Problem with a One Night Stand Ch. 05


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"I will." I promised. "I just want to see what he has to say. I have a good feeling about it, that's all."

"And what about Andrew?" She asked. I had come clean to her, Matt, and Jason last week, mostly just because I was apparently a much worse liar than I thought. Matt had figured it all out and had called me out on it, and there was no hiding it anymore. I didn't give them all the gory details, but they knew we had been hooking up in secret for a while now, and none of them were all too pleased. I believe Jason's exact phrase was "how dumb are you?"

"I'll see what Barry has to say, and see what Andrew has to say, and then make an informed decision." I told her. "Quite frankly, I'm not all that confident that Andrew will even do anything tomorrow so I think it is a moot point."

"You said it, not me." She rolled her eyes. "We've been telling that he's a dick. You need to stop making bad decisions."

"Working on it." I grinned. "But until then, I'm going to wait and see what happens. Le the chips fall where they may." I grinned at her before turning back to the problem set I was working on for my stats class. The afternoon flew by, until I realized it was almost time to go meet Barry. Lindsey went back to her room after I promised her that I would update her on everything later, and I changed into jeans and a clean shirt before I made my way down the stairs. As promised, Barry was waiting outside the main entrance to my building. My heart skipped a beat as I took him in. He was so effortlessly handsome in the same way Matt and Jason were, it was almost unfair. Even with his hands in his pockets, leaning casually against the wall near the door, he resembled the male love interest in an 80s rom com. In a way, he actually did resemble Jake Ryan. The thought made me smile, and I shoved my way through the door and joined him on the sidewalk. "Hey." I greeted as the door shut behind me.

"Hey, Josh." He greeted me with a broad grin. "How do you feel about some dinner?"

"Sure. I could eat." I could always eat. I was a total bottomless pit on race days. The exertion paired with the adrenaline made me ravenous for the entire day. It could also just be that I was still growing at an alarmingly rapid rate, but I would take it for what it was. He motioned for me to follow him, and I was surprised to see he was heading off campus. "Where are we going? You don't want to just go to the cafeteria?"

"I was thinking I would take you out for a real meal." He told me. "If that's okay."

'That's fine?" I agreed, irked at the questioning tone in my voice.

"So how was your day?"

"It was fine." I shrugged. "I'm happy with our performance this morning, pizza was awesome, homework all afternoon. Normal Sunday, I guess. How about you?"

"I had a good time watching you guys this morning. It was actually kind of cool to be on the sidelines and see how you guys actually gel. It was an interesting outside perspective."

"Are you coming back to practice tomorrow?"

"I am. Everything with Casey got a little messy this week. Luckily, coach let me get away with it. It was absolutely not what I wanted, though. I wanted to be out there every day with you guys."

"Casey's gone?" I dared to ask.

"Yup. Casey's gone." He told me, giving me a shy grin. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I feel like on Friday, things got all mixed up."

"It's fine, Barry." I stopped him. "Seriously. We don't need to hash it out again."

Barry stopped walking and pulled me back, spinning me around so I was facing him. He placed his strong hands on my shoulders and leaned slightly forward so he was looking right in my eyes. "We do need to talk about it, actually. I really fucked up the other night, and I want to fix it. That's why I wanted to tale you out tonight. You need to know what I am actually thinking because I wasn't completely honest with you the other day."

"What do you mean?"

He sighed, dropping his hands from my shoulders and taking my hand in his as we walked along the street. I know, I know. He has a boyfriend, and I should not feel so giddy over the way our hands fit perfectly together, but I couldn't help it. They fit perfectly together! "We'll talk about it over dinner." He told me as he led me to a cute little restaurant I hadn't tried yet. Apparently it was a weekend of new adventures. Once we were settled into a table facing each other, Barry suddenly appeared really nervous. "So." He started, but drifted off.

"Why are you so nervous?" I finally asked after a moment of awkward silence. "You're really not acting like yourself."

"I guess I just don't know how to get out what I want to say without sounding like a dickhead."

"You're not a dickhead."

"I am." He shook his head. "I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but all these things I'm doing? They're just not me."

"I guess I'm a little lost, because I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."

Barry gave me a skeptical glare. "I slept with you last weekend."

"You did." I shrugged, trying to play off the discomfort coursing through me. I was trying so hard to play it cool, but I really had no idea what Barry was getting at, or why he was with me right now. I had had enough of guys jerking me around, so I just wanted to know where he was going with all this before I completely wrote him off.

"I have a boyfriend." He sighed. "And he thinks we're getting married once we graduate. But I just don't want that, you know?"

Thankfully, we were interrupted by our waiter taking our orders, so it gave me time to consider my reaction to him. Once we placed our orders and were alone again, I leaned across the table towards him. "If you don't want to marry Casey, you don't have to. If you don't want to be with him, you don't have to. You are forcing something on yourself that is so unnecessary and for what? Years of companionship? You were friends first, maybe you could be friends again after. All I know is that the reasons you gave on Friday for staying with him were superficial and if you are truly unhappy you have the power to change it."

"I am going to change it." He told me, the earnest expression on his face giving him a younger appearance and making my heart melt a little. "That's what I wanted to see you about. I wanted to apologize for being such an absolute shithead to you. You didn't deserve the way I treated you."

"It's fine." I waved it off.

"It's not fine. I was wrong for it, all of it. I really don't know what I was thinking, but every step of what I did was wrong."

"So you regret sleeping with me?"

"Oh, god, no." He reached across the table and took my hand. "That is the one thing I don't regret out of all of this. I feel like there is this huge magnetic force pulling me towards you, and I have never felt that before, not even with Casey. I got together with him because it was easy, and he was there, and then we just never strayed from it. But he doesn't make me feel the way that you do. Not even a little. I know I'm not crazy, and that you felt something too. Josh, there is something here."

"There is." I agreed. "But there are quite a few obstacles here, don't you think?"

"Like what?"

I laughed. "Hello? Like Casey, the age difference between us, potentially messing up the team, and I'm sure there are many other issues we just don't know about yet."

He grinned back at me. "I don't care about your age, you're more adult than most of the guys my age, and I'm not worried about the crew team. You're not the type to screw with the dynamics of the team so I don't think that's an obstacle at all." He took a deep breath. "As for Casey, I'm going to go meet him at school this weekend and break up with him. I can't just throw it all away in a text or even a phone call. I think he deserves a little more than that."

"See? You're not a dickhead." I smiled at him. "So, what is it that you want from this exactly?" I dared to ask, waving my hand between the two of us. "Like, what is your end goal? Cause honestly, I am not 100% sure. You seem like you're a little lost, and I'm not sure that you would be ready to just jump from one thing to another."

"What do you want?"

I sighed, unable to hold eye contact anymore. "I want something real, Barry. I'm tired of guys jerking me around, I'm tired of being used for sex, I'm tired of being a dirty little secret. I want someone who will actually be with me, and be proud of that fact. I don't want to be a side piece anymore."

"You don't think that I can do that?"

"Can and will are two very different things, Barry." I told him.

"So if that's what you want, why are you wasting time on Andrew?" He challenged.

"I don't think that's any of your business."

"It is if you and I get together."

"You're feisty today." I grinned at him. "For the record, when I first met Andrew, it wasn't on campus. We had a great night together before school even started, and I didn't even realize he went here. It wasn't until we were on campus that things got weird. Either way, it is very clear he isn't the person I thought he was, and I'm not sure where things stand with him, honestly."

"Do you want things to go anywhere with him?"

"Are you asking me if I would rather date him or you?"

He flushed, and this time he was the lucky one who was interrupted by the waiter with our meals. We were silent for a few minutes as we began to dig in. The chorizo and pineapple flatbread I had ordered was delicious, and it was a much needed breather in the conversation. To be honest, I was pretty confused about what to do. I think I knew deep down that Andrew wasn't the one for me, but at the same time, was Barry? We would have started off with dishonesty on his part, and that could be a hard thing to get over. But would the juice be worth the squeeze? I feel like with Barry, it would be. He was exactly what I wanted, and I had a feeling that the magic between us from last weekend would come right back.

"I don't want you to be forced to make a choice, but yeah, I want to actually date you, Josh." He finally answered, startling me a little big because I was so wrapped up in my pizza. "And honestly, I think you want to date me too."

"Oh you do, do you?" I laughed.

His bright grin was back. "I do. I think you know we could be something great, and you're dying to see if we can make it happen."

"I don't know about dying, but yeah, I wouldn't turn you down if you were to ask me out." I smiled at him. "So what now? We just wait until you're over Casey and see where things go?"

He shook his head. "I don't need time to get over him. I am already over Casey. That being said, I don't think that it's right for me to sleep with you or anything until we do officially break up, but I am going to do it next week, and then I plan on courting you."

"Courting me?" I couldn't hold back the giggle that escaped. "Whatever you say, Grandpa."

"Oh, I plan on courting the hell out of you." He grinned, leaning across the table at me. "So what do you say? You up for it?"

"Oh, I'm in." I smiled, unable to control the amount of happiness coursing through me. I know that it was stupid to let my own emotions rely so heavily on someone else, but I couldn't help it.

"No more Andrew?"

"Andrew who?" I grinned, and when Barry grinned back at me, a warm feeling coursed through me, putting me at peace and finally seeming like things would work out for me.

The rest of the meal passed in a blur because it was so much fun. Once all the serious stuff was over with, Barry was back to his playful, goofy self that he was before all the drama of the last week had passed, and I found myself wondering if this was how it would always be. Would he always be so openly flirty and fun? I could only hope so, because this side of him was amazing. As we walked home, he regaled me with a story from when his sister used to make him be the actor in music videos she made when she was younger, and the way he described he with such love and affection warmed my heart. I had always wanted siblings when I was younger to cut through some of the loneliness, and I couldn't help but be jealous of Barry and his seven siblings. It sounded like there was never a dull moment in his life growing up, and I'm sure he never spent a holiday alone with a nanny until they had to go home until their own children.

When we reached my dorm, I was torn about what to do. Part of me really wanted to invite him upstairs, but I wasn't sure how well that would go over if Andrew happened to see. I still needed to figure out a way to cancel him for tomorrow, and to break it off completely, and having Barry around was kind of rubbing it in his face. On the other hand, I really wanted to keep hanging out with Barry, and it didn't seem fair that I couldn't do what I wanted because I was nervous about a guy who had repeatedly treated me poorly for the last two months.

"Do you want to come upstairs?" I asked him, taking a chance on it. I couldn't waste anymore time worrying about what Andrew thought. I wanted to focus on Barry, and that was what I was going to do.

"Sure." He smiled at me, taking my hand as I swiped my badge and let us inside. He followed me upstairs, and once we were safely in my room, he dropped my hand and turned me around so I was facing him before backing me up until my back hit the wall next to my dresser. "I have been waiting a very long time to get you alone." He told me with a mischievous grin, and before I could do anything else, his hand was gripping my chin gently and tilting my head up so that when his lips could find mine. Barry had the perfect mouth, and I swear it was designed to fit mine. His soft, pink lips matched mine perfectly and the feeling of his mouth on mine was like a drug. I let him control the kiss, letting him in when his tongue dragged along my lower lip asking for entrance. I was lost in the way he felt against me, but I also loved the way he was taking his time. There was nothing urgent about it, just his mouth on mine as his tongue gently explored my mouth. I could vaguely taste the margarita he had with dinner, but all it did was add to the flavor that was pure Barry. His hand dropped from my chin and both of his hands found my waist, pulling me close to him as we continued to make out in my doorway. I draped my hands around his neck and arched into him, a thrill running through me when I felt the subtle press of a very hard erection pressing against my hip. It thrilled me that I could turn him on like that, and the realization sent a rush of blood down to my groin. My own cock hardened in my jeans, and I let out a soft moan as Barry deepened the kiss ever so slightly. Finally, he broke away, breathing heavily as his pressed his forehead against mine. "Fuck." He groaned out. "You are going to be my undoing." He murmured, pressing a chaste kiss against my mouth again.

"Don't want that." I agreed.

"I shouldn't stay." He admitted, looking a bit guilty. I felt bad for him. He was trying to be a nice guy and this probably wasn't making things any easier. I actually kind of admired that he didn't want to continue cheating on Casey, but at the same time, I wanted him for myself.

"You shouldn't." I agreed, but let my hands wander down his strong back and around to his chest, letting my fingers trace over the firm muscles there before dragging them gently down to the top of his jeans. I heard the sharp intake of breath as my fingers teased along his waist, and didn't miss the ever so subtle press of his hips closer to me.

"I should go." He whispered.

"You should." I agreed again, but let my fingers make the final jump to his belt and slowly undid the buckle. "Or, you could stay." I undid the button on his jeans at the same time I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the closest patch of neck that I could reach. "I could make it worth your while." I pulled the zipper down, and the growl that Barry let out was enough of a signal to let me know that I had won him over. I let out a bit of a shriek as he lifted me off the ground and took the three steps across the room to my bed. The air left my lungs as I landed firmly on my back, but I could hardly care because a second later, Barry was on top of me and his mouth was back on mine. He had pulled off his shirt before climbing on me, and he made quick work of removing mine as well.

"You are nothing but trouble." He grinned down at me as he straddled over my hips and settled there. His jeans were hanging open from where I had undone them, but he seemed to be in no race to the finish line.

"Sorry?" I grinned up at him.

"You're not even remotely sorry." He laughed, sliding his hands down my chest.

"Not even a little." I pulled his head down to mine for another searing kiss, loving the weight of him on top of me. Everything about Barry was perfect, and I was still kind of floored that he wanted me when there were literally hundreds of people who would fight for him. "Take your pants off." I murmured against his mouth.

"I can't have sex with you, Josh." He pulled back, an apologetic look in his eyes. "I just can't. Not until I break up with Casey. It's not right to mess with him like that."

"No sex." I promised. "But I can still get you off, can't I?"

He groaned and let his head fall forward, so I kissed the top of his head. "No." He finally said, looking back up at me. "Because I'm going to get you off."

"Why don't we both get each other off?" I laughed.

"If you insist." He grinned, and within seconds, I found myself laughing hysterically as he yanked my shoes, socks, pants, and boxers off in a matter of seconds. I stopped laughing as I watched him take his own pants and boxers off. He could charge admission to a strip show because let me tell you, there was nothing more arousing than watching Barry get naked.

As soon as we were both completely undressed, he climbed back onto the bed with me. I pulled him down so he was on top of me again, but pulled him close and rolled us both over so it was me straddling him this time. He smiled warmly up at me, and I felt it hit me straight in the heart. Barry could be it, the one guy I had been waiting for. After kissing so many frogs, was it possible that I had finally found a prince? My romantic thoughts were interrupted by the press of his groin against mine, the erotic sensation of hard cocks rubbing together. There was nothing quite like the feeling of someone pressed against you, knowing that you were the one who got them so hard. I sat back slightly and spit onto my hand before bringing it between us, getting a good grip on Barry's cock. There was already a drop of pre-cum sitting at his tip, so I used that as a little extra lube to start jerking him. His eyes rolled back in his head as I stroked him, soft pants evolving into moans as I continued to work up and down over him. When I sensed he was getting too close to finishing, I moved my hand down and began to massage his balls, gently rolling one at a time between my fingers as he caught his breath. His hand found my own shaft, and the pleasure shot through me as he stroked me in the same time as my own strokes on him. He finally shoved my hand out of the way and took both of our shafts in his own hand before pulling me down to him and kissing me again, rough and sloppy as we both moaned against each other. I was rocking my hips against his, unable to control how good he was making me feel, and I felt simply powerless to the eroticism of the moment.

"Fuck, Josh, I'm going to come." He groaned against my neck, burying his face in the skin there that was now slick with sweat. I found my face buried in his neck as well, so I tipped my head up and kissed behind his ear. He was rocking against me at an Olympic pace, taking me closer and closer to the edge with each stroke of his hand. The firm vacuum of his fingers and steely cock was driving me out of my mind.