in pleasure. "I brought this on myself." He whispered. "I've been so busy... sorry." I could make out a rhythmic wet sound behind the door. I used farsight and bit back a laugh. I touched Steph on the shoulder and shared the image with her.

Had she heard us going at it? It didn't matter. She had things well in hand and Francis yielded to her hunger.

'She is really going at it!' Steph giggled. 'Let's go on and let them have their fun.' I kissed her cheek and whispered that I should be on the couch. She joined me. I dismissed the illusion of myself on the couch. We slipped into the front room, built up the fire, and got comfortable. I sat with my back against one of the arms of the couch. Steph sat between my legs and placed the blanket over both of us.

"I haven't heard a whisper about the stolen crate." I admitted. "I've done everything but that."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," she said. "I am still trying to puzzle out the missing apartment building."

"I heard all about that, the cop that saw it is in Arkham. He took one look at me and started screaming." I shared as my arms slipped around her waist. "It was a horrible sound."

"They haven't rebuilt, no one has a clue." Steph said leaning against me and getting comfortable.

"What are the odds it is all connected? A stolen building, a mysterious box, an insane cop, a man who swapped bodies with is great grandfather, and a cursed dimension hopping hottie." I ranted and laughed at the end of it all.

"Hottie?" Steph joked. "You met the Ia' Kandri... I am so jealous! They taught you the next level of your art on top of that."

"Devout followers of Anackire," I said in explanation.

"I didn't know that," she said. "I'll add that to my diary. She must be an old goddess indeed."

"Let's see. I am sent to steal a box. It has something or someone powerful in it. If there is a ritual needed to open it, I'd need a place to do it and maybe it needs sacrifices... the tenants? The poor cop looks up at the worst possible moment seeing the building and whatever stole it. Mind shattered. Stop me if I quit making sense."

"No, keep going." Steph urged.

"They take the building someplace to do this ritual. It must take time to complete or the stars must be right to open the damn box. They do the spell and the box won't unlock until... what?" I stop when I feel her tense.

"I think you've hit the nail on the head. It won't open until a prescribed time or conditions. I don't think we can stop this, but we can prepare and set things of our own into motion." She said. "I've spoken with the Ancient One... we made some suggestions and I've written them down for you. Tomorrow we part ways and we'll catch up when the time is right." She pulled the blanket up to her chin, snuggled close, and wished me pleasant dreams.

I did my best to ignore the sounds coming from the master bedroom. Moira was in rare form. I held Steph close and closed my eyes. I didn't dream. I just pleasantly transitioned from late night to early morning. Steph's hair was a mess and she never looked better. I wondered when the last time she got a good night's sleep. I was the first one awake. I slipped out, started coffee, and had a quick shower. I dressed for travel and decided to give my mask's newest crystal a test drive. Moira had a cup of coffee with me and was all smiles.

"Sorry if we kept you up last night," She apologized but I didn't feel she was sincere and told her so. "You are correct of course." She admitted. "I have missed his touch so much."

"No harm in that," I replied. "He is your husband and you are partners."

"I hope there is coffee for all." Francis declared as he staggered into the kitchen. I poured him a cup and he fixed it to his liking. I began a second pot just as the two Stranges appeared. The maid arrived and began fixing breakfast. She talked about the snow she had to trudge through to get here.

"Don't go out unless you have to," she advised. "There is new fallen snow and it is deep."

"Fifth man out I must depart," I said not wanting to wait for breakfast. "Needs be stronger than individual desire. I am drawn away and do not seek me for my path is the rainbow's shadow." I kissed Steph in front of them. It held all the promise and desire I could muster in a single gesture. "Good luck."

"You've never kissed me like that," Moira declared as I headed for the front door.

"I've never carried the burden that young man has," Atwood explained as I opened the door and sought out a distortion that would grant me a portal to my next quest.

I closed the door and launched my body into the air. I took on the form of a jet-black raven and soared into the sky. I altered my form until I settled upon the shape of a golden eagle. Its gaze was supreme in distance and clarity. I circled the city and spied the short cut at the edge of the city of Arkham. I sped to it and dove in and through it. The translation to the next world was smooth and easy.

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bhojobhojoalmost 3 years ago

Kiai jutsu reminds me of Dune. Could we see dune characters in play testers wanted in athe future sequels perhaps ?

mole114mole114almost 3 years ago

Can I just ask this game was against evil princesses Snow White being the only one so far will you be adding any more great story by the way truly loving it

kdeville87kdeville87about 4 years ago

keep it up I love it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I hope you bring in the sexy bad girls of Chaos/Dynamite Comics like Sonya Red, Vampirella, Lady Death, Purgatori, Chastity, Jade, Bad Kitty, and Lady Demon, as well as Dawn, Witchblade (who I noticed a brief cameo already), Draculina (Vampirella's sister), Hack/Slash, Evil Ernie, Bedlam, The Green Hornet, Dracula, Dejah Thoris, John Carter, Barbarella, Shi, Pantha, Magdelena, Angelus, Tarzan, Jungle Girl, Sheena, Conan (who also has already made a cameo), Reanimator, Lillith, Pendragon, The Blood-Red Queen of Hearts (also known as the Whore of Babylon), Mistress Nyx, Army of Darkness, Mercy Sparx, etc...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Speaking of foreshadowing...

The fact that you focused on that snow globe in the mage's tower, that has me waiting on the edge of my proverbial seat for the moment that it's significance is revealed, down the road.

I do hope that the crystal Ghost received from the Ia' Kandri happens to include the blueprints of their "great machine", or maybe even one of the machines itself, as well. I've been loving his growing collection of technologies and tech knowledge. If the Ia' Kandri have truly died out, then it would be a shame if he couldn't, somehow, carry on their legacy, at least with their knowledge, seeing as he is Anackire's Champion. Maybe she could be the one to hand over the "great machine" when he next sees her... I'm having nostalgic flashbacks to Stargate: SG-1, where the dying Asgard hand over an advanced computer to Earth containing "Everything we have...and know."

I can't wait for Ghost to get back to the Bobby plot line, and show the woman who threatened him that he's no pushover. There are so many plot lines, and worlds, for that matter, that I keep waiting to see Ghost go back to them. In order for that to happen, this would turn into a never-ending story, but I'm fine with that. lol

Love your work, and please keep writing, LB!

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