Portuguese Surprise


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Lyall admired his wife as he watched her slim body move in the thin, black material, and her nipples now protruded and stood to attention majestically. Her hem had slid up her thighs a little as she sat at the wooden table, and her shapely legs were on view to those close by, and Emma looked magnificent.

After another drink, they decided to have a little smooch on the make-shift dance floor, but this almost brought the place to a standstill as all eyes turned to watch the sexy, English wife move round the floor, her body moving so seductively in the little dress. She daren't look any of her admirers in the eye, but clung on to Lyall, knowing that her wonderful ass was probably the subject of much discussion around the room.

Eventually, they went back to their table, and Lyall went to the bar to get another round of drinks. Emma could see him start to talk to Miguel at the bar, and then she saw him being introduced to another Portuguese man, and she wondered whether or not to join them as she was getting quite thirsty. Suddenly, she forgot about her thirst!!

'Hello, would you please have dance with me? I would be very honoured.' A big man, obviously Portuguese, was standing over Emma, smiling a handsome, gentle smile as he leaned over her. His English was a bit stilted but Emma understood exactly what he was asking, and she almost stuttered as she didn't really know how to react. She was here with Lyall, but he was at the bar talking to Miguel and his friend, and he didn't really show any signs of returning, so Emma hedged her bets a little.

'I don't know really, my husband is just coming back with a drink and...' but she couldn't finish her sentence as the man persisted.

'Lady, he come back with drink in a minute. You have very much time for just one dance, just one, come on,' and he gave that big grin again, and held Emma's arm gently. She had to smile back, he was very handsome, in his late 30s, early 40s, typically swarthy with a big, thick moustache like a lot of the local men. He had on a T shirt and summer trousers and he was persistent. Emma glanced towards her husband, but he was deep in conversation with the others and had his back to her, so she thought why not. Nothing wrong with a little dance with one of the locals, and she rose to her feet.

The stranger was over 6' tall, a few inches taller than Emma in her heels, and he continued to hold her arm gently as he guided her to the little dance floor. The guitars still strummed their music and the sexy dancer shimmied her body on the little stage, and the big man took the mature English woman in his arms as they swayed on the floor.

Emma looked into his big, dark eyes as they tried to converse in broken English, and he did seem so sweet. His cologne was quite alluring, and Emma quickly found herself enjoying the attention and the strong arms around her back and waist. She glanced over to Lyall at the bar, and he and the other two men smiled back, and raised their glasses as if to say 'Enjoy the dance, it's perfectly OK, we're having a nice drink.'

Emma spoke about her holiday, what she did back in England, where she was staying, etc etc -all the things you talk about when you have a dance with a stranger, and very soon she began to relax. She found out her dancing partner was called Jose, and he ran some speedboats on another beach in the area, and she was rather taken with his wonderful accent and good manners. The music seemed to have no natural break and so they just moved around the floor very slowly, talking and talking and talking.

She felt his hand move up and down her back, and every so often, Jose's hand slipped down to the small of Emma's back to linger at the top of her bottom for just a split second, and Emma thought that she could feel a little shiver run down her spine. She noticed many of the drinkers looking over to watch her slim, lithe body move gracefully around, and as they moved round, she again looked over to Lyall at the bar.- He wasn't there. Neither was Miguel. Emma looked over to the table where they'd been -he wasn't there, either, and she became a little nervous.

Jose held her tightly and continued to run his hands down her back, and she wondered to Jose where her husband had gone.

'Don't worry. Miguel is looking after your husband. They're enjoying a drink. He'll be back in a minute. Just relax and enjoy the dance' Emma felt a little reassured by this, and held on to the handsome, local man, having resolved herself to have an enjoyable evening.

'You have a beeeautiful suntan,' Jose went on in his broken English, 'and also you are very preeetty lady,' and, a little alarmingly, he stroked Emma's hair and, this time, his hand moved down to stroke Emma's tight bottom through the thin material. Wearing only a miniscule thong, her tight cheeks could feel the huge hand through the thin dress, and again Emma shivered, and she could feel a slight moisture begin to form between her legs.

She didn't know whether to resist or not. She was still a little worried about Lyall's disappearance, but she was also enjoying the attention, and the gentle hand on her bottom was quite pleasant actually. She wouldn't want to cause a scene with everybody watching, especially as they were invited guests, and nothing at all had happened really, had it? She was having a dance with a very nice man, and he had happened to put his hand on her bottom while he paid her very nice compliments.

Grow up, Emma, she said to herself. You're on holiday, and Lyall had gone on and on about her relaxing and enjoying herself, hadn't he? Well, relax and enjoy yourself, then!!

She did relax and she felt her nipples harden and become so sensuous against the black material as she leant against Jose's chest. His hand on her bottom still caressed her cheeks so seductively, and then-oh my God- Emma felt the back of her dress slowly slide up the back of her thighs.

She didn't move, she just froze.

Jose's hand rested on her bottom and he just inched the black material very, very slowly upwards, collecting the material in his hand as Emma started to panic.

'Jose, you shouldn't be doing that, not here on the dance floor. Can we go and find my husband now?' and she tried to push the big hand on her bottom away, but Jose held firm and just smiled into Emma's beautiful eyes. He stopped the movement, but she could feel her thighs exposed, almost up to the tops of her legs, and she couldn't do anything about it, and knew that she was the focal point of attention to all the onlookers.

Emma didn't fight to get away, but allowed Jose to move around with her as the music continued. His smile and his wonderful accent were so mesmerising that Emma could do nothing except carry on with her dancing partner, and she even allowed herself to lean her head against his chest again, close her eyes and try to forget the exhibition she was now making of herself.

Perhaps this is what Lyall had wanted, perhaps he was watching from somewhere where she couldn't see him, willing Jose to take further liberties with his wife -Emma didn't know, but he had gone off and left her, hadn't he, expecting her to just wait around until he came back, in this room full of strangers.

Oh, God, where are you, Lyall? Then she calmed down a little. What do you mean, Oh God? You're on holiday and this very handsome, rugged man is having a dance with you, and just caressing your bottom. Isn't this what having a holiday is all about? You'll be back at work in England before long, and the sunshine and fun will just be a distant memory. Enjoy yourself. Lyall will come back when he's ready, so just relax and enjoy being chatted up!!

Her bottom felt wonderful as Jose carried on caressing the backs of her thighs, and she could feel his wonderful touch on her skin. She felt quite wet now, and the little thong was no protection at all as Emma began to get that familiar feeling welling up inside her. He stroked her hair, pulled her head gently up towards him, and she didn't care that he was whispering all the chat up lines that she'd heard a million times before.

'You are very sexy Eeeenglish lady, and you have very lovely figure. Miguel has told me that you look very beeeautiful on the beach,' and he bent and just nibbled Emma's ear as he continued to run his fingers up the back of her legs, and then Jose held her face and kissed her lips so gently. Emma was astounded -he had kissed her lips, right here on the dance floor, in front of all these onlookers -God, what was she going to do? As Jose touched her lips with his own, his hand moved up under the hem of Emma's dress and caressed her bottom, skin to skin.

He was gentle and the touch was so erotic, and Emma didn't know whether to enjoy the kiss, worry about the hand on her ass or just close her eyes and forget about all the people in the room watching her. She chose the latter and just gave in and opened her lips to return the firm kiss on her mouth, the thick moustache tickling her lips and nose. It was wonderful and she felt Jose's tongue searching her mouth, and she fought with him, tongue to tongue, and felt him pull her body into his around her waist. God, this was fantastic, she thought, even though my legs are on view to everyone.

Her nipples were like bullets now as the two mouths parted, and Emma was beginning to feel quite horny. She still couldn't see Lyall, and was quite glad really, although she hoped he wasn't too far away, but perhaps she ought to put an end to this, and thank Jose for the dance and go back to her table, before things got out of hand. However, the decision was taken from her.

'Would you like to look for Miguel and your husband now? I think I know where they will be,' and Emma was quite relieved, even though she had enjoyed the brief liaison on the dance floor. 'Let me get you another drink, and then we go look for them.' Jose was quite commanding and authoritative, and now Emma felt a lot more at ease as she followed the Portuguese man while he got her a drink at the bar. She then followed Jose to the side of the bar, behind a little curtain, and there was a door that he opened.

'Come on lovely lady. I think we'll find them in here.' It was even darker through the door, but Emma could see other people in there and saw straight away that she was out in the open, in a big courtyard that was attached to the back of the building. It had once probably been a farm building many years ago, thought Emma, but it had been renovated quite a bit and looked quite nice.

It was about 20yards long and the width of a living room, but the brick walls had been white-washed, the solid floors had carpets and rugs covering nearly every inch, there were more little lights on the walls, and there was sparse furniture scattered all over the place. The most amazing thing was that without a roof, the evening warmth could be felt straight away, and the moon and stars in the clear sky gave a marvellous feeling of continental relaxation.

More music played from a hi-fi, and Emma could see a television hanging from the wall at the far end of the room, where a little table seemed to act as a makeshift bar. A group of men were stood watching the TV at the far end, and she thought she saw Lyall, but they had their backs to Emma and she couldn't really see if it was Lyall or not in the dark atmosphere. She could make out what appeared to be naked bodies writhing about on the TV, but it was too far away to be sure, so she thought it best if she stayed where she was. The group of drinkers gathered at the TV were obviously watching a porn film, so the last thing Emma wanted to do was disturb them.

She looked around the quaint little room and saw men dotted about drinking and chatting, and when Jose indicated a sofa to sit on, Emma gladly was able to take the weight off her feet and have a comfy seat, even though the piece of furniture had obviously seen better days.

The new drink was quite strong and rasped at Emma's throat, but it had loads of coke with it and was thirst-quenching, and she was quite happy now that she knew Lyall was happily occupied.

It suddenly struck her, though, that she was the only female in the room. Perhaps it was the private den for males only, and she was a special guest, but at least she had her decency back and her dress was covering her ass again. Emma recognised a few faces vaguely, from locals who she had seen working on the beaches or in the bars and restaurants, and she smiled kindly whenever a local acknowledged her.

Jose had sat down next to Emma and began to talk seductively to her again in his wonderful accent, and as he did so, his arm went round her shoulders and his beautiful smile captivated the English wife again. She knew her legs were on view again as her dress had slid up her thighs when she sat down, and there was no cover in front of the sofa, so Emma kept pulling the hem down, hoping that not too much of her sexy legs were on view.

The room was buzzing with noise from the TV, the music and the people talking, and if you closed your eyes, you could certainly imagine being in a real night club. In addition, the night air made it even more exciting, and Emma was once again enjoying the attentions of the handsome Jose and the lustful looks of the men not concentrating on the TV film.

'Emma, you are reeeeeally sexy lady, beeeautiful!! This room only for very special guests, and you are very speeeecial, aren't you. Your husband down there, watching naughty film, so you stay here and enjoy nice drink -yes?'

Jose was turning the charm on again, and Emma smiled and took a sip from her drink. She recognised one of the boat-men from the beach, a swarthy, good looking man in his late 40s, and he sauntered up and said hello to Jose and smiled at Emma, and the two men spoke a few words of Portuguese together, before the man sat down on the other side of Emma, his nip of spirit in an old glass in his hand. The sofa was more than big enough for three of them and the conversation continued in stilted English as the old man's vocabulary was very limited.

Emma knew that the boat-man was ogling her legs by the side of him, but she was quite relaxed now as Jose continued to stroke her brown hair and squeeze her shoulders to him, and when he pulled her face to him again, she knew that he wanted another kiss like she had enjoyed previously. She tried to resist a little, but their lips met, the tongues fought, and Emma could feel her body being pulled right into the solid hunk of masculine flesh.

The drink, the moonlit atmosphere, the feelings in her own body, they had all contributed to Emma giving in to the inevitable, and she relaxed as Jose held her tightly and moved his hand onto the back of her head to hold her to his mouth. His other hand slid down to her thigh to feel her naked skin, and Emma quickly moved her own hand down to cover his, in gentle protest. She knew the handsome Iberian man had wandering hands, but suddenly, Emma felt another hand on her other thigh.

Should she scream for Lyall, get up and run to the other end of the room, or what? The kisses had been so nice, she felt the dampness between her legs, her nipples were really hard now -oh Christ, she didn't want to appear rude and priggish and...her mind just closed.

God, what was going on? The boat-man was trying his luck now, and Emma panicked a little again. Jose was quick to try and reassure her.

'It's OK, Emma. Relax, relax. You are reeeeeeally sexy lady, and nobody is going to hurt you, not at all.' Emma tried to grab the boat-man's hand on her thigh but there was only so much she could do, and she wondered what would happen if Lyall even saw her snogging, let alone seeing strange hands on her legs. He seemed to be otherwise occupied, however, so Emma tried to relax again.

She let Jose kiss her passionately again, (there was this fantastic feeling in her loins) only this time he moved his arm and held her hand quite firmly at her side. He then moved his other hand back onto Emma's thigh and caressed gently upwards, and there was almost nothing she could do. At her other side, the boat man had touched her again, and he also held Emma's other hand tightly. She was trapped, unable to move, with two strong men touching her legs. Again, Jose tried to reassure.

'You have beeeautiful legs, lady, really sexy and long-don't get frightened if we want to touch sexy legs, you are on holiday, it's OK, you really OK?' He smiled that really sexy smile again, and Emma smelled a whiff of that wonderful aftershave, and she didn't really want to protest when another kiss began at her mouth.

'Jose, you are terrible, we shouldn't be doing this. My husband is over there. What will he say?' She tried to be rational, but she was losing the argument.

'Husband OK and very happy, he's with Miguel. He's OK, no problem, Emma.' How could she resist such a wonderful accent, and Emma smiled back at Jose, as though in resignation. As she snogged the handsome Portuguese man again, she felt the two hands on her dress and thighs once more. The touch was very gentle and soft, although they were working hands, big and rough, but the feelings in Emma's cunt were now quite overwhelming.

She felt Jose's hand creep under the hem and play on her thighs, and then slowly the hand moved on up to her thong. A finger caressed the top of her thigh and just brushed over the wispy material, and Emma's other leg was being moved gently apart, to open her thighs slightly. God, my legs are being opened, right here on the sofa, where everyone can see. She tried to squeeze her legs together, but the two men were too strong. It was only an inch or two, but it was enough for Jose to be able to slide his finger down between Emma's legs, to feel the dampness forming on the little thong.

'Ahhhhhh, no, no, Jose. No, you mustn't,' but the touch was so gentle and erotic, and Emma could only throw her head back on the sofa, and close her eyes to try and consider her options. She had no options, really, as her arms were held, and the two men were enjoying the delights of this mature but sexy woman on holiday in their midst.

The swarthy boat-man eased her thigh apart from the other one, and was enjoying running his strong fingers up and down her leg, squeezing the soft flesh, his hand bumping into Jose who was concentrating on the area deep between Emma's legs. Emma knew that she couldn't protest, it was futile, but she also knew that her cunt was now very wet, butterflies were racing round her stomach and, yes, the feelings being brought on by the wandering hands were now getting the better of her.

Her eyes remained closed as she could feel her legs being opened wider and wider, and she felt a hand gently slide her dress up even higher, right to her waist so that the little thong was completely revealed.

'No, no, Jose, ohhhhhhh...,' but did she really mean it as his hand slid under the thong and found the wonderfully erotic pubic hairs around Emma's cunt. She liked to be neatly trimmed down there, and she could feel the gentle fingers meander round between her legs until they found the soaking lips of her vagina. She opened her eyes briefly, still couldn't see Lyall nearby, but one or two other men had come over to the sofa to watch the slow seduction of the gorgeous holiday maker.

Should she try again to fight them off, to stop her total embarrassment -pointless really as she was completely powerless - so Emma just had to accept that, unless Lyall came over, she was going to have to submit to whatever was happening to her.

Emma, at 35, had often fantasised about circumstances similar to these. She had a good job, a loving and kind husband and a nice home, and sometimes she enjoyed rough sex with Lyall at home. Thoughts sometimes flashed through her mind about being the subject of 'naughty' sexual escapades, but she had always put them to the back of her mind as she was a respected woman in her community and in her job, and it had never entered her head that circumstances would arise where she had to face the possibility of certain of her hidden thoughts becoming reality.