Prelude to a Proposal


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Walking down the steep road with my arm through Steve's, I felt as nervous as a virgin about to do it for the first time. Steve already knew most of my past history and while there were a few times I think I even managed to shock him, he didn't seem to care. I was HIS girl now and that was all that mattered to him. It just made me love him all the more as many guys would be intimidated to even date a girl with my past but Steve had enough self-confident to put that all aside without the self-inflated ego that too often goes along with such a trait. Even as we walked, I still wasn't quite sure how to open the discussion but then Steve provided me with an opportunity I hadn't anticipated.

"So what's with your cousin... Rick I think is his name?" Steve asked, "He was acting pretty odd this morning."

My stomach tightened but at first I wasn't sure how to respond so I just asked him what was wrong.

"Well, I guess I just wasn't ready for some it or maybe your family is just different, but he asked me if I was 'sticking it' to you today. Like I said, a little odd coming from someone I don't really know."

I agreed and tried to explain that Rick was sort of a jerk. He never even tried to go to college and was still living at home, sponging off his parents. Steve cut me off then to say, "Yeah, I sort of got that impression but then he said something else just before we left that I didn't understand."

Red alert, the hair stood up on the back of my neck and my mouth felt dry but I just kept walking, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

"He said something like 'Hope I didn't soil her for you last night.' What the heck was he talking about?"

My mind raced as I tried to think of how to handle damage control. The idiot, I KNEW I couldn't trust Rick. Kiss and tell is one thing, fuck and tell is going over the line, even for him.

Then it was like a gigantic light bulb suddenly flashed over my head. I knew instantly how to handle the Rick problem AND deal with the rest of what I needed to tell Steve. Maybe... just maybe... fucking Rick hadn't been such a bad thing.

"Steve, please don't get mad at me but I have to tell you something," I said slowly. Steve paused and turned to me, holding my hands between us and looking down at me with those big blue eyes I loved so much.

"You had sex with him last night, didn't you."

It wasn't so much a question as a statement of fact for which he was expecting confirmation, not denial.

"What makes you say that?" I stammered, caught a little off balance and looking for anything to stall as I gathered my thoughts yet again.

"C'mon Kelly, I saw the way he looked at you when we arrived last night and then again this morning. But what REALLY made me think was how you seemed to be avoiding him this morning, especially when you saw me around. I wasn't going to say anything but with you acting so funny I just knew."

"Are you mad at me?" I asked softly, feeling guilty now.

"I just don't get it... why? He IS your cousin after all. Somehow I am getting the feeling that wasn't the first time."

I shook my head, confirming his suspicions.

"So how long have you been doing it with him? Have you two been doing it since we met? When did it start? Does anyone else know?" The questions came at me like a machine gun and I was feeling overwhelmed. At the same time, some of the later ones might actually help me to move this conversation towards my true intentions.

I explained to him how we had started years before but then I also told him how I had put a stop to things when he got too carried away. I also emphasized that we had NOT been doing anything since Steve had returned.

"Still, with your cousin?" Steve asked again, sounding a little incredulous yet at the same time it seemed to be more that he just was surprised, not that he was condemning me. "Who else knows?"

The moment of truth had arrived and I knew that now was the best opportunity I'd ever have to widen the scope of this conversation. Taking a breath, I answered, "Well, a few people... my dad, Aunt Linda, Kristi, Uncle Jim and Tammy."

Steve's eyes widened and I could see his mind was working out the possibilities.

"Your DAD knows your cousin fucks you?"

I found it somewhat interesting that of all the people I had named, it was my dad that seemed to draw his interest. Oh well, in for a penny... But before I dropped the big one, I took a smaller step.

"Well, he does my cousin."

For a moment Rick look flabbergasted and I feared maybe this wasn't going to go over well when he gasped, "You dad and Rick do it?"

The irony of it almost made me laugh. If anything, I felt relieved as nothing could be worse in Steve's mind that THAT so whatever I said would be an improvement so far as he was concerned.

"No silly, I meant my cousin Tammy."

"Your dad fucks Tammy?" he repeated and then he grinned a little for the first time since this started, "She IS pretty hot."

I hit him in the shoulder playfully and he just shrugged. The he rolled his eyes and said, "So let me guess, if your dad is doing your cousin, does that mean your uncle is doing you too?"

The way he said it I got the feeling he was teasing me more than expecting a positive response so when I just lifted one shoulder and gave him a look to confirm him, he whistled under his breath.

"Whoa, you're not pulling my leg are you? Next thing you'll be telling me is your uncle fucks Tammy too."

Again I just shrugged one shoulder and smiled and again he whistled. We stood there for a moment, both of us knowing the next question but neither of us ready to ask. Finally he looked me directly in the eyes and asked, "Are you trying to tell me that you have sex with your father too?"

"I love you Steve," I said in response and then he turned around once and laughed.

"Yeah right... good one Kelly, you had me going there."

So he didn't believe me. Could I blame him? What would most guys say if they were suddenly presented with that sort of information?

"Steve, it's true," I said gently, pausing to let it sink in, "My dad and I have been doing it since I was sixteen."

"But that's incest!"

"Hey, you were the one who fucked your own mother if I remember correctly," I reminded him and then immediately wished I hadn't brought it up.

"That was ONE time and it was twelve years ago," he came back. "I do NOT have sex with my mother... or my sister by the way."

"Do you hate me now?" I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. The genie was out of the bottle now and nothing could put her back in. It was all up to Steve now.

"God no Kelly, I don't hate you," he said, pulling me against him with his arms around me. He kissed the top of my head and lifted my chin to look at him. "I love you Kelly... more than anyone I have ever met. I just don't understand why you would do this with your dad?"

I steered him over to a large tree that was felled and we sat down on the trunk. For the next half hour or so I told Steve everything - and I do mean EVERYTHING. Well, not every little detail but at least the highlights. From the first time my father came to my room to our Sunday morning rituals, he heard it all. I tried to emphasize the WHY more so than the WHAT and WHERE and WHEN. I wanted Steve to understand that this wasn't threatening to him at all, that HE was my lover, not my father. I so wanted Steve to understand my duties and obligations as a daughter and how important it was to me as a Christian to honor my father and submit to him. At the end, I also told him that it was a relationship that I would always honor so long as my father wanted me - regardless of what else happened in my life - explicitly implying marriage but not using the word.

When I was done, or at least as much as I could say at the time, Steve sat there for a moment as if he was stunned. Then he turned to me and without a word he took me in his arms and kissed me - a long passionate kiss.

"I can't even begin to fully understand everything but I want you to know I love you and anything this important to you is important to me," he said as our lips parted.

We got up and started to head back to the cabin. Just before we got there, he paused again and turned to look at me with that mischievous smile I so loved.

"OK, you really aren't pulling my leg, right?" he said with a hint of seriousness I his voice. I shook my head and swore every word was true.

"I want to see it."

I looked at him, unsure of what he meant so he repeated himself saying, "I mean... I want to see your father fuck you."

He didn't explain why and I didn't want to ask. Still, in the back of mind I couldn't help but think he still thought that maybe this was some sort of practical joke and so he was raising the stakes to flush out my bluff.

"I'll have to talk to my dad," I said, unsure of what to say, "Maybe next week when we're back..."

"I mean now," he cut me off, "I want to see your dad fuck you NOW."

I started to protest, saying how everyone was here and how it would be impossible, not to mention I was expected to help out with the meal.

"If all of what you told me is true, then I'm sure your dad would never say no to you if you asked," he said firmly, not budging an inch on his demand, "I mean, if you asked ME I'd do ya right now."

Now THERE was a thought but I knew it was more important to settle this thing about my dad, as much as I would have loved to sneak off with Steve and have him do me.

"So you just want to watch him fuck me the same way your mom watches you and me?" I asked, not sure how to proceed.

Steve shook his head responding, "Noooooo, that's her thing and don't even try to ask me why she does it. I'll hide in the closet and watch. I don't want him to know I'm watching - got it?

Well, the plot was thickening. This was getting more interesting by the moment. Fortunately my aunt was in the kitchen with the other women and my dad was on the back porch with his brothers and Rick. My Aunt Linda huffed at me, asking where I'd been so log and that I was needed to help out. I tried to explain to her that I had something important to do. She pulled me aside and said, "You can screw your boyfriend later... there's a lot of work to be done if you want to eat later."

I really couldn't explain what was going on under the circumstances so I just nodded but then went to the back deck to find my dad. I ignored Rick's leers and pulled my dad over to the side. Meanwhile I noticed Steve had disappeared.

"Daddy, I need your help," I started.

It always helped when I called him "daddy" instead of dad" or heaven forbid, "father". Of course he was well aware of my ploy, even if he always played along.

Even though I had promised Steve that I wouldn't tell my dad, there was no way this was going to work by tricking him. Heck, just to get him into the bedroom would be hard enough even with him knowing the reason given the crowded building. I gave my dad the reader's Digest version of this morning's events and then he grinned at me.

"So Steve likes to watch, eh?" he teased me, "Well lets go give him a show, what do you say?"

It didn't surprise me that my dad was so quick to accept the situation. If there as one thing I knew he loved, it was to have people watch him fuck his daughter. In actual practice, that was not as easy of a fantasy to fulfill as you might think. Other than with family, every other time had been when the other people didn't know I was his daughter like the time I posed as a prostitute that he had hired to entertain some of him clients. As horny as he was to do me, he also knew the potential ramifications and so no matter how horny it made him, he always maintained the proper relationship between us in public, at least most of the time.

We didn't want to draw any attention so I went first and quietly sneaked into the bedroom and close the door behind us. I saw the closet door was partially open but as dark as it was inside I couldn't see anything - or anyone.

"Anybody home?" I called out softly into the closet.

"So is he coming?" Steve answered, moving his face into the light. I nodded and he stepped back again, motioning me to get away from the closet so as not to draw any attention to it. I sat on the edge of the bed just as the door opened again and my dad came in, quickly closing it behind him and ensuring t was locked.

"So what's got you so horny this morning?" my dad asked, playing along with the game.

I just hoped he didn't get TOO carried away and cause Steve to realize that he was just fooling around.

"You always do me Thanksgiving morning," I answered, spreading my legs apart and then closing them again, then spreading them wide apart again.

"Well usually we're home and not right in the middle of a family reunion," he answered. Then he started to unbuckle his jeans. "We have to hurry though - get undressed baby."

My dad dropped his jeans to the floor and stepped out of them. Then he pulled his boxers off and lifted one leg at a time out, dropping them on his jeans once they were off, leaving him in just his socks and polo shirt which he seemed to want to leave on. Meanwhile I had quickly stripped so I was naked on the edge of the bed. I wanted to look over at Steve but somehow managed to play my role perfectly.

As I sat there with my hands on my bare thighs, my dad stepped up to me, his dick now hovering just inches from my face. I knew what he wanted...

It was exiting to suck my dad's cock knowing Steve was watching. I wondered if he was as turned on as I was, maybe even stroking himself as he saw his girlfriend taking her father's dick all the way in her mouth? I tried to give my dad an extra special one, not that I don't always do my best with my dad, but I wanted this one to be EXTRA special.

"Damn that feel so good baby," my dad gasped in the dim light of the lamp on the dresser. "Take it all in... all the way."

Although I would NEVER have told my dad, after Rick's dick last night my dad's was a piece of cake. Actually, it was more enjoyable to able to take all of my dad's cock in without feeling like I was being stuffed full at the same time.

As fun as it was, I DID have to move things along before people started to look for us so I took my dad's cock in my hand as I scooted back on the bed, pulling him along like a puppy on a leash. I reached behind me and grabbed a pillow, lifting my butt up and stuffing it underneath me. My dad dropped down over me, holding himself up with his arms while I positioned his cock at the entrance to my pussy. Then he waited for me to say those words he always wanted to hear...

"Fuck me daddy," I said in a firm voice, making sure Steve could hear me but not loud enough for anyone outside the door to hear - or so I hoped.

"Yes baby... anything for you," he whispered as he kissed me, letting his hips drop and driving his incestuous erection deep inside of me.

I'd deliberately positioned myself so Steve had a good view right up my open legs to see my dad's dick as it buried itself deep inside of my pussy.

"Oh daddy!" I moaned as he started to thrust himself in and out of me. I wondered how he felt to be doing this while my boyfriend was watching from the darkened closet.

We both were aware of the time constraints and since the whole point of this was to prove to Steve that my dad really DID fuck me. Well, THAT point was certainly being made as my dad drove himself into me to me after time. Finally my dad was ready and I heard his breath start to quicken and the pace of this thrusts become less rhythmic and more jerking.

"Cum in me daddy... I want you to cum in me," I begged.

For once it not just for my dad's benefit - it was for Steve's as well. I found myself wishing that Steve would come out and "surprise" us and maybe fuck me along side of my dad. Well, it wasn't looking like THAT was about to happen so this was the next best thing.

"I'm cumming baby...," my dad groaned as his back arched and he drove himself as deeply into me as he could.

He jerked and I felt his crotch push into me as his dick erupted and filled his daughter's anxious pussy. God it felt so good and to have Steve watching at the same time just made it all the better. Indeed, this was one of those moments that I would always remember.

Once he was finished he kissed me and then pulled out of me. It would have been nice to cuddle for a while and enjoy the feel of him in me but he seemed anxious to leave. I was still laying on my back with the pillow under me, my father's cum oozing out of me and dripping down my ass as he finished dressing and then came over to kiss me goodbye. He cracked the door open and checked to see that the cats was clear before stepping out quickly, closing the door behind him with a click as the lock stayed engaged.

No sooner was he out than the closet door opened and out walked Steve. I had half-expected to see him with his shorts off and his dick in his hand but that wasn't quite the case. Instead he was fully clothed and didn't even seem to have much of an erection.

"So it's true," he said shaking his head in disbelief. "I have to say, I really thought this was some big practical joke."

Well, seeing me laying on my back stark naked with my dad's cum filling my pussy certainly put THAT rumor to rest!

"Do you want to fuck me now?" I asked him, hoping that he would want to take me as his own now after everything that had happened in the last twelve hours.

It wasn't like he had never fucked me right after another man before but then this wasn't just one of his friend's cum or that of a stranger at a party, this was my father's sperm draining out of me and that seemed to have an impact on Steve.

"Later, OK" he said hesitantly, "You'd better get cleaned up before someone asks for you."

Steve seemed a little stand-offish at first but as the day wore on he seemed to become more at ease with me. I suppose it didn't hurt he was probably getting horny as hell not having fucked me in a couple of day now. Late that night we sneaked into the hot tub where he fucked me as we looked out over the mountains in the crisp night air and bright moonlight. Although we didn't talk about what had happened in the morning, I felt so much better having it out in the open. As Steve's dick filled me with cum, it was the best thing that had happened to me this entire trip as it confirmed to me that he still loved me and that no matter what, he wanted me.

I was sure there would be a million questions later but at least now I felt like I'd cleared the air for the most important one. Now if Steve asked me to marry him I could say YES without any reservations.

Now he just needed to ask!


JoelnKellyJoelnKellyalmost 7 years ago

Very nice story, You are able to keep it interesting and wanting to read more to find out what happens. Keep up the great work!

FOUNTAINPEN67FOUNTAINPEN67almost 7 years ago
Marvelously naughty read... FIVE

You capture the hotness of the subject of Taboo with a great deal of creativity. More please!

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooalmost 7 years ago
Beautiful story of love

Such a great family

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowalmost 7 years ago
I love your stories....

Everyone so fucking HOT!

sabra16023sabra16023almost 7 years ago
Good story

Waiting for next chapter. Thanks

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