Prom Ch. 05: A Thousand Words


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She was willing to do all that he asked, and had even done it in this completely inappropriate location and time, because she wanted him to remember what she was capable of. Another "best ever" trophy for her. The prideful satisfaction this gave her was what sustained her and allowed her push through all the bad thoughts about why what she was doing was wrong. She knew as the immediacy of her pleasure subsided, that there would be plenty of time to feel bad about it. But in the moment, she didn't care.

Rachel drew in a slow, satisfied breath and laughed gently as she raised her head to look at him. "Ditto," she responded, with a crooked grin.

She wanted to stay laying on him for the rest of the day but she knew she had better start moving again as her mind returned to where she was and the dangerous game they were playing. She pushed her body up off of his chest and slowly raised one leg to pull herself completely off him. She shuddered with sharp pleasure and her hanging boobs shook inches from his face as she felt the last final inch of his penis slide out of her. Chills ran through her body and the hair stood up on her neck.

Tyler shivered as well as he felt himself come free of her. He was still breathing heavily, unable to muster the strength to move quite yet as he watched Rachel get to her feet and test her balance. She looked so hot. She was completely naked, flushed from the sex, and glistening slightly with sweat. She gingerly reached over and grabbed her black shorts and began to slide them back on. As she got them to her waist, she arched her back and stretched causing her breasts to stick out further and look even more perfect than seemed possible. Finally, and much to Tyler's chagrin, Rachel picked up her now infamous yellow shirt and slid it back over her head and onto her chest. She was again fully clothed, but not a fraction less attractive as sexuality oozed from her being. She ran a hand through her hair and smiled at him warmly.

"Better get your ass movin there, stud." She smirked and indicated to the ceiling with her eyes. "You never know who might want your attention next."

Tyler smirked back and took one final deep breath. She was right. There was no need to mess around and be stupid. He finally sat up and looked around in a haze. He located an old gym sock and grabbed it as he began a hasty attempt to clean himself off. Satisfied with his quick work, he tossed the sock back into a pile of clothes and stood up to put his shorts back on.

When he was again dressed, he walked over to where Rachel had been standing. He put a hand into the small of her back and leaned over to give her a gentle kiss on her glistening forehead. Their eyes met and he started to speak, but no words came. He didn't need to say anything. She knew. They both knew. They smiled at each other devilishly and he began to guide her to the stairs as they both realized that getting her back to her car quickly was in their best interests. They were one step deep when they heard it. They froze.


They didn't even breathe for a second as the reality of the situation hit them.


Tyler cursed silently as the words formed on his mouth. Fuck. They reversed course immediately and wildly surveyed the room. Rachel needed to hide, and fast. Thankfully it was a basement after all so it wasn't as if they were trapped in a tiny dorm room or some other area with no space or exits.

There was a closet around the corner from where the TV was located. It was just a simple linen closet with spare sheets and a few old board games that hadn't been touched in years. Rachel and Tyler both looked at it simultaneously and agreed without speaking. She quickly tip-toed to the door and slid it open. She hopped in and shut it gently behind her. Her heart was again racing.

"Tyler?" Erica's voice was raspy and weak as she called out again. "Babe, are you up?"

Tyler took one final look at the closet door and sprung to action. He looked around desperately for any evidence of Rachel or their romp before hopping back onto the futon and grabbing a blanket. He picked up the remote and turned on the TV, keeping the volume low. He called back.

"Yeah, baby. I'm up." He let out an exaggerated, fake yawn. "Been up for just a bit."

Erica slowly made her way down the basement stairs. She'd definitely had a rough night and she looked it. Her seldom-worn reading glasses covered her steely blue eyes and her bright blonde hair was in a messy ponytail. Her prom makeup was streaked from the tears she'd shed while she had twice vomited. She was wearing one of Tyler's undershirts and a pair of yoga pants and she had a blanket clutched around her body as she moved slowly and gingerly. She finally made her way to the futon and sat down clumsily. She coughed once or twice and rubbed her eyes.

"Hey. How long have you been up? I saw your mom in the living room and we both thought we heard you yelling."

Tyler swallowed and tensed up. But this wasn't his first rodeo. He smiled, showing mild confusion, before nodding and indicating to the TV.

"Sorry. Nah, it was the TV. I cut it on and the volume was way up." He raised his left hand, which was holding the remote, and hit the off button for emphasis. "I tried to turn it down once I realized what was up. My bad."

Erica glanced over at the TV and then back at Tyler, none the wiser. She smiled and coughed again, shedding the blanket from around her shoulders.

"No, it's no problem." She took a sip from a bottle of water she had been carrying under the blanket. It seemed to help revive her and her voice cleared up. "Just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm, um, sorry again about last night." She looked down sheepishly.

"Hey, it's no worry," he replied warmly. "We've both been there. I'm a big boy. Just glad you're feeling better now."

Erica took another sip of water and perked up further.

"I am, actually. Despite how I must look. In fact, seeing how nice you were to take care of me last night..."

She shot him a mischievous smile and ran a finger across his chest. "I'm sure you probably missed me." She began to run her hand lower, down his chest and towards his stomach. "I think maybe an apology is in order."

Tyler's tensed again as he realized what she was doing. Somehow, his dick managed to twitch, despite the level of complete sexual exhaustion he had just experienced. Instinctively, he smiled back at her. But he caught himself as he knew there was no way he could let her go near his penis. He had just been inside Rachel minutes before and an old gym sock had been the extent of his cleaning up. She would know. She wasn't an idiot.

With the TV off and the closet door slotted, Rachel could both hear and see them pretty well. Her pulse quickened and she tingled with nervous excitement. It was so cliché. She was actually hiding in a linen closet. It was silly to her but the seriousness of the situation kept her heart pounding. It also aroused her slightly. She sucked in her breath as she saw Erica lean in and begin to get suggestive. Uh oh...

Tyler's brain raced as he tried to figure out how to diffuse the situation. He smiled gently at his girlfriend and caught her hand just as it was reaching his waistband. He rubbed it between his fingers and gave her a warm look.

"Well, well, aren't you the sweetheart. That sounds amazing. I was pretty heroic last night, taking care of you. I don't know if an apology is in order, but some thanks is definitely appreciated." He grinned.

Erica smiled back and started to lean in closer. He stopped her.

"But look, I'm no animal here. I know you still feel like shit. Plus as amazing as I may have seemed last night, I got pretty banged up, too. Why don't we grab a couple of showers, I'll take you out to lunch like a princess deserves, and then, (he reached out and rubbed her breast through her shirt) then, we can finish this conversation about how much you want to make it up to me."

Erica paused for a second as she took in his words. It was a bit strange that he was stopping her. Tyler wasn't exactly the type to turn down some action at any time. Even as drunk as she'd been the previous night, she remembered vaguely that he had been pretty aggressively trying to get some. It hadn't been until she'd pushed him off her and raced to the bathroom to get sick that he'd finally relented. She figured he'd been frustrated all night and would be aching to get it as soon as she was able. Maybe he had taken it care of it himself. She smirked to herself.

However, despite her thoughts, she did feel some relief. She was still feeling worse than she had let on. Sex was probably not in the cards at the moment so the idea of giving him a blowjob in her current state was not exactly a dream come true. She had no problem doing it, and liked it even, but her mouth was dry, her throat was raw from throwing up and her nose was stuffed up. So leaning over and sucking his dick for the next several minutes was not totally ideal. She decided she'd take advantage of his rain check suggestion and not look a gift horse in the mouth.

Erica leaned back and sat upright again. She shot him a mock pout and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, it's your call, babe. I guess you're probably right. Just feel a little bad that my poor prom date didn't get any on such a cliché night." Both Rachel and Tyler smirked to themselves individually at her comment. If she only knew...

"Oh! And speaking of clichés," Erica continued before Tyler could respond. "Did you see Rachel last night? I saw her once or twice on the dance-floor but not at Jeff's. Apparently she was wearing some tight t-shirt with her tits just popping out." She shook her head with a laugh. "And I think she might've hooked up with Kevin. Can you believe that? Never in a million years would I have thought that she'd-. Look, here..."

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and flicked through it to locate her text messages. "Here, Jessie texted me this morning. She said:

Did you see Rachel? Pretty sure she hooked up with Kevin. I saw them together this morning and she had on this ridiculously tight t-shirt and I think there might have been a little cum on it. LOL! For real!! It was subtle but she got all flustered when I saw. OMG. Some things never change I guess. But Kevin?!?

So I texted back:

LMAO. Are you serious?? Actually not surprising one bit. Sounds exactly like Rachel. The Kevin part is weird though. Did you actually see them together? She might've found some other rando and slutted it up with him. It's Rachel we're talking about...

And then Jessie responded:

LOL. I don't know. I saw them standing pretty close and they looked embarrassed. Jeff said she had been acting a little slutty. LOL. I don't know. None of my business I guess.

Erica clicked off her phone and looked up at Tyler with a huge grin.

"Can you believe that? That whore is back at our school for like two hours and she throws her boobs around and likely blew some guy at Jeff's. Even got it on her shirt? Are you kidding me? Still surprised it would be Kevin though. I bet she snuck off and did someone else in a bathroom or something. Such a slut..."

Tyler's jaw tightened as he listened to his girlfriend sling barb after barb. Erica did not like Rachel. Not one bit. Partially due to simply being catty and not liking Rachel's promiscuity, but also due to Rachel's history with Tyler. Erica wasn't totally threatened by their past but she didn't like it much either. So even though she knew Tyler didn't want to hear it, she never passed up a chance to tear Rachel up in front of him.

Inside the closet, Rachel's entire face was on fire. She felt like she was seconds away from busting through the door and giving that bitch an excruciatingly detailed account of what had happened on that futon a few minutes earlier. She would love to see the color drain from Erica's face as she explained that the reason her boyfriend didn't want any part of her right now was because he had just been drained and dominated in ways that were not possible with her. She'd tell Erica to remember the next time Tyler fucked her (if it ever happened again) that he would be thinking of her instead and how hard he had just came. The thoughts made Rachel surge with energy and pleasure. Where the fuck did Erica get off talking like that?

As her mind raced, Rachel slowly came to that answer herself. Erica got off talking like that because it was true. Everything she had said was true. Rachel had snuck off and blown another guy at the afterparty. Two of them, actually. And look at where she was now. Look at what she had just done.

Guilt and shame flooded Rachel's brain and battled against her lust for revenge. She realized that she would never actually step out into the room and reveal it all. Erica was a bitch, but Rachel was no better. It was one thing for her to do what she did when she wasn't interfering with other peoples' relationships. But in this case, before the noon hour had even struck, she had been the "other woman" with two sets of couples and she had pleasured the boyfriends in question in ways that she wouldn't even say out loud. It was dirty and wrong and Rachel knew this. But her anger towards Erica wouldn't be defeated so easily. Despite everything, fuck that bitch, Rachel breathed to herself.

Tyler had also winced at Erica's words knowing full well that Rachel was hearing them too. He was conflicted as to how to respond. He couldn't defend Rachel too strongly, for fear of upsetting Erica and starting a fight, and perhaps even throwing her back onto a trail he had successfully kept her off of. On the other hand, he did still care about Rachel and hearing her get mercilessly cut down behind her back was hard to take. And if Rachel heard him say nothing, how would that make her feel?

"I, uh, wow, no I didn't see her. That shit sounds crazy. But what do you care what she does? You girls are so catty. So maybe she hooked up with her prom date. That would actually be an amazing thing as that boy could definitely use some. And if it was someone else, the fuck do you care? That's why girls are always fighting and unhappy. Always in each other's shit."

Tyler paused, wondering if he had gone too far. He hoped Rachel had heard him and was maybe satisfied with his defense of her.

Erica squinted at him and shot him an annoyed glare.

"Ty, what the fuck are you-? C'mon, Rachel is like the biggest slut in the-. Why are you even defending her? Whatever. You're right. I don't even care. She wants to go around and suck a bunch of dicks and get cum all over her for everybody to see, it's not my problem. She better just not-." Erica swallowed the thought and licked her lips. "Never mind. Whatever. I'm going to go shower anyway."

With that, Erica rose to her feet and turned back to the stairs in a mini-huff. She wasn't that mad with Tyler, but she didn't like when he defended Rachel. It made her think that maybe he still had feelings.

Tyler didn't say a word as he watched her climb the stairs and disappear back into the upper floor of the house. He exhaled deeply and shook his head. He'd probably pay for that later, he thought grimly. Oh well. Can't please everybody.

He stood up and turned towards the closet door when he saw it slide open and Rachel emerge slowly. Her face was hardened into a scowl and he was certain she was not thrilled about what she had overheard the past few minutes. He hoped she wasn't too pissed at him. He needed her to get going pretty quickly now that they had an opening.

"Rach, hey, listen, I-. I'm sorry about Erica. You know how she-. She's just popping off with-."

Tyler stopped as he realized Rachel was walking towards him, still staring hard at his face. She came all the way to him and stopped, just as her chest gently pushed into his. Her face still showed anger, but there was a sparkle in her eye. She was thinking about something. Maybe she wasn't mad at him.

"I don't want to hear about her." Rachel was speaking softly, just above a whisper. There was an edge to her voice. A sharp one. She reached her arms up and put them behind Tyler's head as she continued to speak.

"Fuck. Her."

"Rach, c'mon don't-."

"Ty, fuck her. She thinks I'm this huge slut? Well, let her be right." Rachel bit her lip and kept her eyes locked onto his. She swallowed hard and continued.

"I'm guessing we just bought another twenty minutes. Maybe thirty if sleeping beauty throws up again. I'll make things very clear for you. I will get down on my knees and I will suck your dick again right here on this floor. I will suck it until you can't take it anymore and then I'll let you bend me over that futon and do whatever you want to me." Her eyes were smoldering. She didn't blink the entire time.

"Whatever you want."

Tyler's heart throbbed as he processed the situation. His dick stirred again and he tried to make sense of what Rachel was saying. Holy shit. Was she crazy? They had almost gotten caught and they were lucky to be given a second chance. Why would she put herself right back into the same trouble again? He'd had to talk her into it last time. He'd even had to show her that gut-punch of a picture Jeff sent him. But now she was just bluntly offering it up. Wow. How pissed was she at Eri-?

His thoughts were interrupted as he felt Rachel's hands run down his chest and past his stomach. He was frozen still and let out a shiver as she slid one hand down the front of his shorts. He practically stumbled as her cool fingers reached the base of his hardening cock and she grabbed ahold. She was still staring right into his eyes. Had she really not even blinked yet? It was so hot. Almost frightening. Tyler gasped as he felt her slowly begin to stroke him. He was hardening quick.

"Rach, I, um, I'm not sure this is such a good-."

She cut him off softly.

"It's just that I feel so bad you're going to have to go back to...that." Rachel mockingly raised her eyes to the ceiling. "It just doesn't seem fair..."


She was increasing the speed of her hand as he was now almost fully erect once more. He grimaced at her insults towards Erica. Erica was plenty hot and she kept him satisfied. But she wasn't on Rachel's level. Especially the level they had just reached earlier. Somehow knowing that Rachel's words were true made them seem more hurtful. Tyler was confused as he once again found himself having to defend one girl against the other. But he couldn't let her speak about his girlfriend to him like that.

"Rachel, stop it. Don't make this about her. Whatever you two feel about each other, you can't just talk about her to me like tha-."

Rachel cut him off. He was absolutely right. This was entirely about Erica. Whatever shame or regret she was feeling about what she had just done or what she was going to do again was lost amidst her bloodthirsty desire for revenge. She knew what she was doing was wrong. She knew it was hurtful and cheap and degrading. She also knew it was crazy and stupid as she was now abandoning a second chance to escape their predicament and get out free.

But all of that was meaningless as the singular goal in her mind was to drive the point home that she could get him off like no one else. Especially not that high-talking bitch who thought it was funny to rip her behind her back. Enjoy your shower, sweetie, Rachel thought dryly. I'll take it from here.

"Shhhh. You're right. I shouldn't be talking like that. I'll show you instead."

With that, Rachel released Tyler's dick and pulled her hand out of his pants. Still looking directly at him, she took a half-step back and grabbed a hold of his waistband. She sank to her knees, keeping eye contact the entire time. She didn't speak a word as she pulled his shorts down for the second time that morning and she didn't even flinch as his now surging dick sprung free and popped to full attention just inches from her face.