All Comments on 'Promotion Comes With Strings Attached'

by Cagivagurl

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blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 1 year ago

Well, the most talked about writer on Lit for 16 months in a row has done it again. Wow, what a ride. It could never be anything less than five stars. Wish I could give 10 for this epic. Randi.

Hiram325Hiram325over 1 year ago

Ha ha ha... Nobody but nobody on this site writes a weaker more nutless, gutless, spineless cuckold like you. Spoiler: unless that's your thing, dear reader, just skip this trash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm wondering ?

How an author with such good writing skills, and who seems to have a certain level of intelligence, can sometimes write such a stupid screenplay:

- A fidelity clause from the husband while the wife and the boss fuck as much as they can.

Let's face it, this idea is completely stupid.

So why ?

Are you caught up in writing that you lose some of the perspective necessary to understand things?

Do you have an idea that, whether good or bad, should be put on paper as a behavioral obligation?

I'm serious, and you might even make a story out of it, understanding the writing of such a weird story, with such a stupid script when you obviously aren't.

What's going on ?

What do you feel ?

LeontheKingLeontheKingover 1 year ago

Really developed a bad taste reading this one. For a supposed CEO candidate she was too stupid to be believed. The MC didn't fair much better.

He should have stood up on stage and declared over the microphone that his wife only got to her position through screwing her boss, it would have killed the idiotic plan dead

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow 15 pages of shit. No matter how you try to spin it she is a prostitute and he did become her pimp.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I should know better by now. I keep reading your stories and get a couple of pages in hoping they don't go down the cuck path and once again, down we go. Your writing is good it's just the story line that dissapoints me. Someone else might like them, I'll try and be stronger and avoid reading any more.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

Good story! I would prefer multiple parts.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Damn RAAC in the name of an unbreakable unshakable nonobvious love. Except it wasn't, as the story demonstrated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

These days I have found a new way to wade through the molasses of repetitiveness that Cagivatrans subjects us to…

I read the first two pages…go straight to the last two…

And I realise I haven’t missed anything! Then depending on the ending I mark the story! I think all readers should do this too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fifteen pages to tell a story that could have been done in two? You have wasted our time with this tripe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Don't be a dick. How can we ever know if this would work if you don't give it a try?"

"Hey, I don't need to get run over by a truck to know I ain't gonna like it."


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow never thought that a tranny could think so deep…and write such disgusting shit!! Does this gender diaspora shit also scramble the common sense too?? We’ll get a psychiatrist to look at you pse!! You disgust me!!!

lujon2019lujon2019over 1 year ago

at least THIS time you were up front that it was a cuck story


though I am confused according to the whore wife and the slut therapist he would be perfectly justified to fuck any woman he wants while his wife is out of town or at a business function in town,


after all it takes nothing from their relationship right?

so why is it he is an asshole for having one one night stand, one two night stand, and half a dozen fucks with the first girl while it was perfectly reasonable for her to fuck her boss 12 times a month for more than a year?

Less than ten fucks for him makes him an asshole, but 150 fucks for her just didn't take anything from their relationship?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really too ridiculous!

His wife's boss wants to turn her into his personal whore because he just doesn't like using condoms!!!

Just because of condoms!!!

Wow what justification! This is the work of authors. The number of hours of research and documentation you had to do to come up with this scenario.

And then he gives him moral and behavioral lessons!!!

No but, have you fried your brain?

And the 2 guys chatting quietly in a parking lot like they're discussing the next game.

And he chooses married women because there is less risk of disclosure? Ridiculous and above all stupid complement.

He can fuck a million single women and no one will ever say anything. But getting caught with his scheme and it's a media apocalypse.

Asshole, where is the risk?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yup…could not get anymore disgusting!! Shite writer and shite story!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Absolute trash!! 15 pages of trash!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Damn, every time it's the same.

The guy who knows nothing who gives lessons and advice.

Here, it is the boss, a hardened bachelor, who has never had a lasting relationship, has never had a marriage, who lectures the husband on marriage and his relationship with his wife.

Well, I'll do the same. I'm not a writer and I'm going to give you lessons and advice: Stop writing bullshit and especially publishing it. Take the time to use your intelligence to recognize the stupidity of certain passages or certain scenes in your scenario.

Above all, avoid this re-reading under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It won't help your analytical skills.

So I'm fine. Are you taking it all right? Does that seem perfectly logical to you?

And of course, you will immediately follow my inexperienced advice as in the stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That's when I started weighing it up. If it was discreet, and nobody knew, what did I actually lose?

Just like you when you write your shit anonymously!

Why not reveal it to everyone?

The fear? Shame? The look of the others? The loss of respect?

It's like the cuckolds who are so strong anonymously.

If it's really that good, that great, let the world know. Drop the masks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow. You are a hellofa writer. Right up their with your editor. I hated what every character did, but I read every word of 15 pages. I was happy the boss got dumped by his star girlfriend, and Darren getting her in bed and leaving that prick was very satisfying. I can't give it anything but five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I thank my wonderful husband husband who was there when I was at my lowest.

He guided me, supported me, sacrificed his dreams to help me pay and finished college.

And all that to become a whore.

So many efforts to finally get there. What a long way.

And ladies and gentlemen, as long as your activity is secret, there's nothing wrong.

Currency of Cagivagurl.

Yes. the secret ?

Now can we talk about battered women, abused children, exploited populations....

But no. It's okay if it's secret.

Faith of the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A waste of time, I hate the story...seems like it was written by a woman who needs verified with her pussy. Same as many marriages where the woman wants balls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Attention !

Stupidity alert!

A kiss, a blowjob and a fuck from his wife, and the husband suddenly agrees to be a cuckold, a pimp and his wife to be a whore.

wow. That's the intellectual development of your characters. What an author's performance! 👏👏

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hey Cagivagurl, from a reliable source, you are going to have a very good Christmas this year.

Your wife is going to give you that marvelous vintage car you've been dreaming of.

After a few blowjobs and a few fucks, the car will be all yours.

On the other hand, she suffers a little with my big cock in her ass.

Put him some soothing cream, you'll be a nice guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am actually finding it too disgusting to complete the full 15 pages without vomiting..! Author sure is fucked up in the head! What we have here is a story of a manipulative slut and a wimpy cuck!! That’s the overall theme!! At no stage did it ever look like the wimp would grow balls and the author continued to condescendingly put him down ..first by the wife , then by the boss and finally by the wimp himself!

As the story progresses …the wimp goes from having some bit of self respect to having none at all…from being supposedly a man to a cuck and finally to a wimp who welcomes the manipulative slut and her well ducked cunt back…all in the supposed idea of deranged love as propagated by this dysfunctional gender confused trash writer!! A full waste of valuable time…could have actually spent it shitting on the pot…at leat that wa s’more useful!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

How can a man ever take back a delusional selfish whore? And I tip of it have kids with her…this binding himself to her forever when she decides to go fuck someone else for a further career boost? I think the writer is exceptionally delusional! There was absolutely no remorse by the slut for her cheating…infact the attitude was … get over it!! I did what I had to do …just accept it and take me back!! The writer portrayed the MC as such a person taht there was nothing likeable in him atleast a s a man!! Should have been in the lesbian category or bette still gays and transsexuals! At least the MC would have fitted there to a tee!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your writing is always great! No grammatical errors and the English language used properly. For that I thank you greatly.

Your stories are usually very good, however, on this one you lost me early on. It’s not your fault, it has to do with the kind of man I am. The second she even considered “sacrificing herself” for $ and prestige… nope.

Were I put in that predicament, I’d be moving out and breaking all contact, then slowly moving on as apparently I married wrong the first time.

People and greed (men and women) are some of the worst humans on the earth. I prefer fidelity, trust and happiness together over anything else. I was plenty happy growing up without 2 nickels to rub together because we knew how to make life work and do great things without all the “things” in life. Each other is what counts the most… never things.

hugh58hugh58over 1 year ago

Terrific story well written and a jolly good read

francemanfrancemanover 1 year ago


I'm in the middle of reading, and having already read many of your stories a certain thought has crossed my mind.

I know of course that life is not all a road of roses, and that no long-term relationship or marriage is perfect, but I see (in many of your writings) that you tell us about wonderful marriages outside in each of them the characters act quite the opposite.

And I'm not talking about cheating or liasing or anything.

I'm talking about their behavior towards each other.

In all your marvelous marriages, the spouses do not communicate, do not learn to know each other, to know their thoughts and their desires, or if they do, they do not hear, do not listen.

weven in your wonderful marriages, the spouses are always complaining about the other partner:

- he/she is too ambitious or not ambitious enough

- he/she has a job that is not rewarding or too much.

-he/she is too sociable or not enough

-he/she is too stubborn or not stubborn enough

- too vain or not enough.

- etc......

1 ) where are your marvelous marriages in such conditions.

2) at least, you know your spouse a little before marrying him, don't you? You chose it.

there are some contradictory things in your situations and your characters.

I'm not saying people don't change, but if you complain about your partner, if you don't respect them, then you don't have a wonderful marriage.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

This is ridiculous lady.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Again and again a RAAC , really ? How can you be such a good writer but make the same ending every Time ?

Is it si hard to just make the MC find someone else, i dont talk about BTB but just another plot than a RAAC

bobareenobobareenoover 1 year ago

A pleasure to read. 5 stars.

WestcamWestcamover 1 year ago

The ebb and flow of the relationships held this story together beautifully. Well written and very enjoyable. Five * from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

old story has a husban that wimps out in the end and a wife that is just a slut

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

ladies and gentlemen,

the author hammered it into his story: you have to open your minds, not be so stuck.

Be careful though, you were not informed of the potential results.

Opening up your married person mind, with the call of air, causes married pussy opening.

Good and happy handjob to all.

TajfaTajfaover 1 year ago

Before the last page I was thinking this is the best story you have written. However you make it sound like he was as much to blame as her. That is not the case. She decided that power and position were more important than respect for her husband or their wedding vows. He was just meant to suck it up. His reluctant acceptance of her proposal was unbelievable. How could anyone love someone who treated him with such contempt. I might have accepted them divorcing and re- marrying at a later date but even then how could she be trusted to not repeat her behaviour if some better position was on offer? What she did was to prostitute herself for money and that should have been exposed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

15 pages of the same old story with over the top bizarre characters, I quickly lost interest. Cagivagurl can write but really needs help with people, relations and story. Why not try a colab with Randi where she comes up with the skeleton of the story and CG fleshes it out?

JohnAmalfi4104JohnAmalfi4104over 1 year ago

Great story! Visceral and cathartic. Your stories are like the Violent Passion Surrogate in Brave New World. 5 stars and favourited. Keep up the good work.

MikenkansasMikenkansasover 1 year ago

Nope. Just nope. You're in it (life) together or You're not. "enduring the unendurable and suffering what is insufferable." does not make for a marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thanks for tagging this as “cuck shit” save me from reading a story I would have hated.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

No thanks, you had him change his mind for no good reason. It’s just a story, yes l know. But you had just give up and give in way too easily.

And then after all the shit goes down, he keeps her, really????

Scores 3/5, it was well written, but the plot just didn’t cut it.

CD1929CD1929over 1 year ago

Oh Cagivagurl, fortunately this time I stopped reading this nonsense on page 4.

What a load of crap!

skruff101skruff101over 1 year ago

Ahhhh the pimp gets to keep the whore. Thing is which one is the pimp and which one is the whore, in the end two really obnoxious people who deserved each other got each other.

In simpler terms it’s Cag’s ‘same ole same ole’, wife comes up with ridiculous plan husband says absolutely no they part ways but not to worry because it’s a Cag story and that which is impossible becomes possible, it’s all unicorns and rainbows by the last page, just another fifteen pages of a journey that frankly we’ve all taken before by reading any one of Cag’s previous efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Never 👎🏾

PowersworderPowersworderover 1 year ago

You're actually a very talented writer.

Your dialogue is fluid and believable, and the scenes are compelling with a lot of emotion. It's all great stuff.

The big problem is you ruin every ending by making the husband cuck out and take the slut back.

Men are possessive over their women. They will never get over their wife whoring herself out to another man.

Cracker270Cracker270over 1 year ago

You are a very talented writer. When I check my favorites and see you have a new one it starts a good day. When it is a nice long one filled with the humanity and angst of a married couple, well it just doesn’t get much better. I do love that story line

Impo_64Impo_64over 1 year ago

@Cagivagurl usual stuff. A well written long story with a plot that ends with a full hand of nothing...Two not believable characters, one contract full of bullshit (never could happen in a real world)...2* for being well written

matuateneiramatuateneiraover 1 year ago

Brilliant already and I'm only halfway through. These are really hugely absorbing characters and the story itself is totally credible and absorbing. I really enjoy reading about ordinary people dealing with personal conflict and this is great.

DevonadrianDevonadrianover 1 year ago

Good writing, my only dislike is that the logic veers off whenever they're actually discussing the problem. Like how can Coby literally not understand her cheating while away is not cuckolding her husband. She swears it's normal and I can't see how she'd expect him to be chill about it. The fact that she defended Wyatt to the very end made me dislike the reconciliation aspect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
15 Pages of horrid undermining

With this story and the few others of yours I tried to read it is abundantly clear that you do not like men. Nor do you have any respect for them. In your stories any man who has morals and integrity is punished in some way. You may have talent and be able to string a sentence together well but because of your agenda to undermine any man who believes in fidelity and the sanctity of marriage your words are ugly.

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithover 1 year ago

Well written story.

nickbgbnickbgbover 1 year ago

They reconciled? No. No. No.


The husband is too stupid and ultimately forgiving to be credible, at least for me. And as for Coby… This is the same wife who said she wasn’t ashamed of what she did, didn’t regret it and was sad when it ended e.t.c. There is simply no basis for a future relationship. You wouldn’t encourage a stranger to inflict on their partner what she did to her own husband. And let’s bear in mind that it evolved into a full-on emotional affair. He should have left Coby with her promotion and moved on, because that’s what mattered to her most once all is said and done.


Sorry, didn’t like it at all.

DrPopeDrPopeover 1 year ago

As I have said before you write some utter crap at times …. This wasn’t one of those times.

Nice to see you deviating from some of your usual “go to” narratives. This was a bit long and repetitive at times and you really do much better when writing about environments you know so stick to the land of the long white cloud. Melodyne….. that’s about as obscure as it gets …

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

another shit cuck story from the resident cuck in chief

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That nasty forgiveness nonsense, Still a 4/5 .

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Stupid shit.

No excuse for stupidity.

phill1cphill1cover 1 year ago

too long for a stupid premise

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Going thru tne first page, this set up as yet another of this author’s typical wife gets hubby to be a cuck tale. Then I saw that it went on for 15 pages! So I jumped ahead to see if it ended as usual. Yep…hubby caved in and took the idiotic slut back…after — as usual — proclaiming how it was just as much his fault as hers.


Sorry….but while CG writes as well as anyone on Lit….15 pages of more cuckery was too much to take.


2 **

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I like CAGIVAGURL'S stories and I don't like them. For whatever the reason the main male character generally ends up knuckling under even though his wife cheated. I generally grade her stories 2-3* because of that. Stories could very easily be 4-5*. I don't care how many spelling or grammer errors - it's not an English class. To me it comes down to how does the story make me feel. This story reminded me of 'The unwanted swap'. Just rearranged with different characters. Giving this story a 3* - just another guy knuckling under.

francemanfrancemanover 1 year ago

It was really a very strange story and you certainly have a lot of quality as a writer.

But, yes there is a but, how can you just write such grotesque/stupid situations or such invariably dimwitted and fickle characters.

For example, I don't understand how: throughout the story, he and she talk about her clearly becoming a whore. Of her doing some things (sleep to succeed) contrary to her own ethics and values ​​before this proposal.

Of her saying 2 or 3 times during the story that she was not ashamed of having become a whore.

And all of a sudden at the end, a 180 degree turnaround, and in the end, she's ashamed of having let herself be bought and become a whore.

While she should have at least become aware of this long before, she should have gone through different stages of depression, anger, loss of self-esteem, self-destruction,....

Similarly, you bring the accent at some point that as a couple, they are fused, able to understand each other better than anyone, able to finish each other's thoughts and sentences.

Outside, there is absolutely nothing of all that in the story, 95% of the time, neither of the two listened to the other. Neither of them thought of the other.

Your characters are in perfect contradiction from one page to another.

If your stories are elaborate, your characters are on the other hand completely eccentric, thinking blue one moment, doing green another then ending with red, and this without development, without transition, without logic, according to the progress of the story. .

Maybe instead of varying the characters to suit the plot, you should vary the plot according to the characters.

PorthosandPatPorthosandPatover 1 year ago

Characters too stupid to be believed

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The whole interlude with “Sarah” was nauseating. E.G.:


"They weren't just having sex, they were making love, having an affair. She slept with him, in his arms. She cuddled him, made plans, told him our secrets, told him about our relationship, our problems. She shared all of that with him."

"It was the emotional connection which hurt, not the sex?"

"Yes, If it had just been sex, I think I could have dealt with it, but knowing she loved him more, that hurt."


“Sarah” preaching that “it was only sex” so it wasn’t a big deal was bad enough. But when Darren claimed that he could have “dealt with it” if his WIFE was “only having recreational sex” stamped him as yet another member of CG’s “Cuck Hall of Fame”.


The only way a guy like Darren gets back with a slut like Coby is if he is a Cuck. QED

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Damn gurl you have so damn much talent, why fuck it up with all the sick shit you love so much?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

not sure how you do it but you manage it every single time. You create the weakest beta male for a man that no one can feel bad for and the dumbest most moral lacking woman that everyone hates.

This story quite frankly, was way too long. Im sure most of it could have been cut out. But I’m also sure you had to highlight in typical cagivagurl fashion just how ‘lonely’ and ‘depressed’ the man is after he’s left his wife that’s been cheating on him. Just yearning to take back a woman that breaks his heart at every last opportunity. But hey, I’m sure she’s learned her lesson now that she’s had her cake and gained 50 pounds off the thing too.


“Darren, you haven't exactly been honest either. You've had affairs. I saw the look in Kailami's eyes. She was in love, as well."

"That's the difference, though, we were broken up then."

"No, we weren't. We were apart, but we were still married, still seeing each other. I thought we were trying to figure shit out. Find ways to make it work."

"Yeah, you're right. I have been an asshole, as well, and I'm not proud of it."


As far as I remember you stupid woman, you had been having an active ongoing affair for the last god knows how long AND he had told you over the phone that he was done with you and would be divorcing. You have literally no right to complain that he saw another woman after all you did to him.

The only way this would get a raise from 2 stars for me is if Darren went up to Coby one of those days with Kailami after their ‘reconciliation’ and explained to her that Kailami agreed to increase his pay if he had sex with her and that he was taking it. But don’t worry she just has to sign a contract. That way coby can truly experience what Darren felt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well done, good story telling and most of your characters were well developed.

Ending was what it was.

Read your story and finished it at midnight enough said

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story is a prime example how a relationship without boundaries isn't healthy and usually turns the relationship toxic. Without boundaries, expectations aren’t clear as respect to each party in the relationship. Boundaries help create healthy relationships by outlining needs and respecting limits. When setting boundaries in a relationship, it is also important to review consequences of a boundary violation, or a deal breaker, to prevent abuse due low respect, lack of responsibility, or desire for control.

There are key ingredients that determine the success or failure of any relationship — Reciprocity, trust and betrayal.

The main female character is an example of an "emotional looter". An emotional looter is a person that greedily feeds on others and emotionally loots and manipulates them. These types of people know exactly what they want and they suck the energy and life of others for their own personal aggrandizement. Greedy people wonder “What can I get from others?” whereas people who provide love ask themselves “How can I give more to others?”

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

How and why Darren could EVER get back together with that narcissistic slut is a mystery that can never be explained. Coby NEVER did figure out how utterly destructive her slutty behavior was regarding her relationship was with Wyatt. Unfortunately, being a male in Capcavagurl’s universe, Darren was pre-programmed to be a useless wimpy cuck — and took her back.

CDRLawCDRLawover 1 year ago

I continue to read this author's work in the hope that someday he'll create a male character with backbone, integrity and a sense of honor and self-worth. And I continue to be disappointed.

Sparks59Sparks59over 1 year ago

I tried, I really did. I got to him saying 'ok' and gave up. I won't give it a rating because the writing was excellent but I can't support him being a willing cuck.

francemanfrancemanover 1 year ago

You've written several stories where a typical famous, wealthy, very wealthy man...takes the wife of a seemingly normal guy who turns out to have untapped potential.

He takes his wife for a longer or shorter period, betting on the fact that he is the best man, that it is only sex and not love,...

This story is in the same vein as "wife and singer" or "used to be my idol" or "story of Cadence and I".

In all these stories, the wife thinks it's no big deal, the aggrieved husband just suffers the events and is never active or reactive.

However in today's story, I at one point thought the husband was going to act the moment he learns that Wyatt is in a relationship with Kailami.

It would have been good if he managed to steal his partner under the dubious eyes of his wife and her lover, thus showing that all his behavior as an alpha male, better men, better lovers was based on small artifices, and making him discover anger , doubt, fear, resentment and loss.

All these emotions he must have provoked many times during the robberies of married women.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is this author trying to put people in Asylum? What a nut case..

Frank66Frank66over 1 year ago

Can't believe this is a c-gurl story- waded thru 3 pages thinking it's GOT to get better, but it just didn't. Then I see it goes on for 15 and that's it- can't do it. To argue and argue, then debate and debate, then hash and rehash over and over..... come on.

newfield1981newfield1981over 1 year ago


rockdoctor63rockdoctor63over 1 year ago

Don't bother, just another cuck story. The writing is good, but the story line is just to hard to believe No one and I mean no one would do this

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 1 year ago

Thank you Cagivagurl, for a well written, well structured and well developed story. There have been other variations but your development of the characters involved made it rise to the top. Naturally we often place ourselves in certain roles and I'd like to think I'd have been against it from the beginning. But money corrupts, so one never knows. Thanks again. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I started reading and thought how do you keep this story going after the initial " I want to do this even though its against my principals and morals and then try and convince the husband after he has said no_." I must admit I found it rather hard to believe the wifes insistance and ignoring his position. I did not understand why he said he could not pay Kailami for doing the work in studio for her either so explanation on how he was making money would help. Overall the story evoked strong emotions from me which is probably what you wanted to achieve, Some of it was highly unlikely but a well done story that I enjoyed and appreciated the length when finished

21stcv21stcvover 1 year ago

Amazing, thank you for taking the time to tell this tale

pepepilotpepepilotover 1 year ago

It is a long, but wonderful story. I am sure that the BTB brigade will have their sights on you, but have no fear!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"and there was, Coby's fucking boss." - I think this should this should either be, "and there HE was, Coby's fucking boss," or "and there was Coby's fucking boss."


He says he can't give her the job, that she's earned and is right for, because of the lawsuit hanging over their heads. So why didn't he simply promote her without the strings?


Too long. I couldn't see how this could go anywhere but out, why drag it out for 15 pages, just to end in a stupid reconciliation?


If the dick wants Coby so bad, why doesn't he waive the fidelity agreement, allow Darren to fuck other women while Coby is away?


Lost me when he started questioning himself when he was 100% in the right. Skipped to the end, saw he took her back and gave it the one it richly deserved.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

... Load of crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The tags sum up the story. Sorry skipped to the end to see how it finished. Oh look aa fairy tale ending for a prostitute. And a husband who she cucked for money. No consequences and the husband loses his man card. But this is normal for this writers stories.

demanderdemanderover 1 year ago

Another great story. Here's the nub, though. I don't believe he could ever get over what she did, no matter how many great sexual experiences he had with other women. Everyone's got ego. She blasted his out of the park. No getting over that. What happens when she's CEO and some big deal depends on her being nice to a sheik? She'll do it. Only sex. And, in the end, he knows she'd do it. D

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

I liked the ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If I see this author one day, I'll shoot on the spot for making this cucky mental asylum stories.

OutisOutisover 1 year ago

You are a hell of an author, but an adventure like this would not happen to me. *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I usually like Cagivagurl stories, but quit reading this one at page 4. I don't care how it ends, when the husband sold his soul, I was done.

kiteareskitearesover 1 year ago

Always nice to see one of yours up.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

the usual from this so-called writer

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Okay. Halfway through the first page, I came up with an alternative ending.

"Show me the contract, the one that spells out how I need to be faithful to you."

Coby hands over the secret contract. Together, we look up the number of biggest, baddest employment attorney we can find. We meet with him the next day. He can't believe what we've handed him.

"How much money do you want to extract from this asshole?"

"Lots and lots and lots."

And so when Wyatt got a letter from our attorney, he had an easy choice. Either discreetly pay us a ton of money to settle out of court, along with a nice letter of recommendation for my wife, or we would disgrace him forever and make even more money from suing the pants off him in court.

Ten million dollars later, Coby and I bang each other on a beach in Hawaii.

That's how this story should logically end.

JH4FunJH4Funover 1 year ago
I Hated It ⭐

First off, my comments are MY OPINION!!! I must acknowledge the writing and story were OK. It was way too long to tell in one reading. It should be a Novel. I could have read the 1st and 15th pages and had the whole story based on many others like it in this category.

Cavivagurl is a good writer, but I am a very slow reader. That alone made me not want to read the whole tale in one setting. However, I like many of Cavivagurls’ stories, so I trudged through. When I got to the 10th page, I wondered why I was putting myself through this agony. I was hoping for a twist in the plot. Much to my chagrin it never came.

While I hated this story, it will not stop me from continuing to read Cavivagurls’ stories. They are mostly enjoyable and interesting making them Good Reads ⭐⭐⭐ and worthy of that title.

Keep Writing


peter944peter944over 1 year ago

Well I guess I get to be the first to post on this….. you do very well with these songs about the music industry, it really gives the story a strong underpinning that lets the story do it thing. This is one of the better “indecent proposal” stories I have read. The one thing I didn’t track with is The fact that there was never an understanding that Wyatt really did take advantage of Coby using the promotion to get into her pants. All the way to the end that fundamental reality was never felt with. To me that marred the ending as without that I don’t think they could really put it behind them. That would come back as without Coby learning that lesson she would be vulnerable in the future (or is that a future fill up to this?)

DeeSylvanDeeSylvanover 1 year ago

This story is spellbinding. I thought Darren was serious about the line in the sand but apparently love conquers all. Your stories keep getting better and better. This has become one of my all time favorites.

Bmcn509299Bmcn509299over 1 year ago

Absolutely loved this. One of the best stories I read.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor63over 1 year ago

Just another Cuck story wrapped up in a RAAC The writing and story line are good, although it is just not believable She said it would just be sex and they went straight into a years long affair just to get ahead Then at the end all ends well? A story has to be believable and with everything she put him though there is NO way that they come out together.

miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

Well written as always with this author.

Twisting this around so Darren is as to blame as Coby is a big stretch. Everything that occurred in this story is a direct result of Coby selling her soul and abandoning her morals by agreeing to Wyatt's proposal before she ever talked to Darren about it.

He was crystal clear with her on multiple occasions and she pushed forward with it anyway. If she would have ever taken his feelings into account at any point their marriage survives.

No matter how much they love each other there's no way they end up staying married. Regardless of her words her actions prove she had no respect for Darren and there's no way he could trust her again.

Maybe one day this author will have a story where the husband actually stands his ground rather than repeatedly giving in and trying to make it work. What did Coby ever do to try to make up for her betrayal??? Not a damn thing other than offer more empty words.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

15 pages for, she's a whore, he's a patsy, they live happily ever after?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really good. Honestly, I was cringing because I thought it’d end up one of those where the couple breaks up but everyone has a decent life. In other words, completely unsatisfying.

You impressed me though. I’m a sucker for reconciliation, and you got there believably.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It is actually pretty frustrating to see a gifted writer like this put out such outlandishly inane characters - it's not even the trite and hackneyed plot, because he/she is talented enough to compensate for that..... but really??? I read (skimmed mostly) to see if any of them could find a brain. Alas, disappointed. I realize it's fiction and good fiction requires some level of suspension of disbelief, but this is just frustratingly bad rubbish. There isn't a man in the world who would put up with the shit portrayed here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was an amazing story.

dwoelfledwoelfleover 1 year ago

Quite the ride. Really well done. Thank you.

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