Pushing Boundaries Ch. 01


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Okay time to focus. Keona's stance showed that she wasn't going to use her leg so when her left fist aimed at his chest, Alex moved just slightly to the side; grabbing her left wrist and pushing at her left shoulder at the same time. He ignored her right hand punch in his ribs but focused on twisting her left arm to the point where she could no longer take the pain...and then he used his toes to kick her calves just slightly to flip her down on her back.

Game over.

She didn't scream this time but closed her eyes and betrayed no emotion on her face.

"I'd like to say congratulations but as you can see my baby's pride is wounded," said Eian in what sounded like amusement and concern. "Come pick her up in an hour. I'll dress her down."

"Yes Sir," replied Alex; his eyes twinkling with mischief.


Alex was heading to the bathroom when his mother accosted him along the corridor.

"Alexander Michel MacFarlane! You stop right there this instant!"

He tried to flash her his most charming smile, hoping to wheedle his way out of her nagging.

"Yes Mama?"

"Did. You. Just. Kick. Your. Date. To. The. Ground????" Alex groaned. Why'd she have to punctuate every single word like that?

"Yeah, so?"

"Don't give me that tone, young man."

"Yes Mama I did. I played fairly."

She pursed her lips and stared at her son for a minute. "So did she say yes?"

Alex couldn't hold back his laughter and a second later, Pearl joined him. "Yeah. I'm picking her up in an hour," he managed to wheeze out. "Shoo Mama. I need to wash this grime off."

Pearl, being the maternal wolf that she was, leaned back against the wall and laughed/cried.


Exactly an hour later, Alex stood outside his Alpha's house, dressed in casual jeans and a simple white t-shirt. He had managed to tame his black curls somewhat and if the American girls found him hot, he didn't see why Keona wouldn't. Unless of course she was too mad to see beyond his charm and try to murder him during their date.

When the door opened, Alex wasn't surprised to see Fiona first with his date hidden behind her.

"Now, you take care of my little girl and make sure you get her home by 9pm. Are you driving?"

"He can't drive Mummy. He doesn't have a car licence." Alex swore he heard contempt in her voice.

"Oh well, that's good 'cause I was going to say no drinking and driving," she said. "Well then... have fun you two." Then she pushed her daughter to the light and closed the door.

She was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a plain black t-shirt that must have been at least four sizes bigger than her frame and old sneakers.

"Honey, you're going on a date. Wear something decent," he commented, catching the slight fire in her eyes.

"Don't call me honey and I can wear whatever I choose to wear," she replied angrily.

Alex broke out in laughter. "Honey, I earned the right to call you whatever I want for today. I won fair and square so you're mine... so go and put on something girly for godsake. Shoo."

The door opened even before Keona reached it. Alex barely saw Fiona's hand grabbing her daughter before the door closed but he managed to hear Fiona chide, "I told you so."

About ten minutes later, she came out –ran out more like it –and was still wearing her faded jeans but paired with a tight fit lace top... and heels.

"Okay, that's much better," said Alex. He wanted to say 'hot' but feared his life might be in jeopardy. Those heels look lethal.

"Alright now. She's decent," said Fiona with a laugh. "Oh and Alex, I want that blouse back in one piece so please, no fighting."

"Err, yes ma'am." Then turning to his date, he smiled and purposely slipped his hand into hers. "So do you want to catch a movie first or grab a bite?"

Keona was really trying not to focus on his hand so she pretended not to care and gave him a shrug.

He responded by laughing and squeezing her hand tight. Oh boy... this was going to be a long, torturous date.


To his surprise, it turned out better than he expected. Maybe his date didn't really get out much and although she tried to hide her excitement, he could feel it; a steady beat at the pulse on her wrist... and Alex would know since he made the effort to touch her at every opportune moment.

She'd freeze up each time and give him her cold stares but Keona was a woman of her word. Since he had won fair and square, according to pack rules, that meant he earned the right over her for whatever length of time stated prior to the match. She was thankful that he hadn't demand dominance rights and had asked for just a date. But who was she kidding huh?

"So, I heard from Naira aka the wicked witch of the west that you did well in your A'levels. So what are your plans now?"

She didn't answer straight away. Instead, she twirled her pasta lazily with her fork before bringing it to her mouth in what should have been a perfectly innocent gesture... except that Alex found it incredibly sexy and inviting.

"Stop looking at me like that... please."

"Why?" he asked curiously.

"Never mind," she replied. Admitting that his stares were affecting her meant he had more control over her emotions than necessary. She didn't like that. "Maybe I should consider law."

"No!" his sudden outburst surprised her. "I mean... yes you can do law... but not in the States."

His ridiculous answer angered her. Frowning, she angled her head up and replied, "Why? Don't want me to find out about your girlfriend?" The realization that he might actually have one annoyed her. Not that she'd ever admit that. "I don't think she'd appreciate you dating other girls."

"It's okay. You're not a girl."

Her fork dropped absently onto her plate. She was about to reach over and punch him when he shook his finger at her. "Play nice honey. Your mom wants that blouse in one piece remember?"

She narrowed her eyes at him and replied through gritted teeth, "Then I'll take it off first before I swipe that stupid grin off your face."

He only laughed and shook his head. "Not tonight."

Keona started stabbing a piece of prawn on her plate with her fork and eating it angrily. What the hell was "not tonight" supposed to mean?

Alex was smiling of course, aware that he was teasing and pushing her beyond her limit but his wolf liked to play... and play dangerously at that. His leg brushed against hers, rubbing itself against her calves; aware that while her heartbeat was increasing, she was putting on a poker-face. He'll change that.

"If you play nice for the rest of the night maybe I'll let you take off your blouse and swipe at me. But if you're really really nice, I might even consider letting you pin me down after that."

The sexual implication of it was subtle but it wasn't missed. She blushed; the red burning up her neck so vividly to stain her white cheeks.

"I don't play with puppies. Sorry." Her tone was flat but her eyes were hard and angry. "You know what? I think I know what I'm going to study in university now. You've given me a good idea."

Alex stopped teasing. "What?"

"I'll be a coroner. I'll make it my life ambition to actually get you on top of my examination table."

"Ouch. Honey, you're sexy when you're angry. I'd love to let you examine me on your table any time but I don't do necrophilia."

Then Keona did the most unexpected thing: she laughed –a warm, throaty kind of laugh that shouldn't have belonged to a nineteen year old body.

"Alex, I've missed you," she admitted and smiled, reaching out to take his hand.

Alex allowed her to touch him but was wary. Ironically now that she had lowered her guard, she somehow had the upper hand for he didn't know how to handle 'girly' Keona. Shit, what was she doing to his arm? Why is she rubbing slow circles on his skin?

He pulled his hand away slowly, ignoring his inner wolf's protest. Damn beast was such a flirt.

After their movie, they had walked home because he wanted to spend a bit more time talking to her without having others eavesdropping on them on the bus. Plus he liked the feel of her hand holding his.

"The last time you held my hand like this was when we had to play house. Remember?" she laughed, swinging his hand. "I know you hated it."

"You think? I always have to be the daddy. Urgh."

Keona laughed. "Yeah... when you should have been the baby. Still keep Mr. Panda around?" she teased.

Alex was grateful that it was dark for he didn't want her to see him blush. "No."

"Liar..." she whispered.

They walked in silence after that, holding each others' hand until they reached the edge of the compound.

"Why are you so nice to me?" he asked suddenly, stopping to face her.

"You earned that right," she whispered, moving close to press her head on his chest. "I don't have a wolf inside me to tell me what to do but my instincts tells me it's alright to trust you."

"But you're never like this... ever."

"Oh that's because you've never seen me inside the house with my parents."

"You mean you're actually... affectionate?"

She smiled against his chest. "Pack needs touch Alex... and they need to bond." Okay she had a point. He closed his hands around her, holding her just for a while more. When he let her go, their hands linked once more and they entered the lush green fortress of their compound.

"You've really improved Alex," she said after a while.

"Yeah? So have you."

She smiled. "Wanna know a secret?"

"If you tell me then it won't be a secret anymore right?"

"Then it'll be our secret," she whispered. "You know all those times I said I never used my abilities outside my home? Well, I lied."

"I knew it," said Alex who was surprisingly not angry at her.

"I'm not done yet." She squeezed his hand slightly. "I'd always 'suggest' to whoever's our trainer to pair us up. Always. But that's the extent of me using my powers outside."

Alex stopped walking, clearly stunned at this revelation. "Why?"

She smiled. "Because I like you."

"What???" Alex was going to have a heart attack.

"Okay maybe not. I just wanted your toys," she teased and saw him scowl. "Well, you always get bullied by all of us and the girls were prone to cheating... especially Naira. She'd use her abilities during training and make you look weak when you're actually not." She paused to look at him kindly. "And I'd know because I took many blows from you and they hurt like hell but I played fair and I gave you a fighting chance by pitting us on equal grounds."

"Oh man..." Alex slapped a hand over his face. "I really gave my best punches because I thought you'd at least use your abilities to heal or something. Damn. I punched a girl!"

"I thought you said I wasn't a girl?"

He smiled and moved closer. "You're more woman than girl now and like I've said before, my wolf approves." Then he kissed her. It was sweet and gentle... a sign of trust.

When they pulled away, she smiled before looking down at his jeans pocket. "Someone's about to call you," she said just a few seconds before the phone actually ring.

"Should I answer it?"

Keona blinked. He needn't ask her permission. "Sure."

Alex dug his phone out, stared at the number and smiled. "Hey Sweetie..."

"Alex... when are you coming home? I miss you!"

"I'm going to be here for a week I think. I'll be home soon. I promise."

"I wanna go running... but Daddy doesn't let me."

"Don't worry... we'll run together once I'm back okay? Now be good."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too."

When he disconnected the call, he turned only to find cold, impassionate eyes looking at him. He didn't think much of it at first but as he came closer to hold her hand again, he saw the slight tremble on her lips... then she ran.

He blinked back in confusion for a few seconds before giving chase but she was really fast. By the time he reached her front door, she was already inside and the person who greeted him was none other than his Alpha.

"Slightly later than curfew but that's not why I'm standing here glaring at you," he said.

"I'm sorry Alpha... she misunderstood..."

Eian cut him halfway. "Right now, I'm not your Alpha but Keona's father. There's a difference my boy. As an Alpha, I understand these petty things you younglings undergo. It's part of growing up and normal in a pack. But as her father, I am not that understanding. I can scent you on her. What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything! I swear. I hugged her... like any other pack member would."


"And I kissed her... once!"

"You kissed my girl?" Oh boy was he in deep shit now for Eian's eyes had widened. "That's it young man. You better get your butt home this second before I tear your limbs apart."

"Yes Sir!" Then he was gone.

His mother stood at the door, waiting for him with her arms opened. What is it with mothers and knowing exactly when their kids are in trouble?

Alex didn't say anything but buried his face against her neck.

Damn! Alex was twenty-two and he wished he didn't stop hating girls.

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RaivinRaivinalmost 9 years ago

Silly me! Please disregard my comment.

RaivinRaivinalmost 9 years ago

Rather an odd spot to end the series....

BoundlifeBoundlifeabout 13 years ago
poor pookie

Alex is doing better than Eian and the vampires, at least he realises why he got the cold shoulder.

Trying to figure out who all the girls are was confusing. It reminded me of logic puzzle

NightpleasureNightpleasureabout 13 years ago

i like this story....

little_piggylittle_piggyabout 13 years ago

ah, first love . . .

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