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I knelt on the floor beside her and as my right hand found and pulled the string bow on right side of her bikini bottom, I kissed her and started licking the glistening sweat from the base of her throat and from around and between her breasts. It was thick like glycerin and sweet like manna and I watched as her pretty little areolas formed goose bumps and her nipples grew hard.

I instructed: "Put your arms above your head and take hold of the headboard."

She whined: "Peter, no I need a shower first."

I sternly said: "Tammy!"

And she put her arms straight above her head and wrapped both hands together around the second of four bedposts.

I licked her sweat from the side of her neck and I took in a deep breath of the scent under her arms and I licked and tongued up and over her right breast. With her legs together she started alternating pulling one foot slightly up barely bending one knee then putting it back straight and doing the same with her other.

I licked down between her breasts again collecting every bead of that sweet moist and kind of slightly viscous sweat. I worked from her chest down her hard little belly where I stopped and French kissed her navel.

Untying the opposite little string bow, I took the center top edge of her little bottoms in my mouth and pulled them from between her closed legs and out from under her tight little ass. I went to the foot of the bed, gently spread her feet and while licking up the insides of both legs, my nose found it's mark.

As the tip of my tongue scooped her large firm clit from between her inner lips and out from under its protective hood, I felt her hands in my hair and sternly I said: "Back above your head and don't let the bedpost go again until we are through."

I tasted her warmth deep from within, I licked and nibbled her clit and as I gently ran my right middle finger up her extremely tight ass, she started her first of many continuous orgasms.

She responded: "Oh my God Peter ... Oh my God ... Oh my God!" Over and over again.

I kept it up for a good twenty minutes continuing to lick, penetrate and advance on and in her until my lips and cheeks became covered in her glorious strong floral scent.

When the base at the bottom of my tongue started to become soar, her orgasms began to fade and I ever so slowly started removing my finger from her ass and finally they were over.

I stood walked to the side of the bed and laid next to her for a moment then proudly asked: "How many?"

She breathlessly answered: "Oh Peter, my God man ... I don't know ... I didn't take time to count them."

I said: "Now we can shower." And she responded just above a breathless whisper: "Ok ... And now I am hungry."

Just as I took her hand to sit her up, the cell on the night stand rang and I sarcastically said: "Darrold has such great timing."

She looked over at her phone and said: "No, It's Vicki."

"Hey Vicki, what's up? ... I'm not sure but I think that might work ... Ok, I will check with him and call or text you right back ... Ok, I'll text you then. No it's not a bad time. We just finished." Tammy giggled while exchanging that girl talk with Vicki and while still out of breath.

Then she ended the call, grabbed her top and bottom, threw them in the chair, picked up two towels and said: "Come on, I'll soap you up."

We stepped outside, I peeled off my trunks and while waiting for the water to get warm I asked: "Well ... what did she say?"

Tammy answered and asked: "Her and Bear want to know if we can stop by tomorrow around eleven for a light lunch in their suit, followed by what she called 'together time' and maybe dinner after. I told her that I would ask you, so what do you think?"

Hearing that I asked: "What do you think? ... Are you up for that?"

Tammy answered: "I enjoyed some of it last time though I felt odd, and some sick curious arousal over seeing Bear's exposed penis, but I think so."

By now we were soaping up and she was really working on my balls and cock. She started to jerk me and said: "Let me take care of you now."

I pulled my hips back, slid out of her soapy hands and said: "I want to save that for later. I don't want to waste it, call me selfish but I want to cum inside you."

Tammy got up on her tiptoes, kissed me with full tongue and replied: "I want that too."

We rinsed the soap off and toweled each other dry and it was everything that I could do to keep from bending her beautiful little body over the back of the shower bench and fuck her lights out. But that nagging in the back of my brain told me that this little woman deserved better than that.

I took a deep breath, shook off that thought and asked: "Ruth's Chris Steak House of Tommy's?"

She answered: "We're in Destin. We have a Tommy Bahamas's on the circle at Saint Armand's, you love steak, let's do Chris's.

The Service, the setting and the food were all outstanding and the hostess couldn't have picked a nicer table for us. I sat and just smiled at her as she talked. At one point her eye's gleamed at me and she rhetorically asked: "What?"

And I just shook my head and answered: "Nothing."

We finally gave up our table to one of the couples that were next on the next waiting list and we stepped out to the patio bar to ordered a drink and watch the surf for a while.

On the drive back to our villa, Tammy asked: "what have you deiced on Vicki's request?"

Testing her answered with the question: "Strictly from a business stand point what do you think?"

She answered: "I know we have it in writing, but this gesture will be a show of good faith. It will make me feel safer and that we defiantly synched this deal. Let's let Vicki befriend me. That could be a good thing."

I said: "We have gone this far and I can't disagree with your logic, that is if you can stomach the girl-girl thing again ... If so I'll agree."

She asked: "Just please don't take a dim view of me because of this."

And I said: Tammy, that wouldn't be possible." And we pulled in at our villa just after nine.

As we walked in Tammy said: "I'm stuffed, I'm going to go pee and get into something a little more comfortable. Pour us a drink and see what's on again tonight."

I replied: "Wear that little teddy you had on the other night."

She said: "That little satin half slip? You got it."

Like I have mentioned, Destin is pretty far north as Florida goes and has real cool nights this time of year. Though it's unseasonal now, I lit the small group of logs that they leave in the fireplace to take the night chill off and made us a drink. When Tammy came out I left mine on the bar, handed her her's and went in to change into my silk boxers and a new cotton T.

When I came back out, I snagged my glass and sat next to her on the sofa and within a second she was snuggled up under my arm as if we had been together for many years. To my surprise, she had channel surfed to an adult TVMA movie on one of the premium channels and was watching it intently.

I asked: "What have you decided to tell Vicki about lunch tomorrow? And just when that movie started to get good, she hit the 'last channel' button and we were watching "Key Largo" with Bogy and Bacall.

She answered: "I text her while you were in the bedroom and told her that we would see them at eleven.

I asked: "Are you sure you're ok with this?"

And she said: "We need to keep our eye on the ball. I feel this gesture of being with them before waiting a month or six weeks like we agreed, will show we're human and not all about the mechanics of this contract agreement. Vicki is looking for something stable and this move on our part should alleviate any buyer's remorse that Bear may have. Peter, this whole thing will be a boost for our business."

Sitting there with my arm her around her feeling the warmth between us and the touch of her hair on my shoulder and cheek, while taking in her scent was a better experience then that any dream and all the concern over where this would lead us, was now long gone.

When the movie ended, I turned everything off, Tammy closed the glass doors to the fireplace and we headed for the bedroom.

Standing at the foot of the bed, Tammy reached her arms up, hugged my neck and said: "Don't worry, we make a good team."

And as I lifted her little satin slip off up over her head and arms, I asked: "About what? Worry about what?"

"The sex with Vicki." She answered and I picked her up like a doll, laid her on the bed and slipped out of my boxers and T shirt. I slightly cracked the blinds to allow some soft glow of light come in from the parking lot and eased in on the bed beside her.

As I laid to her right with my head in my hand, I gently touched, tickled and caressed her nude body with my right while curiously monitoring her every response and reaction. I wanted to learn her, I wanted to play her like a fine string instrument and most of all I wanted to pleasure her in a way that her every desire would become totally dependent on me. I wanted her to receive from me a continues variety of sexual pleasures and never tire from my touch. After all a great violinist will never play the same song over and over continuously on a priceless Stradivarius.

I cupped my large hand gently on her throat just under her chin and slowly stroked it down to her left breast and then her right, experiencing each nipple as it hardened against my palm. As four fingers of that hand brushed over their tops and then between each perfectly shaped mound, she drew in a deep breath and seemed to briefly hold it.

From the rise and fall of her flat chiseled little tummy I witnessed each additional breath go deeper now as the speed of her breathing increased.

As I softly worked my fingers over her lower belly to the well defined crease between it and her firm little mound, she started to draw on foot up slightly and then the other as she straightened out the first and began to continually rub her thighs together.

When my first two fingers found that little open space between her legs at the center of her crotch she started a series of the softest most inviting moans that I had ever heard. Accepting that invitation, I gently curled my fingers up, causing her lips to naturally part and my fingers to become invitingly gooey and warm and wet from her desire.

For next ten to fifteen minutes, I ever so slightly manipulated, fondled and licked her raging clit, teasing her over and over to the brink of climax, before shutting down at the extreme edge of each. Then I would start that same sequence all over.

For the first time out of all the times we have been naked together she whispered this request: "My God Peter! Make love to me."

And the words "make love to me" burned in my brain.

I gently rolled her once placing her tummy down closer to the center of the bed and straddled her firm thighs near the backs of her knees. Then I bent forward, put my tongue and nose deep in that tiny space at base of her ass and I licked the entire length of her crack from the back of her pussy up to her tailbone.

Holding my weight on both knees and left hand with cock in my right I helped the head locate her creamy waiting wetness and I slowly started to ease myself in to her red hot vaginal opening.

As she whispered: "Easy." I simultaneously lowered my hips and arched my back like a dolphin as I eased in a little deeper.

With only my cockhead and a small amount of shaft penetrating, I felt the fevered heat of her excitement and when it proved from that position she couldn't take anymore she breathed out: "Let me get on my knees for you."

Without a pulling back, I heard myself say: "This isn't for me and I spread her legs enough for mine to fit in between an with moderate resistance I worked myself in.

As tender as I could, as if taking a virgin bride, I continued those slow advances until this newer position would allow her body to accept my full girth and most of my length. Quite slowly she started to adjust to my size and the easier it got for her the more patience I would afford and as her minor discomfort turned into a monster of pleasurable sensations, I quickened my pace to just above a moderate slow continuation.

I could tell from her reactions that this position was a first for her and we both were in a tighter contact than we had been in before, then those tell tale rings in her vaginal wall stated to form around my ever advancing cock.

Without missing a beat, I straddled her thighs again, slid them together with my calves and knees and within four dolphin like arches from my back and thrusts from my pelvis. she started to cum in one hellacious long and hard orgasm.

With her lower tummy and legs still flat on the bed, she arched her little back. got up on her elbows and forearms, grabbed two handfuls of sheet and started to repeatedly suck in and cry out: "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

As her volume increased, she put her head face down, bit on the sheets and after one long closed mouth grunt, screaming into the sheet, she collapse face down.

I stopped and held myself deep inside her and at the close of her last expression of deep satisfaction, my hand to God, I didn't pull out until she turned her head to the side, spit out that wad of sheet and spoke the partial sentence: "Never in my life."

With that, I slowly withdrew and heard some air that I must have compressed queef out of her pussy and she rolled to her back and said: "I was supposed to take care of you and you didn't cum."

My heart pounding and my chest heaving and for the first time I realized that I was out of breath. I didn't work at this as hard as I normally do, but from this position the resistance is increased and then I remembered holding my breath part of the time so that I would be able to monitor her every reaction.

She was still breathing hard as well and as I laid back beside her she Frenched and kissed and licked my face all around my mouth as if she were a mother kitten.

Though my large balls were full and starting to ache, I didn't respond to her last statement. That wasn't what was important to me at that time. I just wanted her in my arms and as she worked in under my right one, her right arm hugged my chest and her left leg bent at the knee as she placed it over mine and she said: "Peter, I'm sorry ."

Almost frightened over the answer I would receive, I asked this question anyway: "For what?"

Then I felt the super relief when the true woman inside of her answered: "That I just couldn't do more for you."

Lady readers, copy that down on many post-it-notes. Stick them on your fridge, your vanity mirror, your razor, makeup case and/or whatever you will repeatedly see throughout the day. Do it for yourselves and do yourselves a favor. Take it to heart. This type of selfless thinking and this form of selfless giving is a special God given way to be pleasured and satisfy your partner and yourselves and it is right at your fingertips. Get in there, practice, I know you can do it. Your man deserves it.

Oh, sorry I need a minute. The thought of women that I am trying to help here are not like this woman that I am with now, sucked the creative juices out of me ... OK I'm good now, so back to recording this particular experience for you as it unfollded, so read on.

As I lay with her against me, she took in one deep breath and nuzzling my ear and whispered: "Are you ok?"

I answered: "I don't mind telling you, I'm lying here taking in the great way that you smell. I don't know what scent you use, but mixed with your chemistry, I find it more than arousing, Tammy it is hypnotic."

I paused and when she didn't answer, I asked: What is it?"

Her arm left my chest and her hand attempted to close around my throbbing cock and she asked: "Do you really want to know what it is?"

And when I answered in the single word: "Please."

She put her tongue in my ear, then said: "Soap, that is when you let me shower."

Releasing her partial grip, she slipped her palm under my massive balls, squeezed each with her thumb and selflessly said: "I have caught my second wind now, I want to take care of these."

Releasing the boys, she put both palms down on my lower chest, just above my belly, threw her right leg over my body and eased herself down.

Under two inches of penetration my cock started to buckle and when I took in a quick breath through my nose and kind of winced from a slight pain she said: "Sorry!"

I said: "That's alright, just start out slow. You are just so incredibly tight."

She replied: "Peter, I'm sure that even you were in gym class at least once in your life. You, Mister are incredibly large. The first time I saw this in person, I wasn't sure how anyone could handle it." And she lifted up, squatted down and worked in a little more of me.

I asked: "What parallel are you trying to draw with gym class"?

She answered: "You had to notice you were non-typical compared to the rest?"

Considering that question to be rhetorical, I didn't answer.

Seconds after my right thumb found her clit, her natural juices started to flow and right as my bulbous head hit bottom she pulled off, guided me toward the back and slowly sat down while gently threading my large tool through her stretching anal ring.

As it slowly stretched down over the head, it kind of snapped in the circumcision scar directly behind it and she took in quick breath of air between her teeth. Then she closed her eyes, tilted her head back and went further down stretching it out a little more as she sat down further my larger throbbing shaft.

She stopped and asked: "Am I doing ok? Are you ok."

I answered: "You are in charge."

As she eased down to full depth, my thumb had never stopped circling her clit and when she closed her eyes, lowered her chin and let out one long fluttering sigh, a thick, viscous, silvery fluid spilled out from her vagina on my trimmed pubic hair and I swear to this day that I heard it splat at the same time that I saw it hit.

I felt my cock uncontrollably spasm three distinct times in concert with my prostate and as both balls received their well deserved relief, I thought my lower belly directly above my cock would explode.

Without retracting one inch, Tammy bent forward, put her lips to mine and I am here to tell you: "She is one great French kisser!"

when she started to stand up I told her to go slow and as my cock started to go soft, she slowly backed off and watched it plop to one side.

Though anal causes the most intense and totally gratifying orgasmic pleasures for the woman (and under no circumstances should it ever be denied the man) you can cause damage if it is performed incorrectly. Always go slow at first and ever so slowly withdraw using care not to damage the bowel.

I straitened the pillow under my head, put my right arm over it and as she snuggled in under my arm with her head on my shoulder. She hugged my chest with her right arm and slightly bending her right leg at the knee, she placed it over mine.

She nibbled my ear and asked: "Did I do ok, was that good for you? I know that's what you needed."

Right before we drifted off to sleep, I said: "Tammy, that was wonderful."

I woke the next morning to the pleasant familiar feel of Tammy laying softly up against me. The feel of her body, the scent of her flesh, the tickle of her soft breath on the hair under my arm and the sound of her cute soft little snore and thought: "This is indeed the things that any man could get used to."

I gently stroked the smooth flesh of her back with my right hand and as she started to wake I cupped her tight little ass, ran two fingers between her cheeks and stroked her pussy from behind until she was fully awake.

Tammy being the first to speak asked: "What time is it?"

I answered: "Twenty after nine, we've slept in."