QOS Creator 02 - Training Commences

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Abducted wife learns her fate and starts her journey.
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Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/24/2021
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[Chapter 2] --Training Commences

As Pam Meyerson slowly wakes up, she feels extremely dizzy. As soon as she opens her eyes, she realizes that she is not lying in her bed or a familiar room. She sat up on the bed immediately.

Pam notices that she is completely bare from head to toe, not even shoes or socks before she processes all the information about her surroundings. Even her wedding band is missing. The short wife is now panicked and breathing harder as a sense of fear shoots through her. Slowly, she gathers her thoughts and surveys the room.

At first, she notices that the room is not very bright, but there is enough light to see she is in a large room that appears to be rectangular and has four white walls. A dark-colored door is present in the center of the wall to her left, with empty bookshelves on either side.

There is a large flatscreen TV mounted flush to the wall in front of her. Pam does not know what size it is exactly, but it appears to be larger than her 65-inch TV in her living room. To the left of the TV is a large six-drawer dresser, and to the right is another door.

Pam looks to her right and sees a small table and a chair along with a mirror. There is a door on both sides of that desk. The desk looks like a makeup vanity to her, but she isn't sure. Next, the naked wife looked at the ceiling ad noticed that it was higher than usual. It appears to be at least 12 feet high. It appears to be made up of all-metal grates and fluorescent lights are emanating from the top to light up the room.

The room's floor is carpeted and appears to be off-white. Pam then turns her attention to the bed. This is a king-size bed with a large headboard and a smaller footboard, as well as big fluffy pillows and white silk sheets.

Pam surveyed her surroundings and is now fully awake, although she is experiencing a slight headache. There is enough energy in her to get up from the bed. Suddenly, the scared wife realizes there are no windows at all. Then, she walks to the door on her left. There is a doorknob on the door, but when Pam tries to open it, it is locked. After that, she goes to the next door near the TV. That one opens and appears to be a larger room.

Upon opening the door, the room lights went on. It looks like a small private gym. Pam is familiar with some equipment, like a treadmill and elliptical, and not familiar with others that appear to be weight-lifting machines. Pam notices a flat tanning bed in one corner.

As Shawn watches the disoriented wife from a flat-screen monitor, he whispers to himself, "She's awake". The gym and Pam's room are both equipped with hidden cameras. The black man picks up the clipboard near the monitor and examines it. reviewing the information about Pam Meyerson.

Lester, who abducted the wife, entered the small control room that Shawn was already in, monitoring Pam. "It looks like our little mouse is up and about?" He tells Shawn.

Shawn turns to Lester and greets him, then turns back to examine the clipboard.

"Pam Masterson is age 34, 5'1", and has no reported weight yet, and she is, or should I say she was, a manager at a distribution center," Shawn stated what the information showed.

"Has the doctor examined her yet?" Lester asked.

"Yes, no known illnesses or ailments, and not on any prescriptions. The perfect woman for our program." Shawn got all the medical information from Pam's husband Bill and passed it on to the doctor for her first initial examination, even though she passed out from the drug Lester slipped into her drink at the airport.

"Ok, we will introduce Devin to her after a few months," Shawn stated. He turns around, gives Lester the clipboard, and walks out of the control room. It will be Devin who is charged with introducing her to her new role.

As Lester looks at the monitor, he sees that the wife is still exploring the room and looking through empty dresser drawers. "Damn, can't wait to trick out this bitch!" He smirks at the statement he made.

Pam is confused; she wonders what in the world has happened to her and why she is here? She was leaving for Ireland to start a new job. Pam's last memory was sitting in a restaurant at the New York airport. While concentrating, she tries to recall anything after that, and then she remembers feeling strange and going to the restroom, but nothing after that.

Pulling out the silky white sheets from the bed, she tried to cover her naked body, but it was futile. Either the sheets are stitched into place, or they are tucked tightly at the foot of the bed, either way, she simply cannot remove them. Her mind is filled with a million questions and all the thoughts are hurting her head.

Her deep thought was interrupted by a bell, and the TV suddenly turned on to display the message, "Open the door if you are hungry". The message took Pam a few seconds to process and then she turned her head to check the door that was locked when she was exploring the room.

She gets up and approaches the door, grabs the doorknob, and turns it, to her surprise, it isn't locked this time. Opening the door, she notices it leads to a small corridor to another door, but there is a wheeled cart with a tray of food on top between the two doors.

Pam ignores the cart and approaches the other door. Although she had to squeeze between the cart and the wall, she managed. The doorknob is locked when she reaches for it. Then she returns to the threshold of the first door and looks at the cart with the food on it.

Pam notices that it is just a bowl of salad and a bottle of water. The salad appears to be a garden salad with a lot of vegetables. She likes salads and was hungry, but her predicament prevented her from succumbing to her hunger. As she sobs in bed for a good 15 minutes, she finally gives in, as she is so hungry. The naked wife goes to the cart and drinks the bottled water and takes the plastic fork and eats the salad in record time. Even though the food is healthy, it is laced with performance drugs to increase Pam's libido.

After eating, Pam instinctively takes the plastic knife and conceals it with her hand, then goes back and lays downs. She nonchalantly hides the knife under one of the pillows. Pam thinks she may need this in the future when her abductor shows up.

As she lies in bed contemplating how to get out of this situation, the big screen TV turns on and plays a chime. The screen is a bright pink color with black lettering that says, "Go to the bathroom and weigh yourself".

Pam realized she hadn't even looked at the doors on the right side yet. One of the doors must lead to the bathroom, she tells herself. As the naked wife gets up from the bed and opens one of the doors, she discovers a large bathroom with white walls and light gray tiling. A bright light fills the room. Large vanity with a mirror and vanity lights is on her left. A good-sized corner tub with jets is nestled in the corner next to the vanity, and Pam guesses it's a spa tub. The right-hand side of the bathroom has a walk-in shower next to the tub. Pam looks down and finds the scale next to the entrance door, set up on the right-side wall facing the toilet. She also sees the toilet on her immediate right. More out of curiosity than to obey, she gets on the scale and stands still. The scale beeps and displays 156. "Shit, I gained a lot of weight since I last weighed myself". She started to feel depressed. Then she remembers there is another door she didn't check out yet, so she leaves the bathroom and heads to the other door on the same wall. Turing the doorknob, expecting it to be locked, she is surprised to find it open; however, once she realizes it is just a closet, her excitement turns to disappointment.

Among the many things that disorient her is the lack of windows and clocks, so she doesn't know what time of day it is. Despite feeling tired, she goes back to bed, and right as she lies down, she hears a hissing sound from the overhead grate, and when she sees smoke pouring down, she blacks out.

Watching from the control room, Lester flips a switch to stop the smoke which is a powerful sleeping agent. He then flips another switch, this time it is a vacuum from the ceiling. Once the indicator light switches from red to green, he toggles the switch again to turn the vacuum off. "Nighty night, my white bitch" he says to the monitor that shows Pam sleeping on the bed. The black man then pulls out his cellphone and dials a number. "She is ready and the room is cleared."

Pam wakes up feeling like she slept well for the first time in years. For a moment, she hoped this was just a nightmare, but when she opened her eyes, she was back in the isolated room. She instinctively heads to the bathroom since she feels the urge to pee urgently. As she squats at the toilet, she can see herself in the mirror. Although the naked wife is still waking up, something seems different as she tries to focus on her reflection in the mirror. "What the F..., my hair!". Pam says out loud and feels her hair. her shoulder-length brown hair is no longer, it has been cut and styled.

Once she has relieved herself, she rushes to the mirror and examines her hair. Her sides and back are completely shaved, and her top is a curly mass of bleached white, blonde strands. In addition, she notices that her eyebrows have been shaved completely off. "What the fuck is!" She is panicked and cannot even comprehend what she is seeing. In examining the rest of her body, she notices that her arms and legs are completely smooth and free of any hair or peach fuzz that she remembers having. The last major surprise is her pubic hair. In place of her natural-colored trimmed pubic hair, there is a long narrow strip of black hair just above her pussy.

Her attention was interrupted by a TV chime. Then, she walks to the TV where she finds new instructions. "Now you have clothes to wear, check your closet, and put on everything you found." Turning to the other door near the desk, she opens it and finds that there before. There is a small shelf about waist height where some clothes are neatly folded. Her first item is a nude-colored thong, which she immediately puts on to hide her nakedness. She then puts on black tight-fitting jogging shorts and a black tight-fitting halter top that reveals her abdomen. Then she puts on a pair of low-cropped white socks and a pair of tennis shoes. Pam feels better having clothes to wear, even though it's not the type of clothing she would choose.

Once again, the TV chimes "You will go to the gym room and start the treadmill, it is pre-programmed, and you will be walking for precisely 60 minutes, once completed, the door will be opened for your next meal." The screen flashed an additional message. "The door will only open once you have walked on the treadmill for 60 minutes".

Pam is feeling very hungry and thinks about it for a moment before agreeing to comply The lights in the small gym turned on as soon as she opened the door. This room is much brighter than the bedroom. Pam turns on the treadmill. It had been a long time since she had used one of these things. Pam starts walking on the treadmill as soon as it moves. After a few minutes, her legs feel like they are burning. She is seriously out of shape. While Pam felt like stopping, she knows that if she stopped, it would take her forever to finish it and that she could only get food once this task is completed, so she pressed on. After a few minutes, the burning stopped and the pain subsided.

On the treadmill, Pam watches the countdown clock; she is halfway there, with only 30 minutes to go. She had worked up a sweat and was thankful she didn't have to jog. After another 10 minutes, she is still sweating, and her clothes are starting to show signs of perspiration. To avoid being discouraged, she tries not to watch the countdown and focuses on her pace and breathing. she can feel sweat beading from her new hairstyle. Then she glances at the clock and sees that it is less than two minutes left. "You can do it," Pam tells herself as she focuses on her pace and breathing again before the treadmill beeps to signal the end. "I did it!" she exclaims.

She takes a white towel from a towel rack near the entrance when she leaves the small gym. Pam dries herself and heads toward the typically locked door. The hungry wife opens the door, and a cart with fresh food and bottled water is there. As a result of the workout, Pam drinks nearly all of the water. She looks down at the plate and sees slices of strawberries, watermelon, pineapples, grapes, and kiwi as well as a small container of yogurt. It must be breakfast, she concludes. As she eats the food, the TV again chimes to signal another message.

As Shawn watches from the control room, he smiles. Having been impressed by her responsiveness, he turns to the computer next to the monitor and starts typing.

"Now my dear, your re-programming will start" as he hits the enter key.

Suddenly, Pam's room's TV starts playing one of the soap operas she likes. She sits on the bed watching TV and wonders how her abductors know what her favorite show is. Since she works during the day, she records the show so she can watch it at night after a long day at work. Pam is unaware that there are hidden subliminal messages within her shows. Messages like these are intended to reduce her inhibitions and make her more docile. In combination with the laced food and drinks she has been taking, the messages make her more receptive to suggestions from the television. Watching everything from her show, she feels more relaxed and attentive to her TV master.

Her routine has not changed in the first month since her abduction. When the lights in her room come on, she wakes up. she sleeps naked and puts on workout clothes once she wakes up. Every day her clothes are different. It is usually the sleeping gas that is used to ensure she has a good night's sleep. After Pam wakes up, she walks on the treadmill for 60 minutes before eating breakfast. Her first meal is followed by a good couple of hours of watching a programmed TV show laced with hidden messages. Her next meal is ready when she exercises on the treadmill for another 60 minutes. Afterward, she is instructed to take a nice long shower, dry off, and then go straight to bed naked. Pam's treadmill speed has increased after a couple of days from the first month. Despite never having jogged before on her own, she is now on a light jog.

A month into this routine, the TV told her to weigh herself. She complied and found out her weight, naked, was 135 pounds which mean she lost over 20 pounds within a month. It made her the happiest since she was taken away, and it made her feel like she had more energy than even in high school. She notices that her hair has been maintained somehow throughout sleep time during the first month.

As Shawn reviews all the new information regarding Pam, he is ecstatic that everything is going according to plan. Getting back to his computer, he types up several more commands and presses enter. As the TV starts up, Pam anticipates her soap opera and other shows to begin as they have for the past month. However, this time there is something new; it's soft porn, where all the content is interracial or girl-on-girl. Instead of typical porn, these shows have actual stories mixed in with the sex, but without revealing too much. Like every other time, she watches them intently from the edge of her bed. unlike her soap operas, these shows do not contain subliminal messages.

It's the same routine as the first month, except the softcore porn replaces her shows. On the treadmill, her pace has also increased, and she is now jogging at a full jog. She weighed herself again, and this time her weight is 116. Although Pam's hair is still maintained in some way while she is sleeping, she doesn't care anymore.

Another change occurs during her second month. She has been fitted with long acrylic nails painted in a matte white. She's never had nails this long before but is pleased with the results of them. Her nails are almost an inch long. Since then, her programming has shifted towards hardcore interracial and lesbian porn, which depicts actual fucking. Her fascination with how hung some of these black men are in these shows is overwhelming.

Bob, her husband in Minnesota, has been able to keep her family at bay by saying that she is in Ireland and she can't contact anyone back home right now. The husband wonders how long he can keep up the charade. Additionally, Bob is wondering how her progress has been since it has been a few months but is eager to see how it turns out.

In the meantime, Pam is watching her daily fix of porn. this time a well-hung black man is fucking a white woman from behind as she moans and curses with delight. Pam instinctively moves her right hand down to her crotch so that she can feel that it's very moist and on fire. A gasp escapes her mouth when the black man climaxes inside the white woman.

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SchismZeplinSchismZeplin20 days ago

Amazing..love the plot line how you make it seem so seamless and natural!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

A story that encourages you to find out more and follow Pam on her journey. A White women, held captive, re-educated and her behaviour and appearance modified makes for an arousing story. Well done.

Tracey_FrillyknicksTracey_Frillyknicks3 months ago

Beautiful story and I love that she is captive and being coerced into it.

MsVanilla69MsVanilla694 months ago

It is slowly building still not sure about the captive part of it

chloelovesfurchloelovesfurover 1 year ago

stories are succinct, peak your interest and leave you wanting more. The one page chapter thing works better for me rather than putting it in to one story with 5 pages ect. Enough sex content to stimulate the imagination. Currently chain reading this trilogy lol.

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