Project - Prometheus Ch. 12


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"Always happy to serve sir!" Jaesa chirped as they got to work.


Shazza blinked blearily, raising her head from the warm pillow beneath her. Her eyes focused, and she saw the clock next to the bed, trying to see how early it was. It read six ten AM, and she shook her head, wondering how early Korsa had set the alarm. She then remembered that the alarm was set to go off in another twenty minutes and went back to sleep.

She was resting for maybe five minutes when her eyes shot open and she bolted upright. The soft warm pillow she was sleeping on was none other than Korsa's massive breasts! With the adrenaline firing through her system, there was no way she was going back to sleep now, as she was embarrassed on having slept on Korsa like that!

Clearing away her initial shock of it, Shazza then decided that it wasn't a crime to look. She sat there, taking in the sight of such glorious and massive mammaries, feeling both lustful and envious. She was surprised that Korsa didn't wake with her sudden motion and decided to look at them for as long as possible. Sitting there, Shazza licked her lips at the many things she'd want to do to both the huge tits and the woman they were attached to.

"You are allowed to touch them, if you want," Korsa voice told her. Eyes widening in alarm, Shazza blushed, her skin becoming even darker than it was as she looked away.

"There's no need to be bashful. Go ahead. Touch. I won't bite," Korsa promised as she opened her eyes and sat up, making Shazza the offer once again. Shazza then turned her head back and looked at Korsa. She saw there was no deception and after a quick mental debate, took the big woman up on the offer.

She took the large breasts in her hands and was surprised by how firm and solid they felt. Her flesh was also quite pliable and Korsa moaned quietly at the sensation of her tits being handled so gently. Shazza then moved hands to Korsa's wine colored nipples and aureolas, seeking to tease the woman further. Kora moaned louder at this, humming approvingly at what Shazza was doing.

Korsa then moved all four of her hands towards Shazza, nearing her body but hovering back in question. Looking down, then up into Korsa's face, she saw an unasked question in the red-skinned woman's face. Nodding her consent, the large, red hands placed themselves on Shazza's body, rubbing not just her tits, but other parts of her body as well.

Shazza's breath heightened as she enjoyed the feel of the doctor's hands on her. Her mind played back to the encounter that she shared with Korsa in her mindscape. It was not just the hottest encounter she'd had, but also the most intimate. It was the first time she felt she could display genuine emotion and was happy to do so. Her mind wandered, thinking about how it would have been, had Korsa joined her and Palesia.

"Yours are so nice! I will say that I've never held a pair as big as yours!" Shazza admitted as she continued to knead Korsa's tits. She moaned as she felt Korsa work her breasts with all four hands, the stimulation alone sending waves of pleasure through her.

"I like yours as well. Never held a firmer pair in my life," Korsa stated breathily, obviously enjoying Shazza's touch. Korsa then took Shazza's hands in her own, the both of them stopping their motions.

"You don't want this?" Shazza asked, almost hurt by the motion.

"It's not that. Were this a normal day, I would very much be allowing things to progress until we were both sweating, tired and aching in all the good places," Korsa told her with a wink.

"I haven't forgotten about what happened in the dreamscape and I do want to explore things like that further. But, today is a very important day, so we have things to do," Korsa reminded the onyx skinned woman.

Realization dawned on Shazza as she remembered what the captain told them they needed to do. She looked over at the clock the instant its alarm went off she and winced at the sound. Korsa reached over and shut it off, before tossing aside the covers and stepping out of bed, stretching. Shazza joined her on that, working and popping her joints before coming fully awake.

"Come on. Let's get ourselves a shower," Korsa told her ward, before dropping her panties and walking to the bathroom. Shazza smiled and followed her doctor's lead, losing her own drawers before stepping into the bathroom.

The shower was going in less than a minute, the hot steam from the water banishing the chill in the air. Both women were enjoying the hot needle spray of the water as they let it cascade down their bodies. Korsa then pulled out the shampoo and soap, as Shazza was unfamiliar with where it was all stowed.

As they got soaped up, a few naughty thoughts flitted into Shazza's mind and she smirked as she enacted them. She came up behind Korsa, slipping her arms underneath her tits, cupping and massaging them. Korsa would have complained but then moaned at the touch, enjoying the slick and erotic feel of Shazza's hands. She could also feel Shazza pressing her own tits into her back, sliding them back and forth, teasing the big woman.

Growling in both lust and annoyance, Korsa turned around and scooped Shazza up for a kiss. Shazza was caught off guard but melted into it, wrapping her arms around Korsa's neck. Korsa then backed off from the kiss, letting Shazza back down, before clapping her on the ass. She yipped in pain and pleasure at the slap, jumping slightly as her eyes bugged out of her head.

"Don't start what you can't finish. I told you, we will explore this later," Korsa warned her playfully. Nodding at the admonition, Shazza went back to washing herself up as she rubbed her ass cheeks. Korsa hadn't hit her all that hard, but it was enough to leave a bit of a sting behind, especially since she had such large hands. Though it hurt, rubbing her butt sent a warm afterglow of pleasure through the woman.


Natalya and Kasumi were walking over to Taal'ani's quarters, to see if she was ready yet. Both women were already in their dress blues with their hair done up in proper military buns. Kas thought she would've had to help Nats with her uniform and making herself presentable. It turns out that Nats had already served in the Federation military and needed little real help, which surprised Kasumi happily.

They figured that Inari, Priya, Korsa and Shazza would need little real help and decided to check on Taal'ani and Luminia. Since neither woman was military, they might have needed help with their uniforms and presentation. They walked into the cat-girl's quarters and she was in her underwear, looking down at her uniform. She stared at the clothing as though it was something foreign to her and was growling softly.

"Hey girls. What's up?" came her reply, as she heard the doors open to admit her crew mates.

"Just checking in and seeing if you're ready yet. Need a little help?" Kasumi asked good-naturedly.

"Yeah. I'm still struggling with how everything goes together," Talon admitted sheepishly.

"It's all right. We can help you with getting set up," Natalya told her and took some of the first layers of clothes in hand.

"Can I wear the uniform without a bra though? I find that it chafes sometimes and don't normally wear one anyways," she asked.

"Wait, you wear no bra?" Kas asked disbelievingly.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You wear no bra and are still that perky? How do you do that?" Kasumi wondered.

"Just the way I'm built I suppose. Most women of my species don't wear bras. It's both chafing and restricting, especially to most other women of my kind, who are often bigger than me," Taal'ani explained.

"In that case, I think we can forgo the bra," Nats said, with Kasumi nodding mutely in agreement.

'Talon wears no bra? Most other women of her kind are bigger than her? I need to get off this ship and see the wider galaxy! And soon!' Kasumi thought to herself as she helped Taal'ani with her coat, giving it a final go over with a lint brush.

Natalya was helping her with her hair, brushing it and forming it into an elaborate braid. Once she was done, Taal'ani no longer looked like a disheveled and erratic hacker. She now looked the part of a right and proper military officer, which she goggled at in the mirror. Her hands went all over her uniform, almost like she couldn't believe that was her.

"Wow! I look good!" Taal'ani said, marveling at the look of it.

Like Natalya and Kasumi, she had opted for the skirt over the pants, as she found them too constricting. The navy colored clothing hugged her form but not too tightly and the style mimicked Alex's, with the epaulets, the nametag and collar. The black knee-high boots she wore were comfortable enough and completed the ensemble. Now, she both looked and felt that she was an officer of the Human Systems Alliance.

She may have looked it, but she wasn't one yet, since her epaulets were blank. Despite that, she he had no real rank yet, but she assumed that would be solved soon. She finally stopped staring at herself and turned around to the others, finally ready to meet Alex on the bridge, along with everyone else.

"You ready to go then?" Natalya asked, just as amazed at the transformation as Talon was.

"Yup. Let's get this show on the road," Taal'ani said as she marched right out of her quarters and into the hallway.

In the hall, the other women were waiting for them, each one of them already dressed in their new uniforms. Both Inari and Priya looked amazing in their uniforms, both women having already been a part of the military lifestyle and fit the clothing perfectly. Korsa and Shazza were also in theirs, looking both exotic and fearsome at the same time. Luminia on the other hand, was entirely different.

She was dressed in what looked like a set of ceremonial robes that would not have been out of place in a place of worship or a socialite ball. They were primarily cream in color, accented in trim of gold and navy blue, along with some parts being purely white. It looked almost like it would fit in with the style of the uniforms the other women wore, as some of the cuts of the robes were similar.

"Wow Luminia! That is just... wow!!" Talon said as she took in the sight of the woman.

"Thank you Taal'ani! I was up maybe half the night with Jaesa, designing and... fabricating?... these robes for whatever the captain has in mind. It must be a ceremony of some sort, so I thought these would be needed," she said, doing a quick twirl so that her robes flittered before settling.

"The design, is it a traditional look among your people?" Kasumi asked.

"Some of it is, yes, but the rest of it, I borrowed some designs of how you humans design your clothing," she responded.

"You mind sharing some of those ideas and designs with me? I have a few ideas that I'd like to try but need some other input for it," Nats said, enthralled with the look.

"Happily," Lumi smiled.

"Ladies, if you are all ready, please proceed to the bridge. The captain awaits your presence," Jaesa's voice broke in suddenly.

Spooked briefly by her haunting tones, the women all looked at each other, chagrined, before leaving for the elevator for the bridge. The piled in with plenty of room to spare before heading up. They arrived at the antechamber to the bridge and walked on in, unsure of what waited for them on the other side. What they found was something completely unexpected.

The entire bridge had been transformed into a place of absolute splendor! The walls, once a dull white and been polished until they shone, with banners and tapestries placed on them. Sentries lined the bridge, and they too had been polished and even painted in Alliance colors of blue and gold! Jaesa, the Sentries and Alex must have been busy to make this happen!

The Sentries looked like proper honor guards, spaced out evenly and looking resplendent, but not nearly as much as the captain was. Captain Alexander Tomisic was standing on the bridge, facing the gawking women with a ghost of a smile on his face. Remembering themselves, they walked towards him, all while eyeing him appreciatively.

The big man looked every inch the part of the breathtaking and inspiring CO, with his uniform immaculate and hugging his frame. A fact that both Nats and Kas were aware of, as they shot him smoldering glances, while marching towards him. He stood at attention and looked imposing as he stood over them, all while returning those glances with ones of his own.

They looked next to him and saw that Jaesa was standing there as well, standing at attention just like her captain was. Her holographic image showing that she was 'wearing' an Alliance uniform, which the women thought of as neat and appropriate. They approached the command deck, every one of them taking measured steps before stopping in front of Alex. As one, they all turned in place, facing him and waited.

Kasumi was glad that she'd taken the time to go through the proper way to do a military march while in the elevator. Even Luminia, who had never known what a military was, much less know of it, did well. Now, as they were all standing at attention, they all waited for his command or for him to speak.

"At ease," he stated and everyone took a step, widening their stance.

"Commander, if you please," he gestured, speaking to Kasumi. Nodding, she walked over to Alex's right and faced the assembled women as he did. Standing at ease, she waited for Alex to start speaking. She didn't have to wait long.

"In the days of its inception, the Human Systems Alliance was formed with the intention of bringing humanity together. For too long, we fought each other in countless wars, each side proclaiming to be right, when neither one was. For centuries, brother fought brother and friend fought friend, all because their leaders demanded it of them. The moment the Alliance was formed, all of that changed," Alex started.

"For the first time in humanity's history, old grudges were set aside as we came together as a species. We left behind our racist and backwards ways of thinking and embraced what we could become. In the years that followed, we made many advancements, culturally, economically, technologically and so on. We became a beacon for all of humanity to rally behind and were finally ready to take our place in the galaxy."

"Many wars have been fought since and the Alliance as we knew it is all but gone, reduced to memory. Humanity was removed from their home, but the ideals in which we held to still live, albeit not as we had hoped. The Alliance split into many factions and now war with each other as much as they with other species. Today, that changes, as does the Alliance itself," Alex went on, holding the ladies' attention.

"Though everything which the Commander and I believed in is lost, it is not gone. So long as there is but one who still believes in the ideals of what made the Alliance, it shall never die. But this day, is where everything changes. No longer will we be referred to as the Human Systems Alliance, but the Unified Systems Alliance. As Doctor Korsa, Specialist Taal'ani, Luminia of the Ahl'kanin and Shazza have shown us, there are other species who want the same things as we do."

"This new Alliance will hold to one mandate, and that will be to protect the people that seek its shelter. Whether they be human, Khontaran, Fel'caan, Artucian or... Xuul'khan. We will not turn away any who wish to ally with us, to help bring peace and prosperity to all who live within it. We will not be conquerors, but peacekeepers, but we will not shirk from battle or conflict if it finds us. As one, we will stand together and bring about an age of peace, reason and justice, for all peoples and races of the galaxy," he said, his enthusiasm bleeding into his voice.

"At this moment, we now have three main missions for the Alliance. The first is to find a proper home for the colonists aboard the ship. They have been in cryo sleep for too long and need to be released, so they can live their lives, as we are living ours," he said. This statement was greeted with a round of nods and smiles, the crew agreeing with him.

"The second is to rebuild our lost navies, so that we may properly defend those who need it and offer what assistance we can to our potential allies," he went on, looking pointedly at both Korsa and Luminia. Both women smiled at this, nodding enthusiastically at this and waited to speak, as they didn't wish to interrupt him.

"Our third and final mission, is simple. Take Earth back from the Xuul'khan by any means necessary. It will be a long and arduous journey to make this possible and very likely, dangerous. Those who do not wish to undertake such a lengthy and dangerous mission, take one step backwards now. You will not be thought of as a coward if you do so," Alex told them all. He waited and not a single woman present moved. He smiled at this, happy to see that they would all commit to this.

"Do you all understand what is being asked of you?" he asked, his voice commanding an answer.

"YES SIR!" they shouted, nearly startling the man.

"Will you all stand with me, to carry out these missions and see them through to the very end?"


"Will you help me take back humanity's home, driving back any who would oppose us?" Alex asked.


"Then stand to, crewwomen of the Perseus and recite the oath of the Unified Systems Alliance!" he told them.

Everyone but Luminia then raised their right hand and recited the oath as newly minted soldiers of the Unified Systems Alliance. To bring peace, justice and equality to the galaxy. To stand together with their brothers and sisters in times of need or conflict. To be steadfast in the face of adversity, facing fear head on. To speak the truth, no matter the repercussions they might face and to do no wrong.

"Welcome, soldiers of the Alliance. Now, we come to the part of delineating ranks among you. Though many of you have served in other militaries, that experience will still count towards an actual rank in the Alliance. At this time, I would like to start with Commander Kasumi McKenzie," Alex began.

"Before you proceed sir, I am afraid I must enact Protocol Seventeen first," Jaesa interrupted, turning to face the captain.

"Protocol Seventeen? I have never heard of such an order. Please, explain what Protocol Seventeen is Jaesa," he said, confused.

"Gladly sir. Protocol Seventeen is a secret order, that only goes into effect when certain conditions have been met. It states that should the Alliance be bereft of any ranking members of the Admiralty, the highest ranking officer with the most experience, is to be immediately promoted to an Admiralty rank," she explained.

"As such, you are currently the highest ranking officer in the new Unified Systems Alliance. Therefore, under Protocol Seventeen, I hereby promote you, Captain Alexander Tomisic, to the rank, of Commodore," she finished.

Hearing that, one Sentry-Bot broke away from the honor guard and picked up a package that was lying hidden behind a console. It walked up to him and opened the package, revealing a pristine white tunic inside, edged in navy blue. It was complete with his service ribbons, medals and epaulets, signifying his new rank.

With tears in his eyes, he removed his tunic, handing it to another Sentry, that walked up with the first. He then took the new tunic reverently, putting it on, before doing it up and putting his belt back around it. The Sentries then saluted, all across the bridge as one, as Jaesa had ordered them to. The ladies weren't far behind, saluting their new Commodore, while smiling.

"Congratulations, sir!" Jaesa stated.

"Thank you, Jaesa!" Alex said humbly, saluting, before dropping his arm. The Sentries dropped theirs, as the ladies did and waited for the Commodore to continue.