Porn Star's Daughter Ch. 13


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Kiss him, you fool! Team SUAFM shouted. Kiss him kiss him kisshimkisshimkisshim.

"I-" he started, and then I launched myself forward and kissed him on the lips. It wasn't a full-on kiss, but it got the point across. I hoped.

A grin started to broaden on his face, and then he broke out into a wide smile. He turned and left, and I watched him go. As I hoped, he turned around and caught my eye, before nearly colliding with some girl talking to her friends at a locker.

I giggled again, and then entered into Mr. Rawlins' classroom. I took my seat, lost in my thoughts about how adventurous I had truly become.

"Okay everyone," Mr. Rawlins was saying. "Settle down, the bell is about to ring."

Sure enough, the bell rang at that very moment just as Simone sauntered into the room with an exaggerated swagger. The class quieted for the beginning of class as she walked down the middle of the chairs but instead of heading to her seat across from mine, she stopped directly in front of me.

It was the perfect entrance. She was the only one standing, and as a result all eyes were upon her.

"Oh, Shannon, you left this in the girl's bathroom," she said in a sing-song manner. "Boy, you have been busy. Getting laid by two people in three days! People will talk, you know."

With that, she held up the used condom for the entire class to see, and dropped it onto my desk with a squishy plop!

There was a beat, and then pandemonium gripped the class.

I launched myself out of the seat and at Simone, my hands and nails curled into claws. The first thing I managed to grab was her long, blonde hair, followed quickly by a quick scrape at her face. Unfortunately, she turned her head quickly enough so that all I got was a raking of her hair, but I did catch her ear.

Simone screamed, a glorious sound that was lost in the yelling and shouting in the room. I felt a tug at my pony tail, and my glasses flew from my face as I was hit in the cheek. I closed my eyes and used Simone's hair in my left hand to find my way.

I had no idea what I was doing. I'd never been in a fight before, and as such I was running on pure adrenaline and hatred. I wanted to hurt her, but I had no idea how. At that moment I regretted not growing my nails longer, because it would have been perfect for gouging her eyes out.

For her part, Simone had evidently been something of a scrapper, and I felt my head yanked violently backwards, my throat exposed. Instinctively, I knew that something was coming and brought my free hand up to protect it, just in time. A slashing sensation raked across my forearm, breaking the skin in long streaks. I knew that Simone's perfectly manicured nails had just drawn blood.

She was not a big girl - in fact, if anything Simone had the perfect body type. She had a beautiful, lithe athletic figure with muscular legs and well-proportioned breasts. I, on the other hand, was just a skinny little twit who only recently discovered that I had a bubble butt, but nothing more.

Nothing, that is, except that I was wiry. I twisted around and in the process brought my thin little leg in a sharp sweep, catching the back of her calf. I still had her hair in my hand, and she still had a grip on my pony tail. We collapsed in a writhing, maniacal heap on the ground.

I couldn't find purchase on any part of her body, so I just started swinging wildly. My eyes were closed for protection and I knew I had to open them up just to see what was going on, but the preservation instinct was too strong.

All of a sudden I felt myself lifted into the air, forcibly separated from Simone. In frustration, I screamed again at my impotence. My blood thirsted for vengeance, I wanted to make her pay.

"That is enough!"

Mr. Rawlins roar cut through the chaos like a laser beam. The room instantly went silent, except for Simone's and my heavy breathing.

His voice cut through my fury, the authoritarian tone slicing through my fog of rage. I stopped my struggling and took stock of my situation. I was held up, dangling with my legs two full feet in the air. Confused, I whipped my head around and saw that both Simone and I were being held up by two of the school's varsity football players.

The room started to quiet down, and Mr. Rawlins took a step towards both of us. The man's jaw was set, his eyes narrowed into slits. He looked around the room, and he snarled.

"Put. Those. Phones. Away." His voice was low and even, and contained enough menace that everyone immediately complied. My heart sank as I realized that this was going to be all over social media within moments. Even so, you had to hand it to the man. He knew how to command a room.

He took a step towards us, still being elevated off the ground with ease by the two jocks.

"Ms. Tiller," he seethed. The contempt in his voice for Simone was palpable. I felt a profound sense of schadenfreude at her withering reaction.

Then he turned to me. "Ms. Rochet," he snarled. The shoe was on the other foot now, and I deflated. When he addressed Simone, it was exhilarating. When he addressed me, though, the edge in his voice cut me worse than her fingernails. It was laced with disappointment, pity, and something akin to hatred.

Hatred. Mr. Rawlins hated me now. He had tried to help me, and as I glanced up at his face I saw the unadulterated reflection of a man who felt betrayed. No, wait, that was too strong of a word. Ignored.

I had done that, too. I had ignored his advice, thought that I knew better. And now he was here, put in a position of two girls trying to kill each other. His body was tense and taut, ready to lash out, but he didn't.

It was his restraint that was scariest of all. The room stilled in anticipation of what he might do. He was a coiled spring, one that felt like if it were unleashed, we'd all be decapitated. I was actually frightened.

"Put them down," he said, his voice so low it was almost inaudible. Like some mafia don telling his roughnecks to do his bidding, Mr. Rawlins' command forced the jocks to lower us to our feet to stand on our own. They remained at the ready, just in case Simone and I decided to take the opportunity to go at it again.

Simone apparently was feeling the same as I was. As much as we hated each other, we were scared of Mr. Rawlins more.

He looked around the room, catching the eyes of the students who didn't look away immediately. "I am going to escort Ms. Tiller to the main office. Mr. Forsmith-" he indicated the jock who had lifted me off the ground, "will accompany Ms. Rochet to the infirmary."

His words pure acid. "I expect sanity when I return. And if even one single video or picture or tweet makes its way online - just one - I will fail this entire class for the entire semester. For most of you, that means no graduation. No exceptions."

There was an audible groan from the room. Mr. Rawlins made no movement other than his eyes, and the noise ceased immediately. "Am. I. Understood?" he growled, and fuck me if he didn't sound like a lion warning its pride.

Again, the restraint. There was a force of will behind his words, one that demanded respect. There was a murmur around me of begrudging acceptance. This was no fake threat. He really would fail the entire class, and college plans for most of us would go up in smoke. Lawsuits? What lawsuits? No fucking way did that matter to him.

Mr. Rawlins looked at Simone, and tilted his head toward the door at the front of the room, then looked at Mike Forsmith to take me out the back. We stepped over upturned chairs and books, and I tried not to look at the snickering people who were turning their thoughts back to the used condom.

Why didn't you flush that down the toilet, you dumb bitch? Team Morality wailed. You were supposed to be the smart one!

I didn't know who I was most upset with - Simone for her public shaming, or me for being such a fucking moron. I was seething, angry, and without Mr. Rawlins keeping me in check, I wasn't sure how to do it myself.

"So, you got laid in the bathroom?" Mike asked as we walked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Shut up," I spat, not even looking at him.

Mike was more than a foot taller than me, and two and a half times my weight. He had lifted me off of Simone like a doll, and probably could have killed me with one punch.

He was also afraid of me. He took a quick step to the side at my words, as if I were about to attack him and scratch his eyes out.

"Hey," he said, holding up his palms in an effort to show he meant no harm. "I was just going to say that's pretty badass."

I grunted. I wasn't looking for his approval.

"Whatever," I said. My arm was throbbing, bloody, and driving me crazy. I didn't need Mike's commentary.

"I wish my girlfriend was that adventurous and cool," Mike said.

I whirled on him. "Yeah, Mike? Does that turn you on?"

I took a step toward him, and turned on a sultry voice. "Do you want to go right now? On the way to the nurse? We can take a little detour," I took a step toward him, and he backed away at my aggression.

"You know I've got the condoms, Mike," I said, closing the distance. "We can go right in there, you can lift me up in the air and drop me right. on. your. cock."

I walked my fingers down his chest towards his dick as I said the words, enunciating every consonant sharply. I looked down, and saw that Mike was sporting an erection in his pants. He was turned on!

I turned on the sleaze. "Oooh, Mike," I purred and cocked my head as I peered up at him. "It looks like Little Mike likes the idea. Whaddya say?"

Mike swallowed, and mumbled. "I... I have a girlfriend," he finally said.

"Give her a call," I smiled, bringing my other hand to my face so that I could run a finger across my lips. "Tell her to meet us there. We can share."

"Uh," he stammered. He shook his head.

"No? You sure?" I asked as sweet as I could.

He nodded, though I could tell that he was seriously considering the possibility.

My voice became hard and vicious. "Then shut the fuck up, Mike!" I hissed. "Or I'll tell your girlfriend about this little talk."

It was an empty threat, as Mike really hadn't done anything worth tattling on. But I knew how girls' minds worked. If his girlfriend knew he was talking about sex with another girl, that would be enough. So the threat worked; Mike shut up and simply accompanied me the rest of the way to the nurse.

I, on the other hand, felt that surge of power once more. I had stood down a 250lb (or more) football player, got into his face, and won. After the fact, I realized that I had channeled some inner Punk Girl of my own, and I hadn't even had to force it!

The episode ran through my head, and I wondered if I would have gone through with it. After all, I did like Mike's hard chest and stomach. He had muscles Andrew didn't have thanks to a daily workout and training. I bet it would have been fun to climb all over him.

Would I have fucked him if he had broken down and agreed?

You bet your ass you would, Team SUAFM shouted.

Of course not! Team Morality piped up. He's someone else's boyfriend!

That wasn't a true objection. If Mike hadn't had a girlfriend, we'd be heading to the bathroom right then and there to get that dick stuffed up my pussy as quickly as possible. Even if he was too much of a wimp to take the opportunity when it was given to him on a silver platter, I would have done it. I was pretty sure of it.

He would have told all his football buddies, but what did I care? Football season was over, there were only a few months left, and I was likely going to be suspended for fighting anyway.

I didn't give a fuck. Punk Girl, eat your heart out.

We arrived at the nurse's office, and Mike stood there with me, awkwardly, while we waited for the nurse to get off the phone.

"Yes, she just got here," she said to the other person on the phone.

She looked up and nodded to Mike, who looked at me as if to say something, but turned on his heels and left without doing so. He had looked relieved to be out of my presence.


The nurse saw my bloodied arm, and immediately went to work. She asked me questions about what happened, but my monosyllabic grunts didn't really give her any more information. I was going to have enough problems with the rumor mill as it was, and saw no reason to speed up the process.

She cleaned up my wound, and checked my head and the rest of my body for any other damage. Finding none, she said, "Well, Shannon, there's good news in all of this. It doesn't look like you're going to need stitches for that arm. So, you've lucked out on missing a trip to the hospital."

I snorted. "Yeah, that's me. Lucky."

She sighed, and looked at me compassionately. "Shannon," she said softly, then stopped. "I need to bandage your arm, but then you need to go straight to the main office."

"I know," I said, my voice flat with a hint of irritation.

"You can stay here for as long as you need until you're ready," she said, then stood up to go get the bandages.

Whatever. I simply didn't care. I felt exhausted and overwhelmed. In the past few days I had experienced incredible highs, terrorized by hellacious lows, gotten fucked, laid, licked, sucked, tweaked, and came more times than I could remember. It was exhausting.

I didn't know which end was up, and I still had no idea how -

I sat bolt upright and ramrod straight. My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped open as I stared into space, recalling what Simone had said just before she dropped the condom on my desk.

"Getting laid by two people in three days," she had said.

Two people. When I had overheard her in the bathroom, she hadn't been talking about Andrew. She had been talking about Tracy!

A tunnel rush hit me, and I felt dizzy. Not only had Andrew been telling the truth this whole time, but somehow, in some way and for some reason, Tracy had told Simone.

"Shannon?" the nurse asked. "Are you all right? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

I looked at her, and then continued staring past her at the wall as if it held all the answers.

Tracy. Had told Simone. Everything.

But, how? How did Tracy know Simone in the first place? Why would Tracy tell Simone? What did she say, exactly?

None of this made any sense. I didn't understand. I had more questions than answers, and the best chance for me to get to the bottom of all of this happened to be sitting in the office right at this very moment.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well damn. That's a rollercoaster ride from heaven to hell. Looking forward to more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

What a great rollercoaster of emotions and plot twists. :D Wonderful!

As before with Andrew, she must be following a false lead about Tracy.

And I like how you developed her mother's role.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

As someone else speculated about Tracy being Simone’s mother, my first thought after chapter 9 was that Simone was the daughter of one of the the other actresses and that their daughter was Simone and that’s how she was able to get the dildo and porno. I’m guessing that it’s someone other than Tracy since my theory is that, that’s who Shannon’s dad was talking to the morning after saying stuff like “what do you mean you can’t find it?!”. My guess is that Tracy is like just a really good friend with at least one of the actresses and is the “fun aunt”.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Oh my God! I knew Tracy was a bitch as soon as she said to Shannon "He's mine, but I'll let you taste him." or something to that effect. Tracy has to be Simone's mother, that's what I thought because how else would Simone find out about Shannon's dad being a porn star. I hope you kill Tracy off and that she finds out she's Punk Girl's daughter and that she's not related to her dad and they go off into the sunset. That would be my ending anyway. But who cares what my ending would be. I love this story, it's one of the best and the writing is FANTASTIC. Please get the next chapter out quickly or I swear I'll die.

Teacher44Teacher44about 3 years ago

OH, hell no. If Tracy is involved with this Simone bitch and giving her all the info, I will jump through this screen into the story and ruin her world. Shannon doesn't deserve that. Dad needs to find out and kick that Tracy bitch to the curb if this is true.

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