Police Training Ch. 03


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"This sucks."

"Yeah it does. But it's better here with you, than alone. Go take a shower and I'll get dinner ready. Then we can watch the storm together tonight." After a quick, chaste kiss, Lizzy heads up to take a shower.

When she comes down, Nic is plating grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. He smiles at her as she sits at the island. Two bowls of tomato soup are poured from a pot on the stove. Lizzy get the spoons and the napkins.

Nic leads them into the living room and places his dishes on the coffee table. Lizzy does the same and sits on the sofa. Nic lights the fire, then comes back and sits on the floor, his long legs stretched out under the table. He looks up at Lizzy and arches an eyebrow. She joins him on the floor.

They eat in silence for a while, watching the fire and listening to the wind pick up outside. The first flakes start to fall. Lizzy jumps when a bell suddenly rings through the house. "Oh. It's here. Be right back." Nic hops up and goes to the back door. Lizzy follows, wondering what's going on.

She waits by the island as Nic talks to someone at the back door. He comes back into the kitchen carrying a flat square box. A pizza? He ordered a pizza. Then the scent it hits her. Chocolate.

She goes over to get the box, but Nic raises it above his head. "Hey, what's in there? Gim'me"

"No. This is for dessert. By definition, it is served after dinner. Go. Shoo."

"What is it? Let me see." She tries getting the box again.

"I said it's dessert. Now go back into the living room." She tries again for the box, but Nic just spins her and swats her ass. The pizza box is stored in the oven, and Lizzy gets escorted back into the main room. Nic laughs as they finish dinner, with Lizzy repeated trying to look back into the kitchen. "If I had known of your addiction to all things chocolate, I would have left a candy bar on the bed instead of cash."

She turns and looks at him. He can't quite read her expression. He might have stepped over the line between funny and insulting. "Probably not for a candy bar, but a jar of Nutella, and you might have had a shot." He snorts and they both laugh. "Keep eating so I can get at that dessert."

"Yes Ma'am." He still eats too slowly for Lizzy's liking, so she helps by taking a big bite out of his sandwich. The rest of the meal is spent with Lizzy's head firmly tucked under his arm.

"Finally. You're done. Can we have dessert now? What's in the box?"

Nic lets go of the headlock he has her in. "Don't you want to let your stomach settle? It's not healthy to eat right after dinner."

"Nikolai!!" She pushes him and starts wrestling with him on the floor. "You ass. Gim'me the chocolate and no one gets hurt." Then inspiration strikes. She tickles him under the arms, no response. Then below the ribcage and he squeaks and his body jumps, just a bit. Lizzy's eyes get wide. Nic's eyes get even wider. Game on. Lizzy tickle tortures the great Nikolai Kerchenko as he struggles to get his long legs out from under the coffee table.

Nic scampers away and glares at Lizzy, still laughing on the floor. "You ARE ticklish! This is going to be so much fun."

"Hey! Stop that." Lizzy stands up and squares off against Nic. "There will be no more tickling."

She can't help the evil grin that blossoms across her face. "Awww. Poor baby. I finally have something to use against you, and you think I going to give it up that easily. Nuh uh, buddy boy. Chocolate. Now. Or I won't stop till I find every inch of ticklish flesh on you." She emphasizes the statement by snapping her fingers and pointing at the stove.

Sensing surrender might be his best move at the moment; Nic puts both hands in the air. "OK. OK. God, you're a vicious little thing when it comes to chocolate, aren't you?" She just snaps and points again. "I said OK already. Let's go eat."

Giddily, Lizzy skips past him and sets her ass down at the island. "Ready." Nic just rolls his eyes and wonders for the umpteenth time if he's in way over his head.

He pulls the pizza box out of the oven and the rich smell of chocolate fills the air. "Now, this is an old family recipe, handed down from mother to eldest daughter only. No one else can ever know the secret ingredients. This is a special, once in a lifetime experience." Lizzy rolls her eyes. Do gypsies lie about everything? With a flourish, Nic opens the pizza box. Brownies. Nine perfectly delicious looking brownies stare back at her. Automatically she reaches in to grab one, but Nic slams the box closed on her fingers.


"Sorry, I had to do it. You were so zoned in on the brownies. I couldn't resist." He opens the box again. Lizzy reaches in to grab a brownie, never taking her eyes off Nic. Nic grabs his own brownie, and they sit in silence devouring the ooey gooey goodness. Lizzy goes to grab another one, but Nic pulls the box away.

"Hey!" She tries reaching for one more, but Nic is too fast.

"No. No. No. These have to last two more days."

"Awww. Come on. One more?"

Nic places the box back in the stove. "I promised you dessert, and you got dessert." He walks behind her and takes her hand in his. Lifting it to his mouth, he slowly sucks each individual finger clean of all chocolate. "If you eat that whole thing, you're going to get a stomach ache. And while I will cherish every minute I get to spend with you, I'd rather not spend the few hours we have nursing you back to health." She grumbles, but her mom usually wouldn't let her have two desserts either. "Come on, let's go watch the storm."

They spend the rest of the night, snuggling on the sofa, a crackling fire blazing in the fireplace. Sometimes they sit in silence, other times they tell each other stories and get to know each other better. All in all, it is a good evening.

Friday morning starts with a slow and easy morning fuck. Nothing kinky or mind-blowing, just easy, seductive, and spectacular. There are gentle caresses and giggles, nips and kisses, and soft sexy words whispered into each other's ears.

The morning shower took a little bit longer than usual. Apparently Nic is a morning person. After soaking in the warm water his hands are all over her. Washing her hair and then working down her body. She's pressed against the wall for lingering, extended kiss. His finger easily finds her clit and starts rubbing it. Lizzy rocks back and forth in time with the pleasure he's giving her.

Nic drops to his knees, eye level to the apex of her legs. She watches the water coursing down his back. He opens her petals with his thumbs and licks her. She twitches involuntarily at the contact. Slowly, teasingly he begins tormenting her. Lizzy grabs his hair, trying to make him go faster, or lick harder. Nic ignores the pain she's causing him; his pace and gentle tonguing never increase.

Her breath comes in panting gasps. When her legs become wobbly, Nic puts his hands on her hips, pinning her to the wall to keep her from falling. He sucks her hard little nub between his teeth, flicking his tongue against it. She emits a low long moan, gradually increasing in pitch. Nic pushes her over the edge by slipping two fingers in her pussy and mercilessly finger-fucking her through her orgasm. She collapses and he guides her to the floor next to him.

Nic turns off the water, and they sit quietly on the shower floor for a while. Lizzy stretches her sore muscles. "Uuugh. Don't you ever get enough?"

Nic laughs. "Of you? Not so far. Besides, you're being uncharacteristically 'passive' this morning, so I thought I'd take advantage of that before the little spitfire in you wakes up."

She doesn't hit him, she doesn't have the energy. "You ass." He grins at her and kisses her forehead. He helps her up off the floor and gives them a quick rinse. Then it's back to bed, both of them collapsing as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

Lizzy wakes up first. It's after 10AM. She considers for a moment waking him, but her pussy is still pretty sore, maybe that wouldn't be the best idea right now. She slips out of bed, grabs some clothes, and heads downstairs to the kitchen.

She's starving. Luckily, there are cold brownies in the oven, not as good as last night, but choco-addicts can't be chooser. She nibbles on one as she scrounges in the fridge for breakfast ingredients.

"That lying little shit!" The white bags aren't just ingredients, they're mostly premade meals. She grabs one that says BRFST - FRIDGE - BLUEBERRY PANCAKES - 1 of 1. Opening it she sees a Tupperware container with pancake mix, a container of assorted fruit, and two croissants. The cooking instructions are written on a 3x5 index card.

Following the instructions; which is mostly shake container 1 minute and what temperature the pan should be at. She makes a wonderful breakfast of silver dollar sized blueberry pancakes. Nic stumbles down the stairs when she's plating everything and just stares at her. The white bag is sitting conspicuously on the countertop.

He looks between her and the white bag. "Ummmm."

Lizzy puts on her most innocent face. "Mornin' sleepyhead. I made us some breakfast. Blueberry pancakes. Would you like some?"

"Ummmm. Yeah sure." She puts a plate of pancakes and fruit in front of him and one for her. They eat in silence for a while. "These are really good. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I worked really hard to make them."

"Now that's a lie! I've made these before and they're super easy."

"A lie! You've been lying about being a great cook the whole time."

"No. No I have not. I said I made the meals, not that they were difficult. Technically the ingredients were raw, and I cooked them. That is not lying. You inferred everything else."

"That's a pretty fine line there, Mr. Kerchenko."

"Don't Mr. Kerchenko me. You believed what you wanted to believe, I just didn't correct you." Lizzy harrumphs at him. He technically has a point.

"So do you 'technically not lie' about everything?"

Nic laughs. "Actually, pretty much. Yeah. Gypsies consider it a point of pride to use words to mislead someone. Words have so many meanings and if we can get someone to believe an alternate one, more power to us. You should see us after a fishing trip; those stories go on for hours."

Lizzy snorts. "So basically I'm going to have to double-check everything you say? Or should I just assume the worst case scenario from the start and hope I'm wrong?"

Nic puts on a shocked face. "That's not very nice. Hurt my feelings." He starts pouting and sniffing.

"Oh shush you. You're not insulted; I see your eyes sparkling over there." Nic laughs as Lizzy just shakes her head. After breakfast and dishes, they go for another walk on the beach. A thin layer of snow crunching underfoot. The rest of the morning is spent playing scrabble in front of the fireplace.

Lizzy sits at the kitchen island as Nic prepares another fabulous meal for lunch: a toasted sandwich of roast beef and melted cheese with roasted veggies. Again he basically just has to dump out the ingredients and cook them, but he does that with such a dramatic flair, Lizzy can't stop laughing. "You're a dork."

"Ahh, but I'm your dork. And as long as I get to see you happy, I will gladly continue to be a dork." He bows with a flourish, and Lizzy's laughing again. Another walk outside and then they nestle together on the sofa watching movies.

For their last night, Nic grills steaks outside in the cold. They also have grilled pineapple, rice pilaf and a bottle of wine. Lizzy gets the fire roaring, and after rearranging the furniture in the main room, they dance the night away.

Saturday Morning is their last little bit of time together. As expected most of it is spent in bed. Nic makes another salad for lunch and they eat in silence. Dishes are done, guns are retrieved from their hiding spots, and the cars are packed up.

They stand in the doorway, holding each other in their arms one last time. "We could just stay here. Get a butler and a maid. We wouldn't have to leave the bed. Ever."

"Keep dreaming, Nikolai. We'd have to go potty eventually. And what about showers? I need a shower daily or I go crazy. And where would I hide my stash of chocolate where you couldn't find it?"

They both laugh but it's short lived. Nic leans in for one final kiss. The kiss goes on and on. Lizzy doesn't pull away until she's pressed up against the doorframe and Nic's large hand has slipped into her jeans and is cupping her bare ass. "Hey!" Nic just growls at her. "We have to go, Nic."

"Yeah. Yeah. I know. When will I see you again?" He still hasn't let her go, but he did stop kissing her.

She rests her head against his chest. "Honestly, I don't know. We'll have to figure it out as we go. And be very careful."

"Oh, we almost forgot." Nic rushes to the oven and grabs the box of brownies. Bowing low, he offers the box to Lizzy with a flourish. "For you, my lady."

"Awww. That's the sweetest thing you ever got me. Thank you."

One last kiss and Lizzy walks out to her car, Nic following behind. He opens the door and closes it when she's in. She doesn't know what to say. Goodbye seems too final. See you soon would be a lie. I had a nice time would be lame. In the end, she just smiles at him, turns the car on and drives away. This shouldn't hurt so much. She wasn't supposed to care. Nic watches her until the car is out of sight. "Goodbye, my heart." He locks up and leaves a few minutes later.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one is a bit darker and more exciting, but you'll have to wait for next week to read that one.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
actually a really good story

loving it so far

lioness_71lioness_71about 8 years agoAuthor
shift in perspective


Some asked about the perspective change midway through the third chapter. Someone said i used to many "I's" in my stories. I obsessed about it for a while and shifted perspective. I apologize for that. I just didn't have the energy to go through the whole story and shift perspective so that matched. I should have stayed with the first person perspective, but that's not what happens with obsessions.

mcollectmcollectover 8 years ago
Great Read

Love following this story! Can't wait to see where it goes, but I hope it will be a great leap!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
i agree...

i don't see their paths joining...so I really hope you're more creative than me - just sayin...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Wonderful read

I really enjoyed all three chapters, looking forward to more. The characters are fun, sexy and interesting. I have noticed I don't often read that many stories by female writers - not proud of this, but it's probably because I like putting myself into the story. But this was so good, I didn't care. If you don't mind a small criticism, it might be less disorienting if you settle on one point of view, or if you change, give us a some kind of indication, like a dotted line. Not the biggest deal, but it's distracting.

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