Playa Dust in the Bedouin


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"Oh, yes right there," she murmured next to my neck as I began a gentle rocking inside her. Her ankles locked hard behind my ass and she pulled me in even deeper. "Right there."

Settling into a steady even rhythm, I found myself listening to the other couple as much as paying a hundred percent attention to where I was and what I was doing. Mind you the reality of just who I was doing it to might have been a bit of why I was seeking distraction. "Holy crap dude, you're fucking your sister!" was tumbling over and over in my mind.

Outside I heard Linda tell her husband to do her harder. She gave a small scream when he responded as she had asked.

"Faster," whispered my sister by my ear. "Faster."

Then her lips found mine in the dark and I was no longer distracted by anything beyond pleasuring the woman under me. My slow grind became a faster and then a faster again plunging into her. Short hard strokes that brought breathy gasps, which were pushed out of her and into my mouth. I was tasting her pleasure and enjoyment with every kiss. Olivia turned her head and pulled me closer to her. Hugging me painfully tight, drawing me in with every thrust. Her hands on my back dug jagged scratches as I bottomed out. By my ear, she was whispering things, little words of appreciation, lust, and bespeaking hidden desires. Tell me the nature of her wildest fantasies and leave me panting with a hunger to make those come true.

Each and every one of them.

We pulled each other closer and closer by the second, all the while listening to the couple next to us doing something just as wicked. If not, to judge by the sounds Linda was making, even more so.

Olivia shivered and shuddered under me, her legs trembling. She bit my neck and moaned out her orgasm into my flesh. I was right on the very edge of my own when I heard a deep soul-shattering moan from Linda and a coughing bark of sound from Bill. Then a soft whimper and a deep gasping for air.

Just as my own orgasm was about to fill the lambskin covering me, Tim's high voice rang out in the darkness.

"Well, I do declare Linda, hun, you took that in your cute little butt like a pro." One of the gas lamps outside lit, chasing away the darkness. "Bill, you big stud muffin bear you, anytime you want to kick the little wifey to the side for a night, I promise, I would love to let you do to me what you just did to your little honey-bunny."

Olivia grabbed the pillow next to her and put it over her face. I could feel her laughter all along the length of me.

"Tim ..." Bill's voice was all but breathless. "Now .... is not ... a good time."

"Oh, bless you poor heart, that little ass fuck done left you that spent?" I could hear Tim moving around outside. "Well, maybe it might not be a good idea after all. I wouldn't want to put you in the hospital or anything like that." He dimmed the light. "Well, sugar bear, I've got my colored lights and my one wheel and I'm off to ride the playa. We've hooked up with a group that has got a nude desert one-wheel race planned for tonight, and there is simply no way that I can miss that. Tootles, and Linda save me some of that dick for later."

Her tired but sated voice rang out. "Tim if you don't stop trying to steal my man, I'll lace on a strap-on and fuck your ass till you beg."

Tim laughed. "Oh, honey child, do not threaten me with a good time. Back in my wild college days, before I came out the wardrobe, I ate more pussy than a lesbian porn star and took more plastic than an ATM. I am not scared. Have fun y'all, wicked people. I'm off."

"We know that!" they said in harmony.

Olivia and I were hiding laughter in both sides of the pillow now.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

(Day 6)

Awakening to the sound of someone scratching at the side of my enclosure, I turned my head towards the noise.


Jim's voice answered me. "Sorry to wake you, but Kimberly dropped by. They are cleaning up at the tower this morning. She's asked for anyone that worked on the art project to please come by and help to clean the playa. She asked if we wouldn't mind joining in before it gets too hot."

"Sure, sure, give me just a second."

"Have you seen Olivia?" Jim asked.

Beside me, my sister stirred. "I'm here, Jimbo. My bed is too cold at night by myself."

"Oh," He paused and I heard a low chuckle. "Well, I was just checking. I'll throw us together something portable for breakfast."

"Sounds good," she and I both said at the same time.

"It will be ready in a few. Wish me luck, I've got to go wake Tim. He was out late and is never more than a grumpy grump at this hour, at best."

I had to hide a small moan as Olivia ran her hand up the middle of my back. She used my shoulder to pull herself up behind me. Her arms wrapped around me and I kissed the one closest to me as she buried her lips against my neck, just under my ear. I turned to look at her and we shared a quick kiss.

"Do you think we will manage to ever have sex without something interrupting?" She whispered by my ear. "I was thinking about maybe trying to sneak a bit of morning wood into me once we woke up today. Oh, well for that thought, huh?"

I chuckled. "I'm sure we can manage something here soon. If nothing else the moment we get back to my place - and we both get a long shower - I intend to do that very thing for the rest of that day."

She ran her fingers across my chest, nails scratching at the dusty skin."Oh, promises, promises. You will be exhausted from the long drive home and there will be a dozen things you have to take care of that have, no doubt, come up while you've been away. And where will I be? Huh? Sitting there, too horny to be sane and needing some male attention, while ignored."

I turned and slipped us both back onto the bed. I kissed her, then her neck, then took a nipple into my mouth. My sister gave a small squeak, then clung to my head as I suckled. I looked up, letting that hard bundle of nerve endings pop out of my lips.

"I will make your need for incestuous sexual depravity from your older brother be my top priority."

She wiggled her naked body under me. "Good. See that you do." Reaching up, she brushed my hair back from my eyes. "I love you ... you know that, right?"

"I know. " With a soft smile, I leaned in and kissed my sister. "I love you too."

** ** ** ** ** ** **

"Comb the desert, do you hear? Comb the desert!"

The line from Space Balls rolled over and over through my head as I ran the rolling magnet over this section of burn patch for the tenth time. Ahead of me, two people were raking the playa trying to turn over anything for the magnet to pick up. Behind me - in an area we had already been over a dozen times - Jim was walking with a metal detector scanning the ground for anything we missed.

Kimberly had grid-ed out the whole area where her tower had burned with bright orange string and every able-bodied person she could get was "combing" a patch at a time of playa for anything left behind.

Down to frigging ash! Kat and Tim were sweeping the playa dust to make ash disperse on the wind.

Rolling over to the collection of wagons and Rubbermaids that was the dump site, I pulled all the blacked and twisted nails and half-melted bolts off the magnet and tossed them into the Rubbermaid designated for metal. A beautifully heat-blued metal washer I pocketed to make a charm out of. I had a couple of those jingling in my pocket already, but this was a nice one.

Looking over, I watched my sister's ass as she bent over and picked up some small pieces of burned wood. The curve of her butt in those denim shorts brought all sorts of ideas to mind. Ideas that, a few days ago, I never would have even begun to think about. It's this place. This weird crazy place where the normal reality of our society becomes the strange and twisted mirror to the every day you are living. Here in this desert. Here in this place of mad artists and nightly musical displays to rival the largest of concerts.

Looking past my sister's behind, I suddenly stood taller and started walking to where Kimberly was directing this cleanup. I doubled checked that I had my goggles and shook out my scarf as I did so. I knew I was going to soon be needing both.

Kimberly was facing me as I walked up. "We need to go over grid three once more then I think we're ... yes John?"

I pointed past her to the wall of white dust developing on the edge of the playa behind Black Rock City.

Following my finger Kimberly stomped her foot. "Shoot. Just when we were about done. PEOPLE!" She clapped her hands for attention. "We've got a dust storm coming! Let's pack it up. We were pretty close, as is. We'll have to do a double check later, once that's cleared out, but I think we got it. Let's get to cover before this blows in!"

People began to rush about gathering up tools, brooms, tote bags, and wagons full of Rubbermaids. We had just about everything together as the wind picked up and we saw tents and tarps in that area of the city begin to ripple. The city vanished into the dust even as we approached it.

Olivia grabbed ahold of my belt and, when I turned to look at her, I saw that she looked a bit scared. I pulled her in and used a large swath of my scarf to cover her head.

"It's just dust." I told her. "Nowhere near as bad as some that I have seen."

She nodded but then shrugged. "I got lost in that first dust storm. I about had a panic attack."

Ahead of us, as if to prove the point I was trying to make, I saw people dancing amid the white clouds. They appeared and vanished as the airborne playa thicken and thinned.

"This way!"

A couple of people nearby were gesturing towards us and we rushed over to their huge tent. Stepping inside we were handed drinks even as we unmasked and pulled off our goggles.

"Welcome. Welcome. Please join us."

I paused, blinked, and then blinked again. Looking over at Olivia, saw her blush, look at me, match my grin, and then we both chuckle.

Our naked hostess held out her arms wide to welcome us. "Come, throw off those dusty wrapping and take your ease. Hookah? The shisha flavor is mint. It will help to drive out the taste of the playa dust. Would you like some chilled wine, perhaps?"

My sister nodded in agreement. Another of the tent's occupants, also naked, directed us to a rug covered in a deep pile of multi-colored pillows. Small trays of brass stood nearby and upon them, I saw various temptations being offered.

A glance to one side showed me something that perked my interest.

Noticing this our hostess smiled. "Turkish coffee, sir?"

As our drinks were being poured Olivia looked at me, shrugged, and began to undress.

For some odd reason, it did not seem at all strange that my sister and I disrobed in front of these complete strangers. I kept my scarf loose wrapped over my shoulders. Easing down I watched as a single cup of coffee was made in a brass cup, in a bed of heated sand. The rich cinnamon scent of it reached me taking me back to a land far from here.

Looking around at this tent, I felt a moment's awe at the beautifully done recreation of an Arabian pleasure tent. The type of temporary dwelling that the rich like to set up outside of the cities in the deserts to allow the people to indulge in things the ridge laws there do not allow. Blowzy yellow linen walls and ceilings - with henna patterns done with dabs of reddish burnt umber ink - hid the canvas of the tent. It also helped to keep out the dust. There were thick many-layered rugs under our feet.

Then one of the people his head wrapped in a passable version of an Indian turban, began a simple rhythm on a doumbek drum. A few of the women stood up, moved to the center of the tent, and began a slow belly dance, in no way less sensual for the total lack of decorative silks normally worn.

Olivia passed me the end of a pipe and I took in a mouthful of the warm minty smoke. After a second or two holding it in my mouth, I took a deep breath through my nose and inhaled the sweet smell into my lungs. Tilting back my throat, I sent the spent smoke towards the billowing roof of the tent. The slowly swaying fans there spread it out. Closing my eyes, I felt the warmth of the smoke, and the many-scented heat of the tent wash over me. The buzz of the tobacco was almost instant.

"Your coffee."

Opening my eyes, I saw that a small bowl-like cup with no handle had been placed on the tray beside me with a bowl of wet grapes. I passed the pipe to my sister and watched her take a tentative puff, then a second longer one.

Sipping my coffee. I looked across the tent to watch a nude woman carrying a brass bowl. She knelt beside a man, and with no care about being observed, began to wash his genitals. The cloth she uses had rose petals falling from it as she wrung out the water and wiped him down. The man leaned back into the pillows and smiled at her. He had the look of utter relaxation that can be envied.

The task finished, she took him into her mouth.


I glanced over at my sister.

"What?" I asked, a grin playing at my lips. "Are you blushing?"

"No!" She turned away a bit, then looked back at me. "Just wishing I was brave enough to do something that wild in public."

I chuckled. "Believe me, so do I."

Olivia gave me an odd look then got to her feet and moved over to the hostess. She spoke with her for a moment, The woman fetched the bowl, left into the back of the tent, and then reemerged a few moments later with a fresh bowl of flower-petaled water. While she had been gone my sister had joined the other naked ladies dancing to the drum.

Leaning back, I took a second long puff on the pipe and mouthed a few of the icy cold grapes. When my sister accepted the bowl and walked towards me I widened my eyes. She smiled seeing that, then knelt on a pillow beside me.

"John, lean back, and don't say anything ... before I lose my nerve."

Doing as ordered, I eased into the thick pillows behind me and watched my sister bathe her hands in the rose water. Then my sister took a soft cloth and began to wash me. She passed it first over my legs and lower stomach. Then she moved to my cock and balls, taking her time to chase every inch of dusty skin with a wet cloth. Often Olivia returned to the bowl, and each time I felt myself harden just a bit more at her touch. When wet skin replaced wet cloth I opened my eyes and looked down at her. Her fingers had enwrapped me and were slowly stroked the length of me.

"John ... tell me this is okay." She looked hesitant. "I'm ..." My sister glanced around and blushed seeing that we had an audience, including the man and woman across the tent that we had watched. "I want to ... I want to make this special for us both."

Reaching forward, I cupped her chin, and leaning up placed a kiss on those sweet lips. "Olivia ... please ... don't make me beg. I want you to do this so badly I can't stand it."

She blushed, then grinned at me. "Me too."

Leaning back into my pillows, I watched my sister take me into her mouth.

Gentle kissing and licks on the head turned into the warm wet feeling of being engulfed. Her tongue played games along the underside as she took me in an inch then pulled back, her lips pursed tight. My sister's fingers curled around the base of me, a tight pressure as she worked her mouth upon the head. I winced a little as she tried to push the tip of her tongue into the end of me, making the small hole flare around her tongue. Then she was licking me like I was a dripping ice cream cone. From base to tip then over and over again. Long slow licks.

Taking a small puff from the pipe, I leaned back deeper and - with a hand that shook slightly - I dared to sip my cooling coffee. The strong taste washed the mint from my mouth. I had to set the cup aside as her sweet lips took me deeper, almost to the base. I gave a small moan as she let her teeth gently rake the top and bottom as she pulled back.

"You like teeth?" she asked with a grin. Olivia placed a small nibbling bite along the side of me making me wince and moan. "I like doing that to a man."

I let my hand drift to her hair. I held her up short though when she went to take me back into her mouth. "And I like to nibble on a woman, so have a care. I give what I get ... little tease.

She smiled and kissed the head again. "Is that a promise to go down on me?"

I grinned and let her hair go. "I had more in mind of having you straddle my face and ride my tongue." At her raised eyebrows I nodded. "I really enjoy that."

My sister chuckled. "I've got pretty big hips, aren't you scared I'll smother you?"

I shook my head and picked back up my coffee. "If I'm doing it right, no. .. " I gave her a salute with the cup. " ... I will be too busy worrying about drowning."

She shook her head and laid my cock beside her chin, rubbing it along her face. Then her hand moved under me and cupped my balls. I watched and moaned my approval as Olivia lifted them to her mouth and bathed them with her tongue.

Closing my eyes, I relaxed completely, leaned back, and for a few blissful minutes enjoyed what my sister was doing. Without my distractions Olivia fell into a rhythmic bobbing, licking, and sucking upon me that I could have spent the rest of my life enjoying. When my eyes opened, I looked over her head to the couple on the other side. Having swallowed his seed, she had now stroked him back to a hardness. With a wink to me, she got to her knees and straddled the guy. I saw him slip into her and then she began a slow grind.

Looking around, I saw that we were no longer even close to being the only two couples in the tent now having some form of sex.

Reaching down, I placed my hand on Olivia's head, curling my fingers in her brown hair, and stopped my sister.

"What?" She looked at me blinking.

"Come here. I want you. Now." My voice was husky with the lust I was feeling for her. My need for her was hotter than the smoke and sex-rich air in this tent.

Olivia grinned. "Oh, you want me?"


My sister stood up, wiped a hand across her lips, and looked around at the others. She licked her finger and ran it down her sweaty body to her clit, giving it a wet rub. Walking to either side of my legs she lowered herself down and I caught her weight. My beautiful sister reached between us as I lowered her and impaled herself upon my cock. I joined her in moaning as I felt myself slide all the way into her. My sister gasped as I bottomed out in her.

"Remember, you can't cum in me. No condom." She leaned forward and place a hot musky kiss upon my lips. "And I'm going to have to depend on you to make me stop. I can't trust myself right now. Promise?"

"I promise."

She smiled. "Then lean back and let me give you as much pleasure as I can."

I grinned. "While taking as much as you can stand yourself?"

My sister ground herself down against me and moaned. "Absolutely... ."

With a slow rhythm that matched the beat of the drumming, she began to rock herself atop me. Hardly lifting, her shifting her hips driving me in deeper, then pulling me all but out before I was pulled back in.

Laying there, looking up at her ... my beautiful sister ... Olivia ... in all of her delightfully naked glory, I felt as if all of the worries, past and present fell away into inconsequential trivial nonsense. I was here. She was here. There were others around us, sure, some of them even watching us but it didn't matter. We were together. As together as two people could be together. Joined heart, body, and soul. A primal rhythm, of need and lust. Both selfish and selfless at the same blessed moment. Every roll of her hips gripped me in a tight massage of silky wet skin.

The swaying fans above us sent cooler waves of air across us. That air was thick with sexual musk, and warm with other odors. Sweat, and sweet smoke. The heat in the tent however was stifling, fans be damned, and the sweat poured from us both. Olivia was coated in a shiny gloss of perspiration, my sister shone almost like her skin was covered in oil.
