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I said: "Man I could sure get spoiled here, but I love Sarasota."

Vicki said: "We own the Holiday in on Lido Beach at Saint Armand!"

I laughed and said: "Now there's a thought."

We dressed and went down to dine on a couple of huge seafood trays, lobster and my New York strip and baked potato. The conversation was fun, the drinks were great and Vicki seemed very happy and more relaxed. After dinner Bear offered a nightcap and I told them we had to prepare for tomorrows ten thirty presentation.

After thanking them for a wonderful afternoon and evening we headed back to the Villa.

Tammy said: "We could have stayed if you wanted to, we're ready to go and with the PowToon that I programmed, all I need to do is point and click."

I said: "I know but I figured that you had enough of them and bedside, why overdo this thing. Let's not give them the opportunity to keep expecting more from us."

Tammy said: "I hadn't thought of that, you're right."

And then, her phone rang.

"No Darrold, I'm just on my way back from dinner, I am going to meet up with Peter for a last minute once over then I need to rest up for tomorrow's presentation, listen, I'm going to let you go. Do you need anything? Ok then... Love you too, Let me call you when I'm out of the meeting tomorrow." Tammy concluded.

Tammy said: "That was..."

And I fired back: "I figured."

Moments later we're back at the villa and I was making two drinks. Tammy said: "I want to freshen up and get into something more comfortable, find something on TV, I won't be a minute."

Destin can get quite cool in the evenings and it's a constant battle this time of year between air during the day and maybe just a fan at night. I slipped into a T-shirt and a pair of silk boxers and waited for her on the sofa.

She came out wearing what I would call a little pink teddy and snuggled under my right arm next to me on the couch. She said: "Did you find anything to watch?"

I said: "Not really."

And she said: "Well turn anything on, I have to get the picture of Bear all naked holding my panties out of my head." And we both laughed. Tammy is always fun like that.

Two scotches into the movie "Independence Day" she was sound asleep. I turned off the TV, softly scooped her up and carried her to bed and laid her under my right arm in the way that she seems to be so fond of.

The next thing I know, I'm sleeping soundly, slowly rocking from gentle waves in my bunk aboard my sailboat in Sarasota Bay. My morning hard on, the cry of a gulls and a little fullness in my lower bowel awakened me from that sound and peaceful sleep. A little disoriented I look around in the dark, only to notice that I'm still in bed in the Destin villa rental.

As soon as I came to the reality that this was all a dream, I notice Tammy sucking my hard cock down her throat and she has her slender middle finger up my ass and she's massaging my prostate.

I feel both calves tighten as my toes curl up and still groggy from sleep I hear myself say: "No Tammy... My God! I am going to cum!"

Fully expecting her to back off, I feel her left hand close in under my sack and around my shaft as her right finger still fucking may ass quickens and it goes even in even deeper. Her head bob's faster and her mouth sucks harder and in a split second, my ass came up off of the sheets and as I started to explode she took me deeper down her throat.

As ribbon after ribbon of my hot sperm ejaculated in her mouth she made kind of a guttural oumph sound with each spurt, then she held me deep in her throat until I was done. Tightening her lips around my shaft, she slowly lifted her head from my cock without leaving a trace of my cum behind.

Totally out of breath, still hearing and feeling my heart pounding in my chest, I managed to choke out: "Oh my dear God sweetheart, that was most amazing." Then without realizing what I was about to say, I stupidly added: "I don't think that I have ever felt like this with anyone before."

She came up beside me, adjusted my right arm and she snuggled in against my body and laid he her on my shoulder. As I lay there totally still, embarrassed over calling her "sweetheart" so passionately, she began to pet my chest and nuzzle my neck and ear.

"A pet name! What the fuck was I thinking?" I thought all disgusted in myself.

After a few minutes I asked: "What time is it?"

She answered: "Around Two I think, we have plenty time before breakfast, just lay here with me and sleep."

I gently hugged my right arm around her and softly took her right breast in my hand and asked: "What about you?"

She whispered: "Peter, we have plenty time."

My left hand found the top sheet in the dark and I pulled it up over us and listened to her breath and the surf roll onto the sand.

As daybreak started to dimly light the room, I woke and lay still, listening to the sound of the surf and her soft and pleasant peaceful breathing. I gently let go of her breast and wiped the little spot of drool from the corner of her mouth and softly stroked down her spine past the small of her back and I slid the side of my hand in the crack of her ass.

I lay there in the soft light of the dawn earnestly wondering where to go from here and trying to weigh options that I don't really have and will never be mine. But for now I was content with the sound of the surf, her softly breathing, the smell of her warm body and the feel of her ass and her tiny fit frame that fit so well, tight up against me.

Eventually she woke and whispered: "Peter, this is so wonderful, I think I ..."

And like a naive schoolgirl I cut her off and responded: "I know Tammy, don't say it ... Me too."

To intentionally break that mood, I took my hand out of the crack of her ass, put it under my nose, sniffed and asked: "Is The Donut Hole ok with you for breakfast again?"

And to my shock and surprise and I suppose not to be out done she took my wrist and put my hand under her nose, sniffed and asked: "Oh, that is quite nice, rather arousing wouldn't you say? It's only quarter of four, why don't you get yourself some ... Before we go?"

I gently laid her on her back and positioned myself on her right side, laying on my left, I gently stroked her pretty face and traced my fingers down over her lips, between her firm little breasts and watched as her nipples harden and her breathing increase.

As I softly rubbed over her flat firm tummy past her hard little tight mound, my fingers found her to be extremely hot and very wet. Knowing she set the mood, I eased my right middle and index finger up between her pussy lips and swirled them around to collect and coat them with as much of her nectar that they would hold. Then ever so slowly I held them to her lips and watched as she took them into her mouth.

I felt it far beyond arousing as she left her mouth open and curled her tongue around them before she closed her lips and savored her own flavor.

My first reaction would have normally been to plunge in and gorilla fuck the shit out of her, but this morning somehow I decided to take her slow and easy.

I told myself: "After all, it's early and as she said we have plenty of time."

She parted her legs and bent her knees slightly and I put my right leg over her left thigh and I kissed and tasted and savored her flavor from her lips and mouth. I gently petted, fondled and nuzzled her breasts then kissing my way down between them lingering slightly at her navel, before advancing to slowly part her vaginal lips with my tongue.

My other leg came in between hers and holding my weight off of her on my hands and knees, my cockhead blindly found it's mark and I eased myself in.

"Peter, be easy." She pleaded. And Immediately I felt her incredible heat.

She was once again on fire and I slowly raised my pelvis while arching my back with each forward thrust and I looked deep into her eyes and shared her thoughts. When we achieved full length and depth in our concerted movement she forced her head back into the pillow and took in one long loud breath through her nose.

As those three tight little rings formed around my shaft and squeezed down hard becoming almost rough against my thick cock, I could actually feel her 'G' spot swell into the top of my shaft. As I continued to take her she raised her hips, arching her back to where only the back of her head, her shoulders and the bottom of her feet remained in contact with the mattress.

I slightly increased my pace as she grimaced while starting to cum. I covered her mouth with mine and kissed her as if it would be our last.

When I lifted my lips from her's, I got more determined and I started to feel myself ejaculate, she silently huffed out one long deep breath of air and I pounded her harder until I felt her fluids release over and past my cock and they spilled out of her onto the sheets below us.

Exhausted, I continued until I knew she was done, then I rolled back to her right side and with my head on my left hand I watched her flesh blush from head to toe with a soft pink glow.

When finally she caught her breath, just above a whisper I told her: "Tammy, my God, you are red hot ... You are on fire."

And it frightened me a little the second I heard her respond: "Peter ... This can never end."

As if I didn't hear that, I stated: "Let's get a shower, I'll treat you to The Donut Hole."

Mocking me from earlier, she replied: "Let's just get dressed. We don't want to look like a couple of tourists, we can shower outside when we get back." Then she added: "I'll even let you soap me up."

On our way to the restaurant, I was a bit angry and confused. I wanted to blame myself, I couldn't blame her, but this pretty little woman was deep in my head and my coveted lifestyle was in jeopardy and hanging in the balance.

I decided to be myself, play it cool, play it out and just let it take its course until it passed. But would it ever pass?

As we walked in a familiar voice said: "Table for two Mr. Swiftt?"

"Hey Toney, how are you doing? It has been ages." I said.

I looked at Tammy and introduced her: "Tammy, this is Toney the owner, I met him when I was here on business for a month, about a year ago. Toney, this ..."

He cut me off: "And this is your Mrs.?"

The timing couldn't have been worse for that comment and I answered: "No, a great friend and business associate. She's my new planning and marketing V P and the wife of Darrold, my business partner."

Toney now a bit embarrassed, looked at me and just said: "Super."

Then he added: "Well he is a lucky man, come on I have a window table for you." And we were seated at a nice very nice table.

When I looked over at Tammy she was cool, no expression over the "Mrs." mistake, just her normal fun happy self and I thought that all this concern may only be in my head, though I'm not sure I wanted it to be.

When our server asked: "Coffee?"

Tammy answered: "Oh yes please."

And I said: "See if you can bring me a dark roast, this Black Spanish Main sounds good."

She replied: "It's excellent."

Tammy looked right at me and asked: "What are your interests."

I answered: "You need to be more specific than that."

She said: "I have known you for years. I know when Darrold's uncle passed and his cousins ran that company in the ground, you gave him a job. I know that when you formed this company you asked him to come in as a partner. I know that you have looked out for him. I appreciate that, but I don't know anything about you, your interests, or hobbies. What is it, other than the obvious, that you enjoy when you're not being the bad-ass businessman?"

I looked at her and answered: "I love my work, it is important to like what you do for a living and you have even manage to make it even more, well...Fun."

She replied: "Other than work."

I looked at her and answered in a question: "Why do you need to know?"

She answered: "Peter, we've had sex the last two nights, not to mention the mornings and I just want to know a little more about you, past that hard exterior, that's all."

And while she was answering that, I could see that her words really piqued the interest of an older lady seated behind Tammy. She started to stare and she was smiling at me from across her table.

To smoke the old busybody off of what Tammy had just said, I replied: "Well, I really love beer. I like the full bodied hoppy ones, the pale ales and the darker stouts. They even awarded me my very own personalized engraved stainless mug at my favorite brew house. I was pleased to see that you like the craft beers too, instead of that ultra light watered down swill your husband drinks."

Now the old lady was really leaning in and listening.

I continued: "You know I like a quality scotch like the nightcaps we have shared."

Tammy replied and questioned: "Now we're getting somewhere, what else?"

I answered: "Food, gourmet food. Good food made from scratch is my passion and I love to cook and I am quite good at it. You'll have to let me prepare a real meal for us some time."

Then I added: "Steak, I love a good rare New York strip steak. We have to stop in at Chris's and I'll treat you to one before we leave Destin."

She stated: "So you like sex, we have already established that, good beer, high end scotch and great food." Then she asked: "Is there anything not so directly physically related to the body that you do to unwind?"

I Thought for a moment and answered: "Harts of Joy."

She asked: "What is that?"

I answered: "My sailboat. Seventy two feet of pure solid Cypress, Mahogany and Beachwood art. Built in Vancouver Canada in 1942. In 87, I salvaged her and other than the updated electronics, radar, sonar and communications systems she is all original. Totally seaworthy and we could take her anywhere in the world. She's moored near home in Sarasota Bay at Saint Armand's. We need to figure a way to get you aboard, you will love her. Maybe we can sail her here for the next round with Bear and Vicki.

I watched as the server asked Ms. Busybody if she could bring her anything else and obviously stalling so she could continue being nosey, I heard her say: "Yes Honey, more coffee please."

Though Tammy had a look of interest, I attempted to close with: "Fairly boring stuff, right? Let's talk about something else."

Tammy replied: "I find this all to be rather intriguing, but before you change the subject I have one final question if I may."

Confident and wanting to get off of 'me' being the subject, I said: "Shoot."

She asked: "Why did you tell Darrold that we may have to remain here a couple more days."

Without even having to think, I answered: "Because we just closed an unbelievable long term deal that should ordinarily take much longer than our presentation. I thought that we would have less to explain and that it would look better this way. Besides, I'm having a great time and a lot of fun, aren't you?"

Tammy looked me dead in the eyes and responded: "We have just covered about five or six things that you find important in your life, the things you love. Do you realize that every answer that you gave me, including our work, ended with me as a big part of it?"

Before I could respond, Ms. Busybody was standing at our table and she said: "Son, for $8.72 I'll read your mind."

I said: "Excuse me."

She repeated: "For $8.72, I will read your mind." And added: "I will tell you your thoughts. The ones you are thinking right now"

Wanting to get rid of her I said: "Alright ... I'll give you a ten."

She said: "No, $8.72 will do just fine." And she handed me her breakfast tab for $8.72.

She stood between Tammy and me and said: "Your eyes son are better that mine, I wear theses thick glasses, but from eight feet away, even I can see that you are in love with this woman."

And without another word, she turned to her server and said: "My breakfast is on the big guy and your tip is on the table." And she walked out.

I looked at Tammy, trying to cover I asked the rhetorical question: "Don't you just hate how old people meddle?"

Tammy smiled and replied: "Peter, shut up."

The ride back to the Villa seemed a little awkward at first, but to my relief a couple of miles into the short drive she was back to normal and I still had to figure that most of this was all in my head.

When we got back to our villa, she did let me soap here up and though the outside temperature still clung to the morning cool the warmth of the water and holding her back up against me as she reached around and caressed my loins was magical.

When she finally rinsed us off in every fold and crevice using the hand held, she looked down and I was ready to go, but before I could make that request, she said that she wanted to slip into something comfortable, put her feet up and collect her thoughts for the big meeting.

Tammy was 'killer' in that presentation as she stood in front of about a hundred people and we both fielded questions and concerns. The icing on the cake was Bear, who got up and told everyone that they would be working with us on all future proposals. Then he offered them all a provided luncheon buffet. Bear is a man of few words.

After lunch we thanked him and to my surprise, Tammy said: "If time permits, perhaps the four of us could get together for dinner and a 'visit' before we head back."

Bear smiled and said: "Vicki would like that very much, she can't stop talking about you two, just text her and let her know if you can."

On our walk back to the villa I asked: "What was all that about?"

She chuckled and answered: "I'm sorry, but as your new Vice President I decided to make a command decision to seal the deal ... If we have the time. Besides a little extra insurance never hurts."

And before I could agree, my cell rang and 'Darrold' came up on the caller ID: "Dude how'd it go, did we get the big deal? How did Tammy do, was she a hit?"

I answered: "Calm down, remember you are supposed to be taking things easy. We got the job, her presentation was stellar and we are working out proposed details on the long term thing. Like I said, we may need a couple more days, depending on how many more times Bear and his wife want to meet. We will try to wrap it up."

He said: "Oh that's right she is in on all major agreements and decisions, is Tammy there?" And I handed her the phone.

Tammy said: "Look Darrold were on our way back. I need a couple hours to detail a few things, then I'm going to grab a light dinner and get some rest. You need to do the same yourself or they'll keep you under that medical house arrest for ever. Why don't you let me call you when we know more? ... Me too."

She ended the call and handed me back my phone.

Since she was still smiling I said: "Listen, why don't we put on our suits and go to the beach for a couple of hours, we haven't been able to do that yet. I was thinking Tommy Bahamas' for dinner, what do you think?"

Tammy looked at me, grabbed my arm and answered: "Anything as long as I'm with you will do just fine."

The beach was fun though we never got in the water and she drew a lot of looks wearing that thin white cotton bikini and I was proud to have her on my arm. The sun was hot even though the northern Florida mornings this time of year are generally cool, so we stopped at a cabana on the walk back an got a beer.

When we arrived back at the villa, it was after four and we were still kind of full from lunch.

Tammy said: "Peter, I'm all hot and sweaty let's get a shower." And I followed her in the bedroom toward the sliding patio door that leads to the outer shower.

When we got to the foot of the bed, I reached down and pulled the bow untying her string top. She turned to face me and I scooped her up and laid her on the side of the bed.

"No Peter, no. I'm sweaty and I need a shower, now ... No! " She pleaded.