All Comments on 'Power Ch. 01'

by WifeWatchman

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CSD2CSD2about 7 years ago
it is my sincere hope

That Les Craig catches a crowbar beat down SOON.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Stage Is Being Set

As always enjoy reading what you write. As scenes change the setting most be reset to accommodate. Feel we are in for a whole new ride with the IC and gang.

One Day at a Time,

The Ol' Man

666iceman666icemanabout 7 years ago
Time to set the bait and then pull the line slowly but surley

As I said we all know who the daddy is.

Now how do we set Les Craig up for a fall by IC2 and she should be allowed to do it fair and square, so he is either taken out for a felon, or so badly broken he is no longer good enough to take himself to bed 24/7 care. Ms Spear has made her bed and now she will either relate back to Don about what is going on as he was indifferent when informed where and with whom she spent the night, or will get totally in bed with the wrong guy.

Woodburn and her senator friends had better watch their backs if they try to take on the IC through Cllr Cooks death as he is awaiting their assault on him.

Our media lady needs to be taken down a peg or two and to realise who she should back, maybe take a long overdue holiday abroad.

Nash will leave the FBI and rejoin the TCPD and do good at it as well. The Les Craig issue will leave a legacy behind that will set the FBI back a year or so, trust issues just the tip.

The velvet murders will be used to try and get Don into trouble or as Les and Melina through Mr C will try and sniper him out but Don is aware of her 'Power' is all attitude and will through her sister maybe just remind her of blood thicker than water. Letting Don sort his ex wife while Cindy takes Les out permanently I hope & give him a total Power outage.

The ICs sister has not been seen or heard about for a while so she might just get involved and set the playing field level as she seems to do at times when least expected.

I always thought that most women liked their men to be confident, independent and totally under their thumbs.

All our thoughts and ideas are just that, we are not the 'Power' behind the mighty pen that WW uses sooooo weeeell as the chief wight say.

Again many thanks for putting a few more dots for us to join together and even more spaces for our minds to fall into WW 5* many times over. Iceman

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Looks like Crowbar will catch the Black Velvet Serial Killer, question will be if he will be dead or alive? And if he is connected to anyone else?

Also looks like Les Craig will get a comeuppance soon, question if Les Craig will learn from it or double down on stupid?

tranzmanytranzmanyabout 7 years ago
Are we sure...

that Les Craig isn't Red John, I mean the Black Velvet killer?

Vincent_D_LeeVincent_D_Leeabout 7 years ago
A mole and a person protecting him

Wow didn't expect that the Crowbar was(maybe) the baby daddy, do I get a cookie for that prediction? And I've to admit there's several things that makes me go hmmm, especially now that we know it's not the Illuminati but the White House itself that's protecting the Bloodline's interest.

I've a few predictions, one is that Sandra Spear is carrying the baby of Les Craig and is infact was cheating on Martin. I mean it was a mean thing to do on Martin in front of his face that she was flirting with the Frenchman, Les is French origin right? That was insensitive and you've to give credit to Martin to not interefere and Linda for trying to make him feel better by "distracting" him. But think about it, she was openly flirting with the Craig and the line "wearing clothes that advertise to him not Martin" and the words "to us" with the champagne does make a few eyebrows go up. It probably means that may be an affair between them.

Second prediction is something I hope is not true but is plausible. Since Jack said there's several people protecting Les Craig, what if one of those people is Sandra Spear herself? This is a story about betrayal and we have yet to see one. I theorise that Sandra is a member or at least working with the Bloodline and was meant to protect Les Craig and she's probably carrying the Crowbar's baby on purpose. Think about it, her behavious seems suspicious with Les Craig and while the baby may be the Frenchman's, the other candidate would be Martin OR the Crowbar. She was probably trying to get the baby as leverage. But hey, that's just a theory. A literature theory.

So who's the baby daddy? Who's protecting Les Craig? What's Sandra's true agenda and loyalty? Will the Crowbar need to buy more diapers? Only the Watchman knows, dear fellow readers.

Ps: Haha nice one with the Power inspiration Watchman, didn't expect Kanye to be such an inspiration for you. I guess we all draw stuff from unsual places, especailly unexpected songs. Btw is Martin Nash black? From the name I thought he was. Or are you gonna leave us readers to ponder like J.K Rowling did with Hermione Granger?

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanabout 7 years agoAuthor
Comments on the comments

First, there is no "Red John" here.

Second, I don't know where Vincent got the idea that Les Craig is French, but I know I never said it. He's not French.

Third, (and speaking of musical inspirations for a story), some of y'all need to re-read "Midnight City".

Martin Nash is white, brown-black hair.

On the rest of it... time will tell. :o)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Not buying

That Sandra Speer dumps Martin Nash for Les Craig. So the question of the day is did IC pimp her out to him? There is a reason she fucked Craig. I think to get close enough to extract info. Sandra been around IC long enough to recognize a sleaze bag.

Stay tuned.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Is Sandra working with IC on Craig or is she a baddie? Nothing from IC himself but he usually foresees things or is he just letting them run for the moment? 5⛤

chytownchytown10 months ago

*****Interesting opening chapter. Thanks for sharing.

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