Private Schooling Ch. 01: The New Girls


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Tamara uses the strap from Jenny's purse to cinch the panties tight into her mouth, then grabs two vibrators, shoving one hard into her cunt, much bigger than anything Jenny is used to, and then insistently presses the other against her butthole. Jenny screams and thrashes, but she is tied to the bed, and her mouth is gagged with the sweaty, slightly sour panties of her captor. Tamara twists the vibrator back and forth at the entrance to Jenny's ass, pushing a little harder as the sphincter begins to yield, then stroking it in and out.

"Your first time in the ass?" Tamara says softly.

Jenny nods yes through tears.

"Such a bitch it wasn't with any lube. But you were a Bitch, with a capital 'B'. I could fuck you dry, it will rip you up and maybe for the rest of your life you will have problems down there. That's going to be a real problem for you, you're anorexic as it is, and dreading putting anything in your mouth because you know it is going to come out your tender ripped up ass will just turn you into a mini-me of Skeletor. See I wanted us to be friends, girlfriends, even friends with benefits. If you can just admit you were completely in the wrong, we could start over, would you like that?" Tamara soothes Jenny, petting her hair.

Jenny nods yes through even more tears.

"Good, let's get started. When I first came in you were checking out my pussy. You probably have never even seen a black girl's pussy before, much less one with so much jewelry. Was the reason you were staring at it because you wondered how it would taste?" Tamara suggests softly.

Jenny shakes her head no.

"So you've never tasted a pussy then?" Tamara asks with a curious tone.

Jenny shakes her head.

"So you have tasted pussy?" Tamara says with a light 'ahah' tone to her voice.

Jenny nods her head yes.

"You lying, thin lipped, ski jump nosed Bitch! You are a cunt licker but you stare at my pussy for five minutes and never once thought about licking it? How it would taste? Motherfuckin clit biting liar!!" Tamara rages, getting her belt, and wailing on Jenny's ass, until even she, in her rage, could see she is doing real damage. Tamara gets one of Jenny's bikini bottoms, sliding it underneath her and tying the strings tight to hold the two vibrators in.

"Listen Bitch, now that your ass is going to be all torn up, you really don't have anything to offer. Everybody can see you are a titless witch, plus you have the face of a Harpy from a horror movie. I was willing to let all that go, but now I find out you are a lying motherfuckin clit biter, and it makes me think I'd be doing the world a service to get out my ass ripping strap-on to turn your ugly butt into Skeletor. I'm going to go out to the Starbucks and chill. You better pray with your whole being that I come back like my Momma, cool calm and collected, just looking for a little sugar. Because if I come back all wound up over your lies like my Dad, it's gonna be the Ass Apocalypse for you. Motherfuckin clit biting LIAR!" Tamara rants as she stomps out, then stomps back in to get her purse, then stomps back out.

* * * * *

Camille tosses her strawberry blonde hair as she takes the stairs to the building supervisors office. Inside she finds a balding middle aged man, in a wife beater t-shirt, a cigar (which she detests), and khaki pants. She left her jacket in the car, since Savannah is still too hot, and has only her sweat drenched sheer white blouse and gauzy bra, skirt from her suit, panties, hose, and heels.

"You must be Mrs. Ballard. Welcome to the Open Arms Apartments. Here are your keys. Mailbox key is the little one." he says as his eyes rake up and down and up and down her body.

"Thanks. And your name is?" She asks politely, even though she wants to run out of the stinking office.

"I'm Dick, but you can just call me Super. Got any bags you need carried up? You're on the third floor, and its a zig zag stairway. Probably leave you dripping wet by the time you get it all inside." Dick suggested.

"Thanks, that is very kind of you." Camille is surprised this Neanderthal in modern clothes has any manners at all.

"We have to be nice to each other, or things just get worse." Dick observes as they go out to the car, drag the bags up to the apartment, and close the door.

Camille never saw it coming. The pillowcase he pulled from under his shirt came down over her head, and he tied it once, just enough to give himself leverage to twist it, squeezing it around her throat as she screams. Holding the pillowcase with one hand now, he slaps her hard, yelling "Shut UP! Shut the FUCK UP right NOW!", as he keeps twisting the pillowcase, cutting off her air supply.

Camille settles down, even though he is unbuttoning her blouse, unbuckling and dropping her skirt, and tugging at her panties. He gives up on the panties, putting an arm across her breasts to drag her backwards, opens a door, pulls something out, then pulls her back towards what she guesses is the middle of the room.

"I'm going to release you for a moment. Run or act up, I will hurt you bitch. Do you have a man?" Dick demands.

"Nuh." Camille says.

Dick slaps her tits hard, then she hears the 'click' of a pocket knife, and he cuts up her bra, making sure to run the flat of the blade all around her neck, shoulders, breasts, and especially nipples. Camille is crying now, wondering how much worse than a normal rape this is going to be. He goes back to work, sawing at her panties, running the knife blade all over her thighs, vulva, ass, then flipping the knife backwards so the blade faces out, he runs it directly across her clit, like some perverted form of foreplay.

"I'm going ask you one last time. Answer me clearly or suffer the consequences. Do you have a man?" Dick demands.

"No. Widow." Camille says, not wanting to mention the knife that stabs in her heart, her husband knowing what she would have to do to save her own life, but she figures even a morsel of sympathy could be the difference between life and death today.

"Put your hands out in front of you, and grasp your fingers together like you are praying. In a way, you are. You are praying we are nice to each other. Do you know how to be nice to men?" Dick says as he finishes tying her hands.

"Yes Dick, I can be nice." Camille offers, as he tosses the rope over a pipe above her head. He pulls on it, forcing her to stand on top of her tip toes, as he ties the rope to something.

"We will see." Dick says as he slaps her breasts, slaps her ass, then slaps both sides of her face, hard enough to sting, but not with the anger he had before. "You don't got much in the way of tits to be nice with, I hated the way your face snarled at my cigar, but at least you have enough padding on your ass to give my belt a run for its money. You think about how nice you can be, and tell me all about it when I get back. If I like it, I'll let you down and you can be nice to me. Until then, understand this: I'm the super, you're the slut. So that makes you a super slut." Dick paused to laugh.

"Better convince me you can be a good super slut. If I were you, I would concentrate on doing a good job at being real, real nice, because I think you can already tell, I have a mean streak. I will make you beg to degrade yourself before me or with me, and I will make it worse if you refuse. We have to be nice to each other, or things just get worse." Dick observes, as he leaves Camille hanging in mid air.

Within a few minutes, Camille's legs are twitching, then shaking, then she is just hanging as the rope cuts into her wrists. She has to alternate, a few minutes on her toes, a few minutes on her wrists, as she tries to think how far she is willing to degrade herself to please him. Then she tries to figure out how far she has to degrade herself to avoid him being angry with her, because if it isn't enough, she can barely imagine the depths of the pain and depravity he can inflict on her. She is losing the battle, and she is only fighting with herself.

Dick watches her struggle on the monitor he has down in his basement apartment, since every room has cameras with night vision, knowing full well she cannot fight both with her mind and her body too. He pulls out his thick, hairy, average length cock, and strokes himself as he watches her squirm. She tires out, falls asleep, then the pain of her wrists holding a 150lb sack of fat wakes her up, until she is too tired to hold her head up, and the cycle starts over again. 'No sleep for the wicked' Dick thinks to himself, as he goes in to flop on his own bed. Might as well be rested, tomorrow is going to be a fun day.

He wakes up that morning to find Camille slumped and sobbing. Her legs have given out, she can no longer stand, even on tip toes. She is dehydrated, and her wrists are risking permanent damage, while her sanity is near the breaking point from the pain. The inability to sleep leaves her foggy and suggestible. Dick slaps her tits and her face, only to produce a wail from her. He unties the rope, letting her down slowly. He takes the pillow off her head, slaps her face, pinches her nipples hard, and slaps her tits some more, just to keep her awake. She has the glare of a frightened animal.

"You need to be nice to me. When you are nice to me, I will take care of you, and you can sleep. Will you be nice to me from now on?" Dick asks, as he rubs her breasts.

"Yes, I will be nice to you." Camille answers.

"Will you suck my cock until I cum in your mouth and swallow?" Dick demands.

"Yes." Camille answers through gritted teeth, hating that her own body is betraying her by responding to his caresses.

"Will you suck the sweat from my balls and swallow it?" Dick pushes harder, playing with the now stiff nipples and detecting the scent of hot pussy.

"Yes, I will." Camille promises, almost conscious.

"Will you suck and tongue my ass?" Dick probes.

Camille pauses a moment. She has no idea how gross that will be, but she better agree and do it now, before he makes it even more degrading. "Yes, I will."

"Will you willingly mouth fuck anybody I tell you to, male or female?" Dick demands, as his cock starts to stiffen.

"Yes, Dick, I will." Camille replies as she fades in and out of consciousness. He pinches her nipples hard and sticks his little pinky finger in her ear after wetting it (what is sometimes called a 'wet willie').

"Listen to me slut, this is important. Will you willingly fuck anybody I tell you to, male or female?" Dick demands as he keeps pinching her nipples.

"Yes Dick. I will fuck anyone for you." Camille repeats in a dreamlike stupor.

"Slut, will you give your ass up to anybody I tell you to, male or female?" Dick demands.

"Of course Dick. Whatever you want." Camille replies, on the edge of consciousness.

"Then suck my cock now to seal our deal or pay the price." Dick hisses, as Camille senses something terrible is going to happen. Dick jams his thick cock into her mouth, much thicker than Dan's cock, much hairier than Dan's cock. It doesn't take much sucking, Dick is so turned on by the day of foreplay with himself and finally having a new slut, that his cock spurts, two long streams of jism, then a series of spurts that pop out like ripples as his hips buck, fucking into her face. Camille is aware of the foul taste, but it is wet, and it means he probably won't beat her. She gulps it down, then falls asleep, snoring with his cock in her mouth.

Dick ties the rope to the leg of the sofa, then goes back downstairs to watch the replay of her first submission to him, over and over, beating his dick. The next time will not be quick. The next time she will get hours of dick.

* * * * *

Ruby wakes early. She is spread eagled on her bed, having kicked off the sheet. She smells breakfast, and Jim is there, naked again, and she notices a flyer. "Lost Ass" it says "100$ reward", then "Collect only in person at Dorm A 2nd floor RA station", under a picture of what can only be her sister Jenny's naked body. Ruby blushes at Jenny being exposed to the entire campus this way.

Next to it is "The Daily S.L.U.T." on a tablet, with a picture on the front page of her joyously jacking off Bart's cock, with the headline "DORM A RA's Exposed". The article goes on to say "Ruby Ballard, a transfer from CUNT, has decided to become a SLUT after all. Not only will she gladly handle any of the male residents, but notes she is open to expanding her knowledge of the female student body too. Her sister, Jenny Ballard is a first year SLUT, whose current major is women's interpretive dance. Jenny is of course guided by the firm hands (and large endowment) of Bart Simmons, of the Simmons family fortune. Seen here getting a very personal welcome from Ruby, Bart is a second year SLUT who has an extensive knowledge of the female student body, but defers to Ruby's expertise being applied to the male student body. 'I just think she can handle a mans needs so much better than I can, in so many different ways. I would not want a single male student to go without Ruby applying her knowledge to him, and I am just as certain that is exactly what Ruby wants. After all, she quit being a CUNT to become a SLUT, how can you say it any better than that?'"

The article went on to note that the Resident Advisers had decided to carry on the tradition started by Olga and Peter of being practicing nudists on campus, and thus will be attending all classes and functions naked. The back page is a full page version of the "Lost Ass" ad. Poor Ruby is red faced, gasping, completely fucking humiliated. She now must not only act as a "camp counselor" while naked with those she is counseling, but must go around campus nude also! And if she does not, everyone will stare and point at her, laughing at her because she is a prude! Plus the article implied (rather directly) that she wants to fuck everybody (male and female) on the whole campus! Everybody must think she's a complete and total SLUT!

Jim is kind of just hovering around, not really doing anything, as Bart strides up the stairs. He flashes Ruby that megawatt smile which must have been stolen from a Pepsodent commercial, coming over to hug her, as she luxuriates in the warmth of his affection. 'A girl could get used to this', she thinks to herself.

"Hi babe. What are you up to this morning?" Bart asks innocently.

"Seems some pervert has put flyers up all over campus, looking for my sister's ass." Ruby snorts derisively, as Bart chuckles.

Ruby is not amused, "What's so fucking funny?"

"Turns out I'm your pervert. I fell in love with your sister's ass the moment I saw it. Didn't know she was family, sorry." Bart says openly, then has to stifle a chuckle.

"Well I'll get her ass delivered to you, no charge. You should be able to get her legs spread and have her bred in time to be back for dinner.", Ruby says as she calls her sister, and it goes to voicemail.

"That's weird. I'll text her." Ruby starts furiously typing into her phone.

"I was kind of hoping we could have some alone time." Bart says as he wraps his arms around her, under her breasts, his erection pressing into her well padded ass.

Yet Ruby remembers Jim's warning last night, she is at her core a get along go along kind of girl, and besides, she's horny. She turns to face him, putting the phone down. "I'd like that very much."

He bends down to kiss her, and she starts stroking his cock, even bigger and thicker than she remembered. This means the simple skills she learned in Utah didn't prepare her in the least for the challenges she faces in Georgia. She can barely get more than the tip in her mouth, so she sucks it and licks it as best as she can.

Bart pulls her up onto the bed, rearranging them so she is on top of him facing his feet, and he is underneath her, his face buried between her legs. She is already wet, but Bart is very skilled at cunnilingus, having had over 10,000 hours of practice in the past few years. So as his fingertips flutter over her vulva, her hands stroke in tandem up and down his shaft. As Bart's tongue flicks in butterfly light touches on the tip of her clit, Ruby moans around the meat in her mouth, sucking, licking, and giving him her best, regardless how inexperienced she is, she is enthusiastic.

Bart knows she is wet enough for him to get inside her. He knows he will completely own her, completely slut her out, turn her into one of 'Barts Babes', the crew of sluts that follow him around campus and into parties just hoping he will throw a boning their way. Competition from Malcolm, Tamara's brother, has cut the size of his pack, but he now has the entire first year dorm to pick from, plus his conquests in the second year dorm, plus all the ones who didn't who wished they did. Nothing helps like getting the word out.

Jim, the editor of "The Daily S.L.U.T.", is also the photographer, documenting their sexual union from the very first hug. He is thinking of the lead 'Dorm A RA-s Get Acquainted', but is hoping he can come up with something better.

Bart guides Ruby with his hands, turning her around, guiding the tip of his prick into the opening of her slick channel, rubbing her nub with the glans of his cock, masturbating them both with a single stroke. Ruby's hips are thrusting now, she is really getting into it. He guides her hand to stroke his cock on her clit, telling her to give herself what her cunt needs without saying a word. Then his shaft is guided into her sweet slot, stretching out her sugar walls as her dripping wet pussy eats his cock.

Ruby has never experienced such a cock. 'So full! So Full!' she thinks to herself, as she sinks down onto the shaft which is splitting her open, giving her beaver the fever for his magnificent big cock. Her pussy has completely overheated, even though her lube is spilling out, trying to cool the hot dick that is drilling her. Completely virgin parts of her cunt open up, and he is bumping her cervix, at first painfully, then with harder and harder thrusts, it converges into bliss. Brad's hand guides her to the reverse cowboy position, thrusting ever deeper into her, while the excessive padding of her ass allows her to bash that butt down onto him. He is thrusting up into her as hard as he can, she is ramming her own ass back down onto him, and she hears a woman crying out in orgasm at the top of her lungs. She is a ball of orgasmic light, lit up from her cunt to her throat, crying out, begging to be fucked, begging for him to never stop, begging for him to cum in her, begging for things where she can no longer form words. She is cunt. He is cock. That is all there is for her.

Bart had been fucking almost all the previous night, so he is seriously nowhere near coming. He likes being able to play with Ruby, her fat butt cushioning the blow as he bashes her butt, her tight cunt getting bored open, drilled out, re-sized for big cocks only. He decides to help that process along, reaching up to diddle her clit, resulting in spasms, thrashing, a string of curse words, then more begging and pleading, more incomprehensible garbled words at full throated volume. The cycle repeats over and over, as he hopes all the first years have arrived and are listening. He may just have to visit Ruby once a week to use her as his publicist. He always picks the most vocal one to be his publicist.

But Bart didn't notice the effect of Ruby's fuck screams on his own balls, so he forgets how close he is to creaming her cunt. Ruby is screaming and spurting and squirting, then Bart has no choice (his balls tell him), as he joins her. He is spunking directly through her cervix, while Ruby turns into some kind of berserk vibrating toy thrashing on his dick. Bart moves up on the bed, pulling Ruby to service his shaft, as she moves her other hand to keep her pilot light going. She could use some better blowjob skills, and he thinks of some options he has used before. Brad drifts along on the bliss provided by even her untrained mouth, as he often told people, 'There is no such thing as a bad blowjob, only better blowjobs.' They had time. Besides, he has nothing else to do today.