Prom Ch. 05: A Thousand Words


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She brought his shorts to his ankles and briefly looked down. She inhaled deeply and brought her gaze first to his pulsing dick and then to his whitened face.

"It's okay," she whispered. "I'm here now."

Before he had a chance to react or stop her (not that he would've been able) Rachel closed her eyes and slipped his dick back into her mouth. She sucked him in deeply, keenly aware that the last place his penis had been was inside her. She didn't care and the thought actually aroused her a bit. She slid him back out between her lips and opened more widely to take him deeper. She brought a hand up to hold the base of his shaft so that she could get more leverage. She was going to make his knees buckle.

Rachel began forcefully sucking his cock and picking up her pace to a good clip. She twisted her face from side to side and thrashed her tongue all over his shaft as she slid it back and forth between her lips. Her head bobbed with a familiar skill as she executed yet another expert level blowjob with ease and passion. She enjoyed blowing him anyway but her anger towards Erica was completely in charge of this current task. She sucked him eagerly and began to make noise as she thought of how he'd compare this to the next lukewarm blowjob he got from that bitch.

Tyler looked down and watched with a combination of shock and pleasure as Rachel's gorgeous face bobbed rapidly over his dick. While there was no way she could get him to the same level of arousal as earlier, in some regards, she was actually sucking him better this time around. She was clearly on a mission and if there was one thing he knew about Rachel, when she was aroused or focused on her task, it was mind-blowing and the best thing to do was get out of the way and thank God for the gift. He knew the smart thing would be to stop her but that ship had long since sailed.

She had been blowing him steadily for three to four minutes without so much as a pause or drop in intensity. He had been so drained from their earlier romp that he didn't think he'd get off so easily. But she was proving him wrong as she expertly sucked him back to full arousal. He wondered how long she would stay down there like this. She had said something about stopping when he could no longer take it and having him bend her over the couch. His dick surged at the thought. No, he couldn't. They couldn't. There was no way. They'd make noise and get caught. It was the height of stupidity.

Rachel could've been a mind reader because at that moment she finally pulled off his dick and looked up at him, her breath fast and full.

"I see we're moving along nicely," she purred. "Give me about thirty more seconds down here and then we can move this party to the next location."

She glanced at the futon and then back at him. Keeping their eyes locked, she slid one hand down the front of her own shorts and whimpered gently as she touched herself. She blinked involuntarily and smiled back at him when her eyes opened.

"Hmm, maybe we should make that 15 seconds..."

Keeping her hand in her shorts, Rachel brought her lips back to his dick and opened wide. She eagerly sucked him back in with a full passion fueled by the arousal she was bringing herself. She was getting wet again and she couldn't wait to have him back inside her. She knew he'd never be able to resist bending her over and taking her from behind. He'd lose his mind, and shortly after, he'd lose complete control once again.

Tyler's brain was on fire as he watched Rachel work. Seeing her touch herself was so hot and her return to sucking his dick with a new vigor had him straining to keep control. About one minute longer and he'd surely explode in her mouth almost as forcefully as he had done earlier. But he couldn't get her words out of his head. He had to fuck her again. It was stupid and they were certainly going to get caught, but he didn't care. She had him and she wasn't letting go. There was nothing he could do to stop himself now.

And then, like an act of God, it happened. A voice. A man's voice.

"Tyler, are you still down there? Get your lazy ass up out of that cave of yours and join the land of the living! I've already seen your sweet girlfriend more than I've seen you this morning. Shake a leg!"

It was Tyler's dad. He was calling from the top of the stairs, but he almost never came down there. He couldn't see them and they weren't making much noise at all. Still, Tyler's heart skipped a beat as he struggled to find his voice.

"Um, I, uh, I mean, yes. Yes, I'm down here. Fine. Shit. I'll be up in a sec. Just trying to chill for a minute!"

He heard his dad scoff. " 'Chill for a minute?' It's practically the afternoon. You've had plenty of time to 'chill.' Hustle on up!"

They heard Tyler's dad turn from the stairs and go back into the main part of the house. Tyler's heart raced as he tried to make sense of everything. He stared down in almost disbelief. Rachel hadn't even paused for a second. The whole time Tyler and his dad yelled back and forth to each other, Rachel had been sucking away like nothing was different. Her hand was still in her shorts and her eyebrows furrowed as she pulled her cheeks in and worked his shaft as best she could. It was like she was somewhere else.

"Rach. Rach! Rachel!" He was whispering almost to a shout. Could she even hear him?

Rachel had been in a different place. She was so lost in the pleasure of both pleasing him and touching herself that Tyler's dad's familiar voice had barely registered in her head at all. She had heard him, but she didn't think anything of it. Like he was just background noise on the TV. She was focused on her task and her own arousal was beginning to peak again. But Tyler's calling of her name (on the third try) finally shook her out of it.

Her eyes opened and she removed her finger from the edge of her pussy. She kept sucking him but slowed her pace and dropped the intensity way down. Her brain slowly registered the reality of the situation as she realized they had to stop. She gave him one or two last generous sucks and pulled her lips away. She leaned back on her heels and looked up at him with a mixture of lust and disappointment. She brought a finger to her lips and gently rubbed away a little wetness. She sighed and waited for him to speak first.

"Rachel, look, shit." Tyler was racing a bit now. "Look, that was-. Um, fuck, look we gotta-, you gotta get going. We're gonna fuck this thing up here. Believe me, I'd love for you to stay and-." He glanced longingly at the futon and then back at her. "We can't. You know this, right? C'mon, we gotta go now."

With an exaggerated, mock-pout of her full lips, Rachel stared up at him wide-eyed, like she was a child who had just been denied a new toy. Then with a smile, she rose to her feet slowly and pushed into him. He was trying to pull his shorts back up over his dick when she brought her hand back to his shaft and spoke.

"That was really too bad. Too, too bad. I could practically (she leaned up into his ear and whispered) feel you back inside me."

She got back flat-footed and looked back into his eyes.

"I'm sorry again that you have to go back to, you know." She again looked up at the ceiling and shook her head. "Such a waste." She narrowed her eyes devilishly. "But now that we're back in contact, you know where to find me the next time you're feeling like you need...more."

With her final word, Rachel pushed up onto her toes and kissed his cheek. She let go of his shaft and stepped back. She turned away from him and took two steps towards to stairs and gingerly peered up to make sure it was clear. Satisfied, she looked back at him expectantly.


Tyler's jaw hung slightly as he processed her words. His dick was throbbing and all he wanted in the world was for her to come back to him. His mind then shot to Erica and he felt his stomach twist in guilt and shame as he realized the first emotion he felt was disappointment. He was angry at Rachel for successfully devaluing her in his eyes. She was doing all of this just to prove a point. And it was working. He thought about her offer to stay in contact. His dick jumped again. No, he thought. He wouldn't. Right? He shook his head. He would.

Tyler smiled weakly and walked to join her at the base of the stairs. He ascended the staircase quickly but softly and cautiously made sure the coast was clear. Satisfied, he waved her up. Rachel gracefully made her way up to him and turned towards to garage door as she reached the summit. She opened it without a sound and deftly crept out like she had done many times before. As she stepped into the garage, she turned back towards him and looked at his eyes as she waited for him to close the door. As he carefully pushed it shut, nervously flicking his gaze from her back to the house, she brought a finger back to her mouth. Just as the door was about to shut and only his face was left visible, Rachel softly mouthed to him.

"Call me."

She saw his eyes widen and heard him swallow as he shut the door.


Rachel confidently strode back to her car, feeling like she had just scored the winning goal of a championship game. She was aroused, and once again feeling a bit unsatisfied, but she surged with power as she thought of the last image burned into her brain: Tyler's face as he closed the door.

It was a mixture of arousal, confusion, and nervousness. Almost fear. She had wrapped him up so tightly and left him wondering if he would be able to resist contacting her again. She smiled triumphantly as she slowly backed her car down the driveway and pulled back onto the street, undetected. She felt almost sexual pleasure as she thought of how wound up Tyler was now and how badly he'd need a release.

Evil thoughts of victory danced through her head as she thought of how, at some point in the near future (probably that day) Tyler and Erica would have sex. He'd want it so bad and part of her was a little jealous of the animalistic experience Erica was likely going to receive as a result of her own efforts.

But it paled in comparison to the twisted joy she felt knowing that when Tyler was fucking Erica, especially when he came, he'd be thinking of one person. And it wouldn't be the girl he was with. Her eyes narrowed and she involuntarily pushed down on the accelerator. That's what she gets, Rachel thought. Erica wanted to be a bitch like that? She didn't even know the half of it.

The thought brought Rachel's feelings of superiority and power to a crescendo. The feeling almost overloaded her with electric stimulation. Her car raced down the road as she gripped the wheel with intensity. Her anger and confidence has combined with her arousal to flood her senses with a feeling of power. It was a like a drug, a short, violent burst of a high that penetrated every nerve in her body.

But just as quickly as she peaked, her high evaporated and her feelings fell. She had created an imaginary enemy and had worked herself up all the way to victory. And when she finally had it (whatever "it" was), there was no longer a target for her anger and hurt. The comedown was just as jarringly sudden as the surge had been and the wave took her breath away. She felt her emotions crash hard and she lost control of the wheel, almost pulling the car off the road. Luckily, she only lived a few minutes away so she summoned every bit of resolve she had and willed her way back to her neighborhood. But the levee was breaking. She brought her car to a stop at edge of her driveway and put it into park.

And then she lost it.

She sobbed violently as the full force of what she had done that morning washed over her. It had all seemed like so much fun in the moment but when she tallied it up, it was dreadful. And now she was sitting in her car, alone. No more flattery from boys who were only trying to get one thing. No more false enemies to conquer. She had been used repeatedly all morning, but worst of all, she had been a willing participant. She'd helped two boys cheat on their girlfriends right under their very noses. She gave a third a generous blowjob while allowing others to watch and know what she was doing. And she had fantasized about similar encounters of the past all while working herself up into a state of maddening arousal.

And finally, she had at best confused, and at worst completely humiliated, the one guy out of all of them that truly gave a shit about her. It was enough to make her want to crawl into a hole and die. She cried loudly and tears rolled down her face and onto her shirt. God, her shirt! It was the physical incarnation of all the awful things she had done that morning. She touched the now scratchy and dried stain on the side and let out a deep sob. What had she done?

She wasn't sure how long she had been crying when she suddenly became aware that it was raining. The gentle taps of droplets dancing on her roof had grown to a more forceful and frenetic pace. Her sobs slowed to gentle whimpers and she rubbed her eyes. Her makeup was running everywhere and her shirt was spotted with her tears. She gathered herself and realized she'd have to go in the house soon or her parents might notice her just sitting there. She glanced at the clock on the dash and smirked with a strange sense of comfort.


She had seen that exact time more than she cared to admit while sitting in the same spot, steeling herself to go inside and face her parents. Of course, usually it was 11:59 pm and she was racing to beat curfew. The earliness of the hour again made her head spin as the morning suddenly felt like an entire week. She sighed deeply and shook herself. She could do this.

She hopped out of the car into the rain and wildly grabbed her stuff. Slamming the door with her foot, she ran through the drops to the back door by the garage. She burst in and quickly turned to head to the stairwell. She mumbled something about the rain and being soaked and she bounded up the stairs.

Safely alone, Rachel threw her stuff onto the floor of her room before heading to the bathroom. She ran the hot water of the shower and turned to face herself in the full mirror. It was the clearest look she'd had of herself since the night before when she had carefully done herself up in her best for the prom. She looked like she felt now. Tired. Spent. Low.

She sighed and reached down to pull her yellow shirt over her head, like she had already done so many times that morning. She slid off her shorts and kicked them into a corner and turned back to look at herself. She thought of all the hands that had been on her today. More than hands.

She swallowed hard as she remembered the last time she had stood naked in front of a mirror. It had been minutes after Jeff had exploded onto her. She had felt like a pornstar as she saw the gruesome image in his basement bathroom mirror. She had cleaned herself off pretty well but she still felt disgusting and dirty. She gently brought a hand to the very top of her right breast, right below her clavicle and touched her skin gingerly. The tips of her fingers stuck ever so slightly as she pushed them to her flesh and pulled away. She shuddered at the feeling of her sticky chest. She wasn't clean at all.

She got in the shower and let the hot water run over her body. She had a habit of taking showers like this when she feel emotionally low. She would simply close her eyes and let everything wash away until the water ran cold. She would stay in there all day if she could.

All she could think about was the morning and how she had given in. How she had been used. How she had liked it. She thought of Kevin's face when he had seen her and Jeff sneaking down to the basement. He'd known right away what she was about to go do. She could've stopped it all, but she hadn't. She shook her head in resigned disappointment. God, you're such a bitch.

She squeezed her eyes tighter and gritted her teeth, but she couldn't get Kevin's pained face out of her head. That classic look of shock and hurt (touched with arousal) that she'd seen so many times before. It was the face he'd make when he'd catch her from across the room getting cozy with another guy. Or the face he'd make when she'd emerge from the basement or an upstairs bedroom, her hair slightly a mess and her eyes touched with playful sheepishness.

It was one of the reasons that she hadn't hung out with Kevin much as the year had progressed. Things weren't great for Rachel lately and she felt bad about enough. Seeing him shoot her that twisting look just filled with guilt. Guilt that she didn't need.

As the water ran hot over her hair and down her back, she thought about the last time she could vividly recall seeing Kevin look at her like that. It had been back in the fall. Back when things were still fun and light.

Back before...

NEXT -- Chapter 6: Just Friends

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Staci Carr?

I imagine that’s how Rachel would look like.

Do you think all the guys have no respect for her except Kevin? Is this a lesson for us young women, that if Rachel wanted to do something in the public eye, like become a celebrity (theoretically) that her past actions with her mouth would get her into trouble? I honestly wonder how many guys she had sucked off? Lol

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