Private Schooling Ch. 01: The New Girls


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Jenny's phone rings, and she answers it. It is Ruby, reminding her Chris is coming today, there is a big party being thrown by Dorm B in their cafeteria tonight, and asking if she has heard from Mom. Jenny doesn't know what to do right now about any of that, but Ruby is suddenly fearful of being left alone, so Jenny invites her to her Psych 101 orientation. Ruby accepts and then she worries about being seen by everybody. Jenny tells her the first few minutes are truly strange, but she is standing among four hundred students, about half guys, and none of them are invading her space. "Well, that's you, Ms. Mouse. What will happen when they see me?" Ruby laughs as she heads out to meet them.

Even just moving through the dorms, everybody is smiling and waving, guys wanting selfies to cop a discreet feel, girls wanting selfies to cop less discreet feels, a few blatant kisses, but all very welcoming, Ruby feels.

Then Ruby is outside, naked to the world, and her shameless public display really hits her. 'Strange is the least I would call it' Ruby thinks to herself, but she remembers that Jenny needs her so she moves quickly across the quad.

It is only then she finally notices the new front page of "The Daily S.L.U.T."on a map post guiding her to Slattern Hall, proclaiming she is an incestuous slut, the proof right there before her eyes, of her having lesbian sex with her sister. There is no doubt it is Jenny. She remembers the delicious tongue of the woman who drained Bart's cum from her thoroughly fucked pussy. She remembers her fresh taste, the pussy she licked, the easy orgasms she took from her sister's mouth. She remembers how excited the women were to see her this morning, was it because they thought she would do that with them too? The shame slams her to her knees, in the middle of the path. Ruby feels like she cannot breathe, panicked and embarrassed. Inexplicably, she begins to orgasm. Is this how sluts are wired? Even humiliation gets them off? Here she is, flaunting her body in public, having an orgasm from finding out the whole wide world knows she is an incestuous lesbian slut! Yet her body reacts by getting turned on, rejoicing in the shame!

People walk by, some stopping to ask if she is alright, but she just waves them on. It takes her a few minutes to regain her self control, but she can still feel the shame burning in her cheeks, no doubt her face is still beet red. But she is what she is, and will have to learn to live with it.

As she walks, she remembers Bart, the way he made her feel, coming to another map post with pictures of her fucking him, pussy spread wide with his massive fucktool jammed inside her. There are also pictures of a black woman licking her pussy while Bart fucks her. Her family would not call themselves racists, but they also didn't associate with black people. She didn't even know the woman's name. She had intimate lesbian sex with a woman she can't even name, probably right before she had sex with her sister. Thank god it wasn't a black man inside her, Bart had spurted so much cum up past her cervix it is still draining out. She pushes two fingers insider herself, removing not just her own lube from her recent orgasm, but some of Bart's utterly addictive ball juice. She absentmindedly fucks herself with her fingers and licks them off on the rest of the walk to Slattern Hall.

* * * * *

Camille awakens to find herself in bed with Dick, slides out to use the restroom, then comes back to find him sporting morning wood. She cannot deny herself, she has to have him, and so she mounts him, guiding his thick shaft into her wet pussy, eager to fuck him, to please him. She keeps checking his balls as she grinds atop him, her need to please driving her onward. She has always had him finish in her mouth, but this time she gets lost in the fuck, and he is spurting into her, bringing her to an intense climax as she remembers this is her fertile time of the month. She pulls off to clean and pleasure him with her mouth, his eyes bright with affection for her. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have Dick's child after all.

He takes her twice more after breakfast, in new positions she has never tried. He is her bedroom god, teaching her so much about love and sex she never had a chance to learn before. The last time he uses her ass, filling her pussy with the dildo for her to stroke it in and out of herself, as she uses the vibrator on her nub. She thrashes through dozens of intense orgasms, before he pulls out to offer his cock, straight from her ass to her mouth. She locks her lips around his tip to accept his bliss, triggering another climax, maybe the most intense of her life.

Dick leaves her for awhile, so she takes off her dress and nipple clamps to shower. When he comes back, he waits for her to finish, and then dresses her, applying and removing the nipple clamps three times, and while the pain is uncomfortable, it isn't too intense, and if it gives Dick pleasure to play with her like this, then she will happily let him do so. Then he adds the pussy clamps to her thick vulva lips, bending her over in pain so intense she sees stars.

"Fuck Dick! That hurts like a son-of-a-bitch!" Camille cries out.

"You'll get used to it, just like you did the nipple clamps. Think of them like my kisses, always on your most private parts. That isn't what is important right now, but I did promise you I would put them on you today. We have to go to the school. Your girls have got themselves into a bit of trouble. They're OK, we just have to go to the school, and bring them home until things cool over so they can go back. Now that you are dressed we can go." Dick explains.

"What about my clothes?" Camille asks hopefully.

"Burned 'em. Your old life is gone, Camille. Get used to your new one." Dick explains.

Camille isn't even shocked. His answer feels right, deep inside her. She doesn't need her old things, she has Dick. She slips on her beach flip flops and follows him out the door. Two days ago, she would have done anything, maybe even sacrificed a body part to be on this side of that door, away from Dick. Now he is her world, and she cannot bear to be away from him. When they climb into his truck, she needs reassurance that he won't leave her, or be angry with her, so she opens his zipper and puts her head in his lap. She is happy he quickly gets hard in her mouth.

"Good girl." Dick says as a small thrill runs down Camille's spine, as her hands caress his balls and shaft, slowly blowing him like she knows he loves. She needs him to know she loves him, wants him, needs him. Giving him bliss orally is the least she can do.

They arrive at the school, and are stopped at the gate until reinforcements arrive. Dick is instructed to stay with the escort security vehicles at all times. Camille is fuming, they never treated her and her girls this way, why is Dick being treated so mean? They also tell him to wait in the truck until Camille is done with her business, which just pisses her off, but she swears to not spend a minute more than she needs, to be back with her beloved Dick.

One car close in front, one car close behind, they slowly take the curving road that leads to the headquarters building, where the security forces back up and pull forward until they are both bumper to bumper, pinning Dick's truck between their cars.

"It's ok, baby. I had a dust up with the football team once, and they hold grudges. Go do what you have to do for your girls, I'll be fine." Dick offers graciously.

"Are you sure? We didn't finish. I still owe you a blowjob." Camille offers.

"No, baby, you owe me a billion blowjobs. But that is the price I pay for loving you, never being able to get enough." Dick says as he kisses her, the cigar stained mouth now an aphrodisiac for Camille.

"A billion and one then." Camille says as she pulls away, walking slowly to the building.

When she gets to the building, security guards rush to her, pulling her away from the door, as cop cars come screaming in from all directions, sirens blaring, lights flashing, as both the security force and the police exit their vehicles, guns drawn, pointed at Dick.

"No! NO! You CAN'T!" Camille struggles, "Don't HURT HIM! NO!"

The big burly black security guard says "Ma'am, he'll be fine if he co-operates. What is your name, and where do you live?"

"Camille Ballard, 202 Zipperer Drive, Open Arms apartment #301. Dick and I live there together." Camille tells the man what he needs to know.

"Dick Johnson! Step out of the vehicle with your arms raised! Do it NOW!" the police officer with the bullhorn demands.

"202 Zipperer Drive, Open Arms apartments, that should be all you need for the warrant." the big black security guard speaks into his shoulder mounted walkie-talkie.

"Why in God's name would you need a warrant?" Camille demands.

"Ma'am, I don't know if you can even understand this right now, given the state you are in, but you just barely missed a bullet headed straight for your heart. The man you are living with is a serial killer we have been hunting for six years, since we lost two of our students, Donna Garrafalo and Janine Edwards. We thought he'd left the area." the big black security guard confides.

He is tapped on the shoulder by his comrade in arms "Cops say we can collect and protect her here. Her daughters are here and the sooner we get her into a therapeutic environment, the better. She gave more than her testimony ever could, they have his grimoire and computer files. After the physical exam is done, take her straight to Dr. Robinson."

Camille is taken to the Health Center, where they take six swabs from her mouth, vagina, and anus, placing them in evidence bags. Then they give her a vaginal douche and anal enema, collecting the fluids, sealing the bottles with evidence tape. They take blood and more swabs from her urethra and vagina to check for STD's. She is given a paper cup of Gatorade, two mild sedatives, and released to be escorted to Dr. Robinson.

* * * * *

In the great Fellatrix Center hall, Dr. Robinson takes the stage with his teaching assistants. He is an above middle age black man, with graying hair, but fit and trim, in simple black clothing, black shiny fabric pants and a black T-shirt. His arms ripple with muscles, he must still work out at the gym, Jenny thinks to herself.

"Good morning, although it is almost lunchtime. Sorry for the delay, we had an incident I'm sure you will see on the news. We had a serial killer, who took two of our students six years ago, captured in front of our headquarters building. I think half the Savannah police force was there to arrest him. He gave up without a fight. Apparently, he was targeting two of our first years, whose sexual antics had inflamed his passions. We will deal with that at the end of the lecture today." Dr. Robinson states with a commanding, but subdued voice.

"My TA's are giving you a paper cup of Gatorade. This is a demonstration of something called 'The Placebo Effect'. Perhaps half of you will be given a drug cocktail I developed for the CIA as a truth serum, really just a hypnotic combined with a inhibition reducer and a limbic system stimulator. Perhaps all of you will be given the truth serum, perhaps none of you will. Only my computer knows for sure. The question before us, my dear lab rats, is will those who didn't receive the truth serum act exactly like those who did?" Dr. Robinson spells out the terms of the experiment.

"My TA's will give you the paper cup, watch you drink it, and record the number on the cup with a picture of your face. It takes about a half an hour for the Truth serum to take effect, but the placebo will take effect instantaneously, since it is all in your mind. I'm going to ask everyone some very personal questions, raise your hand to answer yes. We will then have my general lecture on the psychology course you must all pass to graduate, so pay attention. Then we will revisit the most personal questions, finally have a demonstration, and I must remind you - what happens in psych stays in psych. Do not discuss what you learn about your fellow students elsewhere, or what you do in class, elsewhere. Let's begin." Dr. Robinson explains the experimental method.

"First, let us count up the virgins. Raise your hand if you have never had oral or genital stimulation for sexual gratification to or from another human being. Very well, after the lecture, you may leave before the second round. Ok then, Who has received oral sex from another human being? Good. Who has given oral sex to another human being? Who has received oral sex from another human being of the same gender? Who has given oral sex to another human being of the same gender? Who has received penetrative sex from another human being? Who has given penetrative sex to another human being? Who has received penetrative sex from another human being of the same gender? Who has given penetrative sex to another human being of the same gender?" Dr. Robinson asks neutrally.

"Second, let us identify those with more extreme sexual experiences. Who has been involved with oral sex with multiple partners within twenty four hours? Who has been involved with penetrative sex with multiple partners withing twenty four hours? Who has been involved with another human being sexually with bondage themes? Who has been involved with another human being sexually with dominance and submission themes? Who has been involved with another human being sexually with sadism or masochism themes? Who has been involved with another human being sexually with other fetishes, such as cuckoldry, etc. which we did not cover? Very good." Dr. Robinson asks neutrally.

"So psychology is trapped between two viewpoints, both expressed most succinctly by Dr. Freud. 'Everything is about sex', he famously said. 'Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar', he also said. Everything is about sex, but not everything is about sex. In the liberal environment of SLUT, we see many people act out, explore, change, evolve. Most people when they walk into the SLUT gates for the first time, have no clue what their true sexual proclivities really are, but they do tend to find out." Dr. Robinson chuckles.

* * * * *

After the lecture, Dr. Robinson repeats his questions. Jenny feels kind of blurry, she must have been given the real truth serum. Ruby is looking around, seemingly hard to focus, so Jenny concludes she must have been given the truth serum too.

"Today we have a unique set of circumstances I've never seen in over twenty years of practice. Jenny Ballard, Ruby Ballard, Camille Ballard, please come down to the stage immediately.", as they stand and start down the stairs to the stage.

"Let's begin with Ruby. You never attended Coquette University of New Technology, is that correct?" Dr. Robinson asks evenly.

"That's correct." Ruby speaks clearly into the microphone before her.

"Ruby, you have never applied to, much less been accepted to the Savannah Liberal University of Theater, is that correct?" Dr. Robinson asks with a slight inflection of irritation in his voice.

"That's correct." Ruby answers.

"So, Ruby, your representation that you are a Resident Adviser, despite never having taken any classes to train for it, is a complete and utter fraud, isn't that correct?" Dr. Robinson accuses her, a tinge of ire in his voice.

"That's correct." Ruby answers, still cool as a cucumber.

"Let's talk about your sexual promiscuity on campus. This picture", he clicks the projector, and a sixty foot square image of the front page of "The Daily S.L.U.T.", showing her naked with Bart, jacking off his big cock, "of you naked and Bart Simmons, also naked, shows you not shaking his hand in greeting, but stroking his penis, less than fifteen minutes after you met, isn't that correct?" Dr. Robinson adds.

"That's also correct, but in my defense, Mr. Simmons has a very impressive endowment." Ruby answers, still cool and confident.

"Less than a day later, you seduced Mr. Simmons into your bed, promising him a threesome with Tamara Whitmore, as shown in these pictures, isn't that correct?" Dr. Robinson accuses.

"No sir, that is not correct. Mr. Simmons seduced me, although that wasn't very difficult for him to do. All he had to do was ask me. Ms. Whitmore joined us hours later, of her own free will, without any communication or contact from either myself or Mr. Simmons." Ruby replies firmly, not realizing she is digging a hole for her reputation.

"So you are claiming that when having sexual intercourse with Mr. Simmons, you are quite willing to allow any other man or woman to join you, is that correct?' Dr. Robinson accuses.

"Although I did not plan it at the time, the experience was extraordinary, and today, given what I know to be true, I would not object to even my grandmother joining us." Ruby digs further.

"Let's talk about the incest in your family. Prior to this week, you participated in incestuous sexual relations with other family members, is that correct?" Dr. Robinson probes.

"That is not correct." Ruby shakes her head negatively.

"So this picture," as he clicks on the other front page of "The Daily S.L.U.T.", showing her and Jenny in a sixty nine as Bart's gum drips from Ruby's thoroughly fucked cunt and is licked out by Jenny, "shows the first time that you have ever had sexual relations with another family member, is that correct?" Dr. Robinson probes deeper.

"That is correct, although I did not know at the time the woman I was performing oral sex upon was my sister Jenny, nor given the blindfold, do I have any belief that she knew the woman she was performing oral sex upon was her sister." Ruby replies realizing her face has been burning red for some time.

"So you are asking us to believe you never looked, you never saw it was your sister, is that correct?" Dr. Robinson is incredulous.

"Yes, that is correct. At that point I had been subjected to hours of intense orgasms, and I was just enjoying the experience. I might have passed out if Tamara had not joined us, she upped the intensity level of the orgasms to a level I could not ignore. But I was fading fast, and within moments of that picture being taken, I was fast asleep. A very satisfied sleep, but sleep nonetheless." Ruby tells her story.

"So in summation, Ruby, you are not and never have been a CUNT, even though you act like one; you are not a SLUT, even though you act like one; you are not an RA, even though you pretend to be one; you meet men naked and stroke their penises, even willing to be in published photos doing so; you have interracial sex with both men and women, because you are willing to allow anyone to have oral sex with you when having sexual intercourse with a large penis; you are interested in having oral sex with your grandmother, and by inference your mother, while you have already done so with your sister; is that correct?" Dr. Robinson sums up.

"Correct, except I've never had sex with a black man." Ruby answers.

"Would you like to?" Dr. Robinson thrusts his hips at her.

"Yes! I accept!" Ruby says as she gets the joke at her expense, and blushes.

"Now on to Jenny. You are a first year SLUT, properly applied and enrolled, is that correct?" Dr. Robinson asks neutrally.

"That's correct." Jenny says firmly into her own microphone.

"Jenny, you are a major in women's interpretive dance, do you identify as gender queer or gender lesbian? Better yet, let's just let you describe your own sexual identification." Dr. Robinson suggests.

"I would have identified as gender hetero prior to this week. I have fallen in love with a woman, Tamara Whitmore, so until last night, I would have identified as gender lesbian or gender bi. But from today forward, I think it is better to identify as gender fluid. I love both men and women." Jenny explains.