Play Testers Wanted Pt. 15


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"What is your bidding my Master?" The Arkanian spoke first. The Mirialan lowered her gaze and nodded. I gestured and the tentacles released them. They tore off the shredded remnants of the Jedi robes. I conjured a small storm cloud. The rain it provided washed them of the mixed fluids covering their curvaceous bodies. They rubbed their hair and bodies clean. I provided clean hooded robes for them to wear. They donned their robes and knelt to officially pledge their fealty. They retrieved their weapons and what little equipment they possessed. Jedi were a monastic order after all.

"Annoyed Query. Are you finished collecting female meat bags?" The droid asked its photoreceptors glowing orange bordering on red.

"Let us go, lead the way already." I said and once more the sound of grinding servos could be heard and then he took the lead. The vault was as much a museum as it was a secure location for Zeffo treasures. I was here to see the corpse of the assassin droid's creator and master. The near deafening clang of the vault door closing surprised us all save the droid who had triggered the mechanism.

"Statement. We cannot have the Jedi flanking us." The assassin droid stated.

"Lead on... what is your designation?" I asked.

"I have possessed many epithets over the last few centuries. That damn droid rates near the top. Oh no, not him! Is another acceptable title. I have used P6-D6 for undercover missions. You be surprised how many meat bags believe I am a protocol droid." What passed for laughter issued from its vocabulator. "My Master named me HK-47." It let the name sink in before it spoke again. "Statement. It is not far now."

The hooded figure sat in an ornate stone chair of Zeffo craftsmanship. Gloved hands clung tight to the arms of the throne. His posture and the aura it gave off was clearly noble. The ebony robes, gloves, and split toed boots or tabi were unaffected by the passage of time as was the bright blood red silken sash about his waist. I recognized the style and coloring of the uniform. This was one of Nightwind's students surely.

"Statement. There He lies." HK-47 said, and I tried to ponder who it might be. It could not be my former master and I had only met one of his students and she had been female. Was this a new NPC created by him for this storyline? I raised my hand, and the Force was strong around this corpse. I reluctantly approached the seated figure. I reached down and slowly tugged the hood down. The corpse's features were as placid in death as they had been in life. My knees gave out and I screamed. Denial crashed down as I saw the unmarred if parchment like skin.

"Do you know him?" Talon asked.

"Yes. He was one of my first masters. He taught me so much." I said as my emotions bottomed out. "I cannot believe he is dead." I said and I fought the desire to weep. I investigated his handsome face. Even in death his youth and charisma shone through. Something about his left eye looked odd. I reached up and held his upper and lower eyelid firmly with my fingers. I used my thumb to open his eye.

"Dear god!" Winter gasped in surprise. "What is that?"

"Ha! A Kaiburr crystal. Just like him to make me do this to find it." I laughed and shook my head. I use telekinesis to pluck the pulsing gem from the eye socket.

"Look at that!" Thorn exclaimed. The crystal fell into the palm of my hand. The tunnel beyond was lit with a soft radiance. When I ceased using telekinesis the light faded. "Interesting." She said smiling.

I lifted my hand to examine the gem. The body of the perfectly cut crystal was the color of the void. As I held it in the palm of my hand the heart of the stone began to pulse with a crimson luminescence. It was labeled Nightwind's Ideal. "A unique stone for a unique man." I moved it to my inventory until I had the chance to install it into a weapon. "Farewell old friend, I will miss you!" I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder. When I pulled my hand free it would not move. The uniform appeared to liquify and flow. The light eating material oozed up my hand, my arm, and engulfed me.

"Booker! I am sorry we did not have the chance to hang out before my end." Nightwind's voice filled my being. "I was dying when I first came to Numenor. Tell Nick thanks for all the good times I have experienced. He spared me from the pain my sickness would have inflicted upon me." His voice weakened. "I name you my heir. I have trained quite a few folks. Of all the men and women to discover my many lairs you showed a tenacity that I admired. I have no real worldly goods but what I have in this digital space is yours. I think the holocron I recorded will prove useful. Goodbye, I wish you the best. Walk in the Shadows."

I blinked and I was standing next to a pile of dust. The mummified corpse had crumpled to nothing. I glanced down and the uniform the mummy had been wearing was mine now. I would wear it in memory of my friend and mentor.

"Quite fetching," Winter said. "It even has a spot for your weapon." She said pointing at the small of my back. Instead of hanging loose at my hip the Darksaber was firmly nestled where I could reach it easily. It had even absorbed and reskinned my two light shields at my wrists.

"What now?" Thorn asked.

"We investigate the glow and find his holocron." I said. I lifted my hand palm up and created a clean white flame. The glow returned and we quickly found the source. The interior of the vault was a museum. There were pillars everywhere. Atop each of them was a gorgeously carved stone tablet, effigy, or statue. All of them carried the Zeffo hieroglyphs. I went to the closest and read the inscription. "I will be damned. This one describes how to manifest the levitation skill. I bet each of the others holds a Force skill or ability. This is a holocron of sorts."

"They must have made these before they developed the technology to record and create gatekeepers." Winter said in a soft voice.

'The cultural value is beyond price.' Traci said surprising me.

'Traci?' I asked silently.

'I like the new suit. It is like the old one but better. I am on it. Can I tap one of those M3 droids of yours?'

'Absolutely.' I sent silently. Traci copied herself into one of the spherical droids and went on a recording spree. Was this Nightwind's legacy or holocron?

"Ooh, I read every post about these guys," Winter said with fan girl glee.

"You are going to record them since we cannot possible carry them out." Thorn followed up. "Brilliant."

"Let us keep an eye out for the holocron." I said and noticed the assassin droid was being awfully quiet. I did not like it. "HK, tell me about your master."

"Emotional statement. He was fond of you. He came here to hide his corpse until you found him. Suggestion. Look in your pockets." It said in his typical emotionless voice.

I dug through the uniform's pockets inside and out, but they were empty. I stopped and checked my inventory. I searched for the newest items added. The pulsing crystal was there and next to it was a rough-cut natural crystal with the label LWAT.

"What the hell is LWAT? L'WAT... I don't get it." I muttered.

"Is something wrong Master?" Winter asked.

"I found a crystal marked LWAT, all caps." I said.

"It must be an acronym." Thorn suggested. "Corpse crystal... what would a dead guy leave behind?"

"I got it!" Winter exclaimed. "LWAT... Last Will and Testament!"

"Brilliant!" I cried out and removed the crystal from my inventory. Instead of a crystal it was a gleaming marble cube with wholly cryptic markings. The shadowy characters seemed to call out to me. I would solve it, but not now. Now we must capture the knowledge here and then escape back to the surface. The M3 droid returned from its mission.

'All done boss man.' Traci announced. 'By the way, there isn't another exit. This place is a tomb.' I returned the droid to my inventory.

"Is it getting warm in here?" Thorn commented.

"Yeah," Winter replied. "The vault door! We are running out of air!"

"Statement. The confined space is filling up with CO2. Addendum. The vault door only opens from outside." The droid stated with a sinical chuckle.

"Time to go ladies. Are you coming HK?" I asked. "Or do you want to stay here and guard?"

"Statement. He called you a mean-spirited meat bag. Utterance. Of course, I am coming dumb ass!"

I laughed as I lessened the radiance of the flame in my hand and reached for the shadows. We formed a chain and HK reluctantly took Winter's hand as we stepped from one shadow to another. We stood beside the male's dormitory. The sun was setting casting long shadows as it neared the horizon.

'Time to go!' Traci giggled as my ship flew in for a dramatic escape. We used Force leap to reach the lowered ramp. I lifted HK up via telekinesis and he bitched the entire time. The ramp closed and with a roar from the engines we raced for orbit. The event that had brought Thorn and Winter into my life ended. The flashing green panel congratulated us for successfully finishing the Zeffo Quest. I hugged all of them and accepted their friend requests.

"Save game." I announced and all five of us left the game. I sat up and the emotional punch to the gut hit me. The sense of loss could not be held back, and the tears came and there was no stopping them. I had not wept this hard since my father passed. Two women raced into my room. They were as different as night and day and yet were ethereal in their singular beauty. The first to reach me was clearly of Middle Eastern stock but it was her piercing silver eyes that made me gasp. The contrast between those luminous orbs and her dusky skin and jet hair made them profound to behold. The other woman had a pale complexion, red hair, green eyes and a healthy dusting of freckles all over. They hugged and reassured me.

"Are you?" I asked as I wiped my nose and eyes.

"It is us," the redhead confirmed their identity.

"No names," the other hissed. "My father would have him murdered if he discovered this dalliance."

"Why risk so much?" I asked forgetting my grief for a while.

"I blame my brother. He is a big fan of yours. He has been following your exploits." The dark-skinned beauty explained. "We spent time together two weeks back. An alarm sounded and he plopped down, and we sat jointly watching one of your more risqué dungeon crawls. When I saw how you seduced a certain she elf I was hooked. When I saw you make love to her so passionately, I bided my time. When Numenor announced the contest, I tapped into my allowance and the bidding war began, for a good cause of course."

"I have been a fan from the beginning. I was modeling in Japan. One of the photographers was a fan of the game. He showed me and I played a bit but when I learned about the event I talked to my father. He is rather well off. I regret nothing." She said grinning.

"I will never forget the time we had together. I hope to see both of you again as crazy schedules allow." I replied and they hugged me tighter.

"I knew I would find you two here," Kat said as she entered the room. "Booker? You have been crying. What is wrong?"

"Nightwind is dead." I said and the color drained from her face. Her watch chimed and she read the message and then looked at me. "You okay?"

"His funeral is tomorrow." She said her lower lip quivering. "He has been like a little brother. He was the last of the original play testers. I thought he would live longer."

"We all did." I said and made plans to get some time away from the game. "I am hungry. Can you stay long enough to share a meal with me?" I asked them.

"I can." Kat stated with a smile.

"I'd like that," the redhead agreed.

"Aw hell, why not." The Middle Eastern woman took my arm and we walked to the cafeteria.

We ate and talked about how much fun the ladies had experienced. While they had enjoyed their time with Hentie it was not what they had hoped to get out of the game. I remembered their words. I owed them outside of the game. I believed they were joking, they were not.

"Seeing you in person, well, photos of you do not do you justice." The model declared. "Images only capture so much."

"She is right. There is something about you that there are no words for. A kind of quiet power. Even when you quietly wept for your friend there was a strength in your eyes." The dusky skinned beauty said. "I claim your promise to be fulfilled."

"Your room has been prepared," Kat said with a wicked smile.

"Poor me," I said and finished my French fries.

"Remember to keep your fluids up." Kat reminded us with a wink.

"Ladies?" I asked as I got to my feet and watched the other player's reactions to the presence of the ladies Yin and Yang as I thought of them. "I would like to thank the two of you for your generosity to help so many children."

We took the elevator to the floor where the hero's room was located. The sense of anticipation was palpable. 'I am so damn lucky.' I thought and Surfer replied.

'They feel the same. Their blood pressure, perspiration, and of course the quickness of their breathing. Have fun boss.'

We exited the elevator and we clung to one another. Surfer unlocked the door and it swung inward. There was an ice bucket and Surfer indicated the champagne was chilled to a perfect 7 degrees centigrade. Three elegant glass flutes awaited the wine. The model opened the bottle and poured. The other slipped away to change. I jumped when the doors closed on their own and sat on the side of the bed. Why was I so damn nervous? I sipped the champagne as we waited for the other to return and return, she did. I gasped when she appeared wearing snow colored lingerie. Her legs were sheathed in sixty-gauge stockings that were as smooth as her own skin. Her translucent panties and bra were the finest pale silk from the Japanese isle of Hokkaido.

"Drink, your mouth is watering no doubt." The redhead urged. "I will be right back. Sit and keep him company." She said to the other.

"Hurry up, I set out your things." The raven-haired beauty purred.

"May I?" I asked and she nodded. I gently cupped her chin, leaned in close, and looked into her eyes, eyes the color of sterling steel. Eyes are not singular or flat they are a blend of cells, patterns, and multiple colors. At the heart of her eyes the black pupil and beyond that her soul. The iris orbited her pupil like a molten pool of silvers, blues, and the blended corona of gorgeous colors. "I am sorry." She pushed forward her lips finding mine. My eyes closed and that simple gesture ignited my hunger. I was held transfixed by her kiss. It burned me from the inside and when she broke it, I knew she had felt the same desire.

I turned to see the redhead stride out and she wore a blend of a skimpy high school girl uniform and a bunny costume. Her feet were sheathed in calf high white socks. Her pale thighs exposed and just above them the short-pleated skirt. The white blouse barely contained her naked breasts beneath. As she watched me take in her beauty, she touched the narrow black choker at her slender throat. She giggled as she turned around.

"Oh damn." I gasped and I heard wine being poured.

The redhead was sporting a big fluffy cotton tail, a tail secured firmly in her ass. The tail pushed up the back of her skirt revealing the bright red panties with their triangular material and cut out of the silk the imprint of a bunny paw. I could see where her firm ass cheeks met through the opening in her underwear.

"Drink." The dark-skinned beauty urged. "Come on Red, have a drink and then we can get started."

"You got it Black." The model eagerly hopped over to the bed. I had been with beautiful women before but in this case, I felt like I did not belong with this level of magnificence. "He is speechless."

"Good. Flip for who undresses him?" Black offered. "Loser grabs a second bottle of wine."

"Agreed." Red moaned as Black plucked an ancient gold coin from between her breasts. She settled it over the side of her fist. Her thumb shot upwards and the coin spun in the air. "Tails." Red called it while it still spun. Black caught the coin and revealed the result.

"Pyramid, damn you win." She cursed playfully. "I will be right back with more wine."

Red sat in my lap and had me lift my arms so she could tug my shirt off. When my eyes were covered, she leaned in for a kiss. Where Black's had been soft and sensuous. Red's kiss was hungry, and her tongue invaded my mouth. She broke it sooner and continued removing my shirt. She tossed it to the floor, and we stood so she could unbuckle my jeans. Red knelt and tugged down my zipper. Black returned and knelt next to Red. They each gripped a side and pulled. My underwear went with my jeans. My erection popped up and nearly poked Red in the eye.

"Gives a whole new meaning to being 'cock eyed'." Black laughed. "Impressive. Want to toss or just share it?" Red licked one side of my cock and Black the other. I did notice that Black watched Red and then mimicked her. Was she inexperienced? Oh boy, this could get interesting. Red lowered her head and captured one of my testicles in her mouth. Black attacked the head and swirled her tongue around it like an ice cream cone. She smacked her lips and made a happy face. "Not bad."

"See how much you can get between those gorgeous lips of yours. Say ah!" Red urged. I let out a gasp as Black opened her mouth, trapped just the head, and then formed a tight seal with her lips. She pushed her head slowly forward letting her lips rub the length making me whimper. "Nice technique. He is shaking already. Four inches down and who knows how much you can take."

"Damn, she is driving me crazy." I gasped as she took another two inches.

"In the game you have two," Red stated with a smile. "What does that feel like?"

"I can feel both at the same time and independently. If one lady is moving fast and other slow it is maddeningly good." I replied as Black's lips brushed the base of my erection. "Holy shit, she did it!" I cursed.

"She is full of surprises." Red said as someone reached up and place my hand on the back of Black's head. "I think she wants you to fuck her throat." She said her hand drifting to her choker. I dug my fingers into Black's dark locks and began thrusting.

"What is with the choker?" I asked and her cheeks blushed.

"I want you to snap it." Red said. "I heard you were fond of throat swabbing." I thrust my hips faster and Black just moaned. She touched my leg and I stopped suddenly. I pulled out and she gasped.

"I can't... too much for my first time." She admitted.

Red hopped to her feet, laid on the bed, and let her head hang off the edge. She opened wide and pointed at her choker.

"I think she wants you to snap it. Go for it." Black said before she refilled her glass and emptied it. "Ah. That is better. Each time your erection bottoms out I will unbutton one of her buttons."

I took up my position, aimed the head between Red's lips, and slowly pushed. I made sure she was okay, she was. My balls touched her nose and Black unbuttoned the first button. I pulled back and slid back in again. I split my attention between the choker and the cleavage being slowly revealed. I wondered which would happen first.

"Buttons or choker?" I gasped as I swabbed Red's throat as she had put it. "Snap damn it!" I gasped as Red used her tongue when she could. Two things happened at the same time. The choker broke and the fifth button was opened. Black tugged the blouse open and damn but Red had a nice rack. Black produced a bottle of lube and drizzled some on and between Red's tits.

"Come on Booker, rub the lube in." Black urged. I had to lean forward driving my erection deep. I slowly rubbed until Red's tits glistened. "Time to shift positions. Do not clean your hands." She ordered as she took charge. Red was on her back in the middle of the bed. Black lost her panties and sat on Red's face. I straddled Red's tits and she pushed them together as I fucked them. Black placed my hands on her exposed tits, and I rubbed them until they had the same sheen as Red's. "She is a very gifted pussy eater."
