Problem with a One Night Stand Ch. 05


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"Do it." I moaned.

"With me." He moaned. "Come with me." It was enough to set me over the edge, and with a groan I felt my orgasm rocket through me, jets of hot cum pouring out of my cock and onto Barry's chest. He was bucking against me and came at the same moment. I collapsed on top of him, rolling to the side to avoid just laying with him as we caught our breath. "Fuck, Josh." He whispered before kissing the top of my head. "You are so fucking sexy."

I leaned over and kissed his chest, getting the taste of cum as I did so, unable to tell if it was his or my own, but quite frankly, it didn't matter. I trailed more kisses over him, loving the way his muscles twitched with each press of my lips. I licked and cleaned up most of the cum on him as I went, and I grinned to myself when I saw Barry's cock twitch at the site of me cleaning him up like that. Once I had travelled over him, I settled against him and draped an arm over his chest. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and tilted my face up with his other hand until he was able to kiss me again. He moaned as his tongue slipped into my mouth, and I knew he was tasting the amazingness that was our juices mixed together.

"So much for not taking this too far." He laughed out when we separated.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "That was my fault."

"Don't be sorry." He gripped me tighter. "I wanted it. It's just my own guilty conscience, and I should have been able to control myself. You did nothing wrong."

"Okay." I yawned. It wasn't even that late, but he had wiped me out. "Do you want to stay the night?" Part of me worried that this was it, he was going to shut me out and run off again, but I took the chance and left myself vulnerable like a dumbass all over again.

"I don't have anything with me for practice." He at least sounded remorseful. "But I can stay a bit longer." I grinned up at him and nestled against him. I couldn't get over the fact that we fit together like puzzle pieces. It reminded me of the week before when he was inside me, and just how well we fit together. My cock twitched with interest, but I was way too tired to follow through on it.

I can't even tell you how long Barry stayed with me, kissing and touching, touching and kissing. Everything was unhurried, and I actually felt cherished, wanted. It may have been sappy of me to even think such ridiculous thoughts, but I couldn't help it. It was a good feeling. We didn't get off again, and nothing got more serious than some light touches above the waist. Being with a guy who was naked with me and didn't want to just fuck me and leave made me ridiculously happy. Before he left around midnight, Barry promised that he would let me know as soon as he broke up with Casey and then he would take me on an official date. A real date, probably the first in my life. I could hardly contain my excitement.

The only time I saw Barry during the week was at practice, and unfortunately, the slight brushes against me, the secretive smiles, or the occasional text messages were not enough to keep me satisfied. The weekend couldn't come soon enough, and when it finally did, Barry sent me a text saying he was on his way to see Casey but would be away all weekend, that he hoped I would enjoy mine, and that he wanted to take me out on Monday night so to make sure I got everything done so I would have time for him.

"Why are you so glum?" Lindsey asked as she plopped across from me in the café on Friday night. I had been sitting with Jason and Matt, per my usual. Matt was once again glued to Jason's side, and while it was incredibly adorable, it also made me wonder what was wrong at Brown that he chose to spend every weekend here with us. "You've been awfully quiet all week. Are you bummed about Andrew?"

"Not at all." I told her. "In fact, when I went to meet with him on Monday night and tell him that I wasn't interested in further pursuing him, he didn't even show. And then I saw him with Greg again on Tuesday, but you know what? Good for him. He deserves to be happy too."

"Do you really think that?" Jason asked.

"I do. He just wasn't right for me. Not a huge deal. Barry will be back a single man this weekend, and we're going out on Monday."

"I like Barry for you." Jason agreed. "He seems like a really good guy, and Andrew was a douche."

"He wasn't that bad." I argued.

"He sucks." Matt spoke up. "I've known him since we were kids. He is just the worst kind of guy. A sneaky, manipulative bastard with major daddy issues."

"Gee, thanks for sharing that ahead of time." I rolled my eyes. "It would have been nice to know that before I wasted all that time on him."

He just shrugged. "You had to learn that on your own."

"So what are you and Barry doing this weekend?" Lindsey asked.

"He went to break up with Casey but said he was gone all weekend. We have plans for Monday night. Other than that, I have nothing to do all weekend."

"Feel like going on an adventure?" She asked, turning her laptop towards me. "One of my friends told me about a burlesque show in Manhattan this weekend, and I really want to go. They even have a couple of the drag queens I love in it. Want to go with me?"

"Sure." I told her. "Maybe we can all go and make an adventure out of it?"

"I'm game." Jason agreed. "That okay with you, babe?" He asked Matt, who nodded. "It sounds fun. Should we get hotel rooms and stay over so we don't have to worry about the train? We can make a whole night of it. It would be so fun."

"I don't know that I can get too crazy, Jay." Mat interrupted. "We are getting so close to election time, and my father will murder me if I start making bad decisions. You know we have to avoid the clubs and stuff like that."

"We can just go to the show and then back to the hotel." Jason offered, snuggling up against his boyfriend. "Wouldn't it be nice a bed that isn't a twin size for once?"

Matt gave him an adoring look and sighed. "Okay, fine. I know a couple places that don't card that we could go to. There's a really awesome karaoke place we could check out if you want."

"I'll book a couple hotel rooms." I told them, more than willing to use my dad's platinum card to pay for our fun. He probably wouldn't even notice.

"I'm so excited!" Lindsey exclaimed. "It's going to be the best weekend ever."

"Yeah we'll just have to keep Josh from thinking about Barry." Matt teased, and the others chuckled along.

"Very funny, assholes." I rolled my eyes, but couldn't hold back the grin. My friends were pretty damn awesome. "I don't need distraction. I'm fine."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Sure you are. You are probably already smitten, and ready to do whatever he asks of you."

"Not true." I argued.

"It's okay, Josh." Matt grinned. "You fall fast and hard. It's kind of your thing."

"You guys suck." I smiled back at them. "Look, this isn't going to be like Adam. Or Andrew. Or pretty much anyone else from high school. I like Barry, and I'm not going to screw it up this time. There's a big difference in our ages, so I am hoping that actually helps us out this time. I want something more serious, and he is obviously the king of serious."

"He is also the king of cheating." Jason chimed in, and I shot him a glare. "It's true. He slept with you and rubbed off with you before he dumped his boyfriend. You know things that start with cheating rarely end well."

I just shrugged. "I'll take a chance on him." I told them. "I'm just going to take it a little more slowly than I have in the past. I don't want to rush into it and get hurt again. I mean, I'm sure I won't marry him or anything, but I also don't want to be just another piece of meat for some guy to fuck whenever he wants."

Lindsey wrapped an arm around my shoulder and gave me a side hug. "We know, we just care about you, that's all. Obviously we support you." She glared at Matt and Jason. "Besides, Barry seems great. It will all work out this time around, I'm sure of it."

"Thanks, Linds." I smiled at her, appreciating her friendship more in that moment than I probably had all year. Jason and Matt were great and all, but they were more wrapped up in each other than anything else, but Lindsey always had my back and was just a truly great friend.

Which is exactly why we found ourselves on the commuter rail into the city on Saturday morning. The hotel we checked into was pretty cheap, so we ended up getting one room for Matt and Jason, one for me, and one for Lindsey. I was looking forward to the opportunity to sleep in a larger bed, which was really my motivation for not staying in a room with Lindsey. Plus, it would give her the opportunity to get away from her roommate as well, who was not exactly the nicest of girls. I'm sure she would appreciate a night to herself as much as everyone else.

Once we were ready for the night, we all made our way downtown for dinner before going to the show. It was kind of fun travelling with Matt, who people actually recognized on the street. He was kind of a pseudo-celebrity now, and so many people were asking for pictures and wishing him well that it was kind of entertaining to watch. Matt had always been kind of a big deal in high school, but this was a whole new level of adoration. His father's platform was immensely popular and was predicted to win the election by a landslide, so it was no wonder that people wanted to get a little face time in with his son. It didn't hurt that Matt was pretty easy on the eyes, so it was also no wonder that all the young girls we came across wanted to take a picture with him too.

By the time we finally sat down for dinner, it was just like any other night in the dining hall, except we were mildly more dressed up than usual. Lindsey was practically bouncing with excitement to get to the burlesque show, and I couldn't blame her. She regularly followed some of the drag queens who were going to be performing tonight. I was pretty excited too, but not nearly as excited as she was. You could practically feel the energy radiating off of her.

The atmosphere in the club was unlike anything I had ever experienced. We all used our fake IDs to get in, and grabbed a round of drinks to bring to our little table with us. The show was due to start any minute, so I took the chance to people watch in the trendy club. People of all shapes and sizes were there, in various states of dress. This was exactly the kind of place my cousin Lexi would love too. I would have to remember to bring her here whenever she came to visit me at school. The show itself was incredibly, with a series of sexy and seductive numbers. Lindsey was cheering like crazy and having the time of her life. Matt and Jason were sneaking kisses here and there, and at one point disappeared for a solid ten minutes. I couldn't help but grin at their subtlety.

By the time we got out of the show, we were all mildly buzzed and ready for more fun, so we decided to go to a karaoke bar a couple blocks from our hotel. The place was packed when we walked in, so we grabbed a round of drinks and bought a handful of song tickets so we could turn them in once we decided on what to do. We settled into a corner where we could see all the action and started to watch everyone sing and dance. I always liked to watch and see what everyone else did before I started to sing anything, Matt wanted to fly under the radar now that booze was involved, Lindsey had run into some friends she knew from high school, and Jason was all lovey with Matt, so I was left to my own devices either way.

When my phone vibrated in my pocket, a thrill ran through me. It had to be Barry. It had been over 24 hours since he had left for Casey's, surely he was single by now. I scrambled for my phone, disappointed to see it was just an email from a professor about an exam during the week. Bummer. Now that I had let myself think about Barry, I couldn't stop. I started to obsess over why he hadn't reached out to me yet, what he could possibly be doing. What if he changed his mind? What if he decided that Casey was really what he wanted after all? I couldn't really compete with 6 years of history, no matter what I tried to offer. I mean what did I have besides the fact that I was younger and probably more limber?

"Josh? Josh Banner?" A feminine voice interrupted my inner turmoil, thankfully pulling me out of my Barry obsession. I looked up and saw a beautiful brunette girl pushing through the crowd to get to me. "Oh my god, it is you!" The girl squeaked, throwing her arms around me.

"Umm, hi?" I greeted her, wracking my brain trying to place a name with a face.

"Omg, you don't remember me." She laughed, tossing her flawless brown locks over her shoulder. Her face seemed alarmingly familiar, but I just couldn't place it. "It's me, Brianna, from camp."

"Oh my god, Bri! I didn't even recognize you!" I exclaimed, wrapping her up in a big hug.

"I mean, it's been a few years." She laughed. "Some body parts have changed since then. Not that you're looking for anything." She winked.

"Guilty." I grinned. "But you look great! How are you?"

"Oh, I'm fine." She waved her hand off to the side. "I never thought I'd see you again though! Don't you live in DC or something?"

"Yeah, but I go to Yale now. My friends and I just came into the city for the night. You live here now? That's awesome. You always said you wanted to live in New York."

"Yeah, I'm a sophomore at Columbia now, majoring in international business and Spanish. How about you?"

I just laughed. "The same exact thing. But I'm only a freshman."

"Of curse we're doing the same thing. We were always two peas in a pod." She laughed, a big hearty laugh that couldn't help but bring a smile to my face. Brianna and I had first met when we were 15, and sent away to camp in Maine for the summer. While my parents had sent me away so they could just get rid of me for a few months, Brianna had begged and begged to go, so her parents let her spend the summer away for the first time. She was one of 6 kids and rarely got to do anything on her own, so she reveled in the chance to get away. Turned out, we were both kind of misfits at the camp, so we found solace in our own friendship and were inseparable for the whole time. I was teased relentlessly for it, but I had done my best to rise above it. I had already figured out long before that girls didn't do it for me, so I was beyond caring about it. Bri and I had a great summer, full of secrets and whispered late night conversations. The next summer I went off to Ecuador for the break, and Brianna's parents couldn't send her again. We had tried to stay in touch, but it was hard as kids. Now that we lived so close to each other, I couldn't help but think that this was a second chance for us to be friends again. We had always been so similar.

"So what brought you and your friends into the city?" She asked, leaning around me to take a peak at my friends. "Well, hello to you boys." She greeted Jason and Matt, shooting them a model-worthy seductive smile. "I'm Brianna Smith."

"That's Jason and Matt." I told her. "Lindsey is over there."

"So you guys are all friends with my little Josh, huh?"

Matt snorted. "Little Josh?"

"Ignore him." I muttered.

"You're lucky that nickname never circulated around high school." He laughed. "I'm Matt." He reached out to shake Brianna's hand. "This is my boyfriend, Jason." Jay also reached out to shake her hand.

"The roommate. I remember hearing about you. Although you are far more handsome than Josh ever revealed." She winked at him, making him blush adorably and lean in a little closer to Matt. "It's so awesome to meet all of you! I'm so happy to see Josh has some great friends. I worried about him at that stupid all boys school he went to back home. Now I know you're doing well in college. Didn't I always say it would be our time to shine?" She laughed.

"Oh, he's killing it." Jason told her. "He's brilliant, guys live him, including older guys. I mean, just this week alone he went on a pseudo date with a grad student and a real date with a senior. Plus, he is absolutely destroying it on the crew team. He's the only freshman who made varsity, and is totally their secret weapon." He beamed proudly, and I flushed at his compliments.

"I always knew you were a good egg." Brianna told Jason. "Although, if you're on the crew team, you must know my brother. He's the captain of the Yale crew team."

"Oh my god, Barry Smith." Jason exclaimed. "Barry is your brother!"

Brianna tilted he head at him. "Yeah, he's my older brother. So you do know him."

"Kind of." He grinned. "But we could say that Josh knows him really well."

I flushed under the stares of my friends. "Yeah, I kind of do."

"Kind of?" Matt snorted, but luckily, Jason elbowed him in the side, effectively shutting him up.

Brianna just tilted her head at them, as if she was trying to figure out what they were going on about, but luckily did not push it further, and my big mouthed friends did not go on any further either. "He's actually somewhere around here now. He spent last night at his boyfriend's place in Jersey, and just came to have a night out before going back to school."

My gut clenched at the word boyfriend. Of course he didn't break up with Casey. I'm such a moron. Luckily, Jason picked up on her choice of words and asked for clarification. "I thought he broke up with that guy."

Bri smacked her forehead. "Duh. He did. Just this morning though, maybe last night. He was pretty quiet about the details. All I know is that he showed up, didn't want to talk about it, and we have been keeping busy for the rest of the day." She shrugged. "Anyway, who wants a shot?"

We followed her to the bar, where we met up with a few more of her friends. Barry was still not around, and I think it was actually a good thing. My mind was reeling at the new information, and that seemed to be happening a lot lately. After several rounds of shots, Brianna managed to talk me into performing a duet with her to the song "Marvin Gaye." We were obsessed with it when we were kids, although now that I pay attention to the lyrics, it may not have been the most appropriate of songs, but it was incredibly fun. Brianna had the same larger than life personality I knew Barry was hiding underneath all of his conservatism. By the time we were done singing and dancing, our friends were all clapping and cheering as if we were a huge hit, despite the fact that I'm sure our alcohol-fueled performance left a lot to be desired. When we joined up with everyone, I was shocked to see Barry had finally made it back to the group and was giving me a warm smile. I was drawn to him like a magnet and didn't stop pushing through the crowd until I was standing right in front of him. We didn't say anything to each other, just staring at each other under the flashing neon lights of the cheesy disco ball above us. Maybe it was the fact that he was now single, but I couldn't help but notice that he looked more fine than usual.

"Hey." I finally dared to greet him, shooting him my biggest grin. I pressed closer to him so we could hear each other. "How did everything go?"

Barry grinned down at me and placed a hand on my lower back pulling me closer to him until our hips were pressed together. "So you know my sister, huh?" He asked me, leaning close until our mouths were mere inches apart and I could feel his warm breath on my face.

"We went to camp together. I didn't make the connection until earlier." I gulped. "I swear."

"I'm not concerned." He told me, pressing his lips to mine. It was the gentlest whisper of a kiss, but it made my knees weak, knowing that this was the first of hopefully many kisses we could exchange without it being wrong anymore. "In fact, I think it saves us the trouble of making you meet my crazy family. If Bri already approves, then the rest will be a breeze."