Playing with Fire Pt. 03


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"Daddy, which of the guys here would you like to watch fuck me the most?" she said, and I couldn't help but enjoy her as she slipped back into this teen vixen character, knowing full well that it was just a little game.

"That biker dude over there with the tattoos."

"Should we take him to a cheap motel and let him fuck me, Daddy?"

"Yes, we definitely should."

"And which girl here would Daddy most like to fuck?"

I pointed to her. "You."

"Daddy wants to fuck his little teeny tiny baby daughter?"

"I already have. Like ten times in the last two days," I said.

"Yes, that's true. It's been memorable," she said, reverting to her normal self, and taking a sip of coffee.

"Do you think your mom will be able to tell you're not a virgin?"

"Am I not a virgin, Daddy? Did Daddy fuck his little baby girl?" she replied, sucking her thumb. I just looked at her. "How could she? And anyway, even if I'm not a virgin anymore it doesn't mean you fucked me into womanhood. That's a big jump."

"Just try and rein in this little persona and we'll be OK."

"Are you saying I'm wild and out of control?"

"You have that tendency," I said. "But, no, not really. It's just an act."

"Oh, is it?" she said, and stood up. Jenny walked across the courtyard, by the table of the biker guy, smiled at him, then walked over to a Harley, parked nearby. She was too far away for me to hear, but I could see from her lips that she asked him, "Is this your bike?", while stroking the chrome engine. The guy looked around nervously then got up and walked over to her. They started having a conversation. She was laughing, and flirting, and he was going for it.

After a little while, she turned away and walked inside the coffee shop. Her poor victim stood there scratching himself, looking bewildered. It was a near certainty that for whoever Jenny ever spoke to, she was the most beautiful girl that had ever done so. A minute or so later, she reappeared and was talking on her phone. He said something quickly to the biker guy, then resumed her conversation. He got on his bike and rode away, then Jenny put her phone in her purse and sat back down with me.

She took another small sip of coffee, put on her sunglasses and looked off into the sky, basking in the sunshine and her own fabulousness.

'What did you do to that poor fellow?"

"What? Nothing," she replied, not looking at me.

"You talked to him, then he drove away."

"Oh that," she said. "Yeah, he wanted to take me on his bike to California," she said, and I couldn't help but laugh. This girl could practically do anything she wanted with almost no effort. "But something came up last minute so I couldn't make it," she added.

"I see. And you have no remorse or empathy in fucking with someone like that?" I said with mild irritation.

"He had one of those neo-nazi Punisher patches on, so from one sociopath to another, he was asking for it.

"Fair enough," I added. "You're not actually a sociopath though, only this Daddy-fixated minx roleplay thing you've got going on."

"Can we go, babe? I'm getting hot," she said. It was sweltering now. We got up to leave, and I started for home. "My mom will probably be up and about now, honey, and I need some cock."

I nearly crashed the car. "Wanna go to a motel or something?" I suggested.

"No. I'll just suck you off," she said, like it was perfectly natural. "Pull in here." It was a shady parking lot behind a strip mall, and relatively secluded. I drove in, found a spot and stopped the car. I turned to look at my girl.

"Jenny, we..." I started to say, but she just undid her seatbelt, leaned over, unzipped me, took out my dick and went down on me. I felt a rush of euphoria and gasped, as my baby moaned and groaned as she took me in her mouth. She was already an expert and I doubted I would last more than a minute or so. "Holy fuck," I said and grabbed her ass, and stroked her hair with my other hand.

I started to make hyperventilating sounds and it was obvious that I was near. A couple walked past the car and probably saw what was going on. "Babe..." I said, and Jenny nodded and moaned. I exploded in her mouth and she made a gorgeous squeaky sound as I did. She continued to suck me sweetly until I was dry, swallowed, then looked up at me. She sat up, exhaled, wiped her mouth, then gestured for me to drive on.

"Good boy," she said, and we both laughed.

"Thanks babe, that was fucking spectacular," I told her.

"I know," she replied with a sly smile, then looked out the window.

"Wanted to empty my tank before I got home? Thought I might be tempted by your mother?"

"Good point, but no, I just wanted to suck your dick, that's all."

"Well, I owe you an orgasm, my angel," I said.

"Yes you do. And a slow quiet fuck later tonight as well. Please and thank you."

"I'll check my schedule and see if that can be arranged," I replied.

We drove home, and I started to feel a little dread again. I had planned on waiting until tomorrow to talk to Katherine about separating, but wasn't sure if I should put it off. I'd see what the vibe was, and when we arrived, it was still a cool atmosphere. Jenny went straight to her bathroom where I heard her electric toothbrush starting up, which made me smile. Katherine was in the kitchen, so I joined her.

"John, we need to talk," she said, and looked at me. Did she know everything? I nodded and sat down. "This has run its course. I've quit my job and found a new position, where I'll be staying in one spot. I've been seeing Jim a little bit. I'm only saying this to you so coldly because I know you don't really care either."

"I found a new place and am moving in soon," I told her.

"Perfect," she said, stood up, shook my hand and left the house. I guess she didn't want to stick around to talk to her only daughter. This woman's parenting ability really did make me sick and I would be glad to see the back of her. Jenny reappeared and walked over to me.

"Where did my mom go?" she asked.

"She left. Holy fuck, Jen. I'm so sorry."

"Fuck her," she said, but there wasn't a trace of hurt in her voice. She was as over it as I was.

"We agreed to split. In a frankly bizarre thirty-second conversation. That's it."

"I wish we could move today. I want out of here as well."

"She said she'd been seeing your father again," I told her. Jenny laughed.

"Oh my fucking god. Gross. What the fuck is wrong with her?"

"It's not my problem now, but you still have to deal with them."

"Hardly. I feel completely removed from her, and he matters less than nothing. I have everything I want," she said and cuddled up to me with a kiss.

"You still have that dinner tomorrow," I told her.

"Maybe. If it's about them getting back together, and him wanting to be back in my life, then I'll probably skip it," she said and I just nodded.

"Whatever you want to do, you have my complete support."

"I've always had that. You've been the only one. But what I need right now is sex, so come on," she said, walked off, gesturing for me to follow. She started stripping on the way to the bedroom, a shirt here, a bra there, panties in the hall. I was too excited to care. I undressed as well and followed her. She lay down, and I jumped on the bed and kissed her between her legs.

"Oh my god. I'm instantly on fire for you!" she exclaimed as I played with her beautiful clit. It wasn't long before she started climaxing and wrapping her legs around me. I was hard and ready to go, so moved up over her and sunk my big cock inside her. "Oh oh oh oh!" she yelled as I fucked her.

We were deep in the middle of fucking doggie-style, when I heard the key in the front door, and before we could do anything, Katherine was marching down the hallway, and entered the room. Jenny collapsed under me and I turned to look at my wife. "You didn't wait long to start fucking other women," she said angrily, then added, "Seen Jenny?" and left the room.

"Nope," I called out and pulled out of her daughter's pussy. By some miracle, Jenny's face had been obscured, or her mother hadn't looked at her, and she hadn't noticed her clothes strewn in the hallway. I got up, put on my briefs, jogged out of the room and scooped up Jenny's clothes, as she hid under the duvet. I threw them in the bathroom and closed the bedroom door behind me.

I didn't actually care that I'd been caught in bed with another woman, and I'm sure Jenny cared even less, but we were actually in a risky situation. Until the divorce went through, what we were doing was illegal, as Jenny had pointed out. Katherine was in the kitchen, not looking happy. "Wanna introduce me to your new bitch, John? Or is she some hooker?"

"No, it's OK," I said, and looked down to see she had papers on the counter. I scanned them, and they were divorce papers. "Should I sign?" I asked and she just nodded, then went to the fridge and took a swig from an open bottle of white wine. I signed the papers, and waited for her to say something. She turned to me, grabbed the papers, and walked out. "Tell Jenny to text me," she said and left the house. I breathed a sigh of relief, in more ways than one.

"It's safe to come out," I called out after I saw her drive away, and Jenny appeared from our bedroom, still completely nude of course.

"Is she gone?" she asked.

"Yeah. She had divorce papers for me to sign. I guess she'd prepared them earlier," I said. I was feeling a little dazed by everything.

"How the fuck didn't she see that we were in bed together?"

"Your head was turned away. Your long hair. Your face was shoved into a pillow. I mean, I don't know. Thank god though. She's clearly not happy and it could turn nasty if she found out."

Jenny nodded, and I looked her over. She noticed and smiled. "The worst thing about all this is I was just about to come," she said, and we both laughed. She bent over, then got down on her knees, then on all fours. Her tits were flopping down and I licked my lips. She crawled over to me on all-fours, like a cat, looking up at me. "Would Daddy please finish fucking his little girl from behind now?" she said, and of course I obliged.


The next day was a Sunday, and Jenny was going off to meet her mother and father for some kind of family meeting, although I had to talk her into it. While she was away, I thought I would begin the laborious task of packing all my stuff. I had a thousand albums and nearly as many books. I didn't care so much about clothes and things, and absolutely nothing about normal house things. After boxing up the albums in one giant cardboard igloo in the living room, I got bored and went for a walk. I didn't know when Jenny would be home.

Jenny and I had agreed that she'd shoot me a text if she needed me, but so far I hadn't heard from her. I wandered around, grabbed a decaf, read a magazine, then came home. When I got back, I saw Jim's dickhead car outside, as well as Jenny's. I went inside and Jim and Katherine were in the kitchen, but Jenny was nowhere to be seen.

I called out, and Jenny reappeared, looking surly. She gestured for me to come towards her and I did. She whispered in my ear. "Holy fuck, that was torture. They're getting back together, and Jim is moving back in after you move out. They want to be a cute little happy family, but my mother is delusional. He's a total fucking creep. He slapped my ass and made all these gross jokes."

"Well, I slapped your ass too..."

"Shut up John, it's not the same," Jenny went on, whispering. There's no fucking way I'm staying in this house. I'm sorry to tell you this, but I told them I had a boyfriend and was going to move in with him."

"No, no, I get it. And it's fine. You can live with me for as long as you want, even if we're not together," I said hurriedly.

"Again, my sweet love, shut up," Jenny said, and hugged me. "Thank you so much."

"Now we just need to get through the week."

"Can we go out?"

"Would that be suspicious?" I asked her. I didn't want to appear too close, like a couple. "I think I ought to go into the kitchen. There's no point in me being a child and avoiding them. You can hide if you want, or you can come too," I told her. I walked into the kitchen and Jenny followed me. She went to the fridge, poured out two glasses of wine, handed me one and took a swig.

"My mother and my biological father are getting back together again," she said, as if I didn't know.

"I gather. Wonderful news," I said.

"You two really deserve each other," Jenny said, and I couldn't help but smile at her acerbic wit. I held in a laugh. "I'm sure you'll absolutely be as happy as you both deserve," she went on, rather brilliantly. These less than subtle barbs were apparently lost on Jim, who appeared to still be the red faced, coked up moron he'd always been. Katherine just seemed tired and angry, and I felt a little sorry for her.

"That's right, baby. Come give papa a hug," Jim said. He appeared drunk, and a total disaster.

"Touch me and I'll knee you in the balls," Jenny said, grabbed the bottle of wine and moved over close to me. I cracked up laughing, I couldn't help myself. Katherine looked at me.

"Katherine," I said. "I know we're splitting up, which is for the best, but what the fuck are you doing?"

"Seriously, Mom. Do you hate yourself this much that you'd get back with this loser?" Jenny asked, rather cruelly.

"He's also your father," Katherine replied haughtily. Jenny laughed. A lot.

"Just because this idiot donated some sperm to your uterus, doesn't make him my father," Jenny replied, and I continued to crack up.

"Well, John isn't your father either," Katherine said, which I thought was vicious, but I looked at Jenny and she didn't look too bothered.

"Mother," Jenny began. "Despite all your parental failures, I do actually love you, but John has been my only real support, at least for the last ten years. Most of my life." Jim wandered around, mumbling, and Katherine just stood there, looking sad. "I'm an adult now, and I don't need parents. I'm moving out soon, and it would be nice to see you once in a while. Without this monumental cretin on your arm."

Wow. Jenny was on good form. How did she even know the word 'cretin'? I marveled at her, with pride. I held back another laugh, but still felt sorry for her mother. A little. But she'd really been a shit to Jenny in the last few years or more, and deserved it. Katherine looked at Jim, said, "let's go," and they split. Katherine was going down some dark road, and Jenny was clearly the mature one of the pair. She moved over to hug me, and I shook my head at what had just happened.

"And the mother of the year award goes to..." Jenny said, and I could tell she was a little upset. I held her tight. She looked up at me. "I see you packed up your records."

"Yes, I did," I replied, and gave my girl a romantic twirl. "I need more boxes for the books, and a few other things."

"I'll help you when I'm not at school. I assume my mom won't come around much."

"I told her my move out date and we agreed she'd stay somewhere else until then," I answered. "Don't worry, it won't last between them. Katherine will sober up, Jim will get into debt again and she'll kick him out. She'll be OK."

"Stepfather, take me to bed," Jenny said with a smile, clearly finished with this conversation. I picked her up and carried her through the house, then lay her down in our bed. For the first time since Jenny was trying to seduce me, I locked the door behind us.


That week I started packing up my possessions and slowly moving them into temporary storage, then hung out with Jenny in the evenings, though with caution. Now that she was sexually active, and it hadn't been long, she was just wild for it, and insisted she get fucked before school everyday, and as soon as she got home. It was a privilege and a heavenly treat to accommodate her wishes and needs, and I'd never been happier in my life.

Jenny packed some things as well, and when the day came, we started moving our belongings into my new place. Our new place. I still needed to buy a bed and some furniture, but we weren't too concerned. The record player got set up, and I'd grabbed a mattress, some chairs, and a few basic necessities at least. Naturally, Jenny wanted to christen the new place with some cowgirl, in what I hoped would be the first of many, many such sessions.

One evening after a particularly vigorous and sweaty bout of lovemaking, we were lying on the floor of our new place, staring at the ceiling, holding hands. "You have ruined me for all other men," she said.

"How would you know? You have nothing to compare me to" I said, mischievously.

"A girl just knows. You're my first and best. Maybe my only," she said, which sounded like a proposal, but I knew she was too young and in love to know better. "I start work on Monday," she added. She hadn't graduated High School yet, but it was only a few weeks away, then she'd be taking a further step to adulthood.

"You'll be great," I told her, and meant it. I wasn't going to tell her that every guy in the office would immediately fall in love with her, though.

"Thanks, babe. You have always built up my confidence and helped me. I feel completely at ease, going in there, knowing I will do well," she said. She truly was remarkable. She had decided her major was going to be in Biochemistry, not something a flake would pursue. She wanted to be a success, certainly beyond anything her mother or I had achieved.

"You know, hon. You'll meet a lot of guys now. At work and in college. Smart guys, nice guys, bad boys, handsome guys, and you're going to want to explore," I said, then felt a tinge of sadness with the knowledge that this would one day inevitably end.

"Why would I want anyone else?" she asked. "And anyway, I'm in love with you, and that's not how it works. Not with me anyway."

"I'm just saying, you're not bound to me. You are free," I said.

"Well, you're not," she replied. "You're stuck with me and I'm your one and only."

We both laughed, and I wasn't going to push it. She could do whatever she wanted, and I would just deal with it as it came.

The summer of Jennifer came and went, and by the time she started college, we were as much in love and hungry for each other as ever. I wasn't tempted by any other women, and although I never asked, there was no indication that she was ever with anyone else either. My divorce went through, and Jenny felt, cautiously at least, that we could be more open about our affair, provided we said it had just begun.

As predicted, it didn't last between Katherine and Jim, and he was again in the wind. Jenny could now begin to reconcile with her mother, but knew she would never accept our affair, so didn't say anything. Soon enough, I bought my own place, and with a promotion at work, everything seemed to be on the right track.

Jenny now lived with me full time, and insisted on paying a part of my mortgage, despite my joking that she could pay her rent in oral sex. "No, that's all part of the live-in girlfriend service, deluxe package," she had said, and life was never dull with her around. No matter what happened next, I could be happy that I had her in my life, as her boyfriend, or as a father figure, either would be my privilege.


It was summer again, and Jenny was enjoying some time off after her first year of college. It was Friday afternoon, and she'd asked me to meet her at a café downtown, so I dutifully went there, arriving a little early as usual. I was surprised to see Jenny was already there, and talking to some dude in a suit. She was standing at his table, dressed in a short skirt and tiny t-shirt, looking like a slutty dream. This guy was heavy set, balding, and looking sweaty.

I stood and watched from afar. She asked him something, and he gestured for her to sit, then got up and walked inside. A few minutes later, he returned with what looked like a cappuccino, and placed it down in front of her. She drank a little and looked around. This was my cue.