Play Testers Wanted Pt. 15


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"When I first started the game there were experiences like you talked about, psychic echoes. Also, I kept running into time jumps in game where NPC's and even PC's said they had run into before, but I had no memory of them. If Nick is dead, if, then who fucked with me?" I snapped.

"Mystique." Akira said and I flinched. "No, not the character but a robot of sorts. The last thing he was working on was the creation of programmable matter. He called it organic technology. The material could alter its shape, selfheal, and was sturdy as hell."

"His cure for death." I said and she flinched. "I thought so. I became his pet project for a possible resurrection. He dies and then he gets a clean slate. What happened to this robot?"

"It disappeared the day the world shut down." She said and we both fell silent. "The day your dad died, and you were mortally wounded."

"Have you ever watched Star Trek?" I asked and she laughed.

"Of course, I have. What does that have to do with anything?" She asked her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"There is the Transporter Theory. Ever hear about it?" I asked and she shook her head. "I guess I am showing my nerdy side. Anyway, the theory goes like this. The transporter beam traps the traveler in its beam, breaks him down to base particles, those particles are sent to the planet's surface, and then reassembled. Is the original crewman killed inside the beam and a new identical person created on the planet?"

"I see your point. I do not know." Akira shrugged. "Let us get some fresh air. I have a cute bikini you might like."

"Sweet!" I chuckled and pushed away the angst and thoughts of identity. Was I just a clone or am I the original? Fuck that, there are a ton of gorgeous women on deck and in and around the pool. I felt like Hugh Hefner with all these stunning beauties lounging around and eager for my attention. Akira introduced me to each of them and shared a little tidbit of personal information.

"Tess... exhibitionist. Ganesa... sub. Hira... no gag reflex, her mom was a sword swallower."

"No shit," I chuckled nervously. "If I say that is so cool does that make me a bad guy?"

"Nope," Hira purred. "I like men that are honest."

Each of them had a specialty of sorts they had refined to perfection. When you have lots of free time this happens apparently. I kept pinching my cheek to make sure I was not in the game. I was not.

"Are we taking him there?" Katya, a lovely Russian woman, asked Akira. She caught my attention instantly. First, she preferred being naked to a bikini. She was a former ballerina. She still danced but her body had betrayed her giving her a lusciously curvaceous frame. Simply put her tits and ass were to die for. Considering her five feet zero inches height they appeared even larger than a taller woman. Add to that the long wavy mane of deep scarlet and those incredible Slavic features, she was a winner. "He is hard. Did I do that?"

"No, we are not taking him there. Yes, he is gawking at your tits and ass." Akira stated her eyes locking on my erection. "Go get him. We all have time to spend with him if he wants. Right ladies?"

"Right!" They all replied in one thunderous voice. Katya crossed the distances with little effort. Her economy of movement was poetry for the eyes and reminded me of how the Twi'lek guardian had moved. I wondered if she had been scanned for the game. She saw me watching her hips and smiled. She went on point, that is on her tippy-tippy toes, and danced around me. I tried to keep my attention on her body mechanics and failed. The sway of her breasts and the jiggle of her ass cheeks were damn near hypnotic.

"Hypno-Butt... hypno-butt..." the others chanted. They were right. Her ass possessed an enthralling quality that even a Sith Lord would find hard to resist. Katya remained on point on one leg and as she spun, she brought up her free leg into a standing split. She gripped her ankle and pulled it to her forehead. I felt my mouth water and open. Gasping she leaned forward and placed her ankle on my shoulder. If my trunks were not on, I could have slid into her with ease. One of the other ladies tugged my trunks down from behind. My erection spung upward and the loud smacking sound was lewd but not unwelcome.

"Don't you dare move," Katya hissed her eyes half open and her cheeks scarlet with hunger. She pulled her leg back and let it fall forward a second time. However, this time there was nothing between us. She impaled herself onto my cock with her body weight forcing it deep into her. "Aw gawd! So thick! So deep!" I moved forward and took over. I clamped one hand on her ankle and the other on her hip. "Break me Master!" I pulled back and slammed into her. The crowd around us let out a symphony of moans. I moved slow but each thrust was hard and drove deep. I slowly picked up speed and I could see that she was fighting her climax. She wanted to come with me. I fucked her as hard and fast as I could muster. I was surprised at how quickly my toes curled. "Close! He is close! Fuck me! Come for me please!" Her wail rose an octave as my cock swelled and finally with a single thrust it pulsed inside of her. She shrieked as we climaxed together.

"Damn boss that was a good one." Akira gasped softly. She helped me lower Katya to a deck chair where she recovered.

"Damn! I needed that!" I roared and instead of being jealous of their sister they praised her and me for the display of my hunger. Nick had bent them to his will and his hunger became theirs. "Do we have any beer onboard?" I sat next to Katya and one of the younger ladies raced off to get me one. She reappeared with a second woman and between them an ice chest. They placed it close to me and opened it. I plucked a beer from the ice and opened it. I drained the dark beer in one long swig. "Katya, can you teach me to move like that?"

"I can try but you are a man. You are designed differently. Why?" She replied honestly.

"This is going to sound silly," I began and bent forward. "Katria Forgemaster."

"I would be honored to help you." She declared as I passed her a beer, and the celebration began. I learned that the fan base was not limited to the small security force that had traveled with me to the yacht. Most of the ladies here followed my exploits.

"Helicopter incoming!" A voice came over the loudspeakers. "She will be here in twenty minutes."

"Who?" I asked and they smiled but refused to spoil the surprise. "Kat? My mom? Fine."

I dove into the pool to wash the blend of Katya's and mine fluids from my cock. I heard the soft hum as the second Numenor helicopter approached and landed. A hooded figure exited the aircraft. The pilot and crew refueled the helicopter and prepared to leave without her. I stood so that my waist was below the water.

"Welcome to the Numenor." I said and she reached up and unfastened a single clasp at her throat. The hooded woman raised her arms causing the perpetual breeze to snag the silken material and tear it from her. I gasped when I saw the naked form of the dusky skinned girl who had paid millions for charity and the chance to play with me in game and out of it. Our last encounter she had been under the moniker of Black.

'I would like to introduce Princess Qadira, your wife.' Surfer whispered in my head.

'Wife!' I sent silently as I looked her over.

'If you send her away her family will kill her. Her safety requires the bonds of marriage.'

"I am sorry about your brother." I said in greeting. "I did not mean to kill him."

"How the hell did you dodge that bullet?" Qadira asked as she joined me in the pool. "Kat showed me the footage Master."

"No fucking way... you are a..." She kissed me into silence. The other Silent Shadows roared their approval. I pulled her into my arms and savored that kiss. She moaned as my hand cupped her ass cheek. After she broke the kiss, she clung to me.

"I failed you Master," she said her lip quivering. "Only my mother and sisters remain in the court of my father."

'She needs to be debriefed.' Surfer said calmly.

"Have you been debriefed?" I asked and she shook her head. "Who?"

"I have that honor," a cute blonde, Zara by name, moved forward. "Come Qadira, let us see what treasures you have for our Master."

'Princess Qadira.' Surfer informed me. 'Her helicopter is nearly refueled.'

"I still do not get how the hell the thing creates lift without propellors." I said watching the pilot and two-man crew refuel and restock their supplies.

'Like this,' Surfer said projecting a schematic of the ring above the pilot's compartment. Normally there would be four propellors there that would spin and raise the aircraft. I watched the interactive blueprint show the secret Nick and his team had developed. Nick was half engineer and half magician.

"Whoa, that is really impressive. Hold on, you just showed me Numenor secrets, why?"

'True that Kat runs Numenor, but you are the Hidden Master. You are Nick's heir.' Surfer declared. 'Any other questions?'

"Some of the ladies mentioned taking me somewhere. Any idea where 'there' is?" I asked and Surfer paused.

'Ask me again in a few days. I think you need more acclimation to your responsibilities.' Surfer suggested.

"I trust you." I told her. "I am a bit peckish. Anyone else hungry?" I asked and three of the ladies, including Akira, moved to the ship's galley. "Am I a clone?"

"Yes and no," Surfer replied as she manifested. "Your mind is your own. Your body is a GEL or genetically engineered lifeform. May I ask you a question?"

"Absolutely. I know that I am not Nick, but I want you to feel comfortable around me." I replied.

"You are a generous Master," she said smiling. I noticed the Silent Shadows watching intently. "My question is this. If you could have any single ability that your digital half possesses what would it be?"

"I do not know. He has a ton of cool shit that he can do. I like the two cock things." I said thinking aloud. The ladies nodded in agreement. "The shapeshifting is high on my list. Weather manipulation is damn cool too. If I had a magic lamp and a Jinn, I would wish for... shapeshifting. It is just so damn useful."

"I concur," Surfer agreed. "Lady Akira is requesting your attention in the galley."

I walked from the open potion of the deck, down the hall to the galley. Akira wore an apron and was standing in front of a flat cooking surface. She gestured for me and some of the others to sit. She began cooking freshly caught fish, vegetables, and beef. I had never been to a traditional Japanese restaurant.

"The fish was caught earlier today," she said as her hands blurred. There was the flash of a blade, the dancing spice containers as she juggled them, and she continued to entertain as she cooked. "Cooking was a hobby twenty years ago but now it is one of my passions. Geneva, she is asleep right now, caught this bad boy and a few others just before dawn."

We ate, we drank, and I spent time on deck as the sun began to set. I had never been on the ocean and this was a wonderful experience. The ship's lighting dimmed as the stars came out. I felt my jaw fall open seeing an undiluted view of the heavens. Sure, there are pictures and movies, but nothing beats seeing it with your own eyes. The temperature dropped to the mid-seventies and I could not have been happier.

"It is him." A woman exclaimed behind me. Her Aussie accent stood out amidst the other members of the Silent Shadows.

"Geneva?" I asked and she let out a gasp of surprise. "I heard you were sleeping earlier. The fish you caught were tasty and succulent. My thanks for your hard work."

She did not respond instead I could hear her panting. I turned to face her, and she was bent over gasping for breath. I walked over and placed my hand on her shoulder. She stood and I found her girl next door beauty refreshing. She had tightly curled dishwater blonde hair, green eyes, and a healthy sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks and nose. She was dressed is what passed for tactical tropical gear.

"It may not look like it, but I am crack shot, and I can pilot, drive, or operate any vehicle made by man. I am also a damn fine rider." She blurted out. "I am as healthy as a horse." Geneva stood up and smiled.

"You look sturdy in a good way of course," I said and damn if she did not thrust out her perky tits and clasp hands on her hips.

"Too right I am! I can outfuck any of these so-called girls." She called out loud enough to get the attention of some of her other sisters.

"Up yours Geneva," a Scottish born lass indicated by thrusting her index and middle finger towards the Aussie. "If you weren't on duty, I'd show you."

"Oi, I warned you two about bickering, especially in front of the Master. I am sorry sir." A stunning redhead snapped. "I will punish them good."

"UNNN!" Geneva moaned when I snatched her by the hair and walked her towards her rival. I caught the other by the hair too.

"I don't know." I said as the pair trembled in my grip. "What is your name?" I asked the dark hair Scot.

"MMMM... Miranda... Master!" She moaned as Akira learned of the commotion, came running up and stopped. She smiled and took a seat.

"It appears the Master has things in hand." Akira laughed.

"I never knew you were two fisted," Qadira chuckled as she sat next to Akira. "What punishment have you in mind Sir?"

"Warning! Gate activation imminent! Shadows to the Umbra!" Surfer blossomed into view. "They are coming! Akira tend to the Master and prepare him. The Grandmaster and elders will arrive soon. Make the preparations."

I let go of Geneva and Miranda. They moved with military precision. I was rushed into master bedroom. I dressed in an elegant black suit and tie. I made sure my signet ring was clean and presentable. Akira announced me and donned her own disguise. All the ladies were scantily clad and wearing masks. Crates of wine were carried to the galley and prepared. Two minutes later the Grandmaster of the Order of Chthon arrived with his bodyguards and eldest son, his heir. The gate shifted to several locations and the other elder ranking members of the Order arrived. They came from chapter houses scattered across the globe.

Surfer identified each of them and I was able to greet them by name and title. Most of them were master rank or higher. It was clear not all of them were thrilled to see me. My biological father was one of the last to arrive. I was surprised to see him remaining in the ranks and not standing with me. The Grandmaster greeted me in the traditional fashion and Surfer helped me with the expected responses. Once that had transpired Surfer displayed a short message. Well done and congratulations.

"This is a travesty!" One of the younger members cried out disrupting the calm atmosphere. "He is an outsider! I lay claim to Shaw's priory."

'In the traditions of the Order a priory is the legacy of a fallen member. He is challenging your title, your ring, and Nick's vast wealth. If he wins Kat and you lose everything. Numenor will pass into his hands.' Surfer explained.

"Fuck you!" I snapped once I realized what was at stake.

"I invoke the rite by combat!" Arthur Essex snapped.

"Hold," Lord Warren Ravenstorm boomed. "I have watched this young man for a while now. With the death of Nicholas and his mother I find myself at a crossroads." He paused and the tension rose noticeably. "I place my title and holdings into the hands of young Booker here. I know Nick would have approved. Now young man do not disappoint me."

"No sir," I replied. "Since I am the challenged, I choose hand to hand combat."

"This is to the death you idiot!" Arthur growled.

"I know. It will take longer for you to perish." I said with a smile. I was sure he would tap out before I was forced to do great bodily harm.

'He will not concede.' Surfer explained. 'If he loses his title and lands become yours.'

We were given time to change into more comfortable clothing. I declined to wear footwear to give me a better grip of the deck.

'The gate is activating. He is coming!' Surfer shivered.

"Who is coming?" I asked as the temperature plummeted.

Two figures emerged from the lower deck. The triumvirate that ruled the Order were assembled aboard the Numenor. The Grandmaster donned his mask and he stood aside with the Eternal Master and to my utter shock, the Hidden Master. How was Wraith physically manifesting? Three colors dominated the Order, red, black, and silver. The Eternal Master wore silver and red, the Grandmaster clad in red and black, and finally the Hidden Master in black and silver.

"Since so much is at risk," the hollow voice of the Eternal Master broke the stunned silence. "We have decided to see these young men in action. Who do you favor Grandmaster?"

"I have seen young Arthur take on and defeat seven opponents when he earned his final rank in Snake style Kung Fu. I feel he will emerge victorious."

"And you Hidden One, who do you favor?" The Eternal Master asked.

"I calculate that the challenged will endure." The mechanical voice of the Hidden Master replied.

"I already know the outcome. I will write it down and give it to the Hidden One to hold." He said and produced pen and paper from the folds of his sleeves. "There. Let the Sword Master drop the trifold cloth and begin the death match."

My gaze was fixed on Arthur, not the cloth. We closed within striking range, an elderly Asian man moved between us, held the cloth up to eye level and let it fall. Arthur moved before the cloth hit the deck. He went with a thrust kick while I opted for a spinning heel kick. Arthur moved forward and my foot struck the side of his head. He lost his balance but rolled with the momentum and managed to get to his feet. A small trickle of blood oozed from the ear I had struck.

"Damn!" One of the masters called out.

I smiled as we circled each other. Arthur closed warily this time. His hands were formed to land Atemi strikes. He wanted to immobilize muscle groups and inflict pain through pressure points. We grappled and he tried and failed to land a strike towards my kidney. I head butted him and stunned him long enough to slam my fist towards his throat. He turned his torso and head allowing my fist to strike his jaw instead. He did manage to bring his foot between us, grip my shoulders, and fall backwards. I was bodily thrown into a bulkhead. The crowd was well into it now. They were cheering and laying wagers as the fight progressed.

I came up in a defensive position as Arthur charged me. He landed several minor strikes and I felt numbness grip portions of my body and slow me down. Too late I learned just how lethal a fighter he was. I remembered my fight with the Dashade and pushed through and waited for an opening. I forced myself into the digital ether to slow things down and force him to stumble. It was not easy. He was well trained and experienced. I suspected he had killed before.

"Best challenge in decades!" My biological dad called out. Arthur was too focused on killing me to gloat. I on the other hand could not resist the chance to humiliate him before the elders of the Order.

"You hit like a girl," I fired off knowing how the Order patronized women. It worked. His anger got the better of him. He did not come in hot and heavy instead he was meticulous and cautious. He kept his strikes close and maintained his defense. I feinted for his head before going for his legs. He landed a punch that made my ears ring, but I took his right knee in payment. The sound of snapping cartilage and bone drowned out the shouts from the crowd. Arthur wailed but refused to concede. "Give up!" I shouted as he pulled his body into a ball.

"Never!" He shouted.

"I don't have a choice then," I said as I went for a death strike to his neck. I barely registered the gleam of the hidden dagger. My left hand shot out and gripped the blade bare handed. Arthur howled in laughter as he pulled the blade back cutting the palm of my hand. I barely felt it as that ice water in my veins sensation washed over me.
