Porn Star's Daughter Ch. 13


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Are you okay? Why aren't you responding?

If you're all right, can you please let me know? I'm a little worried now!

My first reaction to all of this was anger and annoyance. How could he possibly act like nothing had happened? Did he think I was stupid?

Slowly, another thought began to creep into my thoughts. Why would Andrew send those messages if he had told Simone? If he had talked to Simone and told her what we had done, why would he be texting me at all? Was he just keeping up appearances until the "big reveal" from Simone?

That had to be it. Even so, I felt some doubt start to creep in. I needed answers, and my mother's suggestion of talking to him was sounding more and more like the best way to get them.

I texted him, reciting my instructions to the car's microphone as I carefully choose my words.

Meet me at the same place we were at this morning. fourth period. Send.

There was a pause and I began to grow uncomfortable. A buzz in my hand and a quick message on the car's entertainment system told me I had a reply.

Thank god you're all right. Ok. See you then.

My heart began to race a bit as I thought about how I was going to confront Andrew. I wanted to attack him, scream at him, punch him - anything to make him hurt as much as he had hurt me. But that little seed of doubt that perhaps I didn't have enough information began to take root, and I needed to figure out how I was going to interrogate him on what he had done.

Along the way to school, that seed was beginning to germinate, and it caused me to take a quick stop along the way. Just in case.

When I got to school, I had to report into the office to get my attendance recorded. Once that was over and done with, I looked at the clock. I had about fifteen minutes before fourth period started, and so I made my way to the back corner of the school where Andrew and I had our tryst in the morning.

I passed by the classrooms, ignoring the anonymous eyes that saw me as I walked through the halls. Every day, the occasional student walked through the halls during class time, so no one ever really paid too much attention. This time, though, one pair of eyes tracked me as I walked, and I didn't notice them narrow with purpose.

I entered the girl's bathroom just as the bell rang, releasing the students into the halls as they transitioned from third to fourth period.

A few moments later, the door opened and Andrew appeared. The look on his face registered confusion, relief, and a bit of anger. Self-righteousness boiled inside me, but I tried to dial it back to a simmer.

"There you are!" he said. "Where were you? We had to hand in our report this morning, remember?"

I looked at him coldly, rage and fury fighting to erupt. "Why did you tell Simone that we had sex?" I asked, point blank. No point in being indirect.

"What?" he reacted as if he'd been physically slapped. "Why did I do what?"

My eyes narrowed. "You heard me," I snarled. "Simone knows that you and I had sex, and it's not like I would have told her."

"Shannon," he said, carefully. "I swear to you, I never told anyone about what happened between you and me. Especially not to that cunt."

The vitriol with which he said the word caught me by surprise. I raised an eyebrow, and he came towards me as if to give me a hug. I pushed my hand against his chest, keeping him at a distance. "If you didn't do it," I challenged, "then who did?"

Andrew stopped in his tracks. "I swear I don't know!" he protested. "Look, I really like you, and I loved what we did last night. I really want to do it again. If I were to do something that stupid, then I would never be able to do that."

"Oh, you've got that right," I said, my voice dripping with attitude.

"Please, Shannon," he said, his voice pleading with me. "I promise you, I hate that bitch. I would never tell her anything."

I was confused. I wanted to believe him, but I just couldn't figure out what was the truth. Andrew was a loner, and I had never seen him interact with Simone before. The three of us didn't share a class, so I had no idea how she treated him in the cases that they shared. Could she have been as big of a bitch to him as she was to me? I'd never considered that possibility before.

Even so, it didn't make sense to me. Simone knew. It couldn't just be a coincidence that the day after I fucked Andrew, she happened to "suddenly" know about it.

As I looked at Andrew, though, I fought to reconcile the facts with his look of innocence. He looked genuinely hurt at the accusation, and in a panic. It was hard to reconcile what obviously happened with the look he was giving me. He looked too innocent, too cute.

"Andrew," I said, uncertain. "It just doesn't make sense."

He took a step closer to me. "I swear, I'll help you find out who told her," he said. "But it wasn't me. I didn't tell anyone."

He was close enough to smell now. There was a familiarity to his scent, and my body started responding immediately. "I don't know, Andrew," I said, but now my voice had lost is vigor. It came out more quiet than I had intended. "I don't know how to believe you."

I said the words, and I meant the words. But he was too close now. His eyes were pleading with me, and he looked devastated. "I promise you," he said, his voice as low as a whisper but as intense as a laser beam. "I promise I would never do that to you. Or to me."

His hands were on my waist, and then my arms were sliding up his arms. His lips were close enough to bite, and I wanted to do that. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to take him and test him to see if he was telling the truth.

I leaned up and kissed him, my mouth searching for validation from his. I wanted to feel for myself just how much he wanted me. I was certain that through the kiss, any deception would be apparent and I would know for sure. I told myself that he couldn't hide the truth from me, and I would feel it in his kiss.

I definitely felt something, but not just in his lips. He pressed up against me, his erection sliding against my stomach. Damn, he got hard fast.

What are you doing? Team Morality screeched in my ear. Just what the fuck are you doing? He's lied to you!

Heh, Team SUAFM countered.

I got lost in Andrew's kiss. The boy was a quick learner, apparently. I didn't remember him being this good only a few hours ago. He held me in his arms, and I found myself melting into him, trying to get my arms around him to get the leverage I needed.


"Andrew," I whispered.

"Shannon," Andrew said hoarsely, interrupting me. "I swear, I didn't do anything like that. I can't stop thinking about you."

"Andrew," I repeated.

"When you didn't show up to class," he continued, ignoring me, "I got worried. And then you didn't answer my texts."

His voice seemed to be agitated, like he was trying to will his defense into me.

"Andrew!" I hissed. He stopped and looked me in the eyes.


"I want you to fuck me," I said.

His eyes grew wide. That was not what he was expecting. "Here?" he croaked. "Now?"

I reached into my bag and fished out the item that I had picked up on the way to school. Looking at it now, I wondered just what my intentions had been all along, whether I was ever going to disbelieve his story.

Or maybe I just wanted to get fucked no matter what.

Slut, Team Morality spat.

Damn right, Team SUAFM cheered.

Andrew's eyes grew wide as he recognized the familiar square shape. He looked over his shoulder, and then back at me.

"Don't you have a class?" he asked.

"Nope," I said. "Free period. You?"

He shook his head. "No, normally I leave school during this time."

I nodded. Seniors were allowed to leave school if they didn't have a scheduled class. I usually sat in my car with a book, but from time to time I would check out for a bit. The next period was lunch, so it effectively gave me an extended lunch break.

Andrew's hands reached for my jeans, and I reached for his. It was too awkward, though, and we decided to each do our own zippers. I made a mental note that jeans were terrible attire for quickies.

He looked around again, and said, "Let's go into a stall, just in case."

The possibility of getting caught was exciting, but I agreed and we shuffled with our pants around our ankles to one of the far stalls.

"Not that one," I said, indicating the one that I had hid in earlier. "Let's do this one."

Andrew shrugged, and followed me into the stall. I wasted no time ripping open the condom and grabbing his dick to place the reservoir on his tip. It jumped at my touch, and his hardness excited me. I didn't want to waste time, so I unrolled it down to the root as fast as I could.

"Oh!" he jumped.

"What?" I asked.

"It's, um, tight." He cocked his head a little, and I got the impression that he wasn't enjoying this part very much.

I kissed him. "Tighter than me?" I teased. I could see by the look in his eye that he wasn't sure how to answer that question.

I took his dick and aimed it at my pussy. He had to crouch down a little in order to get the right angle, but I was able to aim him at my hole.

"Oh!" he said as he felt himself aim true to my entrance. I pulled him in with my hand, and he obliged.

He began to straighten, and I could feel his cock slide further inside me. The sensation was drastically different than what it had felt like last night. Being penetrated felt good, but the barrier between his flesh and mine was more than physical. It almost felt like a tease.

"I want to feel you come inside me," I said. "Don't stop until you come."

After I said that, I realized that I wasn't going to be able to come. The sensation of his cock was neutered. Even though it moved freely inside of me, it felt as if there was a delay between the time that he moved and when I felt it.

"I'm sorry," he gasped, "but I can't stay in this position."

Andrew was trying his best to gain leverage, but my jeans around my thighs were preventing any real ability to thrust or even penetrate me. He turned me around, and I felt his dick fall out of me.

Despite the deadening sensation of the condom, I missed his cock immediately. I needed it back, pushing against my inner walls. There was a comfort there, even if I felt like I was being robbed of something. At least it was better than nothing.

He sat on the toilet, and I backed onto his lap. I reached down with my hands and grabbed his dick and stuffed it back inside me. There, that's what I wanted. Once he was there, I pulled my legs up and rested my feet on his thighs.

This is disgusting, Team Morality whined.

I love it! Team Shutupandfuck me countered.

You don't want to think about what's happened in this stall, Team Morality complained.

You are getting fucked right now. In a school bathroom. While school is in session and every student and teacher is clueless about what's going on. Quitcherbitchin. Team Shutupandfuckme was as proud as a peacock.

It was at that moment that the bathroom door opened. Andrew and I froze, expecting to get caught. I heard footsteps walk across the tile floor, but this stall didn't have the gap that the other one did. I couldn't tell who it was.

I kept my feet on his thighs and tried to keep my balance so that I didn't have to put my feet down in order to stop myself from falling. My paranoia sank in, and I thought about what it would look like if the stranger came up and threw open the door to our stall. Whoever it was would see me in a lewd reverse cowgirl, pussy bared, a cock bent upwards and into my hole.

I wonder if she would want to watch, Team Shutupandfuckme offered. Maybe she would stand there with her hands down her pants while Andrew fucks you. Maybe she would come when Andrew did.

For fuck's sake! Team Morality complained. This is serious!

Andrew's hands snaked up my sides until he grabbed a hold of my nipples through my shirt. I felt him get harder inside me.

See? Team SUAFM crowed. He's as perverted as you are! He is even more turned on knowing that you're about to get caught!

My nipples screamed in pleasure at the attention, and my situation seemed to change. Suddenly, Andrew's massaging of my chest and the sudden rigid hardness of his cock kicked me up a notch.

I ground down on his lap, trying to get him further into my pussy. His entire body stiffened. "Shannon," he whispered a warning.

Suddenly it became a fun game. Could I make him come without our unwanted visitor knowing? Could he stay quiet?

The footsteps went into a stall, and we barely allowed ourselves to breathe.

Team Morality was on the brink of panic. Why aren't we busted yet? Surely this is our doom!

Andrew's hands squeezed and pulled at my nipples, erratic and chaotic. He rested his head against the back of mine, and I could feel him breathe through his nose, overheated air coming from his nostrils flowing down over the back of my neck, and then his mouth as he attempted in vain to get air without making a sound.

He grew harder and longer, and his hands pulled at my nipples in anguish. My own pussy clamped down on him in response, overjoyed that it was getting the extra stimulation. I was holding my own breath, leaning back against my lover and trying to remain quiet.

I didn't have much experience with Andrew, but I was convinced he was very close. The prankster in me wanted to get him to come, so I tried to collapse my pussy walls around him as tightly as I could. Immediately, his body reacted and I felt him grip me with his hands at the same time I felt his thighs tense.

After a moment, we heard the toilet flush. At that moment, where the sound masked everything, I felt Andrew's cock pulse violently. His hands grabbed my chest and gripped them in a vice, and he tried to inhale so that the sound would be drowned by the rushing water. His dick seemed to jump in rapid pulses, and I wondered if he was coming. It was very hard to tell.

Damn condom.

Water poured into the sink, and I allowed myself to breathe. I exhaled, not realizing just how much air I had been holding in, and then inhaled as quietly as I could. A few seconds later, the sink water stopped, paper towels were pulled out of a dispenser, and then the door opened and closed.

We stayed still for a moment, not sure if it was safe to move. Once we felt we were in the clear, we both relaxed at the same time. I collapsed and leaned back onto his chest once more, and I felt his hands lovingly trace up and down my torso, occasionally spending extra time with my nipples.

"That was intense," he croaked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Did you come?" I asked.

"Oh yes," he said. "Couldn't you tell?"

I thought for a moment. "Honestly, I wasn't sure. I felt you get harder and longer and then throb for a moment, but having that rubber thing on just made it difficult to really feel you."

I felt him nod behind me. "Yeah, I know what you mean," he said. "It felt fantastic to be inside you, but it kind of felt..."

He stopped, searching for the words. "Like you had your dick stuck in a mitten?" I offered.

He chuckled. "Kind of like that, sure," he said. "But if it means that or nothing, I'll definitely choose that."

I rotated my hips around his cock, which wasn't nearly as hard as it had been. "Me too," I said, not realizing that I had just practically promised to fuck him whenever he wanted.

Yeah, baby! Team SUAFM cheered.

"It definitely felt like I was robbed of something," I finished. I remembered Tracy talking about how she felt when my father came inside of her. That wouldn't happen with a condom, but I didn't fell like getting pregnant, either.

"Did you come?" he asked.

"No," I said, and moved to stand up. He helped me lower my feet to the floor. "But that's okay. I'll let you make it up to me later."

I grinned at him as I pulled my jeans up to their proper position. He grinned back like the Cheshire Cat. "So then you believe me?" he asked.

I frowned, the rush of the problem coming back to reorient me. He saw the change in my expression, and his reaction shifted back to one of concern. "I promise. I swear," he insisted, "I didn't tell anyone about last night."

Andrew looked wounded. He had taken the accusation to heart, and it had hurt him. I sighed, and reached up to touch his face. I looked down at his softening cock, the condom looking ridiculous as it seemed to dangle off the tip, heavy with sperm.

I decided not to answer his question, because I simply didn't know what I believed. "Was it better than in my mouth?" I asked.

Andrew looked down at his dick. I reached between his legs and started to pull the condom off. He sucked in his teeth at the sensation.

"Does that hurt?" I asked, worried.

"No," he said through a sharp intake of breath. "Just very... very sensitive."

The rubber snapped off in my hand, and I held it, dangling. It felt heavy. "You come a lot," I said.

"You make me do that," he said, grinning.

"Well, was it?" I asked.

"Better than your mouth?" he asked. I nodded.

He thought for a moment. "It's different," he finally said. "I mean, it's hard to tell with the condom on, but it feels more... complete."

He frowned. "I don't think I'm explaining very well," he said. "I definitely enjoyed finishing in your mouth more than in the condom."

I grinned, holding up the condom as he pulled up his jeans. "Well, I definitely enjoyed you finishing in here more than in my pussy."

He smiled, and once again I was struck at how cute he was. I got on my tiptoes to kiss him. "Andrew," I said softly. "I want to believe you."

"Please do," he said.

"I need to find out how she knew," I said. "But right now, we better get out of here before someone else comes in."

Andrew nodded in agreement. We exited the stall, and I pushed open the little flap door to the trash bin to toss the condom away before turning to the sink to wash my hands. He took the next sink, and said, "This may have been a fantasy of mine," he grinned.

"Fucking in the girl's bathroom?" I said. "Weirdo."

He laughed at my wink.

"What class do you have next?" he asked.


"Mr. Rawlins?"


"I heard he's a hardass," Andrew said.

I thought about how Mr. Rawlins tried to protect me from Simone, and what he was willing to do to prevent all of this nightmare from happening. "He's not bad," I said, feeling a need to defend the man. "He's tough, but fair."

Andrew nodded, apparently accepting my assessment.

We dried off our hands, and left the girl's bathroom, but not before looking to see if the coast was clear.

We walked side by side, not sure if we should hold hands. There was a part of me that wanted to hold onto his arm as we walked, feel secure in his presence in a way that I never had walking through the halls.

You chickenshit, Team SUAFM screamed.

We arrived at Mr. Rawlins' classroom, and I turned to Andrew. "Thanks for walking me to class," I said, feeling like an idiot.

"It's what a gentleman does," Andrew said, trying to imitate his father's voice. I giggled.

"Oh, wait!" I said. "I forgot! Here, just like you asked."

I fished into my bag and pulled out his cleaned t-shirt. "Here you go," I said. "All clean and folded."

"Wow," he said, totally impressed. "That was fast!"

I shrugged. "I keep my promises."

He hefted the t-shirt, smiling. The moment began to grow awkward. "See you later?" he asked, trying to find a way to leave gracefully.