Promotion Comes With Strings Attached


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"If you want to talk to her, then do it. I've got nothing to hide."

Her mouth twitched and the smile struggled to shine through. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Sarah's nice."

We stood up together, and I led her through the apartment, starting with the kitchen, which was part of the open-plan living area. Then the bathroom, which I had only finished days before, the bedroom and the spare rooms. Then it was downstairs to check out the studio. After introductions, we sat in as the guys finished the recording session.

We walked out into the sun, and she asked, "What happens now?"

"I don't know, Coby, so much has happened. Could we put the past behind us?"

She couldn't hide the grimace. "I would like to try. I know I fucked things up, but I do love you, and it's hard trying to picture a life without you."

"Coby, I have never said I don't love you, as well, but sometimes that's not enough. There's gotta be respect and loyalty, trust. I'm not sure those things exist in our relationship."

"I have never lied to you, Darren. Never once. I put everything on the table."

"Maybe you didn't actually lie, but you certainly misrepresented the situation."

"How? I told you everything."

"Coby, when you sold that whole cockamamie situation to me, you said it would be just sex. Jesus, girl. You started sleeping with him from the outset. It was an affair, not just sex."

"Darren, you haven't exactly been honest either. You've had affairs. I saw the look in Kailami's eyes. She was in love, as well."

"That's the difference, though, we were broken up then."

"No, we weren't. We were apart, but we were still married, still seeing each other. I thought we were trying to figure shit out. Find ways to make it work."

"Yeah, you're right. I have been an asshole, as well, and I'm not proud of it."

She started sniffling, "Neither am I. I know I fucked everything up, but without that situation, none of this would have happened. You could give me the money back, but it doesn't change where it came from."

As she stood there, she ripped up the check. "I never wanted your money. Just your love. And you're wrong. I never stopped respecting or trusting you."

She got in her car and drove away. At least we got through it without yelling.

That night, I felt alone for the first time in ages. Having Coby there in my home reopened the old memories and emotions.

Unless you have experienced a love this powerful, you would never understand. We talk of taking bullets for somebody, dying in their place. That is how I felt about Coby. Yes, I would die for her.

So why was it so difficult to accept what happened? It was something that Sarah had talked about. Loving enough to forgive...

Sarah once said, "If you would dive in front of a truck to save her life, why can't you forgive something that although it caused pain, didn't kill anyone?"

At the time, I couldn't answer. Now, I was starting to comprehend.

I didn't see or hear from Coby for a few weeks, and it got me thinking maybe she had changed her mind.

The following Saturday, I was doing my usual chores, laundry and cleaning. At lunchtime, the main door buzzer rang. When I opened the door, there was Coby, her arms full of pizza boxes and a bottle of wine. "Are you hungry?"

I got the plates, and she loaded them with pizza and sides. I poured a couple of glasses of wine and we retired to the big fluffy floor rug in the living room.

"How's work?"

She nodded as she chomped into a huge slice of pizza. "Good, I take over from Wyatt at the end of the month. I was hoping you might like to come along to the celebration dinner."

"Congratulations, I would be honored to attend."

"What about you, Darren? How have you been?"

"I gotta say, I've been better, our last meeting caused me to do some thinking. I guess I don't like who I see staring back at me from the mirror. I've done some shitty things."

She sipped her wine somewhat uneasily. "I had the same problem. When I think about how we got where we are, I'm uncomfortable."

"Why so?"

"I broke the principles that I held dear. I sold out. I had all these lofty ideals, but when it came down to it, I sold out. I loved my job, and I was proud that I worked my ass off to get there.

"Then, Wyatt came along, waved a big wad of cash under my nose and I folded. I let him buy me. Yeah, I made excuses, like everybody else is doing it, why not?"

"You can't let it get to you, Coby. You're there now. The important thing is, you recognize you made mistakes, and you don't make them again."

"Easy to say, Darren, and I think I could do it. But that would depend on whether you were going to be on my side, standing beside me, supporting me."

I didn't answer straight away. I filled my face with pizza and beer. Wine's okay, but for me, pizza needs beer.

Coby, though, had things burning in her belly, things she wanted to say. "I've been seeing a therapist. I needed to try and understand why I did it."

"Oh yeah, anybody I know?"

"Yes." She snickered. "Sarah. And you were right, she is wonderful. I can see why you enjoyed being with her."

She reached for my beer. "Did you know she's a sex therapist, as well?"

I laughed as I watched her down what was left of my beer. "Yes, I seem to remember her saying something about that."

Coby jumped up and got two more beers. "She really helped me, Darren. She helped me understand why I did some of the things I did. I'm sorry I was so stupid. I will carry that guilt forever."

"Then Sarah didn't really help, did she? Look, Coby, if you and I were ever going to make a go of things, we have to let the past go. We both made mistakes. We let ourselves down, we sold our souls for money."

She looked shocked. "You want to give it another try?"

"I do, but not unless we can move forward. I don't want to be arguing over the same shit in ten years. We have to let it go. I know I hurt you with Kailami, but if I'm going to be saying sorry forever, then there's no point in trying."

"I want to try, I want this to work, but what happens when we fight?"

"We fight, we let it out, we yell and scream, shit, we're good at that. But this shit, it has to stay in the past."

She nodded as she drank her beer. "Coby, Sarah made me write a letter to you. In it, I put all the things I hated, everything you did that hurt. I put that letter in a box the other day and burnt it out in the parking lot."

"Wow, she made me do the same thing. I still have mine."

"Then we will need to have a ritual cleansing. We will burn it out in the parking lot at midnight."

She giggled playfully. "Won't we need a full moon?"

"Probably, but I think we can pretend. We have to be naked though."

"Oh yeah, were you naked when you burnt yours?"She giggled. "Maybe we could take one of her sex therapy classes, they sound awesome."

I laughed, wondering if we were in a strong enough place. In the end, I just let it out. "I've already taken her class, and I passed, top of my class."

She frowned, then smirked. "Yes, I suppose you did. You always were an over achiever."

"Funny, that's what she said."

After we finished the pizza and a few more beers, she said, "I don't suppose I could get you to show me?"

With a casual shrug, I replied, "I could try, but you were never much of a student. I'll probably have to go over some of the stuff multiple times."

"Yeah, I'm a big stupid, you will have to teach me."

"I guess I better call Sarah and get a refresher. I don't want to get it wrong."

"Well, I better book one, as well." Coby said trying to keep a straight face. "She said she would love to teach me. She said I had a glowing aura."

Life... It throws up good and bad. We fought through the bad and we fell into love all over again. Coby had to take some time off work when we had the kids, although she couldn't stay away from work. Luckily, I worked from home. Living in the studio meant work was only down the stairs. The kids really brought us together. Everything else seemed unimportant after their arrival. I loved being a stay-at-home dad.

Things got tricky as time went on. Wyatt did make a return, but by then, Coby was the CEO, and although she had to listen to him and heed his advice, that's where it ended.

When Kailami asked me to produce her second album, things again got a bit uncomfortable. Although, one night after way to much to drink, Kailami, Coby and I talked everything through. It was a bit rough at times, and there were tears. But like the Phoenix rising, Kailami and Coby managed to form a strong friendship. The kids love having a world famous singer and actress as their Godmother.

It all became part of our story. Not that we tell anyone, but we know, and our marriage is stronger than ever. Yep, it was a bumpy rude, but we saw it through. It was part of moving on. Maybe we were too young, maybe we didn't have enough trust in each other. At least we rode it out, and now our lives are better than ever.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous27 minutes ago

not sure i could forgive and forget ??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 hours ago

Coby: "Oh fuck off. I never loved him. I liked him, and he offered me a shoulder to cry on that night. You and I seemed so far apart, we fought over everything. I felt guilty because I knew it was the affair with Wyatt that caused that pain. I've said sorry a million times, and frankly. I'm sick of talking about it."

I nodded. "Me too. We are different people now, Coby. You have the job you always wanted, the expensive apartment."

"But I don't have you. That's what's missing from my life, Darren. You..."

"Are you saying you want to try again?"

"No, not again. I never stopped trying. I just messed some things up. Got my priorities wrong. I lost sight of the most important bits. I'm not ashamed of what I did, but I am embarrassed about the way I treated you. I should have understood how much it would hurt you."

====> Coby is a terrible person. Period. "Not ashamed of what I did". Please. This must be troll bait. I have read many stories by CVG some quite infuriating, but Coby is just awful. Like most CVG LWs, she has zero empathy for her husband, uses deceit when it benefits her, throws the affair and the sex in his face (repeatedly), tries to get him to be friends with her lover, and massively disrespects her husband, but her hypocrisy t the end really takes the cake. Wyatt rapidly became not only her mentor, boss, and then sex partner, but her lover in a full blown intimate affair and she definitely was "in love" with Wyatt in a romantic fashion. Look how she went to Wyatt when she got upset they were fighting. And yet she denies all this, barely sees the MC for many months, is somehow way more upset about Kailani than about Shana or Sarah, and somehow thinks her marriage was still in place. Legally maybe. Morally it was on life support where the plugged needed to be pulled. She put their marriage into a brain dead coma. What a delusion bitch.

They ending was contrived and hinged on a deus ex machina of Sarah, the "therapist" who is obviously a stand in for the author. Her logic was terrible. His marriage was massively affected by what was going on. It was slowly dying from the "contract". He was dying inside every time. The sex turned from love making into f$cking. Somehow Sarah, acting on behalf of the author, tries out some meaningless crap about it didn't do him any harm. There is more to life than sex or orgasms. Just having a wife who fulfill her marital obligations in bed, doesn't mean crap. And the line about dying for someone. Lol. That is morality / ethics for a 12 year old. Ridiculous. You would die for someone because you love them. When they hurt you (continually) and betray everything you knew about them and your marriage, it is expected that you would rescind your "I would die for you card".

She is upset about the lying. Ok. But what was their marriage like? By the time it heated up on his converting the firehouse, their marriage was dying and his actions were keeping a secret, while yes lying, but he wasn't cheating on her. And she was too busy boffing Wyatt and worshipping his "business" advice, while also listening to his (even she admitted to it at the end), crappy "relationship" advice. This ending and its stupid psycho babble was just loathsome.

She chose to become a prostitute. He assented finally to the contract because he was weak man, who deluded himself that her doing it while away would nit affect them. He learned later she was in a romantic affair with Wyatt which bled over to their marriage (as it must) and she really came to gave romantic, intimate feelings with Wyatt. She cheated because she got emotionally involved with Wyatt, giving him the genuine girlfriend experience when they traveled, beyond being the prostitute that they both agreed her to be ... for 18 months. She cheated. Period. And she loved the sex with Wyatt. Even more than her husband. That became clear. In the end, she was killing him those format 8 pages, until he learned the truth, they fought and she chose Wyatt over him, while she was NOT on the road..she made her choice. It was hard red line for the MC (finally), and their was over in all but name. But the execrable, selfish bitch who earned her promotion on her back hundreds of times, and not only enjoyed it but is not ashamed of it, even at the end, she has the balls to be wildly upset that he slept with Kailani and wasn't upfront about the studio? Please. Ironically, Coby never tells us what she learned while in therapy with Sarah, why she debased herself, why she acto felt humiliated her husband, why she was so selfish, why she thought Wyatt was a "good" guy, and why she thought her husband would just accept it. Nome if that comes up because there is no answer thar allowed for reconciliation beyond she has a mental disorder.

While this author writes well and is provocative it is clear they have a gaslighting agenda about cuckolding and women cheating (not men cheating btw, then they are btb stories generally), or BDSM or polyamory, or sexual awakenings, etc. When the shoe is on the opposite foot, the author torches the cheating husband. The author also places way too much stock in women having fulfilling orgasms as an excuse to keep cheating (e.g. Shelby in a A Marriage and a Divorce, also by CVG), though that wasn't the crux in this story.

The problem is that the gaslighting has gotten way worse with time. Compare this "He Used to be My Idol". Kayla screwed the predator Rogan for one night and a day, while off in Mexico. Luke left her and divorced her cheating ass. Luke had more balls than the MC in February Sucks, though of course no kids. He goes his own way. Kayla tries to reconcile but he had none of it, and severs everything in that talk in his SF apartment. Years go by. He becomes successful. He and Kayla reconnect again eventually she was actually sorry about what she did. She wasn't just contrite, she atoned in her own way. She matured. Got her own business with seed money from Rogan, who actually felt bad he broke up their marriage, and she partnered with Rogan's bitch Candice. As an aside, yes she was a bitch to both Luke and Kayla because she never told Kayla rhe truth about the phone call where she warned Rogan that the marriage was dying and Luke was resolute, and he ignored it and didn't tell Kayla. And Candice thiugh becoming her best friend, never told Kayla the truth. Instead Candice constantly belittled Like about not forgiving Rogan and becoming friends. Wtf?

Anyways. Look at the crime in that story vs this one. Incomparable. Yeah technically the contract and the sex part was not a deceit, but the romantic affair for like six months, absolutely was. Coby cared more about keeping up appearances for her job with her housewarming party than what she was doing about getting back with her husband. She wasn't worried he had a two month relationship with the young, beautiful Shana? He would have run away with Shana in another parallel universe.

The gaslighting in "He Used to be My Idol" wad not about the cheating being ok. It was about him agreeing Rogan is a nice guy and Lke should do business with him or be friendly with him. Kayla poked at that buy was not the main proponent. That was the bitch Candice and the asshole Rogan. Rogan was your typical Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur/ predator. He is a jerk and a narcissist and he treats everyone like crap. He had a Marc Lavalierre (from February Sucks) kink, and he horribly miscalculated. Wyatt is way worse. What he did was beyond the pale, and he used the contract to hide behind to not get beaten up or killed. He is loathsome person, who obviously had no problems with destroying Coby and the MC's marriage. Coby like most CVG LWs was delusional. In comparison Kayla was much more likable. She mad a bad choice (not a mistake). She bought into some of Rogan's bullsh$t because of Candice and he helped her get through the divorce and support herself afterwards. He actually because a friend to her, as much as a guilty Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur/ predator can be, and she didn't know the monstrous truth about that one damning phone call. She believed the central lie about that night, and accepted all the blame on her shoulders. Wyatt screwed Coby hundred of times and she fell in love with him, regardless of her protestations. Why she did? Who knows. But her sins were so much worse than Kayla's misguided choice, it isn't even in the same country, let alone zip code. And Wyatt was so much worse a person than Rogan. But Coby wss blind to all that because she was enamored and in a romantic affair with her boss for many months. Now then trying to force the husband to acquiesce to accepting Wyatt vs Rogan is again laughably different. Heck this story was as bad as when Shelby trying to gaslight her EX-husband about Paul and the "tantric sex" after 30 years of marriage in the aforementioned A Marriage, A Divorce.

There was no marriage here after they separated. And they did separate. He left when she chose Wyatt while not on the toad and broke the agreement / contract. The accusations about his time with Kailani are ludicrously different and based on specious logic.

While CVG is a talented writer, my concern is the gaslighting is through the roof. If you want good stories about reconciliation that don't infuriate the reader or try to gaslight them into accepting women cheating on their husbands, then try Ohio, Rehnquist, DT_Iverson, BillandKate etc. This later CVG stuff is just nauseating now. And yet this story and He Used to be My Idol have about the same scores. Meh that is just so wrong. This story is crap in comparison. Yikes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 hours ago

The author trying yo make a moral equivalency between what Coby did, which was much worse than be paid a whore, ad it wasn't a one time thing, it was a full fledged paid affair with her boss, and what the MC did with Kailami, is just amazingly stupid. Still married? Only by title. While it might not be the best moral high ground to have a revenge affair, it is a fact that it occurs and their marriage was toast at that point anyways. Coby broke the marriage contract. Period. Seriously, the author is a talented and provocative writer, but please tone down the ridiculous gaslighting.

AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Just more of the Big lie - "it's only sex." Stupid and insipid thinking produced from a bent and evil spirit.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

The wife quite deliberately made her husband a cuckold in a real in-your-face kind of way, and he was too weak to divorce her up front. But he instead got his revenge by taking her lover's $$ to fulfill his dreams and it came out as a tit for tat in-your-face for her. Recalls the old adage that the best revenge is living well. Then the author went and spoiled it by arranging an absolutely absurd reconciliation through a Deus Ex machina therapist. The weak premise in this is that a wife mercenarious enough to take this arrangement would really love her spouse. Such a twisted personality would show up poorly in other ways as well really. Cannot imagine a husband would ever come to trust such a person again, absence his own twisted personality too. He offered a cheque to pay her investment back and she tore it up. That she felt betrayed by his poetic justice is the height of irony. The story should have ended it there with a quiet divorce. The rest of the RAAC just makes no sense.

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